Mountain Moonlight (18 page)

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Authors: Jaci Burton

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Pleasure burst along her nerve endings, the puckered hole so sensitive she hadn’t realized she could feel pleasure there.  But Conner’s hot, wet tongue probing the entrance was the most erotic experience she’d ever had.

“Ever put anything in  your ass when you  pleasure yourself, Katya?” he asked.


Mountain Moonlight

“N-No,” she whispered.

“Do you like it when I touch you  there?

“God, yes.”

“Good. I’m going to fuck you in the ass tonight.”

Her belly warmed and quivered, heat settling between her legs and making her  cunt spasm. The proof of her arousal seeped  down her thighs, readying her pussy for  his invasion. As he laved his tongue once  again across her anus, she massaged her  aching clit.

But then he stopped and reached for her hand, moving it away. “That’s my  job,” he said.

“Then do it!” she commanded, surprised  at the harsh tone of her own voice.

“Yes, ma’am.” Conner’s voice was relaxed, teasing her as if he wasn’t affected  at all.

But when she half turned to see his cock  raging hard, the head an angry purple, she knew he wasn’t oblivious to the agonizing pleasure.

“Oh I’m not taking your ass just yet. First,  I want your pussy. I want to feel it squeeze my dick. Bend over, Katya.”

This time he didn’t take long to probe  between her legs and plunge his hot cock inside her.

Wet and ready for him, she cried out when  he embedded his shaft to the hilt. Her cunt squeezed him as he raked along the sensitized nerve endings in her vagina,dragging a whimpered response from her.

“So tight. So  fucking perfectly made for  me.” He leaned over and licked her neck, sweeping her hair to the other side of her shoulder.

When he sank his teeth into the tender  flesh between her neck and shoulder, hisgrowl of possession was very clear. She climaxed, screaming as the painful pleasure ofhis bite mingled with the rush of sensation her orgasm had brought about.

As she rode  the waves of orgasm she felt  his change,  her body responding in kind.

Her blood boiled and she matched his howl  of pleasure with one of her own.

“Stay human,” he said, his voice tight, straining as he continued to pump his cock

with hard thrusts.

She fought the change along with the  overwhelming climax. Her knees nearly buckled as she sailed through the tumultuous  waves of pleasure. Digging her fingersinto the sofa  cushion, she was determined to stay upright and experience more of theseearth-shattering sensations.

When the tremors subsided, Conner began to move inside her, stroking herinflamed sex slowly, deliberately, until passion rose within her again.

Conner had pushed the change aside, his  claws disappearing as he reached around to cup her breasts with human hands. He plucked her nipples, rocking his cock so hardagainst her that his balls slapped her clit, sending sparks shooting to her core.


Jaci Burton

When he removed his shaft from  her cunt, she nearly cried out at the loss offullness. But then his  fingers replaced his  cock, entering her, swiping at her cream and using her fluids to coat her anus.

“You’re so wet when you come,”  he said. “So slick, a perfect lubricant.”

Her cum ran from her ass down her legs as he  positioned the head of his cock at theentrance to her back entrance.

“When I push in, you push back. It’ll make it easier.”

Emotion squeezed her chest, tightening it and making her soar with the need to please him.

“Push out, Katya. Now.”

She did, and he slid past the tight muscle.  She winced at the stinging pain and he  stilled.

“Relax, let your body adjust.”

He cupped her breasts again, lightly petting the nipples and kissing her neck  and shoulders until the pain subsided. She shuddered at the incredible pleasure that  replaced it.

She pushed back and more of his shaft slid inside.

“Fuck!” he cried, shoving in deeper until he was fully sheathed inside her anus.

The pain had gone, replaced by intense  waves unlike anything she’d ever known.  Each time with Conner was a new experience  in arousal. He filled her, this thick cock  stroking the sensitive nerve endings of her  anus while her pussy spasmed in  response  to the pleasure.

She’d waited her entire life for someone like  him. She’d waited to give her virginity

for a reason.

She’d been waiting for him.

“Touch yourself for me, Katya. Make yourself come.”

She reached for her clit, sliding her fingers between the folds of her  sex and caressing the erect bud. Conner continued to  stroke slowly while  she built her arousalto near bursting with her own hand.

“Harder,” she moaned, sliding two fingers inside her wet cunt. She felt him there, the thin membrane separating her pussy from  her ass allowing her to feel  his thrusts within her.  Her thumb found her clit and she fucked her own pussy, timing her strokes to coincide with his.

“I feel your fingers inside your cunt, baby. God, that’s hot. Come for me, Katya. I  want you to squeeze the juice right out of me.”

She could tell he was close, and then she  was lost in the feelings he evoked. Her  strumming thumb drew the first sparks of orgasm, her driving fingers adding to the building tension. When Conner reared back and tunneled deeper and faster, she  toppled over the edge, screaming his name  as her pussy contracted and flooded her


Mountain Moonlight

fingers with creamy cum. Spasms quaked in  her ass, tightening around Conner’s shaft,  squeezing him.

Conner growled and  came hard, shuddering  against her as he filled her with hot  spurts of fluid.

She collapsed over the top of the sofa, desperately trying to breathe, her legs no longer able to hold her up.

Conner withdrew slowly, swooped her into his arms and carried her upstairs,  depositing her in the shower with him.

He soaped her all over, carefully washing between her legs.

Now that it was over the silence returned. Awkwardness settled between them. It

was almost  as if she balanced on a precipice, torn between craving him and hating him.

