Murder in the Cake: Cozy Murder Mystery (Harley Hill Mysteries Book 4) (23 page)

BOOK: Murder in the Cake: Cozy Murder Mystery (Harley Hill Mysteries Book 4)
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“Pish. You had everything well in hand. Now stop being so sentimental and go and get dressed, and do comb your hair, it looks like a bird’s nest,” she said, as rude and bossy as ever, but as I turned to leave the kitchen, I was sure I saw her dab away a tear.


Maggie wouldn’t tell us where we were going for brunch, only that it wasn’t far. For a real treat, we were allowed to call a couple of cabs.

Cordi and Maggie went on ahead, and Michael and Cole and I followed. It made a pleasant change being in a car that wasn’t in danger of breaking down and wasn’t being driven by a frustrated rally driver.

On our way to brunch, we passed Café H. The windows were still boarded up, but the police tape was gone and there was a for sale sign outside. Even though a grisly murder had been committed in there, it wouldn’t be on the market for long, not in this part of London.

Not long after, we pulled up on a nearby street outside a café that I hadn’t noticed before.

“This looks new,” Cole said. “Very smart.”

The word ‘Cake’ was emblazoned above the door in shiny metallic letters. “I wonder what it sells?” I said.

“Well, I’d imagine that they… oh.” Michael stopped mid-sentence and blushed. “I see what you mean.”

I chuckled. “Come on, big brother, I know those painkillers are strong, but do try to keep up.”

Cole and I helped Michael out of the cab and we went inside. The café was smartly decorated and smelled of fresh paint.

By the looks of things, we were the only customers and I was a little concerned that Cordi and Maggie weren’t here yet. “They should have been here by now.”

Cole shrugged. “It depends which way they went.” He pointed to a large table hung with bunting and balloons. “Looks like someone’s having a party.”

“Well spotted, Detective Lockland.” I grinned and turned to my brother. “Okay, Mike, where do you want to sit?” Before he had a chance to answer, Chloe popped up from behind the counter.

“Why don’t you sit over there?” she said, and pointed to the party table. At the same time, Cordi stuck her head around the kitchen door, followed by Maggie. “Surprise!” they shouted.

I turned to Cole and Michael. “Did you guys know about this?”

They both shook their heads. “Not a clue, sis,” Michael said.

Cole put his hand on his heart. “Me neither, scout’s honour.”

Cordi popped the cork on a bottle of champagne and began filling up glasses.

“Anybody want to tell me what’s going on here?” I said. Chloe came over and gave me a big hug.

“Hi, Harley. It’s so good to see you,” she said. “Thank you so much for finding the killer. It means so much to me!”

“Hey, don’t mention it.” I hugged her back. “But what’s going on here? Did Maggie hire this place?”

“No, it’s hers.” Chloe beamed. “Isn’t that right, Maggie?”

Maggie was just helping herself to a cinnamon bun. “Isn’t what right? You’ll have to speak up; the battery is flat on my hearing aid.”

“I was just telling Harley that you own this place.”

“Yes. I bought it. I had the idea some time ago.” She took a bite of bun. “Mmm. Perfect. I decided I needed somewhere to sell my amazing cakes instead of giving them to you lot for free. Young Chloe here is the manager. She’s moved into the flat upstairs so that she can keep an eye on the place.”

I turned to Chloe, who was still grinning from ear to ear. She looked like a different kid to the scared urchin I’d first met. “That’s great, Chloe,” I said. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Isn’t it? I mean, my uncle left me his flat in his will, but I couldn’t bring myself to live there after what happened, so I’m selling it. I’m going to use the money to pay for university.”

“That’s wonderful.” I was so happy for her I hugged her again. “I know this has been a really tough time for you, Chloe, but I’m glad that something positive has come out of it.”

“Me too. Maggie has been so wonderfully supportive, I can’t thank her enough.”

“Just make sure you’re not taking on too much, managing this place and studying.” I know I sounded like an old mother hen, but I felt very protective of her.

“It’s fine, I’m not on my own, here. Hold on.” Chloe headed into the kitchen and returned a moment later with none other than Greg, the live-action-role-playing waiter from the Coach and Horse. He was carrying a tray of sandwiches.

“Hello, Harley.” He smiled. “How’s that big silly dog?”

“Hi, Greg. Max is fine, thanks. I’m afraid he still has your magic ball. How’s your friend, has she forgiven him yet?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, just about, she’s a nice person, really. She was just a bit shocked. Tell Max he can keep the ball. Would you care for a sandwich?”

“Why not.” I took a neat little ham sandwich that had the crust cut off.

Maggie tapped her champagne glass with a little cake fork. “Attention, everyone. Now that we’re all here, I’d just like to make a toast to our new venture—bringing fine cakes to the undeserving citizens of this fair city.” She raised her glass. “To the Cake! God bless her and all who sail in her.”

Cordi and I exchanged a puzzled look, but we went along with it. “To the Cake!” everyone shouted, and raised their glasses.

Cole put his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear, “I’ve got something to tell you.”

My heart lurched, but when I looked at his happy face, I guessed it wasn’t going to be bad news. “What is it?”

“I’ve decided to quit the force. I’ve decided that if they can treat me so badly after years of dedicated service, they don’t deserve me.”

