Murphy's Law (20 page)

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Authors: Lori Foster

BOOK: Murphy's Law
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While she'd talked with the police, Quinton began explaining the history behind Elton's behavior. Ashley settled back into her chair and drank her Coke until he finished.

Every couple of seconds, Adrianna looked at her with sympathy, while Warren made no bones about his growing animosity. He rightfully blamed her for putting Quinton at risk, and guilt nearly smothered her.

“From now on,” Quinton told them, “Ashley will be using my cell phone. I'll pick up a new one tomorrow.”

“Now wait a minute—”

As if she weren't even in the room, Quinton disregarded her objections. “I'll let you know my new number as soon as I have it.”

While Ashley stood there flabbergasted at his audacity, Adrianna said, “She might need to reach you. Keep your phone and I'll give her mine.” And she dug out her phone from her purse.

Ashley backed away from them all. “I can get my own damn phone, thank you very much.”

“But you haven't yet.”

” She blinked hard and fast. With virtual strangers staring at her, offering help, she felt cornered. She felt…
—much as she had as a child. She hated it. “First thing tomorrow.”

Quinton would have argued further, but whatever he saw in her eyes made him pause. She knew he wasn't backing down, but he had the good sense to realize that he'd infuriated her.

After a long look, he turned back to his uncle in an effort to clear the room. “Thank you, Adrianna, but we'll figure it out. Whatever we decide, I'll call and let you know.” He took his uncle's arm and tried to urge him toward the door.

Warren jerked out of his grasp. “Be smart, Quinton. End this idiocy right now.”

Quinton stiffened. “This doesn't concern you.”

“You're my nephew, my business partner. Of course it concerns me when I see you behaving so stupidly.”

“Warren…” Adrianna warned, but he wasn't listening.

“You've had your fun with her. Now get rid of her before it's too late.”

“Get out.”

Ashley stepped forward and put a hand on Quinton's biceps. “That's enough.”

Her quiet voice dropped into the shocked silence.

Quinton turned to face her. “Stay out of this, honey.” And then to Warren. “You're leaving. Now.”

“Damn you, Quinton, the day hasn't come when I need a man to speak for me.” Eyes narrowed, she closed the distance to Warren. He stiffened—and backed up. But in the confines of the office, he couldn't get away from her. “It's clear you don't like me, Warren. And with all your uppity breeding, you can't bring yourself to be polite. Hey, that's no skin off my nose. I don't really give a damn what you think.”

He stopped retreating and looked down his nose at her.

“But you're Quinton's uncle, so I
be polite. I might not have your breeding, but I have something better. Decency.”

His chin tucked in. “You're insulting me!”

“Yeah.” She smiled. “I am.” Never in her adult life had Ashley felt so volatile. And it wasn't because of Elton's call, or the insults Warren had dished out.

It was Quinton's involvement, and his over-the-top display in front of others that now had her behaving badly.

Warren looked past her to Quinton, probably hoping for assistance. But Quinton wasn't in the mood to offer help.

He looked ready to say things that would cause irrevocable damage to the family dynamics.

“God, do I have to do everything?” With a huff, Ashley turned to Quinton. “Your uncle is worried about you, Quinton.”

Warren snatched up her defense. “I am. This entire ghastly situation sounds dangerous. I don't want you hurt. If you won't protect yourself for me, then think of your Aunt Ivana.”

Adrianna made a rude noise. “Both you and Ivana should know that Quinton is more than capable of taking care of himself. He's never been one to blindly turn away from injustice.”

“If you mean those brats he coddles—”

“That's more than enough, Uncle Warren.”

Ashley was pleased to hear the calm in his tone. When he slipped his hand into hers, she didn't draw away.

“You've made your feelings clear. Now you need to go home before we say things we'll later regret.”

“Fine. I'll go. But for God's sake, be careful.” Incensed, he shot Ashley one last venomous look before opening the office door.

“Wait for me.” Adrianna gathered up her belongings in a rush. “If there's danger, I'd just as soon not walk out alone.”

Sighing, Warren nodded in agreement, but he stepped outside the office.

Adrianna touched Ashley's arm. “Thank you for being so understanding. I know Warren sometimes isn't the easiest man to tolerate.”

