Mothers Affliction

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Authors: Carl East

Tags: #erotic

BOOK: Mothers Affliction
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Published by Carl


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Copyright 2010 - Carl








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Since the age of eighteen I've had a crush on
my mother, and for a long time after that I thought that that was
all it was, a crush. Now at the age of twenty-one and still being
single, I knew that my crush was a lot more than that. I felt
jealousy whenever I saw some guy paying attention to her, and
although I realized it was an irrational feeling I couldn't help
myself. Until this day though when she'd returned from the Doctor's
surgery, I never thought I would actually do anything about it, at
least not in the physical sense.


"What's the verdict mom?" I said, as she
walked into the kitchen.


"It's been confirmed, I have Narcolepsy.
Before you ask it's a sleep disorder or rather as the Doctor put it
a sleep paralysis," she replied, sitting heavily on the kitchen


"So what does it mean? I mean how will it
affect your every day life?" I asked feeling genuinely


"It can be brought on by several means, such
as laughter or over stimulation. The thing is I have no control
over it, when it hits I will fall asleep and not even be aware of
it. I can no longer drive for one thing, so that will probably hit
us harder than anything else. The Doctor told me to behave as I
would any other time, but not to drive and to take things easy,"
replied mom.


As selfish as this may sound I saw a great
opportunity here, and the thoughts shooting through my head were
not those of a caring person. Guilt made me take stock of the
situation, and as I berated myself for having such selfish thoughts
I couldn't help but look over at mom as she sat with her feet
dangling off of the kitchen stool. At the age of forty, she still
had a great pair of legs, not to mention a bust that begged to be
touched. Her long blonde hair, which always looked soft and gentle,
reached past her shoulder line. Her face looked angelic, even if it
now started to show signs of aging.


From that day on I found myself checking up
on mother whenever I couldn't see her physically, just to make sure
she wasn't in any difficulty. But it wasn't until almost a week
later when I'd been talking to her in the kitchen and had made her
laugh that the first incident occurred. I turned around to discover
her sprawled on the floor fast asleep and immediately crouched at
her side.


She had a strong pulse so I knew she was in
no danger, and as I picked her up my mind raced at the sudden
possibilities. I carried her into the bedroom, thankful that we
lived in a one-floor building. After laying her gently on the bed,
I sat at her side looking down on her peaceful pose. I couldn't
help looking down her body, and immediately noticed that her skirt
had ridden up her thigh a little. At first I was going to just pull
it down to cover her thighs, but my evil half wanted to view the
goods that lay below.


Gently I pulled the hem of her skirt up, and
saw the outline of her sweet pussy through her panties. I
immediately got hard upon seeing that, and decided to look a little
further. I then pulled her panties to one side, and caught sight of
her freshly shaved pussy. I wanted to bend down and start to lick
her womanhood, but I had no idea how long she would be asleep. I
contented myself by merely running a finger through those beautiful
lips, barely touching the slit that led to untold delights.


Her slight moan made me quickly cover her
back up, and as I straightened myself up on the bed she opened her


"Oh, did it happen?" she said, sitting


"Yes, I was talking to you in the kitchen and
the next thing I know you're fast asleep on the kitchen floor. So I
picked you up and put you to bed, mainly because it was more
comfortable but partly because I didn't know how long you'd be out
for," I said truthfully, but leaving out certain indiscretions.


"Thanks son. Well, I must say I had a very
strange dream while I was asleep," she replied.


"Oh, what was it about?" I asked, genuinely


"I dreamt that my ideal man was making love
to me, but I couldn't see his face," she said, making me wonder how
much of what I did was a dream and how much did she actually


After that incident I found myself wanting it
to happen, and although it did several times they didn't seem to
last long. Until the day we were playfully tickling one another,
and moms over excitement took hold of her again. This one event
triggered the coming night for me, because for whatever reason this
over stimulation made her sleep for hours. The next day, I had to
make a pretext to having a little fun with her, but after playfully
tickling her at the kitchen sink she told me to stop it most firmly
as she didn't want another episode so soon after the last one.


I pretended to be hurt by her rejection,
which made her start to tickle me as I sat at the kitchen table. Of
course I returned the compliment and after a while she fell asleep
once more. 'This was it' I thought, as I picked her up and carried
her into the bedroom once more.


As I lay her down I wasted no time in
unbuttoning her blouse and removing it completely, my reasoning
being that if she woke up I was getting her ready for bed. Her
ample breasts pushed her bra out, and as I reached underneath and
unclipped it I saw them wobble and settle into place as they were
freed from the constraints that held them in check. After running a
tongue over both her nipples and seeing them visibly hardening, I
then concentrated on removing her skirt.


