Murder Came Second (35 page)

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Authors: Jessica Thomas

BOOK: Murder Came Second
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I drained my highball and put on a pot of coffee. I needed to stretch my legs, so Fargo and I took a turn of the yard, which we found safe from two- or four-legged intruders. Back inside, coffee was done, and we shared a pastry left from breakfast. With an apologetic lick, Fargo left my side and retreated across the kitchen to the cozy warmth of his bed, and I was left with my jigsaw puzzle.

But the pieces were becoming easier to fit now, and I could see a definite picture.

My cardboards were becoming filled with abbreviated notes.

Elaine could have subtly sabotaged what acting jobs Bobby did get, and this could have triggered the antagonism he displayed if at all threatened or opposed. I had seen examples of that in the last few weeks. His personality was not geared to smoothing troubled waters. But eventually he gave up acting and became a capable stage manager. So he no longer comprised competition for Elaine. She had once again gotten him out of her way, and further away from the possibility anyone might tie them together and dig up the woodchopper scandal.

Then up pops nosy Terese Segal, far from an imaginary menace! Bobby, I thought was mainly scared of being back in a lurid spotlight. He seemed a retiring soul who liked his work and simply wanted to be left alone with whatever life he had managed to cobble together for himself. He may have had a few friends but probably was fairly content just being quietly alone most of the time. Now the whole thing might well surface again, with him in the painful heat of the limelight.

But Elaine had more to lose than privacy. She was pretty much a household name. A good actress with feature roles on stage and on TV. Perhaps not the brightest star on the marquee, but definitely up there and shining. And her lover was a teacher. Scandal was a no-no for teachers. Now Terese was threatening to revive the whole disgraceful event, from child abuse to a dismembered father and a lunatic mother, to a lesbian affair, with the two lesbians raising a child, and one of them a teacher. A plum, a big juicy plum for the star reporter of the

That couldn’t appear in type. They simply couldn’t let it. To paraphrase Harmon, action had to be taken.

That night in our backyard, I think Elaine’s tears, while very well done, were all of the crocodile variety. Maybe our alligator gave acting classes. I think she told that tale with the full knowledge that she was prepared to kill Terese, knowing I would have to tell Sonny the entire screed at some point. And of course, it would be slanted just the right amount in her favor. Because that’s the way I had heard it, that was the way I would remember it. I would inadvertently put Sonny firmly on Elaine’s side.

According to Noel, Elaine tried several times the next day to talk with Terese, unsuccessfully and almost certainly growing more freaked out with each refusal. And the events of Tuesday offered one good opportunity after another. The messed up rehearsal had the entire company irritated, frustrated and tired. The heavy rains added to their misery.

The two people Elaine most needed not to be thinking clearly—Terese and Paul—were drunk. The others staying at the Brownlees’ had either had several drinks or taken a pill to help them sleep.

After two frustrating bouts of unsuccessful sex, Terese was in a drunken rage. In all probability she went downstairs to scrounge a final nightcap. Possibly, having had little dinner, she went for a snack. Either way, when Elaine heard her go down the front stairs, Elaine went down the back, stripped, donned the plastic raincoat and hat, and stabbed Terese.

Elaine’s first red herring was the six stab wounds—implicating Harmon, Bobby, the household members or the ever-handy transient robber. The Hicktown cops could take their choice.

Her second was the entire robbery scene, complete to suggesting that even the maids knew Harmon was careless of boot tracks. Although, the police could still have thought it was our visiting robber, after the silver, which Elaine carefully “stole.”

The third was Carlucci’s car. Elaine had doubtless stayed sober and appointed herself designated driver so that she could keep the car keys after driving home from the restaurant. She could easily deny keeping the keys, since the next morning they were on the hook by the back door with all the van keys, as usual.

At some point, she had to discard the raincoat and hat and redress in her own clothing. She could most safely have done that outdoors, perhaps behind the garage, letting the rain wash both the coat and her body and hair. If the police ever found the plastic raincoat and hat, it would certainly help . . . but much less so if they were washed clean by the downpour.

Right now,
needed help, and something told me Sonny would not be answering his phone. Fortunately, Mitch was, after a number of rings, and not happily. Following a lengthy conversation, he agreed to meet me at Elaine’s room at the Chambered Nautilus at eight thirty.

I went back to bed, certain I would be unable to sleep. I’d be happy just to get horizontal and try to relax for a few hours. Fargo had no such problems. He simply came back into the bedroom, flopped on the floor and was gone.

I set the clock and steeled myself for the sleepless hours. That was my last thought for the remainder of the night.

Chapter 27

The next morning the clock sounded at six thirty. Fargo leaped eagerly onto the bed, ever hopeful of a beach run. Wells mewed and nestled deeper between Cindy’s shoulder blades. Cindy emitted a bear-like growl and burrowed deeper into the pillow.

I nobly headed for the shower. In the kitchen later, I took a look at the clock and decided to nuke the coffee left from last night. Well, it certainly woke me up.

But then, I wanted to be wide-awake when I spoke with Elaine. I was hoping for a confession, naturally, or at least an informative slip or two.

I thought my chances of getting either were better if I could be alone with Elaine, and I hoped to arrive at her room before Mitch and his backup did. I figured Elaine would tend to have more of a relaxed conversation with a woman she knew, even one she disliked, than a police detective and a uniformed officer she did not. And maybe I could lead her down the primrose path to telling me more than she realized.

