More Than Famous (Famous #2) (2 page)

BOOK: More Than Famous (Famous #2)
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"You're going to surprise me with a collection of bloody can tabs?" Her brows shot up and her eyes popped up to meet mine. "Don't think I haven't noticed you stealing them all weekend.  I watch you like a hawk, in case you hadn't noticed."

"Oh, I notice, but it's usually not can tabs you're watching." Her eyes flashed at me and her lips lifted in a smirk. She was so damn sexy when she flirted with me. I wanted more and more.

"Brook, you're killing me. Are you going to tell me or not?" My fingers traced up and down her arm.

She turned on her side and propped her head on her hand. She had a serious look on her face, but her fingers trailed down my chest to my stomach making me catch my breath.

I thought this was a joke, but maybe it wasn't.

"I'm going to give a little clue to the world about us... to see if anyone can pick up on it." She shrugged.

"What do you mean?" I was intrigued.

"Well, don't you think it’s bullshit that we have to hide our relationship and sneak around like we have? Frankly, it pisses me off."

Her expression was hilarious as her face set in a stern line and she tried not to laugh. I felt my eyebrows raise and a grin settled on my face as I watched her.

"Yeah? And?" I asked impatiently.

"Cade, remember in the book with the pad locks? And the coffee Sunday thing?"

"Yeah... of course." I shrugged. "What does that have to do with can tabs?" I laughed at her as she nodded. "Well?"

She moved up to straddle my lap and began to kiss my lips softly as her hands ran down my chest.

"That feels nice, babe, but I'm not going to let you distract me, not until you tell me what you're up to." My hands ran up her waist to her ribs and squeezed lightly.

She threw her head back as she laughed out loud.

"Cade, see? I'm going to put my little collection on a bracelet and wear it in some of the photos and interviews." My eyebrows raised in confusion.

"Brook, I'll buy you more bracelets, you don't have to resort to making them out of rubbish." I was teasing her now. "I think we've both quite risen above that, don't you?"

She pushed my shoulders and sat back on my legs. "God! You're so exasperating." She shook her head at me. "You're Ryan; I'm Julia... so I'm telling the world we're together by giving them a hint. I'm going to connect these with tiny pad locks. Get it now?"

"So you're going to wear them to see if people can pick up the parallel?"

 "Yes, exactly. The real diehard fans will get it." Her eyes were sparkling as she looked down at me." I guess it's the rebel in me.  It's a small, insignificant bit of revenge. At least it will make me feel better."

I shook my head at her and she snorted. “They won’t know the tabs came from Starbucks.”

"We’ll know. They’ll get the lock part, but the tabs are for us. It's me telling the suits to fuck off. Happy now?" She let out another throaty laugh.

"Delirious!" I smiled as I reached for her. She bent to kiss me again, sucking my lower lip into her mouth and biting it with her teeth. My heart and my body started to respond.

My eyes were closed, but I felt her hands come into my hair as she moved up higher on my lap. I slid my hands around her to pull her tighter against me. Her skin was so soft, like silk and she smelled so good.

Her voice lowered as her mouth hovered over mine. "And at least you'll know that it's a connection to you when you see it in some of my pictures." My right hand moved up to the back of her neck to bring her closer. “I’ll wear it with my other bracelet.”

My mouth split into a wide smile. "That's bloody brilliant, babe. I love it. Thank you." I pulled her down for a series of kisses. Her arms tightened around my neck as our breathing sped up. I knew where this was headed and I couldn't have been happier about it. The weekend had been filled with incredible moments and breathtaking lovemaking sessions. My body and my heart couldn't seem to get enough.

She pulled her mouth from mine and kissed lower across my jaw and throat. Her hot breath scorched along the trail she followed. I felt my dick tighten and grow beneath her.

"I can't wear my ring in public yet, but I'll be damned if they're gonna stop me from wearing something to connect us, okay?"

My heart swelled at her words as I took her mouth hungrily again. She was so amazing in every way. “Yes, I want to tell the world. Now,” I’d whispered against her lips.

I took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh as I heard the pilot’s announcement that we'd be landing in Rome in thirty minutes. The flight attendant came over to check on me. She was blonde, attractive and she looked at me intently.

"Mr. Carlisle, would you care for anything else?"

"Just some water, thank you."

The last thing I'd done in L.A. before going back to London had been the Movie Phone interview with Brook, Martin and Noah. It wasn't scheduled to air for two weeks yet, in Mid-November, but our frantic schedule demanded we tape it in advance.

There it was; her can tab and padlock bracelet, for all the entire world to see. It was a beautiful thing, considering the meaning behind it.  I was so elated about her wearing it that I wasn’t able to keep the giddy smile off of my face even though I'd wanted to. Each time I looked at it, I had to renew my effort. I knew I probably looked like a bloody git, but something as simple as having some form of public claim on her, made me so damn happy, I was just beside myself and had teased her mercilessly during that interview. Denise, Joel, Ken and Jeanne had all called to bitch about it, but I was beyond caring.

I leaned back in my seat and prepared myself for the scene on the red carpet. I’d face a huge, horrific mob of screaming fans no doubt. Martin and Brook were going to arrive shortly before me, and I knew I'd be faced with seeing her there with David. I felt she should arrive after me, but the managers insisted I was the A-lister, so I had to be the last to arrive.

I hadn't seen her in ten days, and I missed her so much I could barely stand it.