Once that was off I only had her panties to
remove, which I did very slowly, until finally she lay on the bed
completely naked. Standing up I looked down the bed admiring her
slim and fit body, and all sorts of lustful thoughts shot through
my head. I then knelt between her legs after opening them slightly,
and pulled her pussy lips apart with both hands before licking her
inner sanctum. She let out a moan of pleasure, and when I looked up
I could see her eyelids moving rapidly knowing full well that she
was in the middle of a beautiful dream. At that point I inserted a
finger and whilst sucking on her immerging clit, I pushed it in as
far as it would go. Her legs opened wider at that point, and her
moans of pleasure became more audible. My cock felt so hard, as I
continued licking, that I freed it from my pants and stroked it
with my right hand. Mom was getting very wet by now and squirming
with the attentions from my tongue.


After a few minutes of this I sat up with my
cock still hard and resting in my hand, I so wanted to push it
inside her but I kept thinking that that would surely wake her up.
Yet the more I looked upon her beautiful body the stronger the
desire built, until finally I positioned myself so that the head of
my cock was touching her pussy lips. At first I just contented
myself with rubbing between them, until I couldn't hold back any


With a little guidance and effort, I pushed
the head of my cock into her wet pussy. With my arms on either side
of her naked body holding me above her, I then slid it in. I
watched her face and caught sight of her eyelids as the eyes below
flicked back and forth rapidly. I wondered what she was dreaming,
and how much she could really feel of this beautiful moment. When
I'd gone as far as I could, I pulled it out slowly and looked down
the bed as I slid it back in. It was a gorgeous sight to watch my
cock disappearing inside her, and to feel the tightness of her cunt
as I reached base once more.


I then moved it in and out faster, making her
moan even louder. I didn't stop until I could feel close to coming,
and then I climbed off and walked around to the head of the bed. I
never intended coming inside her, for that would surely give the
game away. She'd wake up later on and feel something running out of
her, and know full well what had happened. I couldn't allow that,
no matter how much I wanted it.


Standing over her now with my cock almost
touching her face, I slid my hand along its length with the
intention of masturbating over the sight before me. Her nipples
looked extremely erect, and stood out a good half an inch. As I was
pulling on my meat, and looking down on her nakedness I
inadvertently brushed her lips. Suddenly her mouth opened and the
very tip of my cock was sucked upon, making me think that perhaps
she might take it further if encouraged.


I then moved the tip of my cock deliberately
over her mouth, and found her responding by opening her mouth a
little and allowing it in. Suddenly she was sucking it as I fed
more past her lips, and I could virtually fuck her mouth. Her
tongue kept licking the end as I would pull it out, and when she
turned onto her side I was able to get it even deeper. A couple of
times I made her gag, but before long I knew just how much she
could take without choking on it. Within the next few minutes I was
actually fucking her mouth, and before I knew or even wanted to
stop it I was shooting my load into her throat.


She seemed to suck harder at that point,
making my knees feel weak as I shot my last drop. When it was all
over, I pulled the covers over her naked body, and left the


Only now did any guilt hit me, I knew what
I'd done was wrong but it was without doubt the most exciting
experience of my life. Little did I know that what would happen
later on this night would not only equal it, it would blow it


Mom got up an hour later, and came into the
sitting room. She didn't say anything at first; she just crossed
over to the television. She then bent down and placed a tape inside
the VCR, before sitting down in her chair.


"Did you have a good sleep?" I said, wanting
to open up the conversation.


"Yes, it was very revealing," she said,
making me wonder what she meant.


She then took hold of the remote control and
pressed play.


At first I thought she wanted to watch one of
her soaps, one that she had recorded the day before but hadn't
managed to see yet. To my horror however, when the film started I
could see myself carrying her whilst entering her room and laying
her on the bed, before stripping her naked. At that point she froze
the action and looked straight at me.


"You needn't look so shocked son, I've known
since the first or second time that you have been taking advantage
of my condition," she said, smiling.


I wasn't sure how to respond, my guilt was
overpowering me and I felt ashamed of my actions. I couldn't look
her in the eyes, so I bowed my head in shame.


"I set my camera up to start whenever anyone
entered the room, so you tripped it when you lay me on the bed. I
knew something was going on, as I had vague recollections of you
pawing at me whilst I slept. Until now I wasn't sure, so what have
you got to say for yourself," she said, un-pausing the film once
more and allowing it to run.


"I'm sorry mom, I've been obsessed with your
body for some time now, and when this Narcolepsy thing occurred I
just couldn't resist the temptation it offered," I said, feeling
total remorse and not suspecting what would come next.


Mom started to laugh at that moment, and
after raising my head I found her coming over to the couch to sit
next to me.


"This," she said, pointing to the screen, "is
something I've wanted for over two years now, but I've never had
the courage to try anything other than flirt a little with


I didn't know what to say, but I suddenly
felt so happy that it was all out in the open now. I turned my head
to face her, and that's when she kissed me on the lips


"Let's watch the film," she said, cuddling up
to me.

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