I got to the Chambered Nautilus at eight sharp, using the back door as a concession to any guests that might be around this early, and went upstairs. I left Fargo in the kitchen, assuming Martha or Bill would be there soon and wouldn’t mind.

Knocking on Elaine’s door—Ophelia had obligingly taken a room at the Marshes to give Elaine some privacy—I got Elaine’s musical, “Come in.” Obviously she didn’t know who it was yet.

I entered.

“Get out!” Now she knew. No musical tones in that request!

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible,” I answered, making my voice as cold as hers. “We have a number of things to talk about. Is Ophelia at the Marshes?”

“Yes. She, at least, was courteous enough to know I might wish to be alone after Bobby’s death. I have much to adjust to. I still cannot believe he would have killed me.”

“Oh, I can. A lifetime of lies, subtle undermining of his already difficult life. Telling Terese his deepest secrets in order to protect your own.” I gave a small but dramatic Queen Elizabeth hand wave. “I can think of several very good reasons for killing you, myself.”

“Alex, I spent a bad night. I am in no mood for you and your silly gracious lady character or your tough detective act. Now, if you must say something, say it and get out!”

I lit cigarette two and blew out a cool Humphrey Bogart puff. “Doesn’t much matter. Do you want to tell
how you killed Terese, or do you want me to tell

“You can’t smoke in here. The Meyers don’t allow it.”

“I’ll send them an exhaust fan.”

There was a knock at the door I had left half open behind me, and Mitch stepped into the room, followed by Officer Mendes. Officer Oliver Mendes was Provincetown’s newest rookie cop and looked about twelve. He also looked unhappy to be in a lady’s bedroom at this early hour, especially with the lady clad only in a filmy nightgown and favoring him with an ominous glare. Poor laddie, he broke all too easily in the daunting presence of a pro.

“Good morning, ma’am.” He actually gave a short bow. “I’m Officer Mendes, of the Provincetown Police. We hate to intrude upon your privacy in this manner, but there are certain questions we must ask in the line of duty. You see, Ms. Peres thinks you offed the Segal broad—”

“Jesus Christ, Oliver! Talk about subtlety!” I barked.

“Mendes, for God’s sake, stop babbling like an idiot!” Mitch looked unhappy at Mendes’s taking over the opening statement he had probably spent the early morning rehearsing.

Mendes looked unhappier still, at the public reprimand.

If anyone had cared to notice, I almost certainly looked the unhappiest of all.

While Mitch, Mendes and I had had our little family squabble, Elaine had stepped over to the bed, reached in her purse and pulled out a tiny little derringer-like pistol. Said pistol was at the moment pointed about two feet from my stomach. Even Elaine couldn’t miss from that distance.

The fancily engraved pistol looked like something ridiculous and for show that an actress would have. On the other hand, I recalled, one very much like it had worked quite well for actor John Wilkes Booth.

Of course, unless she fired it, we now had a hostage situation, where I was the costar. It was a billing I would gladly have relinquished.

I cleared my throat. “Elaine, you really don’t want—”

“Don’t tell me what I don’t want. I’d as soon shoot you as not. Things can’t get a helluva lot worse.” She waved the pistol in the general direction of my face.

“You.” She pointed at Mitch. “You’re a sergeant or something. Listen to me. You will fly Alex and me to Boston. You will have a plane waiting to fly us to Belize. When we reach there, I will let Alex go and we will forget all this silliness ever happened.”

Gosh! Vacation time at last! I wondered if the IRS knew Elaine must have some big bucks squirreled away there?

“Ms. Edgewood, this is not
Law and Order!
We don’t have helicopters in the parking lot. And this ‘silliness’ of yours is murder.”

Mitch was coming on tough.

“It’ll be more than that if you—”

“Why Belize?” I asked. “Not that it doesn’t sound lovely.”

“No extradition treaty, I think,” Mitch answered. “But it is great. My mom was there last . . .”

God knows what travelogue we would have been treated to, but at that moment Lexus tore into the room with Fargo in hot pursuit. Lexus bounced off a chair, onto Elaine’s shoulder and then to the top of an armoire, where he crouched, growling and hissing. Elaine stood screaming and waving the gun. “Get him out of here. Get him away from me! I hate cats!”

Fargo made a furious attempt to run through Elaine’s legs to get to Lexus, got tangled in her nightgown, and took them both down in a heap. Terrified she would shoot him or Lexus, I fell on top of her and managed to anchor to the floor the hand holding the gun, at least for the moment. She was moaning something about her bad arm, but I didn’t care.

“Mendes! Cuff her!” I yelled.

Martha raced into the room. “What the hell is going on? It sounds like mating time at the zoo in here. Be quiet, all of you. We have guests sleeping!”

I doubted it. Then she yelled, “What are you doing? You can’t do this! Take your hands off me, you little prick!” Now I really doubted it.

I looked over my shoulder to see Mendes putting handcuffs on Martha.

“Not her! Her!”

“Oh, sorry.”

Throughout most of this segment of our Keystone Kops movie, I had heard a soft thud—thud—thud in the background. I wondered if it were poor Bill, beating his head against the refrigerator. But no! It had been Sonny making his slow and doubtless painful way up the stairs on crutches.

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