MrTemptation (21 page)

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Authors: Annabelle Weston

BOOK: MrTemptation
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“Miss Burke, I greatly admired your father,” Edwin said with
a posh English accent and the stiffest posture Cadence had ever seen.

“Thank you,” she replied. He referred to the mayor, of
course. She couldn’t get used to the fact he wasn’t her father.

The man bowed his head slightly.

Preston had a valet and British, no less. Preston had been
more successful than she’d imagined. The downside was, she’d thought they’d be

“Sir, may I suggest cocktails in the drawing room?”

“Yes, good idea. Champagne?” Preston asked turning to

She smiled and nodded. “That would be fabulous.”

“Champagne it is,” Preston said.

Edwin retreated to wherever he’d come from, not making a

“You have a drawing room?” she asked. She was reminded of
Victoria’s fake accent and the image of cultivation she tried to convey. Was
Preston the same kind of person?

Preston shook his head. “The man won’t call it a living room
no matter how many times I tell him.”

“Then we’ll indulge his fantasy,” she said.

“You would make him a very happy man,” Preston admitted.

Cadence put her doubts aside. In fact, she admired how well
Preston treated the people who worked for him. He remembered their names.
Greeted them as if they were old friends. Let Edwin believe this West Side
co-op was an English manor house.

It made her like him all the more.

A flashback of their day popped into her head. He’d indulged
her fantasies big-time, pampered her, even held her hand when she’d thought her
world was falling apart. What she was feeling was more than like. She was
falling in love with him.

She should probably take her time and get to know him
better. She couldn’t help her impatience. He was everything she could have ever
wanted in a man. Insanely handsome, kind, sexy, smart, funny and a body to die
for. As for the bedroom, he was a true artist. Did they have anything else in
common? She didn’t care. She couldn’t ask for anything more in a lover.

Smiling without effort, she walked hand in hand with him to
the drawing room. The décor was a continuation of the same style as the foyer
with one important exception. A fire was lit in the oversized marble fireplace,
adding to the romance of the evening.

She saw a gorgeous vase of yellow orchids on the table in
front of the large brown leather couch. She leaned down to smell the delicate
blossoms and noticed a long blue box with a small card attached to the top with
her name.

Not just any box, a Tiffany & Co. bracelet box. She
looked up at him and caught the amused smile on his face.

“Yes, it is for you.”

“How did you arrange all this?” she asked.

“Wasn’t easy but luckily you took your time getting
dressed.” His gaze slid down her in a way that had her squirming. “Not that I’m

“So that’s why you were on the phone?” she asked.


It was the simplest of explanations and yet she’d assumed
the worst.

“Don’t you want to know what’s in the box?” he asked.

“Do you really need to ask?” she replied.

She took a deep breath. They were definitely on the fast
track. They’d only known each other a couple days and he was already getting
her jewelry. She pushed any negative thought aside. These past couple days had
been amazing, she couldn’t deny how wonderful they’d been.

She picked up the box and card and sat on the leather sofa.
She sank in, the cushions soft as butter. He sat next to her, just as Edwin
came in with the champagne. The butler didn’t make a sound as he set down the
silver cooler with an already opened bottle of champagne in it. He didn’t wait
to be asked but poured a glass for them both.

She could get used to this pampering.

“Will there be anything else?” Edwin asked as he handed them
their glasses.

“We’re both starving,” Preston replied.

“Very good, sir.” Edwin left them.

“To fate,” Preston said as he tipped his glass to hers.

She celebrated the sound as their glasses clinked together.
She hadn’t known this kind of happiness before.

“To fate.” She took a small sip. The champagne was

She looked at the bottle.
Veuve Cliquot
. Of course.
He’d remembered her celebration in her hotel room. How she loved champagne. Add
to the list of his admirable qualities, a man who could be sensitive to her
needs. She could thoroughly get used to having him around.

“Don’t you like your champagne?” he asked.

“I love, love, love it.” She emptied her glass. As expected,
the champagne was not just good, it was outstanding, like liquid gold as it
slid down her throat.

