Mr Badger and the Big Surprise

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Authors: Leigh Hobbs

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BOOK: Mr Badger and the Big Surprise
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and the
Big Surprise


First published in 2010

Copyright © Leigh Hobbs 2010

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ISBN 978 1 74237 417 8

Cover and text design by Sandra Nobes
Set in 15 pt Cochin by Sandra Nobes
Author photograph by Peter Gray
This book was printed in July 2010 at McPherson's Printing Group,
76 Nelson St, Maryborough, Victoria 3465, Australia.
1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

For Jack Hobbs


1 Behind the Hedge

2 The Walk to Work

3 A Busy Day for Mr Badger

4 The Guests Arrive

5 The Big Entrance

6 Mr Badger Saves the Day

7 The Birthday Girl's Big Moment

8 Goodnight, Mr Badger

9 Mr Badger's Secret

10 Bravo, Mr Badger

Mr Badger's house in Mayfair.


Behind the Hedge

r Badger lives in Mayfair. However, if you ever find yourself in this part of central London, I wouldn't bother searching for Mr Badger's house. People have walked past it every day for years without even noticing it.

So I shall describe it for you.

Mr Badger's house is quite small and has a thatched roof.

The front door is light blue with a small window and pink-and-cream spotted curtains. On either side of the door are bigger windows which, at night when the inside lights are on, could give the impression that this house has eyes.

Not that you can see them, because Mr Badger's house sits behind a thick hedge that hides it from the busy street.

In the morning, it is usually still dark when Mr Badger leaves for work.

He takes care to lift the latch of the faded picket gate very quietly, so as not to wake anyone up.

In the evening, it is almost always dark when he arrives home again with a copy of the afternoon paper tucked under his arm.


The Walk to Work

ne morning, not so very long ago, Mr Badger set off for work even earlier than usual.

Every day was a busy day for Mr Badger but this particular day promised to be busier than most, for it was a rather special day, in more ways than one.

On his way to work, Mr Badger liked looking at all his favourite places – the interesting old houses, pretty arcades, art galleries and tea shops that could be found in this part of London. He sometimes paused to glance inside the elegantly lit entrance foyers of smart flats and hotels, where just about everyone was still sleeping.

Not everyone was asleep, though. Other early risers were already at work. Mrs Mopptop, for instance, was busy arranging fresh flowers inside the entrance to Lady Camilla Feather's very grand home when Mr Badger passed by. As usual, they gave each other a friendly wave.

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