Read Mrs. Robin's Sons Online

Authors: Kori Roberts

Mrs. Robin's Sons (3 page)

BOOK: Mrs. Robin's Sons
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“Goddamn, baby,” he moaned, searching for her lips and kissing her deeply. “Feels so fucking good. Want you so bad…” One hand continued to hold her against him, and the other slid under her shirt.

“Oh, Christ…” She wasn’t wearing a bra, and the feel of her bare flesh in his hand was nearly enough to make him come. Her breasts were firm and full; not overly big, but a nice handful. He leaned down and took a nipple into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the tip, his teeth nipped at the hard pebble before he gently sucked on it again. “God, baby…more. Please…” Rylee gasped; her body arched against him.

“Yeah…so good.” Nick bent, licking and sucking at each nipple, then suddenly spun around, placing Rylee’s back against the door. Tugging, pulling, twisting on the zipper of her jeans, he maneuvered it enough to get his hand inside; his fingers slid past the silky material of her panties and into her slick folds.

“Oh, yeah, baby…so wet for me.” His voice was rough and close, rasping over her skin, two fingers pushing inside, slowly thrusting into her warm, tight heat, his thumb teasing her swollen clit.

“Oh, fuck…Nick…I…gonna make me…” Rylee’s head fell back, and she moaned


“Uh-huh…yeah,” Nick panted, “wanna see you.” He licked along the column of her exposed neck, his fingers buried inside her.

Rylee bucked wildly against him, fucking herself on his fingers. “Oh…Nick…yes!” she screamed out, and her entire body shook as her climax poured over her.

“That’s it, baby…let me feel it,” Nick whispered hoarsely against her lips, encouraging her, his fingers still moving inside, loving how she pulsated around him, her juices freely flowing down his hand.

Nick continued to hold her and placed soothing kisses along her face, in her hair. His cock was rubbing against her, hard and insistent in his jeans, seeking satisfaction.

“I need…” he whispered raggedly, and Rylee nodded, as if understanding exactly what he needed, in spite of his inability to say it. Her hand moved down his chest and stomach until she reached his erection, so aching, so hard, and so ready.

Rylee unlocked her legs from around his waist, and slowly stood on her feet. She turned him, placing his back against the door again, before slithering down his body to her knees in front of him. She buried her face in his crotch, nuzzling him through his jeans. Nick leaned against the door, legs parted, stomach muscles taut, cock filled to bursting as Rylee opened his pants, her slender fingers reaching in to touch before pulling him out.

She pumped up and down his thick shaft for several moments.

Nick groaned. His eyes fluttered closed and his body shivered at the feel of her hands on his skin. He heard the familiar sound of foil tearing and looked down to see Rylee lean forward to take him right into her waiting mouth, those lips working the condom over his cock before that sweet mouth proceeded to blow his mind.

The sensation of his shaft sliding on the smooth, velvet heat of Rylee’s tongue had his hips driving forward, seeking more. Those lips pulled at him, that wicked tongue swirled around him, as Rylee’s head bobbed up and down and she took him deep into the back of her throat.

His eyes rolled back into his head, and he inhaled with a hiss. “Oh, fuck, yeah. Right.

Fucking. There.” Rylee kept moving on him, lips tight, tongue rubbing along the underside of his cock.

“Goddamn, baby. Soon…” His hands twined in her hair and held her steady, pushing even deeper, fucking her mouth, his hips pumping in short bursts, yelling out as his orgasm ripped through him, and he shot, filling the condom.

Rylee continued to suck him. She finally pulled back, removing the used condom as she went. She looked up at him; her amber eyes shone, her swollen lips glistened.

Nick slid down the wall and reached for her. “You…fuck, you’re amazing.” His lips crashed down on hers, his hands cupping her head to hold her close.

They writhed against each other on the carpet. Rylee wrapped one leg around his hips and planted the other on the floor as she thrust up against him. In no time at all Nick’s cock was raging again.

They were all over each other, needy hands groping, touching, feeling; moving fast and frantic, attacking each other’s clothes, desperate and anxious for the feel of skin against skin. Finally, bare bodies came together. Heat poured off their skin, lips locked, limbs tangled. Nick moved down her and settled between her legs. He feasted on the sight of her spread open for him, her mound completely bare except for a strip of neatly trimmed dark red hair, her dusky pink lips coated with her cream.

