More Than Forever (Providence Series Book 2) (43 page)

BOOK: More Than Forever (Providence Series Book 2)
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                  “Excuse me?” she retorted. A sardonic smile lit his face as she got frustrated with him. Stomping her feet and grumbling.

                  She was sexy when she was mad.


                  He had to stop thinking like that.

                  Only he couldn’t.

                  She was going to be his, and God save anyone that tried to get in his way.









Scared doesn’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling right now. Looking at my shaking hands, at the note left on my car windshield, I’m not sure what to think. I‘m trying to figure out who would send it. I have never lead a guy on. How could I when I’m still stuck on the one guy who thinks of me as his best friend’s annoying little sister. Hearing those words spoken from him broke my heart, but what shattered it was when I’d heard them talk about becoming Navy Seals. Not only was I losing the one guy I had loved since I was twelve. I was losing my brother as well.

Don’t get me wrong, I support my troops, but I was so scared that they were going to die in combat. I’m not dumb, being a Navy Seal is a big thing. I knew that meant dangerous missions without knowing if they were okay. I did all I could in supporting them. I sent care packages, wrote letters, and helped with charity events to raise funds. I visited my brother when he was stateside, a difficult task with me being in school, then in college, and then during my residency to become a doctor. I am still doing my residency to become an ER doctor at
Center Point Medical Center
, but I’m even busier now since they have hired me fulltime. 

It helps that my family moved back to Kansas City when I went to college. Even Momma Gio and Papa Tony followed along with the boys in tow. They said they were ready for a change and wanted to join their second family. Now, Neil is done with the Navy and has opened his own security business. Dante joined him in the business. 

I haven’t seen Dante since his return. I haven’t seen him in nine years. I have no clue what I’m going to say to him. I don’t want it to be weird, but I know it will be. Ever since the day they left, I have had to re-evaluate my feelings constantly. 

The chaste kiss he had placed on my lips had not only scared me, but had given me hope. It would have with any sixteen year old girl who had just had her first kiss. But then letters from my brother about the crazy crap they were pulling well and the woman that Dante was screwing, well that changed everything.

“Neil will be with you shortly, Len,” Sara, my brother’s receptionist, tells me as she walks back to her desk. 

“Thank you, Sara.” I go and take a seat then look back at her and add, “We really need to set up that girls’ night we keep talking about. I miss hanging with you guys.”

“You’re the one who’s always busy at work. Call Ashley and tell her your schedule. Then we’ll see about getting you in the club and finally getting you a man. We both need a man. We really need to get laid!” she says and then rolls her eyes at the outburst that comes from Neil who is in the next room.

“What the hell are you talking about? I don’t ever want to hear about my sister getting laid,” Neil growls out as he joins us. 

I don’t miss the look of heat he shoots Sara. I start giggling because I know Neil wants her and she wants him; however they are both so oblivious of each other’s wants. I stand up with the letter in hand and walk over to him.

“Aw, there, there, care bear, that doesn’t concern you. I’ll do what I want, when I want. I’m twenty-five years old, not twelve. If I want to sleep with a man I will,” I say, giving Sara a mischievous wink. 

She knows I’m a virgin, he doesn’t and I don’t plan on telling him. I just love teasing him.

“I don’t want to hear that. I’ll tell Pops if you don’t stop. I swear to God I’m going to be in jail for murder.”

“If you don’t want to hear about things like that then I suggest you shouldn’t ease drop.” I end up laughing at the look of disgusted on his face as he leads me to the conference room.

“It isn’t ease dropping if what was spoken wasn’t practically being yelled out.” He growls out at me.

 “So let’s drop this conversation and you tell me what is so important that you couldn’t wait until I was finished with work,” he says as he sits.

A feeling of terror hits me as I remember why I’m here. Handing him the note, I take a seat as well. Neil and I are very close. He isn’t going to take this threat well. I’m scared of what he’s going to do or say.

Looking at him, watching him read the note, I see the change come over his face immediately. He looks up at me and I am struck with what I see. His blue eyes that have a hint of green in them are now full on green with the fury tightening his jaw and his nostrils flare as he takes in a harsh breath. He picks up the phone off the conference room table and barks three words into the receiver, “Conference room. Now!”



I stare down at the receiver in confusion before I hang it up in the cradle. Lucky isn’t one to let his temper get the best of him. There’s only been a handful of times I’ve seen this side of him. The only thing that can get him this worked up is when his family or one of the guys is being harmed or when we have a sensitive case we are working on. A sense of dread washes over me as I start to get up.

