More Than Famous (Famous #2) (23 page)

BOOK: More Than Famous (Famous #2)
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We would have been taken to task in a big way if we'd acted like this in the States or in Europe. Maybe it was the fact that we'd not seen each other in so long, that made us more brazen, but whatever the reason, I loved it. It was brilliant.

Finally, it was the press panel, and Brook changed into a really sexy black dress. It was strapless but she wore a black jacket over it. She was so amazing and again, I wasn't able to keep my eyes off of her.

On our way out, I was able to finally pull her aside behind one of the sets and draw her to me. Her head settled into my chest and her arms wrapped firmly around my waist as mine closed tightly around her shoulders. I buried my face in the top of her head and breathed her in before kissing her temple.

"Jesus, Brook. I've missed you so bloody much."

Her only response was to tighten her arms around me even more and nod into my chest. I felt her hands splay out across my back to bring our bodies even closer together.

"I love you," the words tore out of my chest. I couldn't fucking help it. She just held on tighter, and it felt so good to be so close to her, I never wanted to let go.

They took us back to the hotel in separate cars to avoid suspicion. Brook went with Jeanne, and I went with Denise. I hated letting her leave without me, but I’d met Lawrence Parks, a well-known actor I’d met at the Oscars and we'd ended up on the same plane coming to Tokyo. He was here promoting his new film, and was traveling with the producer and director of the two of the musical numbers performed at the show, and he wanted to introduce me so I’d agreed to meet them for dinner.

Afterward, we arranged to meet up later at the piano bar not far from our hotel. Larry was aware of my affinity for music and thought it would be a good time after the hectic pace of the day. Deep down, I didn't really want to go, since I wanted to spend some time alone with Brook, but maybe it might be an ice breaker to invite her, Jeanne, Denise, and Noah to join. I’d been writing a new song for her and it might be a good opportunity to play it for her.

I changed out of my suit and texted her from my room.


Lawrence Parks and pals invited me to go out with them later. Want to grab everyone and join? I'd like to see you, Brook.


It didn't take long for her to answer


Sure. I'll check to see who wants to come. Where is it?


I texted back the address and told her what time I'd be there, and headed out.

I was there for a couple of hours before Brook walked in with Noah. No sign of Denise or Jeanne. I'd told the blokes Brook and Noah would be joining us, and he motioned for them to join our table. She was smiling and I loved seeing the joy on her face. After listening to her sobs outside of her bedroom door in early January, her smiles were a balm to my heart.

Lawrence and I stood as Brook and Noah approached and she extended her hand to my new friend. "Hi, I'm Brook Halloway."

"Of course. I'd recognize your beautiful face anywhere. It's very nice to meet you," Lawrence greeted her as he took his seat and more introductions were made around the table.

She sat down and took off her jacket. She was still wearing the strapless black dress.

I pulled my chair closer to hers so I could speak to her privately. Her shoulder nudged mine in a silent plea for contact. We fell into our easy camaraderie, with our ever-present undercurrent of desire. I ordered some wine and settled in next to her. We laughed and teased each other, as well as had a great time making fun of Lawrence and the others as they sang an old Abba song in an overly exaggerated way. Brook and I joined in because everyone in the bar was singing along to the various tunes that were being played and this one was particularly fun. Noah refused to sing but after a couple of glasses of wine, I was able to convince Brook to sing with me.

Her hand came out to cover mine and my skin burned under her hand. Incredible as always, the electricity sparked between us and I felt my heart speed up. My hand wrapped around hers and we stared into each other's eyes. I felt like I was melting into her and everyone else in the bar disappeared. Suddenly, I couldn't wait to get out of there and have some time alone. I needed to talk to her about what happened in January.

After the song ended, I took her hand and led her back to the table. "Do you want to get out of here, sweetheart? I'd really like to spend some time alone with you."

Her fingers twined with mine, tightened on my hand and she nodded.

"Gentlemen, it's been a fun evening, but Brook is tired so we're going to call it a night. Thank you for everything. Larry, I look forward to seeing you again, perhaps in L.A., soon?"

