More Than Enough (29 page)

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Authors: Ashley Johnson

BOOK: More Than Enough
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I wiped a few more tears that fell as I held back some of my own.
“Paul was the bartender at The Lounge that night. He sat with me after you left. I thought my life was over, honestly if he hadn’t been there I don’t know what would have happened. He drove me to my moms. We instantly clicked; he was such a good friend to me. He told me to give you time, that you still loved me.”

He grabbed my hand bringing my palm to his lips. He kissed it then intertwined our fingers. “Crazy girl, I never stopped. I just was hurting and I didn’t handle it like I should
have. That night I should have talked to you and listened. I’ll never forgive myself for not doing that.”

“Hey, don’t beat yourself up over it. We’re together now and that’s all that matters. The past is the past. We can’t change it Luke, but we can move forward and that’s what we’re going to do.”

“I love you so much Macy Young.”

“Not as much as I love you Luke Nolan.”

His lips met mine for a kiss as his hand reached for my zipper. It felt so good to have that dress off me. His body hovered over mine as he continued to cover my mouth with sweet kisses. Those kisses trailed from my lips to my neck then back up as he fumbled with my bra. Once the bra was off, he teased my nipples with his free hand. I arched my back as I let out a soft moan. I began to fumble with his pants and once they were off, he slowly slid into me and sat there for a second before he started to make love to me. Every kiss and touch felt like the first time and I moaned in delight.

My hand traced his new tattoo and then I reached around to his back matching him thrust for thrust.
As I got closer to my climax, I let out another moan that wasn’t as soft as the others. He parted his lips with mine and consumed my mouth as my legs began to buckle underneath me. I moaned as we released together and he lay on top of me kissing me one last time.

Luke rolled off me but our legs stayed intertwined. My head rested on his chest and I could hear his heart beating. I know I definitely needed a shower after the wedding and especially after what we just finished. But neither of us moved, we’ve waited too long for this moment and I wasn’t ready to give it up yet. I could easily fall asleep right here with him holding me.

He kissed my forehead and started to get up. “No, Luke lay down with me.”

“I was just going to order a pizza or find something to eat. Are you hungry?”

Actually I was pretty much starving. I hadn’t eaten anything since the cubes of cheese that I stole off Paul’s plate at the reception. Most pizza places would deliver this late but I could settle for something in the house so we didn’t have to get dressed. I just got him back and I planned to use every minute to our advantage.

“I’m starving actually. What do you have here? I don’t want to get dressed if you know what I mean.” His eyes lit up and he jumped back in bed kissing me. “Let’s go see what you got in the kitchen.”

I slid one of his t-shirts over my head and walked into the kitchen. He just slid his boxers on and followed right behind me. I opened the refrigerator and found ham and cheese. That would work. I grabbed the mayonnaise and the loaf of bread and set it on the counter. We ate our sandwiches at the table and sipped on some sweet tea. Every time I looked up he was just watching me and smiling.

“What babe?” I asked once I swallowed the bite of ham and cheese
. I had to know what he was looking at; I mean what if I had mayonnaise on my cheek or something? No on second thought, he would have cracked a joke about it or simply gotten up and wiped it away.

“I’m just
thinking about how lucky I am. You’re everything to me Macy. And you make one hell of a sandwich.”

I nearly choked on my last bite as I began laughing. Geez, talk about the oddest thing to come up. At least he valued my sandwich making skills, I mean it’s not like
it was incredibly hard to make, but I’m pretty sure I’d win the award for packing his lunch one day.

“Well, I’m lucky too. You have one pretty mouth.”

He raised his eyebrow as he replied with a devilish grin, “Oh yea, why don’t you come over here so I can show you how pretty it can be.”

My grin met his and I smiled as I gave him a challenge. “Why don’t you catch me and show me?”

