Mountain of Black Glass (26 page)

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Authors: Tad Williams

BOOK: Mountain of Black Glass
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“But it was afterward that we found out the whole truth. Pastor Winsallen asked Terence and me if we would stay and talk after the rest of the congregation went home, so of course we stayed. We were thinking he would ask us to put this little man up at our place, and I was in a fret because I had all my mother's things still packed in boxes in the guest room and it hadn't been aired out or anything. I suppose I was also a little worried because I'd never had a foreign person in my house and I didn't know what kind of food he'd eat or anything. But that wasn't what the pastor wanted at all.”
Mrs. Simpkins paused, considering. For a moment she almost smiled, a twist of the mouth that might have been embarrassment. “That was the strangest night of my life, I can tell you. See, turned out that not only was this Mr. Al-Sayyid's group a lot bigger and more . . . unusual than he'd let on before, but Pastor Winsallen knew some of them from his days at the university and was looking to help them out. But that wasn't what was strange, no, not by a long yard. Mr. Al-Sayyid began telling his story, and I swear it sounded like something out of the worst kinds of science-fiction nonsense. It got dark outside, he talked so long, and I thought I was in some kind of dream, the things he said were so unbelievable. But there was Pastor Winsallen—Andy Winsallen, who I've known since he came in to have his broken leg fixed when he was thirteen—just nodding his head at all of it. He'd heard it before and he believed it, you could tell.
“You know some of what Mr. Al-Sayyid said to us, because it was said to you, too—these Grail people, and all the harm being done to innocent children—but there was more. Mr. Al-Sayyid told us that his Circle group, which was made up of people from all kinds of faiths working together, thought that the Grail folk were using children somehow to make their immortality-machines work, and that they would have to keep using more and more of them, because even though the project had only gone on for a few years, some of the children had died already, and these people planned on living forever and ever.”
“Does that mean that Sellars was one of those guys, Orlando?” Fredericks asked suddenly. “One of these Circle of Fellowship or whatever they're called?”
Orlando could only shrug.
“I never heard of your Sellars before now, if that means anything,” Mrs. Simpkins said. “But what was even stranger still, Mr. Al-Sayyid told us that night, was that one of the people in the Circle—the real group doesn't have any “Fellowship” in its name, that was just one of their charities—was a Russian fellow, a scientist, I guess, and he had told the other Circle folk that he thought these Grail Brotherhood people . . . that they were drilling a hole in God.”
Orlando waited a moment to make sure he'd heard correctly. He glanced over at Fredericks, who looked as though he'd just been struck on the head with a good-sized rock. “Drilling a hole in . . . ? What kind of scanbark is
? I mean, no offense, but . . .”
Bonita Mae Simpkins laughed, a quick slap of sound. “That's what
said, boy! Not quite those words, but that's pretty much exactly what I said! I was surprised Pastor Winsallen didn't call it blasphemy, but he just sat there looking serious. I don't know what that young man got up to while he was away at college, but it wasn't like any preacher-teaching
ever heard of.” She laughed again. “Mr. Al-Sayyid tried to explain it to us. He had such a nice smile! He said that even with all the differences between our faiths—he and his Coptic friends, we Revelation Baptists, the Buddhists and Moslems and whatnot, all the other kinds of religions they had in their Circle group—there was one thing we all had in common. He said we all believed that we could get in the right state of mind, I guess, and touch God. I'm probably saying it wrong, because he was a very good speaker and I'm not, but that's more or less the size of it. We reach out for God, or the infinite, or whatever people want to call it. Well, he said, some of the people in the Circle had been feeling that something was . . . wrong. When they prayed, or meditated, or whatever it was they all did, they could feel something was different in the . . . in the place they went to, or the feeling that they got. In the Holy Spirit, we Revelation folk would say. Like if you walk into a room you know real well, you can feel sometimes if someone else's been in it?”
Orlando shook his head. “I don't think I'm getting any of this. My head hurts. Not from what you're saying,” he hastened to explain. “Just because I'm sick.”
