Motown Breakdown (Motown Down #4) (50 page)

BOOK: Motown Breakdown (Motown Down #4)
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I shouldn’t have told him.

He isn’t even aware that he’s in the red zone. His anger was palpable and I didn’t want that for him, never wanted him to hurt for me. Struggling with my insecurities is my problem, not his but Shade is a control freak and when things aren’t in his control he tweaks.

He looks so lost right now and it’s my fault

“Shade,” reaching up to touch his face to comfort him, I realized this is the first time I’ve ever seen him with stubble.

“Quiet,” he says grasping for control. Pushing me to my back and pinning me down, his jaw hardens for a moment then in an instant his entire face relaxes. “Thank you for sharing that with me,” he says softly. “I’d kill every last one of them for you if I could, but since that isn’t possible, I promise to replace all the bad memories with good. Starting now.”
I’m on board
, my body was screaming. Taking his time, he kisses me tenderly but our passion quickly spirals out of control becoming a frenzy. Breaking away, he straddles me and cups my breasts running his thumbs over my nipples. “Do you like this Sun?”

“Mhmm,” I moan watching him. “Harder.”

“Like this?”

Arching up, I felt my eyes roll back for a hot second before he leaned in and nipped them both. “Ah,” Feels so good.

“Whose hands are on you?” he asks nibbling on me.

“Yours,” I whimper.

Without warning he spreads my legs apart, diving between my thighs to lick and suck. Fisting his hair, I push him in deeper wanting him to taste all of me. “Whose mouth is about to make you come?”

“Yours,” I cry out. “Oh god…”
So close
… Then his weight settled over me and I felt perfectly safe and protected. Nightmares? What nightmares? With one strong thrust he buries himself and I dig my fingers into his ass to hold on. In, out. In, out. Wearing a look of ferocity and possession, he was the killer I knew him to be and I reveled in it.

“Whose cock owns this pussy?” Hard thrusts, deep thrusts… “Filling it up, stretching it.”

“Yours,” I was floating,
please don’t stop

“Look at me,” he demands and when my eyes snap open my gasp was audible. He wouldn’t stop until he erased every last bad memory. “Who owns

“You do,” I start crying and I can’t help it so I don’t even try. “Just…you.”

“You own me too,” he says pounding into me. The fucking was primal whereas his words were sweet, and that was all it took to send me over.

“I love you,” I cry into his mouth while my entire body seizes in bliss.

“Sun!” with his fingers digging into my skin, I watch rapture take him over and yet he continues to pump, as if he was helpless not to.

“Can’t fucking stop,” he yells going at me even harder. Tackling him to his back, I align myself with him and take over. Up, down. Up down.
It’s my turn to slay his demons now

“You are the fiercest protector a woman could ask for,” I manage while balancing on my feet. Reaching for my tits, I hold them up in offering even squeezing them for him. When he bucks, I bare down even harder. “Keep your eyes open,” I say increasing my pace.

“Sun,” he growls, “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

With wild eyes, I could see he was just as scared as I had been.
But I’ll protect him too
… Coming down to my knees, I cover my body with his but continue raising my ass then dropping it. “You’re my hero,” I whisper leaning in to kiss his beautiful mouth. A mighty roar erupts, then wrapping me in his arms, he comes so forcefully it triggers another within me. As we lie there trying to collect ourselves, he asks me if I wanted kids. The horrified look on my face gave him his answer but I spoke as well.

“No,” I admit. “Do you?”

“No,” he says biting my ear lobe. “I had a vasectomy ten years ago.”

“Okay,” I say clutching him. “That’s out of the way.”

“We should get a dog,” he says tickling my belly.

“Okayyy,” I say slowly.

“Maybe two dogs.”

“Are you serious?”

“Am I ever not serious?”

“True,” I smile. “Two dogs it is.”

“I’ve got material in the works for you, Sun. Plus you need a videographer and I’m the best there is.”

“I don’t want you giving anything up for me, Shade.”

“I’m not giving anything up,” he says adding a third.
That third digit really does the trick
… “I’m your best seller, you said so yourself.”
This is true, he was
… “So our story continues?”

Lining our wrists up, my moon to his sun, I had to agree.

“Shade,” I smile up at him. “Everyone loves a series.”



Like every Sunday since Sun came home, we’ve hosted a family dinner that includes Luna and Crews, Razor and Jess, as well as his son Jeremiah and his mother Barb. Five months ago, Sun and I married legally in a church in front of God with our family in attendance. Neither one of us have attended since but we felt justified sending money in place of going. Sun and I were not holy people.

