Moon Music (46 page)

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Authors: Faye Kellerman

BOOK: Moon Music
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Poe wrapped another cube in a napkin. A moment later, Jensen spoke. "I've got…" He sighed. "I've got one motherfucking headache. Can't take anything." Another sigh. "Until my brain's normal. Guess I'm gonna wait a long time."

Poe smiled. "You're doing great."

"Think so?" Jensen croaked out.

"Yes, I do."

Weinberg said, "Between yesterday and today—a world of difference."

"You look any better," Poe added, "you're going to distract the nurses."

"So trade places with me, cocksucker." Jensen bit his lip. "More ice."

Weinberg pressed the nurse button. "Can we have some more ice here, please?"

"Right away," a disembodied voice answered.

"That means thirty minutes," Jensen growled out.

Weinberg stood. "I'll get it."

As soon as he was gone, Jensen asked Poe, "Have you found Alison?"

Poe shook his head. "We're looking—"

"She's crazy." Jensen swallowed dryly. "Violent." He let out a dry cough. "You've got to find her…before the police. Otherwise, she'll get herself…killed. Or kill herself."

He paused. "Where do you think she is?"

"In the desert."

"California? Nevada?"

"Nevada. Southern Nevada."

"Near NTS?"

Jensen looked away, his brain waves on overdrive. "Probably. She's…over the edge. Completely insane."

Poe told himself not to snap. "Steve, I think Alison believes that NTS is at fault for her insanity."

"The radiation…she keeps talking about the radiation." Jensen's breaths were shallow. "Her thyroid is
. It's her brain that's…" There was a very long pause. "Somehow, she's become strong, Rom. Real strong. She's gotta be taking something…steroids. She can…do damage."

"Like kill Gretchen Wiler. We found her body."

Jensen closed his eyes. "It was…was too late by the time I came back."

Weinberg returned with the ice. Poe said, "We were talking about Gretchen Wiler's murder. Steve says the killing was over by the time he came back." He paused. "Came back from where?"

"Came to," he corrected. "I must have passed out in the night. I'd been drinking…tequila shooters. Polished off about a bottle. Still, I usually don't…don't pass out."

"She could have slipped you something," Poe said.

"Probably. It was all Alison's idea, you know."

Weinberg wrapped ice and gave it to Steve. "What idea?"

Jensen sucked on the ice cube. "Bringing in Gretchen." A beat passed. "For a threesome." He looked away. "I knew something was…wrong. But I didn't want…I just…I was trying…I should have—"

Weinberg interrupted, "Steve, we can always talk about it later."

"No!" Jensen became agitated. "Later means another corpse. You've got to find Alison now!"

"We will. I promise, Steve, I promise." Poe waited a beat. "Who called Gretchen down to the motel?"

"I called her…on the phone," Jensen said. "I even offered her money for it. She accepted, of course. I drove back down to Vegas and picked her up." He let out a weak breath. "Drove her to the motel." Another hesitation. "We partied. I knew it was weird. But Alison seemed to like it."

He closed his eyes. Tears leaked from the shut lids.

"Sometime…during all the partying, I passed out. When I came to…blood was all over. She…Alison…" He composed himself for the confession. "Alison was eating Gretchen's corpse."

Poe tried to keep his face flat. "She thinks she's an animal, doesn't she? A wolf or a coyote."

Jensen looked wide-eyed. "She told you?"

Weinberg looked at Poe quizzically, saying:
How'd you know

Poe said, "She didn't exactly tell me. But I'm right, aren't I?"

The big man nodded. "When I woke up, she had on this wolf costume…covered with fur from head to toe. And she was acting like a wild animal…growling…snarling…her face…" He started panting. "Oh God, her wolf face was covered in blood!"

The needles began going haywire. No one spoke, Weinberg and Poe looking at their laps as Jensen cried. After the big man had calmed down, Poe tried to save Jensen's dignity with another question. "Had you ever seen the costume before that night in the motel?"

Jensen dabbed his eyes and shook his head no.

Weinberg said, "What happened after you woke up and saw all the blood?"