The woman's smile was almost gentle this time. “Of course you are, boy. And I'm just talking and talking. There's really not much more to explain about that, anyway, because I don't truly understand what they're saying myself. But you get some sleep now, and we'll think about where we're going to go tomorrow.”
“Where we're going to go?”
“I told you, this is a war zone. Those miserable creatures, Tefy and Mewat—the ones who work for Osiris—are pretty busy putting down this uprising. But after they do, I can promise you they're gonna be going house to house, rounding up whoever they want to call sympathizers, scaring everyone as bad as they can so it doesn't happen again. And you boys stick out like two real sore thumbs. Now get some sleep.”
Orlando slept, but it was not very restful. He found himself floating in a black sea of troubled, feverish dreams which washed across him in waves, as though he were once again trapped in the temple. Images of various childhoods, none of them his own, followed one after the other, interspersed with cryptic visions of the black pyramid, a vast and silent observer looming over everything.
Oddest of all, though, were dreams that were not of children or pyramids, but of things he could not remember seeing when either awake or dreaming—a castle surrounded by clouds, a jungle full of heavy, flowered branches, the shrieking of a bird. He even dreamed of Ma'at, the goddess of Justice, but not as she had appeared to him before, with feather and Egyptian garb: the dream-version was something kept in a cage, a winged creature that seemed more bird than human, with only feathers to cover her nakedness. The only thing the same was sadness, the deep, mourning look in her eyes.
He woke to flat morning light on the white walls. His head still hurt, but it felt a little clearer than the night before. The dreams had not completely left him: for the first moments of consciousness he was both in a bed in Egypt and pitching and rocking on rough seas. When he groaned and swung his legs off the pallet, he almost expected to feel cold water.
Bonita Mae Simpkins poked her small, black-haired head around the doorframe. “Are you sure you're ready to be up and around, boy? Do you want a pot?”
A first attempt had convinced him he was not yet ready to sit up. “A what?”
“A pot. You know, to do your business in.”
Orlando shuddered. “No, thanks!” He considered for a moment. “We don't need to do that here, anyway.”
“Well, some folks prefer to do things the normal way when they're having a long stay in VR, even if it doesn't make any real difference.” She had put down whatever she had been doing, and now walked into the room. “Mr. Jehani—he was one of the other fellows—said it was easier on the mind if you just pretended you were still in the real world, and kept drinking, and eating, and even . . .”
“I get it,” said Orlando hurriedly. “Where's Fredericks?”
“Sleeping. He sat up half the night with you. You made a powerful fuss.” She flattened her hand on his forehead, then straightened. “You were talking about Ma'at in your sleep. The goddess with the feather.”
Orlando's decision to ask Mrs. Simpkins what she made of his dreams was interrupted by a cloud of small yellow flying things that whirled in through the doorway and settled on his arms and legs and on various other surfaces in the sparsely-decorated room.
“Awake! 'Landogarner awake!” Zunni cried happily, and rose from his knee to turn a little somersault in the air. “Now we set off big fun-bomb!”
shouted another monkey and pretended to explode, flinging itself into some of its companions and setting off a wrestling match that rolled down Orlando's stomach, tickling horribly.
“You get off him, you creatures,” said Mrs. Simpkins irritably. “The boy is sick. Just because this is ancient Egypt doesn't mean they don't have brooms, and if you don't want me to take one to the whole lot of you, you'll go perch on that chair and mind your manners.”
Watching the Wicked Tribe immediately do as they were told was one of the most astonishing things Orlando had ever seen. His fearful respect for the little round woman went up another notch.
Fredericks came in, rubbing puffy-lidded eyes as he delivered his news. “There's a bunch of people shouting outside.”
“Freddicks!” called the monkeys. “Pith-pith the mighty thief! Play with us!”
“There is indeed,” said Mrs. Simpkins. “If Orlando feels strong enough, we're going up to have a look.”
