Moonlight Water (36 page)

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Authors: Win Blevins

BOOK: Moonlight Water
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Bountiful thanks also to Kristin Sevick Brown, our editor extraordinaire.

Jim Frenkel for reading and reading the manuscript and brainstorming with us.

Our agent, Bob Diforio, the white knight with shining armor and a big heart.

Tom Blevins and Leeds Davis for tips on how to blow up a boat, and for a lifetime of grand companionship.

Gil Bateman of Cosmic Coastline, the guy who got replaced by Jerry Garcia, for great info about Bay Area music in the '80s, great talks, and real friendship.

Gene and Mary Foushee for helping us settle into this red rock magic called home, and for inspiration, great conversation, and volumes of information.

And to the vibrant, wondrous neighbors who populate our village by the rez. Your lives inspired this book.




Stone Song

The Rock Child


So Wild a Dream

Beauty for Ashes

Dancing with the Golden Bear

Heaven Is a Long Way Off

A Long and Winding Road

Dreams Beneath Your Feet

Give Your Heart to the Hawks


The Hummingbird Wizard

The Vanished Priestess

The Red Hot Empress



In addition to the Rendezvous novels
So Wild a Dream
Beauty for Ashes,
Win Blevins, an authority on the Plains Indians and fur-trade era of the West, is the author of many other books, including
Charbonneau, The Rock Child, RavenShadow, Give Your Heart to the Hawks,
Stone Song,
his prize-winning novel about the life of Crazy Horse.


Meredith Blevins has been a creative-arts therapist, an award-winning travel writer, and has published five books.


The Blevinses live together in the Utah Canyonlands.


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously.




Copyright © 2014 by Win Blevins and Meredith Blevins


All rights reserved.


Cover design by Jamie S. Warren


Cover photography by Jamie S. Warren (man with guitar) and Getty Images (background)


A Forge Book

Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

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The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.


ISBN 978-0-7653-1994-4 (hardcover)

ISBN 978-1-4668-6980-6 (e-book)


e-ISBN 9781466869806


First Edition: January 2015

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