No, he wasn't. But she figured she wouldn't see him that much anyway. “No sweat.”

Next, Adrianna addressed Quinton. “I hope you know that he means well. It's just that he's old and stuck in his ways—”

Warren poked his head back inside. “I can hear your every word, Adrianna.”

She grinned, winked at Quinton, and hurried out.


The second everyone left the room, Ashley turned away from Quinton. Arms wrapped around herself, she whispered, “How could you do that?”

Quinton wasn't sure if it was hurt or rage that directed her now. He just knew that he never again wanted to see that particular look in her eyes. “Should I apologize yet again?”

“No.” She kept walking around the perimeter of the room until she encountered her ruined phone, lying in pieces on the floor. “I could have traded it in, or just gotten another number assigned to it.”

Every muscle in Quinton's body clenched. Regardless of the time limits of their relationship, he knew Ashley. She wasn't a timid woman who held herself in check. She was a woman who went full steam ahead on everything and everyone. She left her emotions exposed and when they got trampled, she pretended she didn't care and kept on trucking.

As she had in confronting his uncle.

He didn't like seeing her so contained. He didn't like worrying that her feelings were hurt, or that she might consider him and his stuffy uncle too much trouble.

Knowing the exact reaction he'd get, Quinton moved closer to her and said, “I'll buy you another one.”

When she turned on him, brimming with fury, he was ready for her. Her mouth was open, but whatever invective she had planned turned into a gasp when he snatched her into his chest.

He locked his arms around her waist. He was bigger, stronger, heavier, and he had no problem backing her into the wall and pinning her in place.

She struggled, but he just tightened his hold. Putting his mouth near her ear, he whispered, “I'm sorry, Ashley.”

“Let me go.”

“That's not going to happen, sweetheart. It doesn't matter what my uncle says or what you think.” He kissed her cheek and smiled when she jerked her head away. “God Almighty, I've missed you.”

Her fist clunked against his shoulder, but he held her so close that she wasn't able to get any force behind the blow.

“Do you realize how long it's been? And I no sooner get to see you, than all hell breaks loose. I'm tortured.”

“You're nuts, that's what you are!”

“Agreed. But when I think of Elton hassling you, threatening you, I want to rip him apart with my bare hands. I can't stand it that he's out of my reach, that I can't get to him.”

She went still, her chest heaving, her stance stiff and hostile.

“And I don't want anyone, not even a damned relative, to insult you. It infuriates me. I'm only a man, honey. Grant me the right to temporarily misguided behavior.”

He could tell she was listening, really hearing him, and he kissed her again, this time close to the corner of her mouth.

“I know you're independent, and I'm sorry that I embarrassed you. I should have waited until we were alone. I should have kept myself in check and controlled my temper until then.”

“You should have let me handle Elton myself.”

“No. I can't.” And he precluded more fury by saying, “Especially when I planned to ask for your help.”

Suspicion ripe, she levered her head back to see him. “Help you how?”

“With the boys. If you can spare the time. You see, I want to do a Thanksgiving dinner for them. I realize we have some time, but the holiday will be upon us before long, and I know the boys enjoyed your company and—”

Ashley grabbed his face and kissed him. “That sounds wonderful.”

“Really?” He'd sort of made that up, and her kiss had boggled him, but…it wasn't a bad idea. And if she agreed now, it'd be like cementing their relationship for weeks to come. That idea pleased him. “Do you think you'll be able to get some time off work?”

She shrugged. “Let me know your schedule and I'll see what I can do.”

Damn it, now he had something else to fret about. If she missed work for the boys, would she still be able to make ends meet? Feeling his way, he said, “I realize you're on…limited funds, so perhaps—”

“Don't.” She tried again to shove him away, but he only snuggled in closer to her. She quit pushing and instead knotted her hands in his shirt, then pulled his face down to hers. “If you're smart, you'll let that one go, Murphy. I mean it.”

“All right.” Quinton covered her hands with his, easing her grip, and because he couldn't wait, not even long enough to finish his apologies, he kissed her.

She didn't exactly kiss him back, but she didn't turn away, either.

“Tell me you'll forgive me.” Being so close to her, holding her and breathing in her scent, had his heart thundering in a now-familiar way. “Right now.”


