Murder Of A Snake In The Grass

BOOK: Murder Of A Snake In The Grass
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“Skye Denison is the quintessential amateur sleuth: bright,

curious, and more than a little nervy.”

—Earlene Fowler



Murder of a Sleeping Beauty

“A smooth, pleasant, and ultimately satisfying book.”

Chicago Tribune

“It’s no mystery why the first Scumble River novel was nominated for the prestigious Agatha Award. Denise Swanson knows small-town America, its secrets and its self-delusions, and she writes as if she might have been hiding behind a tree when some of the bodies were being buried. A delightful new series.”—Margaret Maron

“Fast-paced and lively.”—
Romantic Times
(4 stars)

“Another delightful and intriguing escapade…. When

this book reaches your local bookseller, do yourself a

favor and buy it.”—
Mystery News

Murder of a Sweet Old Lady

“Skye is a quixotic blend of vulnerability and strength….

Denise Swanson is on her way to the top of the genre….

A magnificent tale written by a wonderful author.”


“Superbly written with emotion and everything a good

mystery needs…. Shame on you if you miss anything by

Denise Swanson.”—
The Bookshelf

“Swanson’s writing is fresh and snappy…. Skye Denison [is] one of the most likable protagonists in softer-boiled mystery fiction today.
Murder of a Sweet Old Lady
is more fun than the Whirl-A-Gig at the county fair and tastier than a corndog.”—The Charlotte Austin Review

Murder of a Small-Town Honey

“A delightful mystery that bounces along with gently wry

humor and jaunty twists and turns.”—Earlene Fowler

“A lighthearted, entertaining mystery.”

—South Florida Sun-Sentinel

“A charming, insightful debut mystery.”—Carolyn Hart

“The start of a bright new series. Swanson captures the

essence of small-town life in Scumble River, and

Skye is a likable heroine.”—
Romantic Times

“Denise Swanson has created a likable new heroine

reminiscent of some of our favorite childhood detectives—

with a little bit of an edge…. A fresh, delightful, and

enjoyable first mystery.”—The Charlotte Austin Review

“Skye is smart, feisty, quick to action and altogether

lovable.”—I Love a Mystery

“A charming debut novel that rings with humor, buzzes

with suspense, and engages with each page turned….

An impressive first novel worthy of praise.”

The Daily Journal
(Kankakee, IL)

“With a light touch, [Swanson]’s crafted a likable heroine

in a wackily realistic small-town community with

wonderful series potential. I suspect we’ll be seeing a lot

more of Denise Swanson and Scumble River.”

—The Mystery Morgue

Other Scumble River Mysteries

Murder of a Sleeping Beauty

Murder of a Sweet Old Lady

Murder of a Small-Town Honey

Scumble River is not a real town. The characters and

events portrayed in these pages are entirely fictional, and

any resemblance to living persons is pure coincidence.

Murder of a
Snake in the

A Scumble River Mystery





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Copyright © Denise Swanson Stybr, 2003

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ISBN: 978-1-101-56755-5


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To school psychologists everywhere who try

every day to do the right thing for the children,

especially my colleagues in Illinois


My sincere thanks to:

My paternal aunt and uncle, Pooch and Billie Swanson; my maternal aunt and uncle, Rosella and Joe Votta; my cousins Peter Bianchetta, Rich McLuckie, Phil McLuckie, and Tiffany and Justin Friddle; and the rest of my relatives and friends, who help my mother manage without my father.

Special thanks to my Personal Assistant and Der Webmeister, Dave Stybr, for supporting me in countless ways.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24



The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

kye Denison stood in the Up A Lazy River Motor Court parking lot, slapping mosquitoes and trying to keep an eye on her godfather, Charlie Patukas. Not that he was hard to spot—at six feet, three hundred pounds, with a voice that could be heard two counties over, he was about as easy to miss as the Sears Tower in the Chicago skyline.

The problem was that he and the rest of the Scumble River Bicentennial Committee kept milling around on the grandstand. To Skye, they looked like fish in an aquarium: first they all darted to the right side of the stage; then they all charged to the left.

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