More than a Maid (17 page)

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Authors: Reeni Austin

BOOK: More than a Maid
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Soon they were pulling up in the backyard, and Ramon asked, "Who's that?" as he spotted a maroon SUV near the spot where he usually parked. He squinted to get a better look. "I see a rental car sticker on the back." He sighed and brought the truck to a stop. Then he leaned over the gear shift and held out his arms.

Marcy's heart raced. She unbuckled her seat belt and reached for him. Instantly, they were locked in a kiss.

When he pulled away, Marcy groaned and said, "I wish we could skip dinner and go upstairs."

Ramon flashed her a hopeful smile. "Me too." Then he reached for his door handle.

Marcy took a deep breath and reached for hers too. She opened it and took a step down, proud of herself for learning how to climb out of that truck.

Ramon was already standing on the ground below her. "You okay? Need some help?"

"I got it." She took another step then lowered herself to the ground. Then she gasped. "Oh no! I left my purse."

Ramon chuckled and reached up for her bag, handing it to her. Then he closed the door and put his hand on her back, heading toward the front door. "I think you make that a lot harder than it is."

"No." Marcy's lips formed a straight line as she shook her head. "Vehicles like yours aren't made for short people."

He tossed his head back, laughing as they walked. "But you're so cute—" Then his eyes focused on a window. He put a hand at his brow to block the sunlight and get a better look. "Thought I saw someone."

Marcy looked up at the window, but only for a second. Ramon's pace had increased and she had to keep up.

When they reached the front door, Ramon held it open for her and let her inside first, but he immediately ran past her into the kitchen.

From the foyer, she heard an unfamiliar male voice call, "
" Then she peered into the kitchen where everyone except Isaac was gathered. She saw Armando and Katie, both of whom she recognized from pictures.






Chapter 17



Ramon gaped at Armando in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

Armando stood from his stool and stretched his arms toward Ramon, grinning. "Well, nice to see you, too."

As much as Ramon loved having Armando around, something wasn't right about this. He glanced at Victor, who hovered near the corner with Tom, then looked at Armando. "What's goin' on? Thought you weren't coming back till Friday."

Armando shrugged. "We're here early."

Ramon gave Armando a quick hug, then stepped back and greeted Katie with a nod.

Everyone else who had stopped to watch them suddenly resumed what they were doing. Patty stirred a pot on the stove. Cara washed a dish in the sink. Tom and Victor were chatting.

Ramon looked around the kitchen. "Where's Isaac?"

Cara glanced at Ramon. "He's upstairs." She cleared her throat and didn't look at him as she added, "He got in trouble again at daycare today and he's in time out until dinner."

Concerned, Ramon said, "Is it okay if I go up there and talk to him?"

Cara turned off the water in the sink then turned around, her eyes narrowed at him. "No."

Ramon's heart sank. He knew she was implying that he had something to do with Isaac's recent turn of bad behavior, but he didn't know why. Then he saw Cara's eyes light up a little as she looked at someone behind him. He turned around, and there was Marcy, shyly staring down at the floor. He rushed to her. "Sorry. Me and my manners." Then he took her hand and led her to Armando and Katie, both of whom were already looking Marcy up and down like they couldn't believe she was real.

Ramon said, "Marcy, this is Armando and Katie. You guys, this is Marcy."

Armando extended his hand, smiling. "Marcy. Nice to meet you."

"You too." Marcy shook his hand then moved on to Katie. "Nice to meet you. I saw pictures from your wedding. It was beautiful."

Katie grinned. "Thank you. So you're… uh… living here?"

As Marcy and Katie made small talk, Ramon crossed his arms over his chest and gave Armando a stern look. "So," Ramon said, "You came back early? For what?"

Armando cleared his throat. "Family stuff. Katie's mom and dad's divorce."

"Hmm." Ramon looked in Armando's eyes, noticing his brother held his gaze a bit too long. "And you decided to surprise me like this? Why'd you keep it a secret? I don't have an extra room for you anymore."

Armando said, "We got a hotel. It's fine."

Ramon nodded, keeping his eyes on his brother's face. "How long are you staying?"

Armando shrugged. "Don't know yet."

"Really? You're supposed to be on your honeymoon. This doesn't make sense."

Armando tilted his head to the side, and a silly grin flashed across his lips. "Don't be paranoid. We can have our honeymoon here."

