Moving a Little Heart (12 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Moving a Little Heart
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"Like hell she doesn't," Hayden said and laughed. "Give her to me."

"No. Mine."

"Share, bro."

"Please don't, Daddy Jake," Baylor said. "Daddy Hayden wants to spank me."

"Damn right I do. You forget what your little angel just did to us."

"No, I didn't. I am just grabbing the prime time while I can. Okay, enough cuddling. Time for a naughty girl spanking," Jake said.


"Yes." He turned her across his lap and yanked her shorts back down to her thighs. "Pouring water on Daddy is not a nice thing to do."

"I'm sorry?"

"You should be. And that was a question, not an apology. Why are you laughing?"

"Ow! No pinching."

"This bottom belongs to me, and I can pinch it as much as I want," Jake retorted.

"That bottom belongs to all of us." Matt laughed, smacking Baylor's rump sharply as he walked by. "You guys do need to have a baby day with her. Show her what a bottom really is good for."

"Other than Hayden's preference?" Terry teased.

"This is humiliating," Baylor groaned. "Does everyone know everything we do?"

"We didn't until you just admitted it."

"Ow! Jake!"

"That was Matt." Jake laughed. "It seems that you're bringing out the spanker in him. Here, buddy, go for it."

"Stop handing me off to people! Hey!"

"Hmm," Matt said, bouncing Baylor on his knee. "It's been a long time since I've had the chance to spank a girl's bottom. They are so much more 'bubbly' than a man's, aren't they, T-Bear?"

Terry squeezed Matt's shoulders, watching the proceedings from over his head. "Much more. They are softer, and jiggle so nicely, too. Give it a go. You'll like this one."

"Owie!" Baylor squawked. "Ow! Hey! OW!"

"This is fun!" Matt said, smacking the wiggling cheeks. "I bet she reddens nicely under a paddle."

"No! OWW!"

"My turn," Hayden demanded.

"I haven't gotten mine yet," Jake argued.

"You gave yours up. I'll bet she would love a taste of your belt, though."

"Fuck, no!"

"Pardon?" Jake asked.

"I'm sorry. Please, not your belt," she pleaded.

"Let her up, Matt. Baylor, we were just messing around. We've never had the chance to play 'pass the bottom' with anyone," Jake explained. He touched her lips with his index finger. "No more swearing, though. Use your safe word."


"Yes, seriously."

"That's her safe word, you dimwit," Hayden said.

"The only time that word won't work is if you are being punished. If you do use it, we will assume you are having a melt down and we'll stop to talk to you about it," Jake said.

"I really thought you were going to hit me with that belt."

"Oh, I was. But," Jake kissed her forehead, "you need to learn to trust that we won't play harder than you can take. In fact, bend over and touch your knees."


"Do it. No, leave your shorts down and keep your eyes straight ahead."

Baylor's heart pounded as she heard him remove his belt from his pants. The jingling of the buckle in his hand seemed to echo off the mountains and bombard her. It was so loud!

"Please, don't," she begged, as she felt him line up the leather against her flesh. The belt snapped against her skin, startling her.

"Well?" he said.

"That didn't hurt," she said with surprise. A second and then a third lash fell, and Baylor found herself arching her bottom to receive more.

"I'm taking it a little harder," Jake advised, snapping the belt across her cheeks a fourth time.

"Eek!" Baylor yipped.

Jake slowly rubbed the stinging area, drew his arm back, and released another stroke.

"Ohhh…" came the moan.

"Are you liking this?" he asked, running his hand along her warm mounds.

"Yeah. Except," she turned to whisper, "It's making me horny."

"That's my girl! Now stay in place. Don't reach behind or step away. I'm going to give you one more stroke, a real one, and then we will go down to the springs."

She gritted her teeth, preparing for the bite of the leather to sear her rump.

True to his word, Jake delivered a 'real' stroke and Baylor responded by bending her knees and hissing. His hand pressed the welt into her muscle and rubbed deeply, casually brushing between her legs. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "You're wet. Another?"

Baylor inhaled sharply and nodded, resuming the same position. A second, scorching lash was painted across her shivering cheeks. The excruciating bite traveled deeply into her buttocks, bringing tears to the corners of her eyes. But then his hand, once again, pressed the stripe firmly into her flesh and waited.

"Another?" he asked with surprise as she stood back up and bent over again.


"It might bruise you if I go harder, Baylor. This last one was the same as I gave you last week when I punished you," he warned.

"Do it," she said, oblivious to the fascinated onlookers.

"Her endorphins have hit," Terry said. "You'll knock her out of the zone if you go much further."

"It's up to her. Bay? One more?"


Jake sighed and took aim. The sound of the crack against her flesh reverberated around them.

Baylor arched her back to the pain before sinking to the rocky floor. Tears rolled silently down her cheeks as the burn sizzled and throbbed. She felt arms wrapping around her body and lift her from the ground. A hand pushed her head against his chest. She inhaled deeply. It was Hayden who was carrying her.

"Where are we going?" she whispered into his throat.

"To the spring, baby. It's really close. Shhh, shut your eyes and float a bit."

"Mmm…" Baylor hummed. "What's going on?"

"You drifted into subspace. Your endorphins went crazy and took you to a place of bliss. Hang on, we're going downhill."

She rested her forehead against Hayden's chin with such trust and innocence that it surprised even her. He stepped into the rocks surrounding the spring and slowly sat down, holding her tightly to his body.

"I'll get in and you can hand her to me," she heard Jake say. Some splashing of water, accompanied by a few choice words regarding the temperature, was heard—along with an apology for those same words. A pair of hands slipped under her body and lifted her away from Hayden.