He was watching her. “You can open your gift now.”

She set the glass on the tabletop and removed the card from
the envelope. The writing was small and sloped to the left.

My Dear Cadence,

These past few days have been a dream fulfilled. A dream
I hope never ends.



Cadence tried to steady her hand. What was he doing? Wooing
her? Was it possible he shared the same feelings she did? Yes, of course it was
possible. Probable? That was a question she couldn’t answer.

She turned to him. He’d stretched out his arm across the top
of the sofa and his fingers were inches from the back of her neck. She leaned
in and kissed him on the lips.

“You always know the right thing to say,” she said

“Open the box,” he said eagerly.

She turned to the box and slowly lifted the lid. Inside, on
blue velvet, sat a dazzling diamond bracelet catching the light of the fire.

“Set in platinum,” he said as if she needed to be convinced
the bracelet was valuable.

“Oh Preston, it’s beautiful.” She pulled it from the box and
draped the cold metal across her wrist. He reached forward and helped her with
the clasp.

“I’d hoped you’d like it.”

“I love it,” she whispered.

“It reminded me of you, delicate, innocent, sweet and
beautiful,” he said.

“Much as I like to hear the sound of your voice…”

She leaned in for another kiss. He succumbed to her waiting

This was definitely a reason to melt down, Cadence decided
as he extended his arms to her. Swirling, conflicting emotions ran through her
brain. Her body wasn’t helping. This sexy man had just given her a gorgeous,
expensive gift. That meant he cared, didn’t he? Meant “for keeps” in her book,
unless he was used to handing out such lavish gifts to his women friends.

She wasn’t going to go there, not tonight.

His wet tongue rubbed against her neck, bringing swirls of
pleasure, wreaking havoc with what was left of her self-control. Every inch of
her was in a state of pleasure as he kissed her repeatedly. Tender,
mind-blowing kisses she hoped would never stop. His fingers traced the curve of
her breast and she closed her eyes, waiting for his tongue to take their place.

To hell with it. She sat astride him, hiking the skirt of
her dress up as she did so.

“What about Edwin?” he said. “Aren’t you afraid he’ll walk
in on us?”

“Let him. It’ll loosen his stiff upper lip,” she replied
with a laugh.

His hands slid up her bare thighs. “That’s my girl.”

She settled onto him, loving that he was already at
attention, waiting for her heat to claim him.

His head snapped back. His eyes were wide. “You’re not
wearing any…”

“Not what you expected?”

He replied with a wolfish glint, “You’re full of surprises

“We both are.”

She unzipped his pants to free his swollen cock, stroking
her hands up and down his length. From his pocket, he pulled out a condom.

“Always prepared?” she asked with a teasing snicker.

“With you, I’m always hopeful.”

She laughed and ripped the packet open with her teeth. “I’ve
never put one on before.”

Preston put his hands behind his head. “I’ll gladly be your

Her grin widened. She leaned forward and kissed the tip of
his cock before opening her mouth wider and sucking him down to the tip.
Preston hissed through his teeth. But she didn’t continue, only wanted to tease

She lifted up and placed the condom on his cock head then
slowly unrolled it to the base, stroking over him as she went.

“God, that’s hot,” he murmured.

“It’s gonna get hotter,” she replied. “You make me so wet.”
She lifted her hips and, gripping his cock against her slippery pussy opening,
slowly impaled herself.

He closed his eyes, savoring the moment.

She tugged on his hair and he growled low in his throat,
sitting up slightly to grip her face as he plunged his tongue into her mouth
and his hard cock deeper inside her. The feel of him inside her as she moved
back and forth generated lavalike heat.

She continued grinding herself onto him and moaning at the pleasure
of his cock filling her. He squeezed her ass as he pushed deeper into her,
their movements in perfect synchronization. They kissed, letting their mouths
roam over bare skin. He sucked at her nipples, tugging lightly with his teeth.