Nick’s thumbs held her folds open as his tongue licked from her crease to her clit. His lips latched onto the swollen, sensitive bud and sucked it into his mouth.

“Oh…God, yes,” Rylee cried out sharply, her fingers clutching in his hair, her hips lifting off the floor, pushing her pussy toward his face. Nick gripped her ass, burying his face in her cunt, tongue fucking her, loving the sweet, spicy taste.

With a final lick, Nick sat back, panting harshly, unable to take it a moment longer. He leaned down and kissed her deeply, letting her taste herself on his lips.

“Can’t wait…need to be inside of you.” His voice a deep growl, he groped for his pants, searching the pockets for a condom. Fingers trembling, he struggled to open the package, barely containing his overwhelming lust long enough to get it over his aching shaft.

He came down on top of her. “Gonna fuck you now,” he warned. “Can’t go slow…can’t be gentle.”

“Yes. Hard and fast.” Those amber eyes stared back at him, clear and sure, her skin flushed a deep honey brown.

He lined his cock up with her pussy and pushed inside with one long thrust, the sensation explosive and breathtaking, their twin gasps echoing through the room. They lay locked together for a moment, the rise and fall of their chests the only movement in the room, and he could see in her eyes that she felt the same undeniable connection between them that he did. Except it was so much more than physical.

With a groan, Nick began to move, fucking her with deep, hard strokes, his hips snapping back and forth, one hand reaching out and gripping the arm of the couch in front of him for leverage, the fingers of his other hand digging into her hip bone. His knees were planted on the carpet as he pulled sweet sounds from her while he plunged in and out of her wet heat.

“Don’t stop. Please, please. Harder…” She was begging for it, making him moan and move faster, his heart pumping in time with the thrust of his cock. He felt Rylee ripple, felt the tension squeeze his cock as she climaxed, heard her wails of pleasure as heat poured over his cock, and that was all it took to send him over the edge. He shot so hard it almost hurt: his back arched, his mouth opened as he yelled, the sound torn from him, and he thought his lungs would burst through his chest.

He collapsed on Rylee, her body pinned beneath his weight as his breath huffed from him. “Damn, I could so get used to doing that every day for the rest of my life,” he finally managed to pant out.

Rylee chuckled softly, placing kisses along his neck. “Maybe we’ll even make it to the bed next time.”

Chapter Six

Nick lay in the bed and watched Rylee as she slept. He couldn’t believe it was Sunday all ready, and the weekend was almost over. He wasn’t ready for it to end, wasn’t ready to say good-bye, wasn’t ready to walk away and never see her again.

When he’d first come to Rylee’s room, Nick had no idea that he’d still be there nearly forty-eight hours later. When they hadn’t been all over each other, they’d talked, laughed, and simply enjoyed each other’s presence.

Nick was amazed at how much he’d learned about Rylee in such a short period of time.

He would never have imagined that they would have so much in common, and he wished he had more time to spend with her before he had to return to Wisconsin.

He sighed, knowing that wasn’t an option. Rylee had to work, and he was supposed to attend the baseball game with Noah. He hadn’t seen his brother all weekend, had only spoken to him once on the phone, and Nick knew his little disappearing act had Noah less than pleased with him at the moment.

“Are you just going to stare at me all morning, or are you going to come over here and give me a proper wake-up?” Nick had been so lost in his thoughts he hadn’t even noticed Rylee was awake and was watching him as he watched her.

“Come here.” He smiled, reaching for her and pulling her close, their bodies and their mouths coming together at the same time. They shared a kiss that seemed to go on forever, before Nick finally found the strength to pull away.

He looked down into her face, practically drowning in her eyes as all types of unfamiliar and unnamed emotions raced through him.

“I don’t want this to end,” he said suddenly, putting a voice to his thoughts. “This isn’t just about sex for me, Rylee. I’ve never…God…” he closed his eyes, and sighed. He opened them again, and searched her face.

“Please…tell me I’m not crazy…tell me I’m not the only one who feels something special between us.”

Rylee was silent for a long moment. “You’re not crazy,” she finally whispered. “I feel it, too.”

“Oh, thank God.” Nick released the breath he’d been holding before kissing her deeply.