I got up out of my seat and didn’t make it too far before he tackled me and carried me back to the bed. His shirt was off and I was bare again. I let out a squeal as his mouth met mine then traveled down my body and he stopped between my thighs. I sucked in a deep breath as he kissed me there. Christ almighty I’m going to explode. I began to whimper and beg as he continued, “Please, Luke, I need you.” It didn’t take much more than me begging and made his way back up to my mouth. As he kissed me, he slid back inside and my body responded immediately.

When he collapsed on the side of me this time, I had to hold my chest as I tried to catch my breath. I felt a bobby pin stab my scalp and I let out a small yelp. Luke looked at me and saw me reaching into my hair trying to get some of these out.

“Do you want some help baby? How many are even in there?”

I didn’t want to sit up but I could definitely use the help with getting these out of my hair. Then maybe I could muster the strength to take that shower I needed. I groaned as I sat up. “If you don’t mind, there’s about a million in my hair.” I put out my pouty lip so he would have pity on me.
Luke started fishing through my hair pulling them out one by one. Some were in a little tighter than others and I yelped once or twice. When I gave up feeling for them, he didn’t complain. Luke just continued to remove them.

Twenty minutes later, my hair was wild and finally free. I grabbed all the bobby pins and carried them into the bathroom so I could throw them away. I could probably save them because you never know when you need a bobby pin for your hair. The more I thought about it, I just threw them.
After all, they would end up lost anyway just when I would need one. I stepped into the warm shower and washed all the hairspray out of my hair. I felt cleaner and now I would definitely be able to rest.

I slipped a towel around myself as I went back into the room. Luke was already lying under the covers getting comfortable. I threw on the same t-shirt from earlier and checked my phone. Halley had texted, it read: “Thank you for being there for me today. I love you so much. I hope you aren’t upset that Luke called me (I know he told you!!) I’ll get
a tan for you while I’m gone!!”

I smiled as I responded to her text: “I love you too. I better get more than a postcard!! And I could never be mad at you. Have a blast for me!”

While I had my phone in my hand I texted Paul: “Will, I hope you’re having an awesome night like me :)” When he didn’t respond immediately I knew he obviously was having a wonderful date night with Drew. I plugged my phone in before I climbed into the bed and snuggled against Luke.

He kissed my forehead and held me closer to him.
I swore I heard him say something before I closed my eyes but I was so tired, I couldn’t make out what he said. All I know is I am right back where I belong.

The next morning I had to look around to make sure I wasn’t imagining anything from last night. Luke wasn’t in the bed but soon came walking into the bedroom carrying a tray that held a glass of orange juice, some bacon and a biscuit. There was also a red rose lying on the tray. I felt my face instantly blush as he sat beside me and kissed my cheek. “Good morning beautiful.”

This wasn’t a dream at all! I was more than relieved to see that this was my life and it was finally back to normal.

“Good morning. Thank you baby, it looks amazing.”

I ate my breakfast and then went to brush my teeth. When I came back into the room he was in the same spot on the bed. I met him and lay against his chest. “What do you want to do today Mace? We can do anything you want.”

Well I could think of one thing in particular I could do all day and I’m sure he wouldn’t object. I placed my finger on my lip as if I were thinking hard and then suddenly I had an idea. “I have an idea Luke, what about if we go to the beach today.”

His eyes lit up as he turned to face me. “You want to go to the beach? You sure?”

“Yes, I’m very sure. I want to go to the beach with you and we can visit with your parents.”

He jumped off the bed and immediately found his board shorts. He never told me yes, but I’m assuming this was my answer. “Hey Mace, you can invite Paul or Will, whatever his name is, if you want to.”

I grabbed my phone and shot a text to Paul which he immediately answered this time. He said Drew had to work this morning but he would love to come with us. I told him to meet us here in a few minutes and we could ride together.

I pulled the same bathing suit out from last time. After I washed it, it still looked good and I thought the water would taint it. I slipped it on before placing a tank top and my jean shorts over it. Luke had my beach bag in his hand and was looking through it. “I think I have everything we need, the sunscreen is in here too. Take a look and make sure nothing is missing.”