I would get a few hours at the hotel before I'd have to face the crowds, but I wouldn't see Brook until the red carpet right before the premiere. Her flight schedule didn't allow her any time in Rome in advance and she'd have to come straight from the airport.

My chest tightened and my fists clenched in my lap, wondering how they’d dress and primp her.

Would she be wearing the same clothes all the way from L.A. or would she have to change in the limo with
there? I felt so jealous and possessive, even after all of these months of being with her. She'd assured me a hundred times that she and David had made a smooth transition to being friends, but something in my gut told me to be on guard.

I fucking hated that feeling.

I tried to tell myself to be fair. After all, it was a lot to ask of David. Would I have been able to be her friend and stand aside while another man staked his claim on her? After loving her like I did? The answer was clear.

No way in hell.

The flight attendant brought my water and lingered a few seconds. I smiled and ran my hand through my hair and turned away. Looking out the window into the dark night sky, all I could think about was that soon, very soon... Brook would be in my arms again, and the thought made my heart beat a little faster.




made our way through the Rome airport, we were bombarded with flashing cameras and screaming fans chasing us out to the cars. The bodyguards did their best to keep them at bay, but inevitably, there were some that got too close to us and we were jostled about a few times as we kept moving. Our pace was as fast as we could manage through the crowds. 

Future of Our Past
premiere in Rome was the first of several, and I didn't think it'd be this crazy yet. I mean, yeah, the girls were all screaming at Cade during our many mall appearances and book signings, and of course at the MTV awards, but I'd figured it'd be mostly about him and I wouldn't have to deal with that much of it. Apparently, I was wrong.

The schedule was nuts. I'd taken my dress for the red carpet with me in my carry on and changed in the airplane bathroom just before landing. Due to timing, we were going straight there without a chance to check in at the hotel.

Even though David held my hand as we made our way through the throng of fans, he'd been distant during the entire flight.

He and I had transitioned back into friendship, even being able to hang out and joke around without him making snarky comments about Cade, but he was withdrawn now. If I were honest with myself, we didn't really talk about Cade that much and it made it easier. I tried not to rub either one of them in the other’s face. It was an unspoken thing that David didn't want to hear it, and I respected that wish. I could understand it totally.

When we got in the car that would take us to the Fiesta del Cinema, I looked over at David as he looked out the car window. His arm up by the window and his chin resting in his hand, his brow dropped over his eyes; he looked lost in unhappy thoughts.

"David, is something bothering you? You've been so quiet."

I wasn't sure if I should have asked the question, but the silence inside the car was killing me. That, combined with the nervousness of this first premiere, I needed to find out what was up.

He turned to look at me without speaking for a moment.

I shrugged. "Well?"

"I just don't think I can do this anymore, Brook. I've tried to be your friend, but I'm still in love with you," he said flatly.

My breath rushed out. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

This isn't the conversation I wanted to have right before stepping out for a premiere, and anyway, I wasn't exactly sure what to say in response. I'd already apologized over and over.

"I don't like fading into the background while you hook up with that British—"

"Please don’t start," I interrupted. "I'm sorry this has hurt you and I've told you a hundred times that I never meant for this to happen. I thought we were past all of this." I reached out to take his hand but he pulled his back from me.

His mouth quirked, "I guess you are. Obviously, I'm
." His tone was sardonic.

"What brought this on now? Why right before one of the biggest moments of my life?"

He was getting agitated and angry. "I fucking
told you
, Brook!  I don't want to do this anymore!  I mean what happens now?  I deliver you to his arms again and then pretend it isn't killing me while you go off and fuck him in his hotel room, right?"

I felt the heat rise under my skin at his words and felt my cheeks burn.

"You've destroyed me with all of this. I've loved you for years and trusted you when you said you loved me... and yet, you dump me for the first bastard that happens your way."

My face flushed and angry tears pricked the back of my eyes as I looked at him.

the fuck
are you doing this to me now? You know how I feel, David. You're
important to me!  I've told you that again and again."

David cut me off. "Yeah? Is that what you tell
 That you still love

I didn't know what to say. What words would make a difference? I shook my head. "I don't want us to end up hating each other, I never did, but I don’t love you like that."

I put my hand over my eyes and swallowed hard as I tried not to let tears fall. I had to get out and face the crowd in only a few minutes and I didn't need this shit now.

And worse, Cade would see me struggling with my emotions. He wouldn't know exactly what was up, but he could read me like a book, so I wouldn’t be able to keep the turmoil from him.

The last thing I need is for Cade to believe I'm crying over David

Suddenly I felt David’s arms go around me as he pulled me close. I tried to push against his chest but his hand was on the back of my head, roughly forcing my face closer to his. His mouth was hot as he brought it roughly down on mine. His tongue snaked out and tried to gain entrance to my mouth. I was shocked, but I finally found the strength to push against him again. He was crushing me to him and I couldn't breathe.

I tried to twist my face away, but his hand only gripped tighter at the back of my head. He was hurting me, his other hand digging into my thigh as he pulled my body closer, and then moving to grip my breast. I cried out in pain.

Holy shit! This is a nightmare.

"Does he make you feel the way I did? Does he? Remember what it was like between us?"

Oh, Jesus God. Not even close.

His mouth was wet and ragged as he dragged it from my lips, then across my face. I was petrified, and disgusted that he would force himself on me like that.

My body went limp hoping he would stop; I didn’t move a muscle as I waited for him to stop. David brought his mouth back to mine and kissed me again, but softer this time. Without my resistance, he didn’t need to force me.

BOOK: More Than Famous (Famous #2)
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