Morelli's Mistress (Harlequin Presents) (13 page)

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afternoon when Luke turned into the gates of the cottage that he and
Abby had bought just under a year ago.

As the SUV negotiated the leaf-strewn curve of the drive and
the wisteria-hung walls of the house came into view, Abby thought again how
lucky they were having a place like this to escape to.

Initially, when Luke had suggested buying a cottage near his
father’s home in Bath, Abby had had visions of a Cotswold cottage, with maybe a
thatched roof or a shingled portico.

But she should have known better. This cottage more properly
resembled a small country house, with half a dozen bedrooms and bathrooms and a
live-in housekeeper, who looked after the place all year round.

Even so, Mrs Bainbridge, whose husband took care of the grounds
of the property, was a tactful, sensitive soul, who gave them all the space they
needed. Indeed, there were evenings when she retired to the annexe she shared
with her husband, and left Abby in charge of the kitchen.

Which suited Abby’s lingering catering tendencies very

Now Luke brought the car to a halt on the gravelled forecourt
and Abby cast a glance over her shoulder. Their eighteen-month-old son, Matthew
Oliver Morelli, was drowsing in his booster seat, with Harley strapped in a seat
beside him.

Matthew had been awake for most of the journey from London,
chattering away in his own inimitable style. He’d only fallen asleep when the
roads grew narrower and there were tall hedgerows on either side of the car
blocking his view. Abby guessed Harley was glad of the reprieve. Matthew could
be very noisy at times.

‘Do you think he’ll let us get the car unpacked before he
decides he wants to join in?’ asked Luke drily, giving his wife a rueful

‘Oh, I’m sure Harley will let you do that,’ she answered
mischievously. ‘So long as Mrs Bainbridge has got something tasty for his

Luke grimaced, and, reaching over, turned his wife’s face
towards him for an intimate kiss. ‘I want something tasty before my supper,’ he
remarked, allowing his tongue to brush her lips as he withdrew. ‘Do you think
you can accommodate me?’

Abby’s breathing quickened. Nothing had changed. Luke had only
to touch her and she wanted to wind herself about him. After almost two years of
marriage, she still melted every time he kissed her.

‘If your son settles down after his bath, I may be able to help
you,’ she said coyly, tugging on a strand of the dark blonde hair that hung
loosely about her shoulders. ‘But I’m making no promises.’

Luke shook his head, permitting himself another disturbing
caress before thrusting open the car door. ‘You are a terrible tease, Mrs
Morelli,’ he said thickly. ‘And here’s Mrs Bainbridge, right on cue.’

The housekeeper, an attractive older woman in her sixties, had
opened the door and stood beaming on the threshold.

She always seemed pleased to see them, and their baby son had
definitely captured both her and her husband’s hearts.

‘Did you have a good journey?’ asked Mrs Bainbridge as she
hefted the bag containing the baby’s things from the boot.

Abby slid out to join her, opening the rear door and releasing
Harley from his harness. ‘Not bad,’ she said. ‘The traffic wasn’t too
horrendous. Now, behave yourself, Harls,’ she called warningly as the retriever
bounded towards Mr Bainbridge, who was culling the box hedges that edged the
stretch of lawn at the front of the house. She exchanged a smile with the
groundsman. ‘How are you, Mr B? Still working hard, I see.’

‘Getting there, Mrs Morelli, getting there,’ he said, bending
down to tug Harley’s ears, and his wife gave him a conservative look.

‘He’s just been in for a cup of tea and a hot scone,’ she
remarked drily. ‘He’s not overworked, Mrs Morelli. Not now you’ve employed that
boy, Sam, to help him out.’

Luke, who had taken a little longer to get out of the vehicle,
now straightened his spine with some relief. Although it was over two years
since the accident, he still suffered some stiffness in his right thigh,
particularly if he’d been in one position for too long.

But he’d made miraculous progress, due in no small part to the
fact that he was happier now than he’d ever been in his life. Oliver Morelli
considered Abby the prime reason for his son’s recovery, and he’d become very
fond of his daughter-in-law. Which was why, whenever they were staying at the
cottage, he was a frequent visitor.