“Because you don't start work for another half an hour and I'm dying to get my hands under this little flirty shirt of yours.”

“Oh.” She glanced at the office door, licked her lips, and looked back at him. “Does it lock?”

Her quick acquiescence had Quinton groaning. In a heartbeat he reached the door and clicked the lock into place. He flipped off the overhead lights, leaving only his desk lamp on, and faced her again.

She had her bottom lip caught in her teeth, but he could see the excitement in her dark eyes and in the thickened way she breathed.

For a second, Quinton just looked at her. She peered around the room, then slid her purse strap off her shoulder and put it on a chair. Lacing her fingers together, she sized up the desk and frowned.


He eased toward her. “Hmmm?”

“I've got the whole bed thing figured out now. But I don't know about your desk chair. It swivels, right? I mean, it looks like we could get dumped to the floor pretty easy.”

“Trust me.” He stepped up behind her and gently brushed her hair forward over her shoulders so he could kiss her nape. Her crewneck T-shirt covered her chest, but she was once again braless, and the hem just met the top of her hip-hugger pants.

“Have you done this before?” She tipped her head, making it easier for him to kiss her neck and the side of her throat. “In your office?”

“No.” He slid his left hand around her, under the thin cotton T-shirt, and palmed her bare stomach. Her skin was warm and silky, and he loved the way she always wore loose-fitting pants, which would be much more accommodating than skintight jeans. Teasing her and himself, he pressed his fingertips under the waistband.

She inhaled sharply. “Then how do you know—”

He gently bit her ear. “Men have an instinct for these things.”

Her elbow connected with his ribs.

Laughing, Quinton pinned her arms to her sides so she couldn't inflict more damage on him. “I gather you want to know exactly what we'll do?”


“All right.” He started her forward toward his desk and then guided her behind it. Still standing at her back, he cupped her left breast in one hand, slid his other inside the front of her pants, and whispered, “I'm going to bend you over the desk.”

Chapter 12

The pulse in Ashley's throat quickened, drawing his lips. “What do you think of that?”

“I don't know.”

Her voice was high and thin with excitement, and he felt her bottom press back into his groin.

His mouth very close to her ear, he continued. “I'll drop your pants to your ankles so you can open your legs enough. From my position, I'll be able to see all of you…even me going into you.”

She groaned, and her nipple puckered tightly beneath his fingers.

“You'll brace your hands on the desktop so you can take my thrusts. It's deep this way, Ashley. Very deep. If I hurt you, I want you to tell me—”

“Do it now.”

He smiled at her urgency. His fingers were inside her pants, but over her panties, and he gently caressed her. “Mmm. I can feel you, already warm and damp. And this…” He pressed his fingers to her distended clitoris. “You're nearly ready.”

She moved against him, seeking his fingers, wanting more.

“Let me just rearrange you a bit.” He pulled his hands from her pants and she moaned at the loss, but caught her breath when he opened the snap at her waistband and then eased down the zipper. “Don't move.”

She stood frozen as he pushed the pants down over her slim hips, then lower, beneath her knees.

“Let me see how far you can open your legs.” When she just stood there, all but panting, he said, “Ashley. Open your legs.”

And she did, easing them apart.


Her hands curled into fists, but she widened her stance more, as far as she could with the restriction of the thick material around her ankles.

Quinton coasted a hand over her quivering belly, then down between her legs and over her crotch. He boldly stroked once, twice, then drew his hand away. “Yes, that'll do. Especially once you're bent over with your sexy tush in the air.”

“Oh, God.”

“Only twenty minutes left before you have to start work. Let's take off your shirt. I want to be able to touch your naked breasts.”

“This is so kinky,” she moaned.

“It's only feels kinky the first time, I promise.”

She made a sound that was part moan, part laugh. But as Quinton bunched her shirt up under her arms, leaving her breasts exposed, she started breathing hard.

“What do you think?” he asked her, while rasping his open palms over her stiffened nipples.

“I'm ready.”

She was close, but he wanted her climax to be a sure thing. He wasn't about to enter her until he got her almost there. “Not yet.” He caught her nipples between fingers and thumbs and tugged her forward. “Brace your hands on the desk.”

She did so quickly, flattening her hands on the hard surface and stiffening her arms.

“Now arch your back for me.”

