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Authors: Sloan Parker

More (16 page)

BOOK: More
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I saw the hint of a smile before Matthew stuffed another bite into his mouth.

As we ate the dessert, Richard asked Matthew about his day, and the two made conversation easily. Matthew talked about how much he despised his new boss and the inventory glitch at work where they'd received three hundred Britney Spears bobblehead pens instead of her new CD. Richard added his own comments about a business deal he was working on to purchase real estate along the lakefront.

It was the longest we'd sat together without discussing sex. Richard and Matthew were interesting, and together they were a comfortable blend of refined authority and lighthearted exuberance. The awkwardness faded away with the food.

Once we polished off the pieces of pie, I helped Richard clear the dishes.

Matthew sat at the counter while we worked. “Richard?”


“Thanks for letting me cook.”

“Thank you for doing it.”

“How long have you lived here?”

“A year. I used to have a house on the north side near the river, but I had to sell it. I needed a change.”

“Did you grow up around here?”

I handed Richard the last two plates and sat next to Matthew. His curiosity astounded me.

Richard closed the dishwasher and hit the start button. “No. I'm from New York. I moved here after college. I head back to visit my parents and my sister's family on holidays when I can. My dad and I are pretty close. He taught me a lot of what I know about business, how to work with people.”

“Any other family?”

“No one I'm close to. How about you? Just you and your mom?”

“Yeah. I've got an aunt and uncle in Texas, but I haven't seen them in years. My mom's great. I came out to her right before my dad ran off. She's been real supportive of me. Always asking if I'm gonna get a boyfriend. At first, I thought me getting serious with someone scared her— like she didn't mind I was gay as long as she didn't have to see it.” He ducked his head and straightened a stack of paper napkins on the counter. “Then I realized it was that I might never find someone that bothered her.”

I envied the innocent love he showed for his mother. I'd never know the feeling again, and the reminder hit me hard.

Richard watched Matthew and said, “I'm glad you have her.”

“Thanks. How about you, Luke?”

I was quiet for a moment. “My parents live here in the city. I don't speak with either of them— or, I should say, they don't speak to me. They couldn't accept I was gay, and they chose to ignore me rather than change themselves.”

Both men sported pity-filled expressions.

I thumped my knuckles on the countertop. “Don't worry about it. I'm not the first gay man to lose his family over the issue of where he likes to stick his dick.”

“That's still a shitty way for family to treat you,” Richard said.

Matthew reached out and touched my arm. “Yeah. Some of my friends have had to deal with that. It pisses me off.”


Richard stepped around the counter. “Do either of you have plans for the evening?”

Matthew gave his usual silent shake of his head.

“You got something in mind?” I asked.

Richard grinned. “Want to try out the basement?”

Matthew stood so fast the wooden stool wobbled behind him. Its feet tapped the tiled floor. He reached back and steadied it.

“I think Matthew says yes. Luke?”

“Fuck, yes.”

We stepped into the makeshift bedroom, and I wandered around the bed to the opposite side of the room, unsure what the festivities would include or what I wanted, which was odd. I could normally define my sexual preferences in great detail at any moment.

Matthew sat on the bench. His fingers traced the metal handholds, his gaze darting between Richard and me.

Richard didn't ask his usual question about what we wanted. He strode across the room and had me in his arms before the door swung shut behind him. His lips were a mere inch from my mouth when he spoke, his guttural whisper loud enough for Matthew to hear. “I want you tied up again.”

I groaned my approval and rocked my pelvis against him.

“Only this time,” he said, “I want to watch Matthew do it. I like to watch him move.”

“He does have a fantastic way with his body.”

“God, yes.”

I glanced at Matthew. His mouth hung open. He didn't move a muscle until he swallowed. Did he like the idea? Did it bother him to tie me up?

He stood. “I can do that.” He gripped my hips and pulled me to the bed with him. Our mouths and tongues collided as he unbuttoned my shirt. Even beneath the garlic and rosemary lingering in his mouth, the taste of Matthew was strong. His touch, his sounds, his tastes were becoming a familiar addiction.

