More Than Water (38 page)

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Authors: Renee Ericson

BOOK: More Than Water
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Slipping his palms to the base of my neck, Foster connects his lips with mine, fervently kissing me and sealing together who we are outside of our stature and status, beyond his science-oriented mind and my free-spirited one. I swim into his depths as we drown ourselves in one another, underneath what the world perceives.

There are many factors that make us an unlikely pair—my own predisposition toward any kind of society, his geeky way of thinking, and the vibrant way I express myself—but we have a chemistry that cannot be denied.

Like a flame breaking the boundaries to survive underwater, we, too, are something beautiful.

We are a substance of our own design.

We’re more than water.

We’re more than fire.

We’re a miracle, a living and breathing combination, with no formula to define us.




Almost fifteen years prior to writing this story, and before digital photography was common practice, I took a photography class in college that sparked a love to last a lifetime. Having been an artist all of my life, finding stories through the lens was like opening up my imagination to the layers of the everyday world with a new and exciting medium.

I took the following images for a project similar to EJ’s, with a friend watching my back during not-so-safe hours. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that my own art would inspire a story to be written later in life.

Look into the depths for what’s hidden within.

It’s more than water.

It’s a story.







The only way for a new venture to happen is with an amazing support system. I’m so lucky to have one of the best.

Alyssa—Thank you so much for your constant enthusiasm toward my stories, for reading my works critically and open-mindedly, for talking through plot points at any hour of the day, and for your willingness to help me fine-tune the details over and over again. You’re an amazing person, and I’m lucky to call you a friend. Also, I will never use the word
in a draft ever again. I promise. Hips should never do such a thing to one another.

Thank you, MJ, Mendy, Evette, Kristin, Mandy, Renee, and Amanda—my super amazing cheerleaders and beta readers! You were there for me to answer my
questions, patiently waiting as I wrote and tweaked this story, and you loved EJ and Foster even more than I anticipated. I love you all so much and appreciate you more than you know. I value your opinions and friendship unconditionally.

My amazing Street Team—Thank you for your continued support.

My husband—I love you.

My children—Thank you for cheering me on daily. I never thought my love for writing stories would inspire you to write as well.

Jovana with Unforeseen Editing—You always make my words shine.

The University of Cincinnati, College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning—My time with you as an undergrad opened my eyes to many forms of art, allowed me to see things differently, and helped me to understand the value of a critique. Thank you.

And finally, Humor—Without you, the world would be boring and exhausting. Thank you for getting me through each and every day.





Renee Ericson is the author of the These Days series.

Originally from the Midwest, she now resides in a small town just outside of Boston with her husband and three children.

Most winters, Renee can be found on the slopes of the White Mountains skiing with her family. During the summer months, she likes to spend every spare minute at the beach soaking up the sea air. All those moments in between, she is talking to imaginary characters and caring for her children.

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