Monsters from Beyond Reality (15 page)

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Authors: V Bertolaccini

Tags: #paranormal, #monsters, #ghost stories, #horror films, #haunted mansion, #haunted castle, #sf classics, #horror classics, #classic bestsellers, #hammer films

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Surprisingly Bryson had to be the most
startled and if not certainly the most confused as it was identical
to him, and he realized he was now going to meet himself.

The men seemed happier that they were not
now in any apparent danger, and they could destroy it or take it

Bryson started to wonder if it had any of
his memories and wondered how much of a danger it was to him? Was
it intelligent? What did it want? Why had it deliberately done it
in front of him, and when he awoke?

Did it have a mission? Was it connected to
the thing or was it the thing itself that he had encountered in the
tunnel the day before? And was it the same thing that had done the
killings there?

They all seemed confused and wishing for
answers, and a few of the police, some of Mitchell’s men knew, had
passed there and had tried to explain what had been happening, and
now never understood why there was another Bryson about.

They watched it put on some clothes one of
Mitchell’s men got for it and stand next to them at the doorway,
and Bryson realized that not only had it put on clothes that it had
done it in the same way that he normally did, and he gasped at the
thing knowing all his thoughts and memories and he tried to work
out how dangerous it could be.

Yet the supernatural thing could have read
and got his make up from the first seconds that he entered the
supernatural vortex, and perhaps even before then when he had
arrived at the castle.

What was the answer to this problem? None of
them knew what they were dealing with! Was it more than one thing?
Were the rest things that it had picked up through the vortex? And
what was it up to? Was it part of the thing in the tunnel that he
had visited the day before?

He did think it had some connection to the
thing in the tunnel as it had looked as if it had wanted to make
contact or something with him, but he did not risk it as he could
have end up in a worse place and situation than the last time!

Yet why had the thing in the tunnel wanted
to make contact with him when he must have made contact with it
going into the other tunnel and going through the vortex? The thing
would have got all the information that it had wanted there and
could have communicated with him! Was there two things – one in
each tunnel – or perhaps more?

Bryson watched the copy of himself and
realized that he could learn a lot of things from it and about
himself, and saw all the advantages of it being there. If it was
there to do harm why did it not just kill him?

His first thing to do was try to communicate
with it and somehow get information about its mission.

Merton and Mortimer took Mitchell further up
the corridor and communicated in whispers with him, decided on
something and returned, and they took him and the thing down to the
empty dinning room, and closed the door behind them, and offered
the thing food that Bryson normally ate and they all ate their
breakfast, with Bryson sitting opposite them directly in front of
the thing, occasionally watching it with some amazement. He had
never fully known what he had been like until now – even though it
had a great deal of different reactions – mainly due to it being a
stranger and unfamiliar with many things – and Bryson slowly
accepted it was something else in his body, and realized the
potential again, as well as the others as well, and them actually
getting information from the thing haunting the place.

Yet after more observations he realized that
it could be something else – and not the thing haunting there!

None of them said anything to it and waiting
for something to happen, and Bryson wondered what would happen and
sat chewing pieces of his food, considering what he would do if he
was it in different scenarios and when he finished he considered
what the others would do, until he felt that he had considered
everything, and was surprised that something else actually happened
instead and the dinning room door swiftly swung open and two
archeologists entered with startled faces – and stared at the two
versions of Bryson facing each other across the table with
amazement and laughed – and even thought of changing what they had
planned to do but went through with it anyway.

Both of them sat next to Mitchell and one of
them removed some documents and placed them on the table in front
of him, and Bryson recognized him as the archeologist that had been
at the tomb when they had taken it up into the room and found the
tomb had the name William Randall engraved on it.

We had both skeletons examined to see
if they are genetically linked to Bryson’s blood sample you gave
us?” the archeologist announced. “To prove what one was William
Randall and what one was not William Randall!”

As William Randall is marked as being
in a tomb at the other castle and in the tomb here ...” Mitchell
continued further, vaguely amused, watching the thing along the
table from him.

That’s correct!” he replied, almost
laughing hideously for some reason that baffled Bryson – who
wondered which one had been the authentic one – thinking the
archeologist would now tell them that it was neither.

We even had the results checked again
after receiving them!” the archeologist firmly replied.

And what ...?” Mitchell

Well! They are both William Randall!”
the archeologist announced, handing the documents over to them,
shrugging and wondering again why the stranger looked like


Chapter 17


The Two Randalls


Bryson recalled examining the features of the
skeleton in the tomb at the top floor and comparing it with the
other skeleton at the last castle and knew that they had been the

The other version of him had seemed to react
for a brief moment when it had been told!

Bryson was astonished and realized that
there had been two William Randalls and that they had not been
twins! Mitchell had suggested that they had been twins and that the
accounts of them had for some reason missed out details of them,
which was common in historical accounts as Bryson had learned on
many occasions, but the archeologist had firmly declared that they
had not been twins and had been identical – and that the documents
affirmed that they were of the same person.