My shirt fell to the floor. He undid my pants and yanked them off. Then he gripped my arms and shoved me onto the bed. The breath caught in my chest. Matthew making such a forward move was erotic as hell. I closed my eyes, and the anticipation flowed through me.

Chains clinked. He lifted a handcuff, pressed my wrist into the leather strap, and slid the buckle in place until the cuff sat snug against my skin. He clicked the small lock shut and said, “I hope you have the key.”

My head flew up.

Richard leaned against the far wall, much like he did our first night at the club. “In the cabinet. Don't you worry, Luke. We'll take care of you.”

I settled back and enjoyed the grip of leather on my flesh and the sound of steel jangling near my head as Matthew finished securing me.

His small hand glided down my chest, along my thigh, and then left me. I heard kissing and clothes rustling. I lifted my head again.

They were shirtless, one leaning down, the other reaching up. Richard's right hand was twisted in Matthew's wavy hair. His other hand was down the front of Matthew's pants and was rubbing him mercilessly. The kissing ended, and they removed their clothes in a matter of seconds. Richard bent his knees and rocked his pelvis. Their cocks slid together. Matthew gripped Richard's arms and threw his head back.

Damn sexy kid.

I could still smell his saliva on my lips. I needed him in my mouth again. His tongue, his skin, his cock. Anything.

Richard whispered in Matthew's ear. Matthew nodded and came back to the bed. He straddled my body. His hands explored me everywhere. His tongue ran over my skin and licked at my nipples.

“Luke, your body is amazing.” He moved farther down and dipped his tongue into my navel. His breath swept over my dick with each word. “I wanna taste you.”

“Someday,” Richard said.

“God, Matthew. I can't wait to shoot into your mouth.” And I meant every word.

Richard stretched out beside me. “Can you imagine it? Nothing in the way of all that hot, wet suction.”

“Uh-huh,” I said. “Can you— ” The mouth in question lapped my balls, fucking with my concentration. “Can you kiss me?”

Richard's mouth devoured mine with tenderness and slow swirls of tongue over tongue. He always kept me off guard. I never knew if his kiss would consume me or caress me. There was no monotony to him, his touches, or the way he fucked me.

“Matthew's right,” he said. “You've got a great body. We're going to make you feel good.”

I needed to touch him, to feel him. I lifted my arms, and the chains clanked as they wrenched against the bed frame. Frustration overwhelmed me, but I wanted it. And I wanted more. “The cuffs aren't tight enough.”

“They'll have to do. Matthew is going to fuck you. And then I am. Sound good, Matthew?”

Oh, God
. One then the other. How did he always know what I needed?

Matthew removed his hot mouth from my body and shot off the bed. Richard kissed me, keeping me distracted until Matthew's slick fingers pushed into me. I spread my legs farther and let him have all he wanted. He moaned, and the sound mingled with my name.

“Matthew, hurry.”

He raised my legs over his thighs and slowly pressed inside me.

The cuffs gripped me tighter as I made a fist with each tug. Richard kept touching me, kissing me, never letting me get too comfortable with any one sensation before moving on to another part of my body.

Matthew's speed and strength built with each thrust. He came before I was ready to have it end, his face strained with pleasure and relief. Being inside me did that to him. I wanted to come with him, but my neglected dick had other ideas. It wanted a touch, a mouth, something to give it pleasure.

When Matthew's body stilled, Richard encouraged him to lie down. “Luke, flip over onto your hands and knees.” He swatted at my hip and helped me turn and slide up the bed.

With the slack in the chains, I crossed my arms in front of me. My head down and my ass in the air, my body shook with need and hunger.

“Hang on.” Richard petted my ass before leaving the bed.

Matthew kissed my back and licked along my spine in a sated, relaxed performance. I moaned and rocked with his touch. I ached. “Matthew, so hard.”

“Yeah, Luke. Richard's going to help you.” His hand rubbed in circles on my back. A fire ignited every place he touched.

Richard returned and wrapped a rope around one of my ankles. He draped it over the edge of the bed and tied it off using a metal loop on the floor. He gave my other ankle the same treatment until he had me tied open.

My legs shook as they held my weight. I needed more. “Tighter.”