I shook their hands and patted Noah on the shoulder.

"Noah, will you be okay or do you want to come with us?" Brook asked as we got ready to leave.

He shook his head. "I'm fine. It's only two blocks. I can find my way back." He knew what we were about and I was thankful he was giving us our privacy.

It was only two blocks and it was 3 AM Tokyo time, but for us it was hours earlier. I didn't let go of her hand as I led her out of the club. It felt so good to have her by my side.

"Do you feel like walking?" I missed walking but in the States or at home, I didn't get enough of it since my career blew up.

"Sure. That sounds nice," she murmured as we left the bar. It was cool, but not overly so, and the rain had stopped.

I felt her free hand wrap around my bicep of the arm that held her hand, and her head came down on my shoulder. She let out a deep sigh, as we walked the few blocks back to the hotel.

"Are you doing okay with this, Brook? Being with me like this?" I could hear the desire in my voice as I leaned closer to whisper in her ear.

"Uh huh. I've really missed you." She raised her eyes to mine and the need in the blue depths shone like a beacon. She drew a shaky breath and let it out.

"Brook," I almost groaned. "I've missed you too. You were so beautiful today, and I loved how you flirted with me.” I smiled softly as I looked down into her face as we walked. “It was all I could do not to sweep you up in my arms right there in front of everyone. These last months have been hell, love."

I felt heat radiate between us, despite the coolness of the night as we drew near the front entrance of the hotel. I glanced down at Brook's face and saw that her brow was knitted in a frown.

I didn't say anything as we walked through the hotel and took the elevator up to the 23rd floor. Both of our rooms were on this floor and I wondered if she'd want me to join her in hers. My heart thumped harder as we got closer to her room. I didn't want to be presumptuous after all that had happened, but I desperately wanted more time with her.

Exactly what had happened?
I reminded myself that I still didn't know.

Outside her room, I took her shoulders and turned her toward me. I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her breathless, but knew we needed to talk first. I raised my hand to her face and placed a whisper soft kiss on her luscious pink lips. When I drew away, her chin lifted toward my mouth for another kiss and I gave it to her. This one was longer, lingering, our lips playing with each other. My body sprung to life, but my heart still ached over the abyss we’d had between us. I needed it resolved before I could make love to her.

My God. She tastes so good, all wine and sweetness.
I felt my breath leave my body and fan over her face. Her eyes were closed as she raised her mouth toward mine, again.

"Brook. I want more time with you. What do you want?" I felt her tremble in my arms and step up on tiptoe to press her mouth to mine again. I could feel desire flood through me. Jesus, it had been so long since I touched her.

"Cade.” She said my name and it did something to me deep inside my soul. “I want you to come in with me." Maybe it was my imagination but she sounded like she was begging and I wouldn’t be able to deny her, even if I didn’t want to do as she asked.

I couldn't help myself, my mouth swooped to open hotly over hers and her arms instantly went around my neck and into my hair.
Oh, there it was
. I felt those gorgeous hands tugging in my hair, to pull my mouth even closer to hers. I pressed her up against the hotel room door as I devoured her, my tongue seeking the deepest recesses of her mouth. I couldn't get enough and my body strained against her, I pressed my hardness into her stomach and she moaned.

I drug my mouth from hers and placed my forehead on hers, both of us panting wildly. I struggled to get control of my breathing and the urges that were surging through every nerve and sinew of my body. Brook pressed her card key into my hand and I reached behind her to put it in the slot. My mouth ghosted and licked at hers as I heard the door click and I pushed it open behind her. My arm went around her waist and I lifted her with me through the door and her arms and legs went around my body.

"Oh God, Cade." My arm still around her waist, the other one went underneath her bottom as I carried her into the room. I buried my face in her hair as I kissed her neck and shoulders.

Trying to get in control of myself, I went to the bed and sat down with her still wrapped around me. I stroked her back. "Brook. I want you so much right now. So much. But baby, we should talk first."