I didn’t know what to say. On the one hand I was happy for him, but on the other I was sorry that they hadn’t given him the respect he deserved. “What are you going to do?”

He shrugged and took a sip of champagne. “I was thinking of travelling abroad and becoming a yoga teacher,” he said with a completely straight face.

“Seriously?” I couldn’t believe it, but he looked so serious right up until he broke into a fit of giggles.

“Gotcha!” he said.

I thumped his arm. “You jerk, you really had me going there.”

He bowed. “Being an undercover cop is like being an actor.”

“Except people don’t shoot bad actors.”

“More’s the pity, if you ask me.” We both laughed. “But seriously, Harley, that’s another reason I’m going to quit. I was never concerned about the danger when it was just me, but now I have someone to care about, someone who cares about me… I hope?”

I answered with a kiss. He tasted of mint and champagne. It wasn’t a bad combination. “So what are you really going to do, smartass?”

He stretched. The tight T-shirt he was wearing showed his lean, muscular bod off to perfection. “I was thinking of doing private security consultancy work, and maybe working for the Silvers and Hill Finders Agency, if they’ll have me, of course. What do you think?”

“Hmm. I don’t know, Cole. Cordi said we should keep the team small.”

He looked gutted. “Ah. I see.”

I grinned. “Ha! Gotcha!”

“Why you—” He tickled me and somehow we ended up kissing.

“I think that would be awesome,” I said. “But let me check with my partner. Hey, Cordi,” I called.

She was deep in conversation with Greg and Chloe, but she heard me and came over. “What’s the matter, Harley dear?”

“Cole is quitting the force and wants to work with us. What do you think?”

“I think that would be wonderful! I think everything is wonderful.” She giggled and threw her arm around my shoulder. “Why, even that jerk-face ex-husband of mine is going to be out of my hair soon.” She burped in a most unladylike manner. “Oh, my word. This champagne has gone straight to my head.” She tottered over to Michael, who was happily snacking on a plate of hors d’oeuvres.

Cole shook his head. “How does Cordi manage to go from zero to drunk so quickly?”

“She has no tolerance for alcohol, and I’d say she was tiddly more than drunk, and very happy. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to find the little sleuth’s room.”

“I’ll wait right here,” he said.

I paused by the door and watched my friends eating cake, drinking champagne and laughing with each other. It was great and I realized that these weren’t my friends—they were my family.

It was just a pity that Alex wasn’t part of it. When I found the restroom, I made sure that I was alone and called him. For a change, he answered straight away.

“Hey, what’s up?” He sounded concerned.

“Nothing, relax. Everything’s fine. Well, kind of.”

“What do you mean ‘kind of’?” Now he sounded suspicious.

I didn’t beat around the bush but came right out with it. “Did you know that Cole’s boss wanted him to go to Cornwall before you requested the move?” He didn’t say anything. “Alex? Did you know?”


“I knew it.”

“Well, you are a detective.”

“Why did you help him?”

He laughed. “You’re just full of questions, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am. Care to answer a few?”

He laughed again. “And feisty. I like that in a girl.”

I smiled to myself. He was such a flirt. “Yeah, I know. So, why did you help Cole?”

“If I’m being honest, I don’t give a damn about Cole Lockland. It’s you I care about, Harley. I want you to be happy.”

“Oh, Alex.” I felt tears welling. “I… I wish you weren’t leaving.”

“It’s Cornwall, not Mars. I’ll be around, and remember what I said. If you need anything, you know my number.” He paused and cleared his throat. If I didn’t know better, I would have said he was a little choked up. “See you round, kid. Take care of yourself.” His voice sounded thick with emotion.

“Wait! Alex?”

He’d hung up. I sighed and leaned against the toilet door. I knew it was probably for the best.

Alex being here made things really complicated, but I hated how he was out there, on his own. I knew what that was like, looking at people with friends and families and always being the one passing by alone.

I washed my face and returned to the party. Cole knew something was wrong the moment he saw me. He came over, followed by Cordi and Chloe.

“What’s up, Harley honey?” he asked.

“Harley dear, have you been crying?” Cordi asked.

I put my arms around the three of them. “I’m absolutely fine. These are tears of pure happiness.” It was only half a lie, I was really happy, but I was also going to miss Alex. He’d become a great friend and had looked out for me when I had no one else. Still, like he said, Cornwall wasn’t Mars, and Alex had way more going than he ever liked to talk about. I didn’t doubt the rumour that he had a girl there to keep him company.

“Group hug!” Cordi shouted and dragged us over to Michael, who was chatting to Maggie. “Come on, group hug!” she said, giggling.

“Stuff and nonsense,” Maggie muttered, but she was swept into our rugby scrum of joy despite her complaints. Even poor Greg got pulled in.

“Here’s to the next chapter for the Silvers and Hill Finders Agency!” Cordi raised her glass, sloshing champagne over us like a decadent baptism, which I guess it was.

This was a new beginning, for all of us, and even with fizzy wine dripping down my face, I couldn’t have been happier.

With all my family issues laid to rest, and my future clear, I was looking forward to becoming a better sleuth and helping to make the Silvers and Hill Finders Agency the very best investigation company in the world.

And as it happened, our next case wasn’t far away…

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