She rode hard, her nails finding anchor in his shoulders.
She spread her thighs wider, her toes tickled by the hair of his calves. She
ground her hips against him, her clit against his pelvis. She moved faster and
faster, the two of them moving with speed and abandon, trying to get the one
thing they were looking for, trying to fulfill each other’s needs.

She cried out as the first explosion hit her. Wave after
wave of pleasure careened through her body. She moved with the waves, never
wanting them to end, and sped up when she heard him moan as he reached his

It was over too quickly.

They moved back and forth slowly, letting the chills and
thrills of their heated sex die down as they clung to one another.

“You are one special woman,” Preston said, breathing hard.
His shirt was soaked. His perfectly tied tie was askew.

“You make it easy.” She slowly slipped off him, feeling
empty without him inside her.

She snuggled beside him, enjoying the moment. They watched
the flickering firelight side by side, his arm around her, her head against his

How much more real did she want it?

Her inner thighs were wet from their lovemaking and would
leave a stain on her dress.

“I’m going to go freshen up,” she said, sitting up.

“I’ll show you where the guest bathroom is.” He tucked
himself back into his pants and zipped up the zipper.

Overwhelming desire possessed her as she watched him zip.
Something about watching him do such a simple task made her want to jump his
bones again.

He noticed her staring at his crotch and motioned with a
curled finger for her to look up at his face.

“See something you like?” he asked with his eyebrow raised
and a crooked smile on his face.

“Oh yeah,” she replied with a crooked smile of her own. With
someone else she would’ve been embarrassed, even mortified. She couldn’t get
over how she became a different person when she was with him.

“Uh hmm.” They heard the noise from behind and whipped their
heads around.

“Yes, Edwin?” Preston said. He looked as if he was
struggling to keep from bursting out laughing.

“My apologies, sir, but dinner is served.”

“We’ll be there momentarily,” Preston said, back in control.

The butler nodded and walked away just as silently as he
came. Cadence turned to Preston.

“Thanks,” she said. “Thanks for the bracelet and for all you’ve
done for me.”

He laughed tightly. “Part of the service.”

“Is that what I am, a conquest?” She meant to tease but the
question came out like a scorpion with a barbed tail.

“Absolutely. In that dress, I’m your slave.”

She exhaled. He’d given the answer she needed to hear. “I’m
sorry. It’s the Burke family curse to be cynical.”

“You’re no longer a Burke.”

“I know. I’m not Cadence Burke but who am I?”‘

He took her hand and kissed each of her fingers. “That’s not
a question I can answer.”

She couldn’t either and she didn’t want to spoil the evening
with a discussion about her family.

“Show me the loo,” she said, jumping to her feet. He stood
and she followed him down the hall. They entered a “man cave”.

“Fifty-inch flat screen,” he said.

His television was a monster.

“Very impressive.”

“Thank you. I had hoped for that very reaction.” He wore an
expression of satisfaction.

“When do you have time to watch TV?”

“Unfortunately, I don’t get a chance very often.”

“So the flat screen is a prop.”

He frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Nothing.” She was ashamed she could be such a bitch.

“Do you like movies?” he asked, recovering.

“I love movies.”

“Would I be completely out of line if I suggested that we
watch a movie and cozy up by the fire after dinner?”

“Of course not,” she said. It sounded like the perfect

“Do you have anything in mind that you want to see?” he

“Besides you naked?”

“Beside that.”

“I love most movies.”

“Okay, how about a real blood-and-guts movie?” he asked.

“Uh, no.”

“I figured. How about another surprise?” he asked.

“As long as it either makes me smile, horny or both.”

“Ah, I have the perfect film.”

“I can’t wait.”

He led the way. They walked down a second hallway, this one
brightly lit, and entered a room.

The décor was exquisite, with the center of attraction a
large, king-sized bed.

“My room.” He spoke with pride.

“You’re asking me to spend the night?”

“I hope you will.”

“I’m packed and have a ticket for the eleven o’clock train
for New Haven.”

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