‘It’s been a lovely day today, and they say it’s going to be a
fine weekend,’ remarked Mrs Bainbridge, glancing into the back of the car.
‘Would you like me to get the baby out of his chair?’

‘I’ll do it,’ said Luke at once, exchanging a speaking look
with Abby. They both knew Mrs Bainbridge was always eager to get her hands on
their young son.

‘It should be a good weekend,’ said Abby, gathering a couple of
bags and following the older woman into the house. ‘It’s good to be here. It was
raining in London.’

‘Awful place,’ exclaimed Mrs Bainbridge, leading the way along
the carpeted hall to the stairs. ‘I’m always saying to Joe that you and Mr
Morelli—and the little one, of course—should move down here permanently. Now
that Mr Morelli does a lot of his work online, there’s no need for him to go
into the office every day.’

Abby hid a smile. Luke didn’t go into the office every day,
even when they were in London. Indeed, since their marriage, he’d delegated a
lot of his work to his vice presidents. The various departments functioned
satisfactorily for the most part, enabling him to spend more time with his wife
and family.

They’d married as soon as Luke was capable of standing without
support, which had been about three months after the accident. Initially, he’d
had to attend hospital on a regular basis, for follow-up examinations and

He’d decided not to have plastic surgery on his face, after
Abby had said she rather liked his scar. She’d said it made him look like a
pirate, and she’d always loved pirates when she was a girl.

They’d spent Christmas and New Year with Luke’s father, before
returning to London so that Abby could have the baby at the hospital in
Paddington, where she’d been looked after during her pregnancy.

Then a month after Matthew’s birth, she and Luke had taken
three weeks away in lieu of a honeymoon.

Oliver Morelli had insisted they both needed a break, and he’d
been responsible for contacting one of the foremost agencies in London and
hiring a nanny to look after the baby.

Matthew and the nanny had stayed with Luke’s father while they
were away, and since then the nanny had become a permanent fixture in the London

However, she didn’t usually accompany them to the cottage, as
Mrs Bainbridge would have been most put out if she hadn’t been called upon to
babysit, when necessary.

The ‘honeymoon’ had been magical. They’d spent most of the time
in Hawaii, where Luke had been able to have a complete rest.

The weather had been wonderful, and they’d slept and made love,
swum and made love, and made love just for the hell of it. It had actually been
hard to leave paradise behind and return to earth.

It had been good to see their baby son again, and Felix, of

Abby had come to depend on Felix while Luke was still having
treatment. He’d taken over the care of Harley when she moved to London, and he’d
been responsible for the retriever not missing his country walks. Abby hadn’t
realised how many parks there were until Felix took control.

Now, after Mrs Bainbridge had deposited Matthew’s bag and
departed, Abby looked round the bedroom she shared with Luke with real

Probably because they had chosen this house together, Abby felt
a real connection to the rooms and everything in them. When he’d been well
enough to walk, she and Luke had spent days touring auction rooms and antique
shops, looking for the right kind of furniture. They’d wanted period pieces to
fit their new home.

In consequence, although it wasn’t as elegant as the Eaton
Close house, the cottage was filled with tables and cabinets that in turn were
filled with all the souvenirs they’d picked up on their travels.

The development in Ashford-St-James, which had initially
brought them back together, was going ahead as planned. The small shops and
Abby’s café were still operating. She had been lucky enough to find someone to
run the café for her, and, as the young woman was Lori’s sister, there’d been no
friction between them.

The supermarket being erected behind was almost finished. When
it was, the row of shops would then be demolished, before being resurrected when
the new mall was complete.

The whole development had been designed to cause the least
amount of upset. Even Greg Hughes had had to admit that Luke was a pretty decent

Decent wasn’t the word for him, thought Abby dreamily. He was
the man she had always wanted to marry, the only man that she had ever

Speaking of which, she smiled as Luke came into the bedroom
carrying their son. Matthew was awake and chattering away to his father. She and
Luke could only understand a word or two as yet, but Matthew was quickly
learning how to get his own way.