It was strange as he now had to think of
there being two William Randalls at two castles and he wondered
what had happened to create such a situation? How did the William
Randall at the top floor die? And why had he been put where he had
been? And what had people at the time thought of it, and he
wondered if they had thought of it as witchcraft? There had been
accounts of it at the last castle, and he even thought the
occurrences there had been responsible for putting so much accounts
of witchcraft into the history books – as they had been the only
proper accounts of witchcraft happening – as far as he was

For a moment they had all silently watched
the other him at the table as he had finished his meal and Bryson
had started going through the problems that might surface and that
they might keep identifying it as being him and vice versa, and he
had wondered what would happen if it started claiming it was and
how he could explain to people who had not witnessed what had
happened what was happening? They could barely explain anything
there to the police already and they insisted in knowing everything

He wondered what it was classed as? If it
had not been for the strange appearance it had made in his room he
could have taken it for something else! He might have thought the
disturbance had done something with time and allowed an earlier or
older version of him to appear!

Bryson could not realize who was more amazed
him or the others, and he dared not let the other him out of his
sight in case it did something that he would get the blame for!

Just tell me

what the hell you

Mitchell demanded once, finally trying answer at least one of
his queries.

I do not know!

it announced, clearly not

I never knew you had a

Mitchell continued, amused, trying to think of what he was
missing. He clearly thought there was a hidden joke!

I don

t remember

it continued, not knowing what to do now.

What? You lost your memory? Where did
that happen?

On my way back

Back here!

Mitchell replied, and laughed

What? You are claiming you were here and left

Of course! I awakened – up

The stranger pointed over in the direction
that that had come from, from Bryson’s room, and Bryson tried to
detect if it was now following an act to cover up its identity.

Mitchell heard a noise from his
communication device and picked it up and started talking to

Bryson wondered what would happen if the
thing made copies of all of them? They would be breaking the law if
they tried to do anything to them! What could they do with them?
Could they prove that they were aliens?

Bryson decided to keep the thing near him!
But not to near! He was not going to sleep with it near him! Yet
the thing could have easily have already killed him in his


s strange!” Mitchell announced,
leaving the room. “A lot of the stuff on the people here has been
erased from our files!

Bryson immediately wondered why Mitchell had
files on the people there, and as if they knew about it. It was
strange! They had brought Mitchell there to find the treasure and
basically help them with anything dangerous – and he was now
running things further than anyone else – and seemed to have
connections in the police as well as in the military, where he
seemed to be still a major figure for some reason, which he had
claimed he had no longer anything to do with – and all the men
working for him had treated him as being far more than ex-military,
and some had even given him a high up military title and

Bryson watched
Merton and Mortimer follow him out and leave him alone with the
thing, facing him across the table.

So what

s your name then?

Bryson finally asked
jokingly, realizing that he had to talk to it and he had been in
far worse situations there already – like going through the vortex

Bryson!” it joked back, making him
gag for a moment.

We could be twins?
” he replied, not just joking but
seriously trying to solve the problem of what to do with it, for
the moment.


My name is Bryson so you’ll have to
choose another ...”

Call me Thomas!” it replied, making
him gasp again, knowing it had deliberately used his first name
knowing that it had not been told to it, and he thanked it for
letting him know it.

Choose another!”

Call me William then!”


Maybe we can do each other a favor
... We could have information that we both want?”

You are perfectly

Bryson observed how human and identical it
really was and tried to establish the differences in it to
establish what it was really like and he saw differences in the way
it used its features.


Chapter 18


The Thing from the


Bryson wondered if the thing was
automatically carrying out a programming given to it by what was in
the second tunnel, even though it was capable of being human and
doing human things it was like it was carrying out a plan, which he
never fully knew what and left it as it wanting to gather

It seemed to like finding information on
what it could and checking for anything of interest, abnormalities,
and he watched it examining things. And even though he could not
get if it was hiding anything he avoided questioning it.

He was starting to think Mitchell was part
of scheme to carry out some very illegal activity there. Yet what
could he be up to there? Unless he intended to take the treasure
away and disappear with it?

He even considered there was something of
else of value there and if he intended in taking it back without
anyone knowing of it! But what was it? Perhaps he had heard of
something being there from accounts of there – which had been
hidden away from them? Pendleton and his two treasure hunters had
known things that had not been told to them! Yet that was not an
illegal activity and it was even up to him whether he told anyone
of it – and he was sure that it was something else!

Though he would be bothered if he did take
the treasure without him knowing about – even if he never got any
of it – as he wanted to find it and see what it was more than

Many items there were being kept and sent
out by many of them that thought that they had great hidden value,
but he knew that they never as he had them checked out by his
friend and Bryson had not found anything worth taking except for
glamorous and curious ornaments to remember the place.

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