Between the blazing sun and the heat of Hayden's body next to hers, Baylor had been growing quite uncomfortable.

Jake dipped her bare feet into the icy water and gave her time to adjust to the temperature. Little by little, he lowered her in until the water touched her stomach, making her jump.

"That's freezing!" she proclaimed, rocketing up to reach a high point on Jake's body.

"You're choking me. It's not bad. Jump in and start moving around," he said.

"Take me out of here. You're used to it because you swim every day. I'm not. I don't like the cold water."

"And yet, you thought it was funny to dump ice water on me? Seems like payback is in order."

"No!" Baylor protested as Jake took a deep breath and submerged himself under the icy pool—with her still trapped in his arms. She sputtered when they came to surface and scrambled to the edge.

"She looks like a drowned cat," Terry observed, sitting on a boulder in the shade next to Matt.

"And madder than a wet hen," Matt added. "Guys? We're gonna go fossil hunting. I have the walkie-talkies if you need us."

"Have fun. Keep away from flat rocks," Jake teased.

"I'm not the idiot who pokes around rattler nests, remember?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Where are my shorts?" Baylor asked with a frown.

"Back at the rock house. You don't need the shorts, anyway."

"I don't care if Terry and Matt are gay," she smacked Jake's bicep, "they don't need to be looking at my lady parts."

"The only thing they were interested in was how red your backside gets," Hayden said, joining them.

"How come you guys get to wear shorts and I don't? It's not fair. No, I don't want to go back in!"

"She's so mouthy." Jake sighed as he wrestled Baylor back into the shallow, warmer edge of the spring and stood her on a rock that was only inches beneath the surface.

"We really should try to find a way to fix that," Hayden urged, lowering himself to his knees on the smooth stone shelf under the water. He slid his hands under Baylor's shirt and lifted the material to kiss her stomach, working his lips up between the mounds of her breasts.

She felt Jake's hands smooth along the sides of her thighs and over her hips, then he pressed his thumbs up the length of her spine. He rested his lips on the tiny dimple at her tailbone and ran his hands around the curve of her waist to pull her closer.

In front of her, Hayden kissed the smoothly shaved mound that pouted within the cleft of her thighs. He looked up at her and said, "Sit."

Baylor sank down on the rock and leaned back in Jake's arms as Hayden spread her knees. His tongue tasted the insides of her thighs and urged its way towards her hungry folds as Jake nibbled on her neck from behind, wrapping his arms around her back and playing with her nipples.

"Sweet, isn't she?" Jake asked, as sounds of humming could be heard from between Baylor's legs.

"Mmm," Hayden agreed, dipping his tongue inside her, swirling and stroking the soft walls. He shifted to her clit, sucking and nipping it, and then inserted his fingers deep inside.

Baylor tilted her head back to rest on Jake's shoulder, and released a satisfied groan with a coarse whisper of, "make love to me."

"Yes?" Hayden asked Jake.

"Yes," Jake responded, devouring Baylor's mouth before lifting her arms to remove her t-shirt.

Hayden unfastened his shorts and smiled at Baylor's reaction to his nakedness. He had broad, solid shoulders covered with rounded muscles that tapered into a solid, sculpted stomach. His graceful thighs, like his cock, were long and athletic, and built with the smooth sinew that promised strength and endurance.

He knelt between her thighs and pushed her back against Jake's chest. Jake reached between her legs, his long arms restraining her, and began to tease her clit with his right hand while stroking her torso and breasts with the left.

Their mouths crushed together, tongues winding in a sweet dance between hungry lips.

Baylor gasped as Hayden slid his long cock inside her; plunging and leaving with a maddening, intoxicating self-control that made her beg for something harder and deeper.

Jake moved his mouth to her neck, and his lips were replaced by Hayden's.

He asked her, "What do you want?"

She pulled his ear to her mouth and whispered, cooing as Jake continued to suck and nibble on her neck and shoulder. Hayden kissed her eyelids and stroked her hair.

"You're trembling. Are you afraid?"

"No," she whispered, fearful that the sound of her own voice would distract from the natural music playing around her. The sounds of the desert surrounded them—the trickling of the spring, the chirping of insects, and an occasional tweet of a bird—a symphony of sensuality. Tears of arousal rose as she gazed into Jake's eyes.

"What are you thinking?" he asked.

"Ooo…" Baylor hissed as Hayden's cock impaled her deeply again. "I want both of you."

Hayden pulled her from Jake's lap, his cock still embedded deep within her body, and sat down with her straddled on his lap.

She felt Jake touching her from behind, her body stiffening with trepidation as he began to work the tip into her tight pucker.

"You're too thick." She dug her fingers into Hayden's shoulders.

"Shhh," Jake said into the nape of her neck. "Open yourself for me."

Little by little, he edged his way past the tight ring that protested his invasion. Hayden held still, his cock resting inside her hot sheath, his own breathing erratic and labored as he felt Jake's cock fill her ass with its girth.

Everything became tighter, more intense, hotter…

Baylor closed her eyes, releasing herself to the sensation of being penetrated by both men at once. Her body tingled with the oncoming orgasm as Hayden spread her labia with both thumbs and ordered her to touch herself while he watched.

Shyness disappeared as she obeyed. Drenched with her own juices, she began to run the tip of her finger along the edge of her slit, then up the center to rest upon the swollen nub. She made tiny circles upon it, her lower muscles tightening their grip on the two generously endowed poles. The cold spring water splashed against her flesh as they speared her body in heavenly delight. Her head spun with the images of these two men, her heart feeling a love that threatened to take away any semblance of sanity left in that moment of her world.

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