Mr. Hornaday's War (38 page)

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Authors: Stefan Bechtel

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. Ishbel Ross, “Hornaday Wed 50 Years; Pays Tribute to Wife,”
New York Tribune,
September 12, 1929.

. Hornaday letter to Edmund Seymour, November 11, 1932, archives of
American Bison Society, box 2.

. Dehler, “American Crusader,” p. 373.

. Letter to FDR.

. Letter from FDR to Hornaday, Hornaday papers, Library of Congress, box H, correspondence 1930–1937.

. Letter to Dodge, ibid.

. “Mount Hornaday,”

. Hornaday papers, Library of Congress, box 10, general correspondence, Mo—My; “Ichthyology,”
Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences
26, no. 9 (September 15, 1936): 376–77; Hornaday,
Two Years in the Jungle,
p. 386.

. Graham,
Man's Dominion,
p. 179.

. Hornaday,
Thirty Years War for Wild Life,
p. iv.

. Wildlife Conservation Society website,

. “American Bison,”

. “NOAA Reports Northern Fur Seal Pup Estimate Decline,” NOAA website,

. “Snowy Egret Biological Status Review Report,” Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, March 31, 2011.





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