Richard knelt behind me. I heard him opening the rubber. “They're tight enough.” He ran a hand along my back from my ass to my shoulder and back down, smearing the sheen of sweat that clung to me. “I won't hurt you.”

Matthew whispered in my ear. “You're sexy as hell, Luke. No one's ever let me fuck them the way you do.” His words both thrilled and angered me. He'd been with too many goddamn selfish lovers. He made a great top. If he had wanted to, he should've been given the opportunity more than he obviously had in the past. I'd have told him how good he was at it, if only they hadn't stolen my voice as Richard entered me and Matthew slid his hand under my body and gripped my cock.

I drifted between them, my body on fire, their touches spot on, hitting all the right places, moving with the right speed. Had they crawled inside my goddamn head and read my mind?

With a few more strokes, I came. My legs trembled. It was all I could do to hold myself up.

Richard's hot breath blew over the base of my neck as he came. He fell forward and said, “I didn't know— I didn't know it'd get better.”

I shuddered. My body needed to stop betraying me.

A moment later, Matthew's hands worked at my ankles while Richard retrieved the key and unlocked my wrists. I shook more as they freed me. Richard caught me and lowered me to the bed. He spread out next to me, and Matthew crawled up and landed on him.

I sank into the mattress and enjoyed the blissful moments between the end of sex and my conscious awareness of what I should or should not be doing.

Warm. Calm. Relaxed. At peace.

I didn't want to move. I wanted to lie there until someone dragged me out of that room.

“Luke, don't fall asleep,” Richard said. “We have a huge bed upstairs.”

Matthew sat up and patted my stomach. “Come on, sleepyhead.”

Richard's large arms enveloped me, and he helped me off the bed. I was wrecked. I had no memory of the walk upstairs. I'd never been so out of it after sex. I drifted toward sleep as soon as I hit the sheets. Richard's low, husky whisper roused me.

“I think we should get tested. Since you'll be staying for a while, huh? We could at least get rid of the rubbers for blowjobs. Then maybe later... ” He didn't finish.

“Uh-huh. Okay.” I'd freak later. For the moment, I wanted it all.

Richard smiled and planted a kiss on my lips. “Tomorrow, then. Test should be back in a week or two.”

“Any place open on Sundays?” Matthew asked.

“I think so,” he said. “I know a place we can call.”

Their voices trailed off as I floated away. All I could think about was taking a taste of something I hadn't had in a long time.

Chapter Fourteen

“I hope you don't mind me using the number you left.”

Monday morning was half over and I was busy reviewing lines of a program that wouldn't run when the phone rang.

I couldn't help but smile when I heard Matthew's voice.

“Not at all,” I said. “Is something wrong?”

“No.” He hurried to say the rest. “Richard called, said he's got a last minute dinner meeting. I thought I'd give you a call, find out what you might want to eat tonight.”

“How about we order in? I have a feeling you'll be cooking more than me. Let me treat you.”

“Oh, okay.”

“What sounds good?” I asked.

He didn't respond.

“It's just dinner. Anything you'd like.”

“Okay. Um, Italian? There's a great place on Madison. Dominic's. They have the best ravioli.”

“Yeah, I know it. I'll pick it up on my way home.”

“Thanks, Luke.”

“See you tonight. And Matthew?”


“You can call me whenever you want to.”

“Oh, okay. Thanks.”

I hung up and stared at the phone for another minute, the smile lingering too long.

The weekend hadn't gone badly.

In fact, it'd been the best time I'd had in a hell of a long time. We'd continued with the amazing sex the three of us seemed destined to have. I'd come more times than I ever had in one weekend since I'd joined the club. Hell, since I was fifteen. And I'd enjoyed the time out of bed as much as the time in it.

Even the damn tests hadn't freaked me, at least not yet. I couldn't bring myself to tell them no. Matthew and Richard's excitement radiated. They didn't say anything, but the sex when we returned home from the clinic had said it all. I was nearly as incoherent as I'd been the night before. We slept with Matthew between us, his head on Richard's chest, his arm draped over my waist.

I still hadn't freaked.

It would come. When the results came in, I'd be expected to follow through and do something I never planned to give to anyone. Not ever again.

Until then, I let them distract me.

BOOK: More
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