“You're pushing it.”

“I'm pushing you, but I promise you'll enjoy it.” He continued to toy with her nipples, rolling them, pinching lightly, all the while keeping his erection—still inside his pants—snug against her bottom. “Now come on, honey, get that sweet ass up there.”

Her head dropped forward, but she did arch her back—and she looked so ripe, so sexy, Quinton had a difficult time reminding himself to put her first.

He hooked his hands into her panties and eased them down her legs, then kissed her knee, her thigh, and her bottom on his way back up.

Finally, he stood back to just look at her. The lighting was dim, but he could see her pale, smooth flesh, her long, lean thighs.

And her vulva.

He had to close his eyes a moment to collect himself or he knew it'd be all over for him. He'd drop his pants and be on her, and in less than two minutes, he'd be grinding out an orgasm.


They had a limited amount of time, so he had to man-up to control himself until she reached her own release. “You are so beautiful.” With one hand at the small of her back to keep her in place, he trailed the fingertips of his other hand up the back of her thigh. “Do you know how you look to me, Ashley? Pink and wet and so tempting, I want to come right now.”

“Okay,” she said in a breathless rush, her voice shaking. “Then how about—”

“Shhh. Not yet. Now just let me touch you.” He watched as he searched his fingers through her pubic curls to her damp, swollen lips. Forcing himself to go slow, he explored her, stroked her, worked one finger barely into her, then glided it over her clitoris until she trembled all over and couldn't stay still.

He, too, braced one hand on the desk, and with the other, he found a rhythm that suited her. He wished they were naked. He wished they had hours to spend. But they had only here and now, so he'd make the most of it.

When her breathing became choppy and he could feel the small contractions building, he stepped back and quickly opened his pants. In less than twenty seconds, he'd opened a condom from his wallet and rolled it on.

“Ashley.” He held her hips in his hands, his thumbs keeping her open, and watched as her body accepted his cock. By small degrees, her slick, delicate flesh opened around him, allowing him in, letting him sink deeper and deeper with each careful thrust.

Ashley moaned, saying, “I can't…” and then she just folded her arms on the desk, lowering her upper body but keeping her legs straight and stiff, and he knew he was lost.

Clasping her hips tightly, he thrust in, hard and fast. He heard her groan but he couldn't seem to slow himself.

He didn't want to hurt her, but she was moving with him, groaning with each forward thrust, her body grasping him on each retreat. He felt her contractions begin, squeezing him, milking him, and he locked his teeth on a mind-numbing orgasm. Something fell from his desk and hit the floor with a thud. A paper fluttered away.

Still inside her, both of them now wet, he collapsed over her.

Her legs were trembling. He realized that about the same time that Ashley snickered, and then laughed. “Hey, Quinton?”

She sounded sweet and teasing and replete. “Hmm?”

“In maybe two seconds we're both going to go the way of the stapler, which hit the floor along with a folder or two.”

“Right.” It wasn't easy, but he dredged up the energy and raised himself, dropped back in his chair—which, thankfully, was behind him—and pulled her into his lap.

Rubbing her nose into his throat, she asked, “I don't suppose you have anything in this office that we can use to clean up?”

His arms were tingling. His legs were blown. His heart was still trying to come out of his chest. “I'm wealthy.”

“I know.”

“I have a bathroom in the inner office.”

“Oh. Cool.”

“Please tell me I don't need to carry you there.”

She snickered again. “No, but I hope you know how hard it's going to be for me to work a solid eight hours tonight.”

His eyes opened. He hadn't even considered that. He wanted to go home and go to bed, and she had work to do. “Want me to stay and help?”

Her snort nearly parted his hair. “Now wouldn't that go over big with Uncle Warren! Can you imagine how he'd react to you playing janitor?”

Offended, Quinton sat up and cradled her in his arms. She smiled at him, a sweetheart without a care. “It doesn't matter what he thinks, not about this, not about you.”

“Quinton, I'm not going to let you help me do my job.”

He frowned. It had been a wayward, spur-of-the-moment offer anyway. But…“Could I help you study?”

She sat up a little straighter. “Get real. You're a big-shot company guy.”

“I'm your lover.”