It was Rylee’s turn to pull away. Her hand reached out to caress his face. “But, it’s not that simple, Nick. This thing between us is…complicated.”

Nick frowned. “I don’t understand. Do you want to be with me?” At her nod, he said, “I want to be with you, too. What’s so complicated about that?”

“For one thing, we don’t even live in the same state —”

“It’s only a few hours drive,” he interrupted. “That’s not a big deal. People have long distance relationships every day.”

She released a frustrated breath. “We both know there’s a bigger issue here than just distance, Nick.”

“What do you mean, ‘bigger issue’?” he asked. “I don’t see any other issues.” “Are you kidding me?” She looked incredulous. “Are you trying to tell me that you seriously don’t see the fact that I’m thirty-six, and you being twenty-two, not an issue?”

“Not for me.” Nick shrugged dismissively. When he met Rylee, he knew she was older than him, but he figured she was in her mid-twenties, like his cousin, Leslie. He definitely wouldn’t have guessed she was older than thirty, and certainly would never have imagined that she was anywhere near thirty-six. She looked great for her age. Hell, she was, by far, the finest woman of any age he’d ever met. It made him want her even more.

“It doesn’t bother me at all,” he told her truthfully.

“Really?” She just stared at him. “What about your family? You don’t think they would see it as an issue? How about your brother, Noah? What do you think he’d say? Oh, and I’m sure your mother would be thrilled —”

Nick’s lips came down on hers, kissing her hard, cutting off her words, silencing her concerns, not letting up until she lay moaning against him. He pulled back to look at her, and his hand cupped her jaw.

“Listen to me, Rylee. I don’t care how old you are, and I don’t give a fuck about what anybody else thinks of our age difference.”

Rylee still looked unconvinced. “I don’t have the best luck when it comes to

relationships, Nick. I don’t want to be hurt again, and I don’t want to hurt you, either.” Her fingers trailed along his jaw.

“I know you think you want me right now, but what about later? What happens if this actually does turn into something long-term, and you look up in a few years and wonder what you’re doing with a forty-something-year-old girlfriend?”

“Are you going to stop being the woman that I’m looking at right now? The woman I’ve come to know and care about these past couple of days?”

Rylee shook her head. “But, let’s face it; I’m not always going to look like I do now.

What happens when I start to look old? Are you still going to want me then?” “Do you honestly think that I only want to be with you because of how you look?”

Nick looked at her in disbelief. “You gotta know that it’s deeper than that…that I’m deeper than that.” He shook his head a moment. “And, what about you? What if I’m in an accident tomorrow and end up permanently scarred? Are you telling me that you wouldn’t want me anymore if I didn’t look the same way I do right now?”

“Of course not…”

“Then stop trying to find excuses for why we shouldn’t be together and admit to all of the reasons why we should.” His voice was adamant. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, Rylee. But I don’t just see how beautiful you are here,” Nick stroked her cheek.

“I see how beautiful you are here as well.” His hand slid downward until it rested against her chest, over her heart.

“I have no idea what might happen between us a few years from now.” He gave her a small smile. “I’m not even sure about what’s going to happen a few hours from now. But what I do know is that in this short time we’ve been together, I’ve started to care about you — a lot. And I want to be with you, get to know you more, and see where this relationship could lead.”

His thumb rubbed across her bottom lip. “I’m not trying to pressure you, baby. I’m just asking you to give this a chance, give us a chance. You think you can handle that?”

He tried to breathe while he waited for her to respond. Finally, she nodded, and a smile spread across her face. “Yeah,” she said softly, “I think I can handle that.”

Nick hugged her tight, and his mouth captured hers in a kiss filled with happiness and relief. They’d gotten over the first hurdle. Everything else they could work out later.

Chapter Seven

“Hey, Nick! Wait up.” Nick glanced over his shoulder to see Noah walking toward him.

He made sure the lock was secure on Mandi’s cage and reached inside to pet her for a moment.

“What’s up?” he asked when Noah finally reached him.

“Leslie says you’re taking the Chicago job.” Noah glanced at the German shepherd in the back of the truck.

“Yeah, I am. Why?”

“Nothing.” Noah shrugged. “I just know you usually don’t take jobs to deliver dogs that are going out of state. And Leslie said you volunteered for this one, so I was kinda surprised.”

BOOK: Mrs. Robin's Sons
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