Ramon snorted. He recognized that little grin of Armando's all too well. "Who said I was paranoid?" Then his voice deepened, and in Spanish to keep everyone from hearing, he told Armando he was a terrible liar. "
Tú no eres un buen mentiroso

Armando smirked.

Ramon's eyes darted to Victor and he called out, "Victor." Then he nodded toward the hall. "You and Armando. My office."

The room fell silent. All eyes went to Ramon.

Victor's jaw set firmly, he met his brother's glare with a glare of his own and said, "All right."

Ramon started toward the hallway and waited for a moment to make sure his brothers were following him. As he walked, he repeatedly balled up his fists and released them, trying to keep his anger in check. He always knew when his brothers were up to something, but instead of assuming the worst, he decided to let them explain themselves before letting his rage take over.

When Ramon got to his office, he stood at his desk chair and watched Victor and Armando file in. Armando shut the door. Then they both sat in front of the desk with blank expressions on their faces.

Ramon sat in his chair, and in a firm voice, said, "One of you start talkin'."

Victor and Armando shared a silent glance.

Ramon growled. "Come on!" He looked at Victor and pointed at Armando. "I already know he's lyin'. You gonna try to bullshit me, too?"

Victor let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. "Ramon, we care about you. Please understand that. I've been worried sick about you for weeks."

His blood boiling, Ramon cracked his knuckles and stood. "All right. First, I'm gonna kick your ass, then I'm gonna—"

Armando stood and held up his hand. "Don't be so dramatic. Calm down and we'll have a civilized discussion."

Ramon snorted. "You got no fuckin' clue how sick I am of you guys worrying about me. How long have I lived here without your help? I've always been able to take care of myself." Nostrils flaring, his eyes flashed between their faces. "You guys think you're so much smarter than me, you know how to run my business better than I do?"

Victor shook his head. "No one thinks that. Believe me."

Ramon narrowed his eyes at Victor. "And what's this mess about not letting me talk to Isaac? I know Cara hates me but I got nothin' to do with how he's acting. I told you already. He's confused about you being his new daddy."

Victor said, "Cara doesn't hate you. She's just taking precautions. That's all."

Ramon let out a sarcastic chuckle. "No, she hates me, I can tell. And let me guess. She wants to go back to New Jersey but you've talked her into staying here so you can look after your poor, helpless brother 'cause he can't—"

Armando stepped forward and yelled, "Why the fuck have you been lying to us about Henry? That's why I'm here! We know you talk to him all the time."

Ramon's stomach lurched, but he kept his face and voice calm. "That's bullshit."

Victor said, "No. A few days ago I spoke to Yesenia, Elsa's daughter."

Ramon's body suddenly felt numb. He lowered to his chair. "How'd you find her?"

Armando said, "What's it matter? You lied to us. And for no good reason, from what I can tell."

Ramon pressed his lips together and stared at his desk.

Victor said, "Elsa told her Henry calls you at least twice a week. Sometimes more."

Ramon shrugged and quietly said, "So? Maybe she's the one lying."

"No," Victor said. "Your cell phone records prove it."

Ramon's neck tightened and his heart pounded erratically. "How do you know anything about my cell phone records? You hack into my account?"

Victor didn't answer.

Armando chimed in with, "Why would you hide this? Do you know how long I've been waiting to talk to Henry and find out what he's been hiding from us?"

Ramon shook his head at Armando. "Even if you talk to him on the phone, it doesn't mean he's gonna tell you anything."

Armando glared at him. "Well, what the fuck has he told you? Because you obviously know something."

Ramon said, "I don't know anything." He reluctantly added, "He won't tell me. I've asked."

In a loud voice, Armando asked, "Why the hell should I believe you? Why didn't you just tell us you bought those ranches from Mrs. Perry? You hide the dumbest shit!"

Ramon looked at Victor. "What's he talking about?"

Victor hunched forward, fingers laced together between his knees. "Look, we know you're paying for Mrs. Perry's medical expenses, and…"

Ramon was too furious to concentrate on the rest of the words coming out of Victor's mouth. He interrupted his brother with, "Did Marcy tell you about that? Is she how you got my cell phone records?"

Victor flinched and looked at Armando. In a calm tone, he said, "Look, we all just wanna help you. You need to let us."

Ramon stood, then rushed past his brothers to the door.

As they followed, Victor said to Armando, "I told you not to do that!"

Armando said, "So, we're just gonna tiptoe around him forever?"