As I turn towards the door, the overhead light gleams off the photos lining my bookcase. My eyes immediately go to the one picture I can’t seem to avoid. 

Lens beautiful smile makes me catch my breath. She is the one woman that I can’t get out of my head.  I’m looking forward to seeing her again at the party this weekend.

Over the years, I got letters and care packages from her. I wrote her back and sent her things I bought from places all over the world. She never sent a picture and when she came to visit Lucky, I would make myself scarce because I knew that if I were to see her, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from making her mine. I didn’t want her to be waiting back home not knowing if I was ever coming back. So when they would skype, I would go into the other room. I also couldn’t chance Lucky knowing that I had fallen for his kid sister. 

It had hit me when she was sixteen. She was already such an amazing woman and she hadn’t even finished growing yet.

I knew I would run into Len since I made the choice to move to Kansas City with Lucky and start Seal Security. I wasn’t giving up the opportunity to work with my brothers and the guys from our troop even if that meant I couldn’t avoid her.

We aren’t your average private investigators’. We specialize in security systems, bodyguard work, missing persons, and stalking. We work a lot with the Kansas City Police Department. 

We also have our own motorcycle club that we started. Not one of those one percenters which are considered an outlaw MC because they don’t follow the laws. We’re just a bunch of guys who love to ride bikes, but also, we help with charity drives, special victims, and help around the community. Well, we haven’t officially started, but that is what we are planning. Right now, we just ride together.

I head out of my office and down the hall to the conference room. I hear Sara talking on the phone to one of her girlfriends. It has to be Ashely because out of all the girls those two are the closest.

“Yes, we need to have a girls’ night asap. We need to find some men. I need to get laid and we need to get Len laid too. She needs to give up that v-card already.”

That stops me in my tracks. Holy Shit, she’s still a virgin. That’s going to make this weekend even harder when I see her. You would think it would make me want her less, only, it just makes me want to claim her all the harder. 

Shaking my head, I walk into the conference room. The first thing I notice is the back of a small woman being comforted by Lucky. 

He looks up at me and then leans down to whisper into her ear. The man is seriously hung up on Sara, so I know gesture isn’t sexual since that isn’t her in his arms. Shifting slightly, he looks at me again. 

“We have a problem.” 

He nods to a piece of paper on the table. As I’m picking it up, I shoot him an odd, sidelong glance. 

“Squirt, go to the bathroom and wash up, okay? I’m going to fill Dante in on the situation. Come back when you’re better. Don’t worry about anything. We’ll never let anything happen to you.” 

My head jerks up and I’m caught in a pair of blue eyes that literally takes my breath from my lungs. The same eyes that have haunted me every day since I was eighteen. She’s even more beautiful than the last time I saw her and my body takes notice. I’m harder than I have been in ages. 

Her hair is a brighter blonde then I remember and lies over her shoulders. She’s in a light dress that hugs her curves just right. Her dress has a V neck that shows off her full breasts. Her legs are tan and long, and I want them wrapped around my waist as I pound into her. She’s wearing these fuck me shoes that I can almost feel pressing into my back. I can just assume that the rest of her body, which I can’t see because of her sitting down, is going to be just as hot. My gaze travels back up her body to her eyes where I can see the fear that is running deep in her soul. 

“Hey Dante, long time no see. I wish it was under better circumstances,” Len says as she smiles at me sadly, then she looks back at Neil. “I’ll be back in a second.”

She stands up and walks towards the door. Damn, she has an ass that won’t stop. Seeing the sway of her body has the air knocking out of my lungs. There is no way I’m going to be able to stay away from her now. Lucky is going to kill me. 

I look over at Lucky. He seems pissed and I pull myself together.

“What’s up, Lucky?”

“Look at the note. As I said, we have a problem.”

I look down at the note and what I see has me seeing red. 






Oh, problem is not a big enough word to describe what I’m reading. What’s in my hand … calls the beast in me to come to the surface. All I see is blood, and it isn’t mine. Shit’s going to hit the fan, heads are going to roll, and someone is going to die a very slow and painful death.
threatens my woman and lives.

Lucky must have seen the thirst for blood in my eyes, because he goes from rage, to shock, to something I’m unable to distinguish. I know what he’s seeing. I’ve been trying to hide it from him and the world for years. Now, it’s time to let them all know that little Len belongs to me. Damn the consequences, because no one can protect her better than the man who is willing to die or kill to keep her safe.




13 years earlier….

I hate that I’m starting a new school. I’m so mad that I had to leave my friends for a new area. Pops says it’s only until I graduate high school. I’m only starting seventh grade, but since Neil is starting high school, he needed to make this move now. He was doing it for Mom. 

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