Which way would she topple?

“Sore?” he asked, soaping her buttocks and thighs.

“A little.” But she didn’t care. It had been glorious, a little bit naughty and more sensual than any act she’d ever dreamed of. The intimacies she’d shared with Conner  amazed her, and yet seemed as natural as breathing. She was going to have a difficult  time keeping her heart out of this  relationship.

Despite the way they’d  come together and how he treated her outside the bedroom,  there was a loneliness,  a vulnerability in him  that called to her heart.

As they lay in bed and he kissed her deeply before pulling her  against him, she  feared it was already too late.

She was in love with Conner.


Jaci Burton

Chapter Ten

Conner stared down at a sleeping Katya, his  heart clenching with a need to protect


She lay on  her stomach, the blanket covering her legs and buttocks but baring herperfectly shaped back to the early morning sun.

Just past dawn, the pale light cast a golden glow directly onto his woman.

His woman. His mate. The woman he—

The woman he what? Loved?

A cold dread replaced the warmth  that had settled over him.

Here he was, mooning over a woman like she was the beginning and end of his


What a crock.

Just because he’d mated with her didn’t  mean he had to love  her. Mates were

chosen based on urges, a primal recognition of best match.

It didn’t mean love.

Hell, what would he do with a woman he loved? He already acted like half an idiot around her anyway. He’d allowed himself to get too close too fast, and let others tell him how he should treat her. She probably  thought all she had to do was bitch about something he’d said or done and he’d lie down and beg forgiveness.

Weakness wasn’t in his biological makeup.  He’d never surrendered to a living soulbefore Katya.

She’d have him eating  out of her hand before long. And that he couldn’t allow. The alpha of the pack apologized to no one,  accepted nothing less than  blind loyalty.

What would her people think if they saw the way he behaved yesterday?

He’d waffled. Goddamit, he’d bent backward to let her have her way.

That wasn’t going to happen again. He  had things to  do, and with or  without her

he’d see them done. If she didn’t like the way he went about it, then  tough shit.

She’d just have to learn to accept the fact that he made all the decisions now.

Today’s agenda was a big one. He planned to march into the land and game ministry’s office and demand better protection for the Carpathian wolves.

To think he’d actually thought about discussing the situation with Katya.

He was pussy-whipped, all right.

But not for long. He stepped into the bathroom and dressed quickly, then tiptoedout of the room so he wouldn’t wake her.


Mountain Moonlight

With a new determination in mind, he  went in search of Noah, finding him and  Elena sharing coffee in the kitchen.

He turned and grinned. “Have a good evening?”

That question didn’t deserve an answer. “We’re going to the ministry thismorning.”

Noah looked to Elena, then back  at Conner. “Taking Katya with you?”

“Nope.” He downed the hot brew in two  gulps, then poured  himself another.  Christ they made strong coffee  here. “I’m taking you with me.”

When Noah didn’t answer, Conner asked, “You got a problem with that?”

Noah shrugged and set down his cup. “I don’t have a  problem with anything. I’llgo get ready.”

But as he walked past, Noah shook his  head and clapped him  on the shoulder.  “You’re the one who’s going to have a problem,  bro. From the frying pan into the fire,as Mom always says.”

Just once, Conner would love to knock  that  smirk right  off Noah’s  face.

* * * * *

“Gone? What do you mean he’s gone?”

Elena winced at the rising tone of Katya’s voice. “He  left with Noah. Something about going to the ministry this morning.”

He’d done it to her again. Unbelievable. Had she dreamed last night? His apology,the way he’d said he would involve her in everything from now on?

She must have, because this morning he was back to the way he’d been yesterday.  Doing things on his own, without once seeking her counsel.

“Fucking asshole dog. I hope he slips in shit and has to eat it. I hope his dick rotsand falls off from disease.”

Elena winced. “I’m sorry, cousin. I thought things would improve.”

“Yes, well, we were both wrong,  then.” Unable to face the people  milling about thecastle, she headed up to her room, content to  pace in front of the window by herself, plotting ways to do away with Conner.

No that she could, or even would, but  visualizing his gruesome demise made her feel somewhat better. And she did need  an outlet for her profound anger.

Better mental than  physical. She might not be his match, strength-wise, but she could do some serious damage to his nearly perfect body before  he could take her down.


Jaci Burton

She’d just about mentally bled him to death when she saw him and Noah approach through the gates. Determined not to seek  him out, she waited, fuming and pacing. Itdidn’t take him long to  open the bedroom  door, slamming it hard  behind him.

She refused to turn around and look at him, instead focusing on  the mocking bright

sunlight of the beautiful day.

But as soon as he started spouting off  his pompous, arrogant statements about how he was in charge of things, she was going to kick his ass.

“Your government is  run by the most provincial, backward, unyielding sons of  bitches I’ve ever had the displeasure to meet.”

Tell her something she didn’t know. Oh, wait, if he’d bothered to consult her, she  would have told him that. So he  wasted his time this morning.

Good. She didn’t even try to hide her smirk, but she refused to speak to him.

“I went to talk to them about the laws, about beefing up protection for the wolves in  the Carpathians. I quoted statistics, realties versus fallacies, every bit of logical,  documented information I had. You know what they said?”



She turned then. “I said yes. I know what  they said. They said  they were sorry, but the laws would remain as they always had.  After all, one does not change something asimportant as environment and ecology overnight. These things take time. Study. More facts are needed before they can proceed  with more security for the Carpathianwolves.”

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