Read Mr. Shivers Online

Authors: Robert Jackson Bennett

Tags: #Horror, #Thriller

Mr. Shivers (15 page)

BOOK: Mr. Shivers
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Near Privet they saw the dead man.

As night fell they came into the surrounding farmland to find it empty. No one stirred in the fields and they saw no one in
the homes. The streets were empty save for a few stray dogs who fled yelping as they approached. They passed through wondering
if perhaps some plague had come and taken all of them away when they heard the noise in the distance.

“Someone’s yelling,” said Roonie.

“A lot of someones,” said Connelly.

They made their way around to a field on the windward side of the hills. There was a large crowd assembled and Connelly thought
perhaps it was another traveling carnival until he saw the tree overhead and the strange mass dangling from its branches.

It was a man. A black man. He was hanging from one of the topmost branches by the neck. His face was swollen and his eyes
were red and his tongue hung out of his mouth, lapis blue and glistening. His clothes were tattered, as was his skin, and
blood stained his collar and back. A dark stain ran across the front and back of his pants and brown streaks ran down his
ankles. His whole body weeping. Beneath him people milled about with torches, chatting and shouting and talking until finally
a few of them noticed the strangers.

“What are you all doing here?” asked a woman.

“Just passing through,” said Monk.

“You heard about this here nigger?” she asked.


“Goddamn,” she said, and walked off.

“What the hell?” Roosevelt said. “What the hell was that? What happened here?”

“I don’t know,” said Pike. “How should I know?”

They found an old man who reeked of whisky who told them, “We caught this here nigger rutting about with a white lady. I never
heard of such a thing before in my life, not ever. I figured it was rape, but that nigger’d have to be dumber than hell to
think he’d get away with such a thing here. She must’ve gone in for it. You ever hear of that?”

“No,” said Connelly.

“Damn it all, it’s astounding. It’s astounding what’s happening to this nation, ain’t it?”

“You can say that again,” said Hammond.

“You being smart with me, young man?”


He eyed Hammond carefully. “I can’t abide nigger-lovers. That wouldn’t be you fellas, now would it?”

“Just passing through,” said Pike evenly.

“Lord almighty,” said the old man, and he shook his head. “End of the world come, end of the world go. All souls did burn.
No one noticed. Not a one. Not a one but me.”

They stared at the thing hanging from the tree. The noose had pulled its head strangely, giving it the look not of a dead
man but of a man poorly made from inanimate parts. Connelly gazed into its eyes and tried to see what spark was there, what
motivation or animation had once dwelt there to give it life, or perhaps a vacancy where it had been. Just a sign that it
had once been a man and had walked and talked and perhaps loved somewhere on this fading earth.

He found nothing. It was a dead thing. It had no history and it had no future. It was just a dead thing, murdered and hanging
from a tree. He could no more find a man in it than he could find reason in its dying.

He wondered where Lottie was.

“Think… think he had something to do with it?” said Monk as they walked away.

“Who? The scarred man?” said Pike.

“Yeah, think… think he caused this?”

“I doubt it.”


“It would be easy to blame all the evils of humanity on one madman, wouldn’t it? It’d be simpler. And comforting. But that
doesn’t make it so.”

“Let’s go,” said Hammond. “I don’t want to talk to these people.”

“We need to. We need to know if he’s come by.”

“He hasn’t.”

“But how do you know?”

“I’ll do it,” said Connelly. “I will.” He left them to reenter the crowd.

None of them knew the scarred man. No one had heard of him. But Connelly noticed a strange excitement in them, a queer sort
of awful joy that made them restless and jittery. It was in how they touched each other and looked at each other and in how
they spoke. There was fury and self-satisfaction, a kind of relief. It was as though an enormous celebration was about to
begin, but they did not know what they were celebrating nor when the celebration would take place.

Connelly returned to the others with no news. Pike looked back at the people in the field. The lights from the torches caught
in his eyes, making them flicker in the depths of his sockets like lanterns in caves, burning low. “I have heard before that
certain truths are written on men’s bones,” he said. “That may be so. If it is true then I believe they are written in a language
not known to men, and even if they were translated I doubt they would be of much comfort.” Then he snorted, spat, rubbed dirt
over the spittle with his shoe, and walked down the hill to the road.