"I was still groggy…too shocked to speak. Suddenly…she attacked me. Just jumped me, and bit me on the neck." Jensen turned and showed them the puncture marks on the side of his throat. He eyed Poe. "Sound familiar?"

"The attacking part, yes. Except she scratched me." Involuntarily, his hand moved to his marred cheek. "Did you fight her off?"

"I couldn't…
her. No matter what she had done. I was…I just let it…"

He looked down.

"While she was biting me, she must have stuck me with dope or something. Because then I don't remember anything else. Not a thing. Not until I woke up this morning. I do remember going in and out in this hazy blur. But not really

Jensen took the ice and placed it over his forehead. "I called you, Rom, because I think she's out to get you. I think she's out for revenge on anyone who she
has…wronged her."

"Thanks for the warning."

Jensen sucked more ice. "Somehow I made it. Maybe God knew that someone had to take care of the boys. But you…you may not be so lucky." He stared at Poe with concern. "She's violent. Be careful…not just you, but Rukmani. I don't want
death…on my conscience. Please!"

He was wrought with anxiety. Poe patted his shoulder. "I'll take extra special care of both of us."

He sighed. "I'm very tired."

"Go to sleep," Weinberg said. "We'll come tomorrow. Ask more questions if you're up to it."

Jensen said, "First go find my wife. Please, Rom. Find her before she finds you."


…that Alison thinks she's a wolf," Weinberg said. "Sounds to me like Steve's making an excuse for his wife's killing spree." Poe answered, "Sir, I think she's truly psychotic." "Not all psychos are cannibals." The lieutenant sipped from his water bottle. "Parading around in a wolf's costume, eating a corpse. If Steve's memory is to be believed."

"Actually, Rukmani told me that delusions of being an animal are as old as time. Look at all the werewolf legends."

"So now Alison's not only a wolf, but a werewolf? She comes out when the moon is full and murders hookers—one who just happened to be her husband's mistress." Weinberg looked disgusted. "She lured Gretchen by having Steve bring her down to the motel. Don't tell me that isn't premeditated murder."

Nervously, Poe tapped the wheel of his car. "Actually, sir…" He cleared his throat. "Both Gretchen Wiler
Brittany Newel had had sexual affairs with Steve."

" Weinberg coughed. "Where'd you hear that? Are you


"When did you find this out?"

Confession time
. Poe said, "I knew it from the start…Don't say it—"

Weinberg snarled, "Poe—"

"Steve told me it had only been a one-night stand with Brittany. And since he had fucked half of the city's hookers, I didn't see the relevance."

didn't see the relevance—"

"I know I should have—"

"Yes, you definitely
have!" Weinberg said. "You deliberately withheld vital information from me, Poe. And for what reason? For

"I didn't want to embarrass Steve."

Weinberg slapped his forehead. "You're out of control. I should pull you off the case. You're way too over-involved!"

"Sir, I—"

shut up
! I don't want to talk to you!"

They drove without talking for ten minutes. Then Weinberg said, "What were you talking to Steve's doctor about?"

"Just his condition."

"Stop bullshitting me and answer the fucking question."

Poe licked his lips. "I wanted to know if he took a picture of the bite on Steve's neck."


Poe stalled. "I wanted Rukmani to have a look at it."

"Go on, Poe."

"I want to make sure that the mark was

"You doubt Steve's story, then?"

"Sir, I don't doubt Steve was attacked. But by his own admission, he was doped up most of the time. He may have missed something. For all we know, that bite mark may have been given to him by Gretchen." A beat. "Just trying to fill in the gaps."

Weinberg thought as he drank water. "Did the doc have a picture of the bite mark?"

"Several. I have a snapshot in my backpack."

"The doctor just…released part of Jensen's medical chart over to you?"

"The doctor took several pictures. Steve assigned one of them over to me."

"So you don't suspect Steve of anything?"

Poe shook his head. "Not at the moment, no."

Weinberg said, "I still can't figure out how Alison could do that much damage by herself. Killing Gretchen and carrying her into the attic. Then stuffing Steve into the trunk." He rubbed his eyes. "Even if she was taking steroids. Even if she believed she was
. It spits in the face of logic. There had to be a second party."