After getting slowly to his feet, Orlando was pleased to discover he felt reasonably able. He followed her out into the hallway with Fredericks and the monkeys close behind. The house was bigger than Orlando had guessed—the hallway alone stretched almost fifteen meters—and the beautiful wall paintings of flowers and trees and a marsh full of ducks suggested it must belong to someone important.
“Yes, it does,” his guide said when he asked. “Or it did. To Mr. Al-Sayyid, who was an undersecretary in the palace—a royal scribe.”
“I don't understand.”
“Because I never finished explaining. All in due time.”
She led them down the hall, through a set of family apartments, and finally to an airy, pillared room which seemed to have been the master bedroom, but showed no signs of recent habitation. A door off this room opened into a pretty walled garden with trellises of flowers and a pond; Orlando was quite surprised at how much like a modern garden it seemed. They did not linger, but followed Mrs. Simpkins as she stumped up a series of ramps that led to the roof, which was flat and surfaced with dried mud spread like plaster. An awning had been erected at one end, and cushions and stools and a neat small table made of painted wood arranged in its shade showed that this was probably a favorite spot on warm days.
Orlando noted these details in passing, but was more immediately arrested by the sight of the city itself spreading away on all sides. Beyond the gardens and walls of the villa—which was even larger than he had suspected—lay other, similar properties, surrounded by a broad belt of smaller houses on narrower streets, extending outward right to the river's edge. Even from so far away he could see naked people clambering in the mud along the riverbanks, perhaps making bricks to build other villas. Although hundreds of boats and ships still plied its waters, the Nile was clearly at very low ebb and the mud flats were wide.
But the most interesting views were in the direction away from the river. In the extreme western distance, set neatly atop the spine of the mountains that ran parallel to the broad Nile, was what appeared to be a beautiful city of temples and palaces, so starkly white that it shimmered like a mirage even in the mild morning sunlight.
“Abydos,” said Mrs. Simpkins. “But not like in the real Egypt. That's the home of Osiris.
as close to an ‘actual, factual devil' as I hope any of us are likely to see.”
Closer, clinging to the foothills like barnacles on the upturned hull of a boat, were many more temples in many different styles; between the temple hills and Orlando's balcony viewpoint lay more of the city and its houses, box after box of pale mud brick like an overambitious display of rectangular crockery.
The mild afternoon breeze changed direction and a roar of voices suddenly drifted to the rooftop, the more impressive because it came from such a distance. A vast crowd of people were gathered around a particular building on the outskirts of the temple hills, a huge pyramidal shape made of piled slabs; it looked older than almost any of the structures with which it shared the hilltops. Orlando could not make out the reason they were surrounding the building, or even how many people there were, but it was not a quiet or peaceful crowd; he could see it surge and then fall back in waves, as though something held it loosely bound.
“What's going on?” Fredericks asked. “Is it something to do with all the trouble in the streets when we got here?”
“It is,” Mrs. Simpkins agreed, then shouted so suddenly that Orlando and Fredericks both jumped, “You monkeys, get back on this roof!” The yellow miscreants fluttered back to the shadow of the awning, protesting. “That's the temple of Ra there in the middle of that crowd,” she explained, ignoring the Tribe, “—see, that thing that looks like two sets of stairs pushed together? Your friend is in there.”
“Our friend?” Orlando couldn't make sense of any of it. The light bouncing from the numberless rooftops of the mud brick city was making his headache worse.
“You mean the wolf-head guy?” asked Fredericks. “Upsy-Daisy, or whatever his name is?”
“Upaut, yes,” said Mrs. Simpkins a little sourly. She didn't like jokes much, except for her own. “His rebellion hasn't worked out, but he's taken sanctuary in Ra's temple. Tefy and Mewat can't defile the temple of such an important god by just snatching him out of there—certainly not without their master's permission, and Osiris isn't back yet. But just in case, a lot of the working people and some of the lesser gods who are on Upaut's side have joined up into sort of a human wall to keep the soldiers away from the temple. So it's a standoff, for now.”

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