They walked all day, stopping only briefly for lunch at noon. There were no trees to shelter them from the sun so they sat
on the edge of a ditch, sweat dripping down their necks as they tore at the salted pork the Hopkinses had given them. Then
they rose and continued on.

Everything looked the same. They seemed not to travel at all. Always the thread of brown road stretched ahead, cutting through
the fields. Always the same spindly fence, leaning awkwardly by the road. The same fragile yellow grass, so dry it seemed
to crumble merely by breathing on it. And the sun never moved, content to sit upon their backs.

When they came to a small stream Pike decided they should stop, more to break the monotony than anything. Hammond and Connelly
kept a lookout as the others lowered themselves down to the waters to fill their canteens. The two of them stayed by the road,
then crossed and leaned on the fence, watching all the nothing.

“Sometimes I wonder if we’re going anywhere,” said Hammond.

“Think someone mentioned something like that a while back,” Connelly said.

“Yeah. I hate that feeling, though. The feeling of not moving. I always have.” He looked out at the fields, watched the wind
tousle the brittle grass. “I remember this place back home,” he said. “It was this bar. This underground bar that was below
a fabric store. You know what I mean, a bar in the basement?”

“Yeah. I know.”

“It was one of those. I loved that place when I was a kid. I thought it was like some kind of secret. I’d walk by it in the
evening and see all these little windows just poking up above the sidewalk. All lit up. People talking and laughing and playing
music. You’d feel the music in your feet when you’d walk by. I wanted to get in there so bad, to see what they were doing.
To be part of the fun. But I was just a kid, so they wouldn’t let me know.

“It was the girls that did it. Me and the other boys, we’d climb a fire escape and look down on them as they walked into the
bar. We’d never seen girls dress like that. Not our moms, not our sisters. Wearing dresses that shone, shining in that nice
light coming up from the ground from those little windows. And there were girls with blonde hair, real bright blonde hair,
which I never seemed to see. What’s the word? Tawny? Is it tawny?”

“I don’t know,” said Connelly.

“Well. I think it is,” said Hammond. “Still. Those girls. They were the most beautiful things I’d ever seen. I couldn’t wait
to get older so I could get in there and see what they were doing.

“Then one day I dressed up real nice so I looked older and I put on a good suit so I’d blend in and I went down there and
knocked on the door. A man looked out at me, from this little peephole. And he looked at me a while and then he let me in.
And you know what?”


“It was just a bar. Just a little room that stank of beer, full of drunks, with real loud music. Everyone was drunk out of
their minds, sad and sloppy and ugly. And the women. They were tired old things. Tired old things wearing dresses they had
no business wearing. Too much makeup, everywhere,” he said, and gestured to his face. “They were different. Different from
what I’d seen. Maybe it was the way I’d been looking at them.” He shook his head. “There’s never… There never is anything.
You go somewhere so hard and so fast and then when you get there you’re in the same place. Feels like there’s no reward. Nothing
to go for. I hate that feeling. That feeling that you’re not getting anywhere. That you’re not getting anywhere good. I wonder
if it’s that way for everyone.”

“Not everyone. Some people are getting places.”

“Well. I haven’t met any of those people in the past few years.”

“Someone has to be going somewhere good,” said Connelly. “Someone has to be doing okay.”

“Just not us right now.”

“No. Just not us.”

“Do you think we ever will?”

Connelly thought about it. “I don’t know.”

Hammond nodded. “I don’t,” he said.

Then Pike and the others climbed back up from the stream. They handed out the canteens and rubbed their feet and then continued

The better part of the day passed before their walking was compensated. They were carefully making their way down into a valley
when they heard a train far to the west. They stopped and Roosevelt judged the sound.

“Two miles off,” he said. “Maybe three.”

“We’ll come close enough to see it,” Pike said. “Then we’ll follow. But we’ll keep a half a mile between us and it. I don’t
want anyone to notice us until we get to its next stop. Wherever that may be.”

