Read Move Me Online

Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #romance erotic romance paranormal romance faeries fae hidden series erotica

Move Me (16 page)

BOOK: Move Me
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“Have I mentioned I like women who know what
they want?” he said.

She laughed, suspecting what most would want
was anything at all from him. “This must be your lucky day then,”
she said aloud.

Straddling him, she pulled off her coat, then
unbuttoned and removed his shirt. This was a lovely garment in navy
silk. Seeing it made her realize she’d only ever seen him dressed
as John Feeney. Though casual, his jeans fit like they’d been
tailored, and the denim was butter soft. She wondered if being a
faerie prince meant he could afford bespoke clothes, then decided
she didn’t care. He was here, and her hands were on him. That was
what mattered.

Rubbing her hands up his jean-clad thighs,
feeling how firm those long muscles were, was the simplest of
dreams come true. His cock stirred where the cloth lay open. Duvall
had known better than to re-zip; his needs were as difficult to
exhaust as hers. For a moment, Belle admired the way his seed shone
on the stiffening organ.

Clearly Duvall was recovering his aplomb. He
stacked his hands behind his head, deliberately drawing her
attention to his finely honed torso. She noticed the scar he’d once
had was gone. Though she missed it a little, Belle didn’t think
she’d ever seen a male animal so gorgeous.

“Are you going to ogle me all night?” he

His eyes had taken on the gleam she knew was
part of his faerie nature, little fires smoldering in the depths of
his pupils. She combed her fingers up the sheer dark hair on his
chest, like ruffling a cat backwards. His skin was warm and lay
close to his muscles, his nipples tightened to red points. She
relished knowing he was excited too - possibly more than he was
letting on.

“I had more than ogling in mind,” she said,
reversing her stroke and circling his navel. “But perhaps I should
let you choose. Do you have a special request?”

He licked his lips. “Anything is good. I
missed everything about you.”

This was nice, but men didn’t mean
when they licked their lips like that. He confirmed
her theory by tightening his glutes, which lifted his pelvis a
suggestive bit. His legs were too long to fit the width of the car.
To compensate, his left foot was on the seat and his right planted
on the floor. This gave his thighs the perfect spread for her

“Scoot closer to the door,” she said, waving
him back toward it.

He wedged his shoulders into the space she
indicated, his eyes never leaving her. She was sure his gaze
remained on her as she bent to him. He’d guessed where this was
headed, and he was going to watch. His cock was almost as hard as
it got when she sucked it into her mouth.

Pulling her lips snugly to the rim and
flicking finished the job nicely.

“Belle,” he sighed, the sound as sweet as the
feel of his steely rod.

She pushed halfway down and drew up again.
“You taste like Christmas,” she said.

He cupped her cheek tenderly. “Do you
to do this for me, sweetheart? I can’t help enjoying
everything better if you enjoy it too.”

She’d noticed her arousal gave him a charge,
but he seemed to mean this literally. “Really? You can’t help

“Human desire is a kind of drug for the fae.
Because I love you, yours is almost impossible for me to

“Wow.” She swallowed, her spine gone hot.
That was a trait with possibilities. “I guess I don’t mind
admitting one taste of you makes me not want to stop.”

His eyes seemed to shoot real fire at

“Don’t stop then, please,” he said

She didn’t stop after that. She went down on
his silken cock until his big body trembled and his hands forked
into her hair. His breath came in shaky gasps she wanted to
memorize. Her own body burned, but she loved playing with him this

His enjoyment was her drug too.

His balls drew up for her gentle squeezes,
warm and tight in her palms. She slid her hands up his torso to
pinch his contracted nipples, and he writhed wonderfully for her.
His scent rose as he began to sweat, making her head spin and her
pussy ache with desire. She wanted him in her, but even more she
wanted him to know he was loved.

With a hum of unadulterated pleasure, she
ducked down farther to lap his testicles, pushing them closer to
his body with the flat of her tongue. Though he widened his sprawl
to give her more access, he also groaned like this was too much.
Belle moved the wet firm drag to his underridge, increasing the
pressure as she licked across the sweet spot beneath his flare.