Victor rolled his eyes and hurried after Ramon.

In the kitchen, Ramon found Marcy and took her by the arm. In a voice that was quiet, but obviously angry, he said, "We need to talk."

Marcy looked at everyone with wide eyes as he led her out of the kitchen.

Victor blocked their path, fists on his hips. "Let her go."

Ramon smirked at him. "What? I'm not hurting her. Just wanna take her someplace where we can talk in private." Then he let her go, staring down his nose at Victor. "Don't look at me like that. I'd never hit a woman."

"Oh no," Marcy said in a hushed tone. She glanced at Victor, then her eyes went to the floor.

Ramon focused only at Marcy, ignoring the chatter from the cluster of people around them. "Did you tell anyone what you saw in the office today?"

Marcy gulped and brought her hand to her stomach.

"Wow," Ramon said softly as he looked away. "I can't trust you at all."

Marcy gazed up at him, pleading. "I was only trying to help you."

Ramon snorted as he stomped down the hall. "I don't need anyone's help." All day, he thought about how amazing Marcy was. How much she'd already helped, and it seemed like she could do anything. And at times, it felt like she read his mind. He should've known it was too perfect.
Never get your hopes up
, he told himself. He balled up his fist, wishing he could smash it through a wall.

His house had been taken over by people who treated him like a child.

And one of them had just broken his heart.

Ramon changed direction and headed back to the foyer where they all lingered, watching him. Looking at no one in particular, he said, "Y'all need to get outta my house. Now."

They all groaned at once. Armando spoke up. "You're overreacting."

"No! I've had it!" Ramon raised his arm, pointing at the door. "All of you, get outta my damn house!"

Everyone's eyes then flew in the direction of Isaac's voice yelling from the living room, repeating Ramon. "
Get outta my damn house!

They all gasped at once.

Instantly, Ramon's anger deflated. Under his breath, he whispered, "Oh… shit…"

Cara rushed past him to Isaac in the living room, her eyes shooting daggers at Ramon. "Thanks," she said.

"I'm sorry, Cara," Ramon said. "I thought he was upstairs." He took off after Cara, stopping at Isaac in the middle of the room.

Before Cara could protest, Ramon knelt down in front of the pouting boy, with Cara standing beside him. Softly, Ramon said, "Listen to me,

Isaac's eyes peered sternly into Ramon's.

Ramon frowned at him. "I know you're going through a lot, but you have to be good, okay?" He put his hand on Isaac's shoulder. "I did a bad thing just now. I said something in front of you that I never should have said. Do you understand me?"

Isaac shrugged, mumbling, "I don't know."

Ramon sighed, then clearly said, "I made a mistake. I was angry and stupid and I messed up. But you have to promise me you'll be a good boy, because if you're not, your mommy won't let us be friends anymore." He suddenly felt tears stinging his eyes. Sniffling, he took a deep breath, then continued. "I'm gonna go away for a while, and when I come back, I better hear you were nice to everyone. And no yelling. Just be good. Okay?"

Isaac stared at him with no response.

As Ramon stood, a tear rolled down his cheek. He wiped it away but not before he could prevent Cara from seeing.

Cara's eyes were full of sympathy, but she was silent.

Ramon stared at her, hoping she wouldn't tell anyone she saw him cry. He whispered to her, "I'm really sorry." Then he put his head down and blinked rapidly as he pushed past everyone on his way to the back door.

He heard footsteps following him to the porch, and then outside, but he kept going.

"Ramon!" Marcy shouted. "Please turn around! I'm sorry!"

Ramon ignored her and walked faster.

"Come on!" She broke into a sprint. "You have to talk to me. I didn't mean to upset you!"

Ramon spat out over his shoulder, "Be quiet. The guys'll hear you."

Marcy muttered under her breath, "Damn those long legs of his," huffing as she picked up her pace.

Ramon started running. He was thankful to see Joe way off in the distance, oblivious to his plight. And far away from Marcy.

He rushed up the steps to the trailer and opened the door. He breathed a sigh of relief that the ranch hands hadn't locked it up for the day and he didn't have to waste time fumbling for the key. He opened the screen door, then the main door, just as Marcy's feet hit the wooden steps.

He quickly closed the screen door and stood there, looking off in the distance like he couldn't see or hear her.

Marcy stood on the porch, staring up at him. "I could probably reach through that screen, you know."

"Tell everyone they can stay in the house. I'll be out here till you guys leave."

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