It was not long before they sighted not the track itself but the gray remains of smoke in the air, a dull haze where the train
had just passed. They followed its curve up through the land. Signs of civilization began to appear. More roads, a ditch.
The odd road sign. More fences. Then homes appeared, squatting far away, and then they saw the first person they’d seen in
hours, a young man carrying a shovel. He took no notice of them but they did not relax.

“Be alert,” said Pike under his breath.

The tracks led up to what had once been a jerkwater town, nothing more than a few buildings clinging to an intersection of
tracks and roads. Roonie spied it from far off and Pike dropped to his knees and scoped it out as best he could.

“What do you think?” asked Hammond.

“I think that’s where the train we were once on stopped,” he said. “That’s what I think.”


“And we’re going to play this very, very carefully,” he said.

They waited until almost nightfall. Hammond spotted a few people ambling up the road, a little less than a dozen. Pike said
it would be best if they joined them and muddled their numbers. If there was a lookout at all, he reasoned, it’d be for six
or seven men, not more.

“If that,” he added. “Those boys on the train were probably going to kill anybody riding the rails. Seemed to be their orders.”

They mixed with the other strays and moved in as the sun sank below the earth. The new people did not mind. They assumed Pike
and the others had hopped some line a few miles back. When they made it into the town proper they split off. Pike turned and
said quietly, “It’d be best if we split up. Two groups. Roonie, Hammond, Monk, you go around to the north end. Rosie, Connelly,
you’re coming with me. We stay low, we don’t raise any attention. Don’t ask any questions, none about the shiver-man, none
about nothing. You just keep your ears open. You just listen, see?”

“We see,” said Connelly.

They parted and Rosie and Connelly decided an inn or bar would be the likely place for talk to be heard where a hobo was acceptable.
They dusted themselves off and wound through the side lanes and broken fences until they found a shanty inn, some dirt-cheap
gin house with riotous clientele and no small measure of whoring. Men with skin like leather drank ale from metal tankards
while women smeared in makeup swanned through their ranks. Someone somewhere pounded on a piano to the point of ruin. Everything
stank of tobacco and moonshine.

“I like it,” said Roosevelt with a smile.

“Keep control of yourself, boy,” Pike muttered to him. “It’ll be far easier to avoid attention with your eyes in your head
and your prick in your pants.”

“Oh, these ideals, Pikey,” said Rosie. “These lofty ideals you have.”

They sat at the bar and rustled up change and bought a few drinks. Connelly still had money sewed into the cuffs of his pants
but he didn’t think now was the time to mention it. They sipped at their drinks and tried to keep their heads.

There was no news of interest, almost no talk beyond bar banter. “I don’t know why you were so worried,” said Rosie to Pike.
“These fellas is all just worried about the railroad lines. Who’s signed up on what engine and who’s shacked up with whose
whore. This ain’t enemy territory. This ain’t even territory. Just a whole lot of nothing.”

“Maybe so,” said Pike reluctantly.

“Come on,” said Roosevelt. “Let’s rent a room.”

“A room?” said Connelly.

“When’s the last time you seen a bed, Con? It’ll be worth it, I swear. Listen to your back, not your wallet, for once.”

“What do you say?” asked Connelly, looking at Pike.

“Pike would say we’re living our cover,” said Rosie under his breath. “Three drunks fresh in town, getting a room? That’s
no news at all.”

Maybe it was the liquor or maybe it was the days of walking, but Pike eventually gave in. The bartender called his boy up
to lead them to their room. He groused and clambered to his feet, but then stood up straight as a pole when he saw Connelly.
The boy’s eyes grew wide with fear as they wandered up his towering frame.

“You going to lead us to our room or what?” said Rosie.

The boy blinked, then looked from Roosevelt to Pike. His glance stayed far too long for Connelly’s comfort. The boy shook
himself and led them up.

The room was no more than a closet with a bed that seemed hardly better than the ground. The three men climbed into it and
shared the mattress along with a blanket. When Connelly was flat on his back he had to admit, it was slightly better sleeping
arrangements than normal.

BOOK: Mr. Shivers
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