That bundle of erotic nerves was worth
spending more than one minute on.

When he let out what sounded suspiciously
like a whimper, she sucked him into her mouth again.

He must have missed her surrounding him.
“Belle,” he gasped, his thigh muscles bunching with pleasure and
tension. “

Despite his obvious excitement, he didn’t ask
her to stop. She had a feeling he didn’t want to come in her mouth,
but he seemed determined to savor every second of her gift short of
that. Appreciating that and wanting to give him all she could, she
held him still on her tongue. She didn’t bob up and down, but kept
her lips closed around him, her cheeks pulling and releasing soft
and wet on his shaft.

Apparently, this was a nice sensation.

“Belle,” he said, rough with wonder as he
alternately squirmed and fought to stay motionless. The idea that
she was the first to do this to him was heady. The taste of spice
increased in her mouth, his faerie pre-cum leaking more quickly
from his slit. “

His hands fisted in her hair, his hips
jerking up - involuntarily, she thought. She guessed she’d finally
reached his limit. She eased up him, gently, dropping one last kiss
to his quivering tip. To her surprise, when she sat back, a cloud
of dancing rainbow sparkles filled the interior of the car.

Duvall smiled as her eyes widened at the

“So,” he said huskily, “now you know what
happens when you arouse a faerie past the point of reining in his

“It’s pretty,” she marveled.

“Not as pretty as you,” he returned.

She wrinkled her nose, and he shook his head.
Faeries couldn’t lie, she remembered. Perhaps she had to believe
that, to him, she was attractive. Still smiling, he slid his hands
around her snow-dampened hair, down her back, and onto her butt. It
wasn’t much of a journey from gliding over the short silk dress to
sliding under it. Belle shivered as his beautiful fingers probed

“Now we make love,” he said.

He didn’t seem to mean right away. He hitched
her closer to his front, continuing to play his touch over her
drenched labia. His longest finger brushed her clitoris, tracing
its swollen shape so gently her spine shivered.

“Need an intermission to recover your
self-control?” Belle had meant to sound teasing; he
faerie with an extra sexual gift or two, after all. Despite her
intent, the question came out breathless.

“Maybe,” he admitted, his mouth slanting

Without warning, a spark shot from his finger
and up her clit. Belle shrieked, jumped, and Duvall burst out

“Sorry,” he said, not looking it at all.
“Couldn’t resist. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

The shock had been a teeny lightning bolt
blazing up her nerves. It had left her more aroused than before -
no accident, she was sure. “You know you didn’t,” she told him

He moved his hands onto seemingly safer
ground, smoothing behind her thighs. “I like your boots,” he
observed. “Do you suppose I could peel off this dress? I’d like it
if you weren’t wearing anything but them.”

“If I agree, will you get on with it?”

He laughed, low and male. “I expect I will,”
he said.

Two tall people in a compact four-door didn’t
make undressing easy, but with her cooperation, Duvall stripped off
the dress without ripping it. Belle wasn’t a hundred percent
comfortable being this bare a stone’s throw from a public road.
Duvall drove that from her mind the second he slid his palms up her
front. He covered her slight breasts completely, the kneading of
his fingers causing her to wriggle with pleasure. He hadn’t
forgotten how sensitive she was there.

“That’s better,” he said, a deliberate
noblesse oblige in his tone. “You could take me now, if you

She did like, enough let him off the hook for
teasing her.

She positioned him with a pleasure she didn’t
try to hide, sinking slowly onto that hot thickness. She was so wet
and relaxed her body gave way for him like a dream.

The charm of that definitely hadn’t worn

“Mmm,” he said, nuzzling up the side of her
neck. “Belle, you’re my paradise.”

He was hers. Too lost in pleasure and need to
speak, she tried to prove it with her body. He helped her ride him,
his hands steadying her hips. His fingers stretched onto her bottom
like he couldn’t bear not to caress it. The most delicious tension
built between them. They’d shared releases already, but both of
them wanted more. In an endearing show of vulnerability, especially
considering his nature, his teeth caught his lower lip. Like her,
he thought what was between them was almost too good to stand.