I gave the bag a quick once over and sure enough, everything was in place. “Looks good
babe thanks.”

There was a knock at the door and I opened it to find Paul standing there in some flowered board shorts and a white t-shirt. “Well, well Grace. Nice to see you again,
” he started looking around before he stepped inside. “He doesn’t have a tattoo gun in here does he?”

I snorted as I tried not to laugh. “Actually he does, want to see it?

“Hell no, I’m waiting outside. Come get me when you are ready.”

I grabbed his arm and brought him inside. “We’re almost ready. Relax, it won’t hurt.” I winked as Luke came walking in holding the beach bag.

He stuck his hand out to Paul and they shook hands. “Thanks for inviting me. Sure beats staying home all day. I need a tan and well Grace, so do you.”

My jaw dropped as I looked down at my legs. He was right and I knew it but my face began to flush after he said that. “Well babe, it’s a wonderful day for a tattoo isn’t it? Will, would you like to get one before we go?”

Paul’s eyes practically bugged out of his head as I started laughing. Luke grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers and we made our way outside. “Don’t let her scare you and I’m not going to put a penis on your head.”

We all laughed as we climbed into the Challenger and began our drive. I took control of the radio and Paul and I sang along with every song we could possibly find. Luke just smiled and held my hand until we arrived. We parked about the same spot we did the first time we came. Paul took his shirt off before we got out of the car. He was pretty chiseled, basically like Luke but minus the tattoos.

My top and shorts didn’t come off until we were actually in the sand and I began to apply the sunscreen. Paul took one look at the color of the water and back at me. “Do I actually have to get in there?”

“It’s not that bad I promise. If I can go in, so can you.”

He looked at the water one more time, and then sat on the towel. Luke grabbed my hand as he sat beside me. There were very little clouds in the sky and the sun was out. Good, I would be able to get some sun today. I grabbed my ponytail holder and threw my hair up on top of my head and lay back on Luke’s chest.
Several kids were running up and down on the beach while their parents sat there watching them.

Paul got up and walked a little closer to the water and as soon as his feet
hit the water, he turned around and walked right back. I laughed as he tried his best to wipe the water and sand off his feet. I laughed as I let the sand get in-between my toes. It didn’t really bother me when my feet weren’t wet. It was just like sifting flour, I found it relaxing to dig my toes in the sand.

After an hour of sitting and talking on the towels, my stomach began growling. Breakfast was wearing off and I couldn’t wait to eat some more fried alligator. “Hey guys, can we get some lunch? I’m starving.”

Paul jumped up and was the first to put his shirt back on. “I could definitely eat right now. What do they have to eat around here?”

Luke smiled and stated, “Well you see, we have to go out there,” he pointed towards the
Gulf of Mexico, “and we have to catch our own food. Then we make a small fire right here in the sand and we cook it.”

Paul’s eyes were literally about to bug out of his head and his jaw was practically in the sand.
He was falling for this charade. I almost wanted to see if he would actually start to walk out there or if he’d just let himself starve. I tried to keep a straight face but I started laughing so hard, tears began to well up in my eyes. Paul smacked my arm and I was almost doubled over at the thought of Paul even trying to go catch a fish with his bare hands, let alone any of us.

Luke started picking up our towels and putting them into the bag. As we walked to the car he looked back at Paul who still looked quite shocked. “No man, I’m kidding. My parent’s own a little restaurant up the beach. It’s a quick walk.”

“And they have the best fried alligator!” I raised my fist in the air on that one, I was so excited. The two guys just looked at me then at each other and kept walking.

I haven’t seen Sherry or Randy since well, the day of the bachelorette party. We finally reached the Gulf Side Café and walked inside. Sherry was standing at a table talking to an older couple when she noticed us out of the corner of her eye. She politely excused herself and came straight up to me. I was kind of confused because her son was right here next to me.

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