‘I need a shower,’ said Luke, setting Matthew down so that he
could toddle across the floor to his mother. His lips twitched. ‘Want to join

‘I might,’ said Abby consideringly. ‘But your son needs his
bath and his supper first.’

‘Can’t Mrs B do that?’ asked Luke persuasively, coming to drop
a lazy kiss on her cheek. ‘You know how she loves to be put in charge.’

Abby smiled. ‘She’s not the only one,’ she remarked drily,
stopping the little boy when he tried to pull away. ‘You’ll just have to go and
talk to Joe until I’m finished.’

Luke gave a resigned sigh. ‘I sometimes think we should bring
Mrs Darnley down here with us,’ he said, naming the nanny who worked for them in
London, and Abby gave him a reproving look.

‘Wasn’t it your idea that coming here meant we three could be
alone together?’ she reminded him, picking up Matthew and loving the way he
nestled his head into the curve of her neck. Then, carrying him through to the
adjoining nursery, she added, ‘Of course, if you’ve decided you’d like her to
join us for all her meals, because there is no separate apartment for her here,
then I can get on the phone right—’

But what she was going to say was stifled by her husband,
wrapping his arm about both of them and burying his face in her shoulder.

‘You dare,’ he muttered threateningly, and Matthew lifted a
pink-knuckled hand to push him away.

‘No, Daddy,’ he said, two words that were part of his limited
vocabulary, and Abby giggled uncontrollably.

‘There,’ she said. ‘You have your answer. Now, go and annoy
someone else until Matthew has had his bath.’

* * *

The shower was running when Abby opened the bathroom
door. Matthew was now sound asleep in his cot in the nursery, and, after
shedding all but her bra and panties, Abby tiptoed to the shower door and peeped

Luke saw her at once. ‘Come in,’ he said huskily. ‘I’ve been
waiting for you.’

‘I’ll just finish undressing,’ she began, but Luke put out his
hand and pulled her into the steamy cubicle with him.

‘Let me,’ he told her thickly. Pulling her back against him, he
loosened the front fastening of her bra. The bra slipped to the floor and he let
his hands slide down over her breasts until they reached the waistband of her
lacy briefs. ‘Mmm, you’re ready for me,’ he said, cupping the place between her
legs. ‘Your panties are wet.’

‘I think that’s the shower,’ Abby protested breathlessly, but
Luke shook his head.

His finger probed beneath the lace and found her throbbing
core. ‘The water from the shower can’t reach where I’m reaching,’ he said,
allowing two fingers to slide inside her.

‘You’re hot and wet. And don’t I love it?’

He continued to press her back against him for a moment, but
when his own body started to protest, he quickly disposed of her panties.

‘God, I want you,’ he muttered, swinging her round to face him,
before easing her back against the glass wall. He was fully aroused, she saw,
allowing her hands to drift down over his chest to his stomach. Then, even
lower, until he gave a muffled groan.

‘Wait,’ he groaned and reached for the shower gel. As he was
pouring some into his palm, Abby filched a little and eased her hand down
between his legs.

‘Abby,’ he said hoarsely as she smoothed some over his bulging
manhood. ‘Do you know what you’re doing to me? Have a bit of compassion.’

Abby only gurgled with laughter and, despite the lingering
weakness in his thigh, Luke didn’t hesitate any longer. He lifted her against
the glass wall and thrust into her, embedding himself deeply in her velvety

Abby wrapped her legs around his hips as he filled her
completely. She was already aroused and she felt her body tighten and expand as
he pressed even deeper into her core.

She was almost sorry when she felt her body beginning to
shudder and felt his answering response in his tightening grasp.

She’d wanted to prolong the excitement, but, with one final
penetration, he had them both giving in to a shattering release.

Even when Luke lowered her feet to the floor of the cubicle,
Abby was still quivering. But Luke wasn’t finished, and he soaped his hands and
massaged her breasts and the cleft between her buttocks until she was trembling
with expectancy again.

This time, after rinsing off the soap, Luke picked her up and
carried her into their bedroom. Uncaring that their bodies were still wet, he
made love to her again, with all the power and urgency of their first

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