Belle licked the lip he was biting. Duvall
pulled her closer yet, their naked fronts rubbing together as they
rocked up and down. He kissed her - once, deeply - then had to
break off to breathe. His head arched back, his arm muscles
tightening. The tiniest tremor started in his thighs.

His cock went very,
hard inside

“I want to keep you,” she whispered, unable
to restrain the words. “I know maybe I can’t, but if I could, I

His eyes had been closed, their lids tensed
by exquisite sensations. They opened at her confession. His pupils
were huge, his expression glazed with desire.

“Marry me, Belle,” he said.

She missed her stroke. Duvall slid his hands
to her waist and rubbed.

“Marry me,” he said again.

“If you say it three times, will I have to?”
she blurted.

He smiled and - oh - his dark eyes said he
knew her right to the core: her weaknesses, her strengths, the
quirks that would have bugged the heck out of other men. “I
promised your brother I wouldn’t magick you.”

“Then yes,” she said. “I’d be happy to marry

His gorgeous face split into a brilliant
grin. “Good,” he said, his hips pushing with sudden breath-stealing
assertiveness into her. “We’ll settle all the details once I’ve
made you come again.”

The idea of details gave her pause. Had she
just promised something she shouldn’t have? Duvall had no trouble
reading her expression.

“Uh-uh,” he warned, his hips shocking hard
into her again. It couldn’t be chance that his smooth round glans
pummeled her sweet spot. “No second thoughts, Miss Hobart. You are
going to let me make you happy.”

She guessed she was. She sucked air in
sharply as his killingly accurate strokes quickened.

“Oh God,” she gasped.

She couldn’t go fast enough to keep up with
him. His talk of
her come might sound arrogant, but
he easily demonstrated that it was not. His arms clamped around
her, moving her, controlling her with a show of strength he must
have known would drive her crazy. Kinks she couldn’t switch off
flipped to the stuck-in-“on” position. She grew wetter, wilder, a
tornado in his arms.

“Shit,” he breathed, but not like he

He slammed his cock into her, driving her
right to the edge of climax. He hadn’t lied about her desires
heightening his. Everything she felt - which was
was affecting him. He was harder, thicker, each pump into her more
desperate. He grunted with his efforts to give her more, his
beautiful face distorting as he tried to hold on through it. Her
orgasm shimmered, built. She pulled tighter on his erection,
drawing a gasp from him.

Her sheath fisted hard as her nerves finally
went haywire. She had just enough self-possession to rub the
special spot on his shoulder blades where his wings would have

“Augh,” Duvall cried, jamming his cock as
deeply as it would go. “

Her name rose into a scream. Heat flooded out
from him into her - not just from his cock, but all his energy
searing her. Belle rolled into another tidal wave climax, her body
shuddering with it. Sharp little pleasure shocks ricocheted through
her sex, as if his come were charged with electricity.

Duvall must have felt the effect as well. He
twitched and groaned, his cock jerking wildly within her, seemingly
beyond his control.

“Jeez,” he sighed, settling at last beneath

Belle grinned smugly. Her cheek rested on his
shoulder, which was the perfect support for it. Faerie or not, he
was sweating like a horse.

She was never going to forget that she’d made
him scream.

“I guess that doesn’t happen all the time,”
she mumbled into his neck. “Even to faeries.”

Duvall snorted, his hand sliding warmly but
also somewhat tiredly around her rear. “If you’re fishing for
compliments, my beloved, I’ll happily give you all you want.”


Leaving the car right away wasn’t an option.
They were too disheveled and sweaty to expose themselves to Belle’s
company. Well, Belle was. Duvall didn’t seem self-conscious about
that sort of thing.

He’d pulled her against him, arms loosely
wrapping her body as her back rested on his front. Belle’s skin
still vibrated with her quickened pulse, but she felt peaceful. She
rubbed his forearms, then dragged her coat from where it hung over
the front seat and used it to cover them. If her guests happened to
drive back this way, she wasn’t going to be caught in her birthday

BOOK: Move Me
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