With Razor’s help, I let my men go, only keeping him on. Razor and I dabbled in the old ways but it was mostly maintaining old business, not recruiting any new. The focus of my business has changed dramatically and I no longer wanted the responsibility that came with having so many answering to me. My focus was my wife and our family. This was the same for Razor who was itching to lock Jess down. Money wasn’t the issue because we had plenty, especially once Sun hit the best seller’s list. And once our story hit, her previous works picked up speed as well.

It didn’t hurt that Luna posted a video of them both in a high speed car chase. Once Crews and I posted bail, Luna took it upon herself to link it everywhere. Within twenty-four hours, Sun’s fan base quadrupled, book sales shot up and requests for interviews, to join a publisher, and even an offer for a movie deal happened. Her fans could now put a face to the name and they did. On top of that, Luna appointed herself Sun’s assistant and decided to handle her marketing. And by marketing, I mean cause chaos with video proof.

Crews reluctantly came to terms with it. Not like he’d had much choice because he knew Luna was safe with Sun just as he knew there was no tearing these women apart. The majority of the time he and I are with them, but in the rare event we aren’t; they could handle themselves. Plus, we usually sent Razor to keep tabs, which worked nicely since he and Luna buried the hatchet.

Sun and I couldn’t settle on one dog let alone two so when Luna announced, “I’m pregnant,” over pasta tonight I realized not having pets yet was a good a thing. Turns out we were becoming an aunt and uncle and we’d be busy at it. With congratulations all around, we toast Luna and Crews who were beaming. When Luna caught my eye and I saw hers were filled with tears I winked and gave her a rare smile. Winking back, she snuggled into Crews who I should mention really needed to wash his God damn hair. “So I have to be responsible for the next seven months,” Luna says subtly pointing at Crews. “But I’m still your assistant, and the second I deliver I am back in the game.”

Biting her lip, Sun gives me a once over and asks, “A position for sidekick just opened up, interested?”

“Any position that involves you I’m interested in,” I say pulling her to me. “I can film and cause mayhem at the same time. Heroes do that kind of thing.”

“At least mine does,” she smiles and I catch her running her finger over her moon like she does hundreds of times a day. And just like we’ve done each Sunday night after a family meal, we took out the Shelby while I watched Sun race the streets from the passenger seat.

It was a clear night and we parked to take a walk on the riverfront when Sun asks me, “When are you going to tell Luna the baby she lost was Crews’?”

“Luna has a big mouth,” I mumble feeling ashamed that I haven’t in fact let her off the hook. On top of that, I didn’t tell Sun about the pregnancy but Luna clearly had.

“She has a right to know, Shade,” she whispers.

“You’re right,” I agree. “She does.”

“And it should come from you, not Crews,” she says linking her fingers with mine.

“Next Sunday at dinner, I’ll tell her.”

“Good,” she says resting her head on my chest. “So I turned the publisher and the movie deal down.”


“Because once I had this reckless idea of giving myself to someone for thirty days for the sake of my best seller.”

“You have your best seller, Sun.”

“I have more than that, Shade,” she says cupping my face. “I have you.”

“You could be famous,” I tease. “Make millions of dollars…”

“Or I could continue to write because I love it and spend your money.”

Kissing her soft lips, I couldn’t help but laugh at her logic. “Luna’s pregnancy could be a romantic comedy.”

“I like the way you think,” she chuckles. “We are so filming the delivery.”

For the next hour, Sun and I plotted Luna’s future for the sake of literature and laughed while we did it. Hand in hand we walked back to the Shelby and when I asked for the keys she slapped my ass before saying, “Not a fucking chance, Shade.”

I loved her. Hell, I worshipped her too. But even I knew not to get between Sun and her Shelby. Watching her sweet ass strut toward the driver’s side, I call out, “Sun?”

But she trips and hits with an oomph before jumping right back up. “I meant to do that,” she says dusting off.

“Remember what you said about good people doing bad things and bad people doing good things?”

“Of course I do,” she huffs. “I’m clumsy not forgetful.”

“If I said I had a lead on something,” I say watching her breath hitch in anticipation. “Another best seller perhaps. Would you say you had a preference as to which side you’d lean?”

Grinning and shaking her head she unlocks the doors and says, “Shut up and get in the car.”

And I did.




K.S. Adkins is a full-time everything. When I'm not wifing, mothering or being bossy, I'm reading, writing or shooting. A full-time realtor, lifelong Michigander and all around lover of all things guns and Detroit, I believe in freedom of foul language, gratuitous nudity, tattoos and mosh pits. I've recently taken up drinking wine and feel like I'm really making progress with it. I think my chances at finding a place within the Romance genre is 50/50, but I suck at numbers so what do I know?

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