I brought both of my hands into her hair and pulled her head back so I could look into her eyes. I nuzzled into her throat as I took a deep breath. "We need to talk," I whispered against her skin.

She shook her head as she buried her face in my shoulder, her hands stroking the back of my head. "Please, just make love to me. Just make love to me." My body surged at her words, but I wanted to get her back into my life... not just into my bed and I told her so.

I shook my head. "No Brook. Not until we talk. I want us back, every piece of us. Please talk to me. Why did you push me away? What did I do?"

She stiffened in my arms. "Please don't make me relive it, Cade. It hurts too much, and I need this. I need to be with you. I've ached so badly. In a lot of ways" Her voice cracked as emotion swelled within her.

"I've been in hell too, Brook. But I have to know why this all happened. It's all I've been able to think about." I was rubbing her back when she suddenly pushed off of my lap and walked to the window with her back to me.

Her shoulders started to shake and she dropped her head into her hands. "It's been such a beautiful day, why are you ruining it?" Her voice trembled over the words.

I walked to her and put my hands on her shoulders and she pulled away from me. "I'm not ruining it. I'm trying to fix this. Just tell me, Brook."

"Oh God. As if you don't know, Cade!" She turned her tear-streaked face toward me. "I
, okay? Are you happy now? You had to know why I needed time to come to terms with it, so why do you make me fucking say it now?"

The pain in her face was horrific, but still I didn't have a fucking clue what she was talking about.

"Know what, Brook? Just say it. You say I should know, but I don't!"

Her chin jutted out and she looked pissed through her tears. "I know you had sex with Wendy! And it destroyed me."

"What?" I felt like she'd slapped me. "You think I slept with Wendy? When? I can't decide whether to laugh at the ridiculousness of it, or cry because you don't trust me!"

She was crying again, her hand was covering her eyes as she stood shaking in front of me. She sank down to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Please stop denying it. You're only making it worse. I
it happened. I was willing to move past it. I need you. I miss you... why did you make me have to say it out loud? Couldn't we just pretend it never happened? Now it feels like it’s happening all over again!"

I felt furious, broken-hearted, and just fucking devastated that she could think I would betray her. My hand went to grasp over my heart as I watched her slide off the bed and drop to her knees on the floor and cover her head with her hands.

"So you're willing to forgive me for something that I haven't even fucking done? Is that it?" I knew my voice was harsh and I felt my face flush, burn. My heart was splitting in two inside my chest, because she believed me capable of such a thing, and also because she was obviously suffering terribly. I knew that she really believed I'd been with Wendy.

Why did she think this? Because of those stupid photos when we went to the Home Depot?

How could I make her see this wasn't possible, to make her see that after her, I couldn't ever touch another woman for the rest of my bloody life. It just wasn’t possible for me.

My throat ached, my eyes burned, I couldn't breathe. I ran both hands through my hair as the desperation built within me. I felt helpless and my hands were shaking.

I stalked across the room to her where she knelt on the floor and bent to lift her to her feet. I grabbed both sides of her face and took her mouth with all I had. She was crying and shocked at the onslaught, but within seconds she opened her mouth to mine and we kissed again and again. My heart was breaking, but I loved her and I had missed her more than I ever believed possible. Despite her misery, she couldn't help but fall into my arms, completely surrendering to the pain and the desire that throbbed all around us. She kissed me back with all the emotions I felt myself.

It was apparent that she was just as desperate for me as I was for her. Our hands were tearing at each other's clothes, grasping at each other's bodies... our mouths tasting, worshiping each other. My body throbbed with want as I lowered her to the bed.

Brook had somehow managed to unbutton my shirt and her hands ran up my chest and played with my nipples. After all the time apart, feeling her hands on my body was like paradise. I unzipped her dress and started to move it down her body, my mouth sliding to her breast. I could feel her chest heave beneath my mouth as she sobbed at the pain between us. I realized that I was crying too.

How in the fuck did we get to this place? Didn't she know how much I loved her?

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