Her eyes went big, then softened. “Well…yeah.” Her hand settled on his chest, and he wished like hell that he'd taken the time to remove his shirt. He loved the way she touched him. “But that doesn't mean—”

“I would enjoy it,” he promised her. And he realized that he would. He'd happily help her fold clothes, cook dinner, or anything else she needed to do. He simply wanted to be with her. “I promise I'm not offering just to get in your pants again.”

Her mouth quirked and she gave him a look. “Like you need anything more than a smile to get there.” Shaking her head, she said in playful dismay, “I'm so easy, it's embarrassing.”

“You're not easy, just honest in your feelings.” He smoothed her hair behind her ear and then couldn't stop stroking her hair. It was thick and long and very feminine. “I'm glad you're seeing things as they should be seen.”

“You mean sex?”


“That's because I picked a super stud to show me the ropes.”

He wanted to laugh, but he thought of how different things would be if she'd chosen her first time to be with some other man, and all he could do was hug her tight.

They sat in his office, in his leather chair, in the dark, and they both had their pants down around their ankles. Yet with Ashley, he didn't feel the least bit silly.

They had only a few minutes left before she'd want to clock in, so he got on track with some things they had yet to cover. “Will you do me a favor, honey?”

“I don't know. What is it?”

“For me,” he stressed, “so that I don't worry more than necessary, and because I'm the one who broke your phone, will you take mine until I can buy you a new one?”

“No on both counts.”

“You've told me repeatedly how smart and independent you are. Don't let stubborn pride prove you wrong now.” He tilted her back to see her face. “Elton is out there, obviously bent on plaguing you in one way or another. I want you to have a phone on you, with the numbers for the guards keyed in. I want to know that you can reach me if necessary.”

She ran her fingers along his loosened tie, thinking over what he'd said, and finally she nodded. “Yeah, you're right. I can be too stubborn sometimes. I'll take your phone, and since you did break mine, you can buy me another. Want to meet me at the mall tomorrow morning, before my first class?”

When the hell did she sleep? He wasn't used to worrying about women. Family, yes. The kids he sponsored, sure. But not a woman. With Ashley he was either lusting for her, trying to talk his way around her, or worrying about her. She'd age him before his time.

“I'll be there. And since we're sitting here bare-assed, chatting in the dark, how about we work out a timetable?”

“What kind of timetable?”

“I know your work at the restaurant varies, but your classes and your hours here are set, right?”

“For the most part.”

“My hours are flexible.”

Using his tie as a leash, she pulled him down for a smooch. “Because you're the boss.”

“And being the boss has its perks. If you share your schedule when you get it, I can adjust mine. We enjoy our time together, right?”

“I'm bare-assed, aren't I?”

He smiled with her. “If I help you study, and you occasionally help me with the boys, we'll be able to get together more.”

Given her wide smile, the idea pleased her. “Other than making me a little messy, this pre-work visit wasn't bad, either.”

“Next time we can try the chair. And there's a leather sofa in the inner office that Adrianna uses—”

Ashley swatted him. “You big shot CEO types really like taking chances, huh?”

“I'm starving for you. Again. Already.” He covered her small breast and caressed her. “Work with me here.”

“Okay, okay.” Before he could further his seduction, Ashley caught his wrist and removed his hand. After awkwardly scrambling off his lap and pulling up her pants, she said, “Long as we're really careful, I'm game for some office hanky-panky every now and then. But for tonight, I need to go get clocked in and start cleaning.”

Quinton stood too, and pulled up his trousers. “Have I told you that your exceptional work ethic turns me on?”

Ashley laughed. “I'm beginning to wonder what doesn't turn you on.”

Without responding, he took her hand to lead her to the restroom. He already knew that everything about her struck him bone deep.

The thought of Elton getting anywhere near her sent him into a rage. First thing tomorrow, he'd double the guards protecting her. And now, with her agreement to allow him further into her life, he'd be able to keep a closer watch on her, too.

Until Elton was behind bars, he didn't want her alone for a single second.


The moon rested low in the black sky when Elton opened the rusty metal door of the abandoned trailer he now called home. Screeching hinges disturbed the otherwise silent night. The rank odors from within followed him down the wobbly steps, then dissipated in the fresh air. Behind him, disturbed cockroaches scuttled over the floors and counters.

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