Poe spoke prudently. "Possibly."

"But you're not committing to anything. No wonder you never got married." Weinberg redirected the air-conditioning vent away from his face. "So you tell me how she could lift Gretchen into the attic."

"Alison's around five-seven or -eight. If she had been taking steroids—"

"Okay," Weinberg interrupted. "So maybe she could lift Gretchen. Let's even assume that she could. Tell me how she could have lifted Jensen into the trunk."


Weinberg looked dubious.

Poe said, "With enough adrenaline pumping through your veins, and a wheelbarrow and ramp, it could be done."

"She left the car in the middle of nowhere. So you're telling me she takes off with a wheelbarrow and ramp in tow. And if she left them behind, where's the wheelbarrow? Where's the ramp? Does that seem logical to you?"

"No, it doesn't."

"Do you know if she had a lover on the side?"

"I don't know."

"A good-looking woman like Alison, even if she is cuckoo, she could attract men."


"So, she could have roped someone into helping her do the murders."


"I want you and Patricia to go question the neighbors," Weinberg ordered. "Find out who came and went from the house."

Poe sighed. "Okay."

"What's the sighing? You sound like a love-struck goose. What's the
, Poe?"

"Nothing. I'll go question the neighbors."

"I know you want to look for Alison. Forget it! I don't trust your judgment when it comes to her. She could sweet-talk you into doing something dumb." The loo paused. "I don't know if I trust your judgment period. Between not telling me about Steve and Brittany Newel, then your manhandling of Honey Kramer, I should suspend you."

"You'd be within your rights."

"Maybe the snake toxin went to your brain. Maybe it's your mother's illness. Whatever the reason, let the highway boys look for Alison. You just piece together something logical from what Steve told us."

"I'll do what I can."

Poe's cell phone started ringing. He picked it up. "Yes?"

The female voice said, "God!
You've been out of range for what felt like hours."


"You've got to come back right away."

"We're on our way. What's up?"

"I'm outside Honey Kramer's apartment. Or what once was her apartment. It blew up about ten minutes ago."

"Oh my God!"

" Weinberg asked.

Poe handed the lieutenant the phone.

"Weinberg here. What?"

"Honey Kramer's apartment exploded around ten minutes ago!"

Weinberg swore silently. "Where are you, Deluca?"

"Right outside the place." A pause. "I saw it, sir. I was watching the place…and then there was this loud bang…the place just…detonated."

"What's happening now?"

"Fire trucks arrived immediately. So did the ambulances. I've called someone down from the Arson—"

"Good thinking—"

"Scariest fucking thing I've ever seen!"

"We'll be there in a half hour," Weinberg said. "Should I bother to ask this?" A pause. "Was Honey inside?"

"Sir, I saw her enter the building. That's why I was watching the place."

"Any possibility that she could be alive?"

"I don't see how."

The apartment was belching dark plumes of smoke, but Patricia couldn't make out any more active flames. The fire department had stopped spraying, but a half-dozen fighters were still chopping through blackened siding. Hoses lay curled along the ground like sleeping cobras. Several ambulances had arrived to transport victims to the hospital. Arson had started to do their thing. The mixture of water and ash choked Deluca's throat. She was trying to figure out her role in all of this when Poe's dirt-coated Honda chugged its way through the ropes. She felt relieved when Lieutenant Weinberg stepped out and immediately took over.

Retreating across the street, she observed the inferno with her arms folded, her face covered in black soot. Poe walked up and stood next to her, smoking a cigarette. Together, they watched the ambulances flash and wail as they sped down the street. Neither spoke, taking mental notes on the commotion. Finally, Patricia asked how Steve was faring.

"Back from the dead," Poe answered. "Amazing."

"What'd he tell you?"

"That Alison murdered Gretchen Wiler. She used Steve as bait to lure her down. Gretchen went, thinking Steve wanted a threesome. They partied. Steve drank and passed out. Next thing he knew, the room was covered with blood and Alison was munching on Gretchen's corpse."

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