Must Love Fangs (Midnight Liaisons) (25 page)

BOOK: Must Love Fangs (Midnight Liaisons)
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“You’re not the one dying,” I said bitterly. “I’m not about to turn back now—not when this is
in my grasp. You can’t ask me to choose between you and dying, Josh. That’s unfair.”

“I’m not asking you to,” he said quietly. “I’m asking you to trust me to find another way. We’ll go to more doctors. See a specialist. Check with the Alliance doctors—”

“Don’t you think I’ve tried everything? Don’t you think I know what my options are? I don’t know how much time I have, Josh. The hallucinations, the anxiety, the insomnia—they’re worse than ever. I can’t keep doing this. You can’t ask me to keep going in the hope that something will change.”

“Just give me a week, Marie. That’s all I ask. You say you love me. Do you love me enough to trust me for another week?”

I stared at him. Another week of misery. Of sheer exhaustion. Hallucinations that told me that my brain was shutting down. Of dragging myself through every hour of every day.

Another week in Josh’s arms.

But what if Andre didn’t want to wait? What if he changed his mind?

I couldn’t risk it. I leaned in and gave Josh another kiss. “I love you,” I told him softly. “I do. But I’m not changing my mind.”

He stared at me, his face cold. “I’m not going to sit back and let you ruin your life, Marie. This is a mistake. I know things about vampires that you don’t. This one’s not a nice guy. I don’t trust that he’s going to turn you. He’s just using you as his personal soda fountain—”

I suddenly remembered that
had bitten me, too. “At least he didn’t put a mate mark on me and then lie to me about it.”

“Fat lot of good it’s doing,” he said angrily. “Especially since you’re determined to run headlong into a vampire’s arms.”

“How could you do that to me? Stake your claim on me like I belong to you?”

“Last night you were quick to say you were mine. Are things different now that you’ve had a chance to sleep on it?”

Tears of frustration threatened to spill from my eyes. “Please. I have a chance at more time. You can’t ask me not to take it.”

“And I won’t,” he said, moving in to brush my tears away with his fingers. Then he kissed my forehead. “Let’s talk about it.”

He pressed more light kisses to my face, my nose, my cheek. Light, loving kisses of affection. God, I loved his kisses. He moved past me and gestured at the kitchen. “You should see what I brought you.”

I nodded, pretending that I was just about to follow him. When he moved into the kitchen, still talking, I tore down the stairs and raced across the lawn to my car. I got it started in record time and was backing out of my parking space just as he appeared at the head of the stairs, looking utterly furious.

I mouthed, “
” as I peeled out of the parking lot.

After tonight, I’d have all eternity to make it up to him.

Chapter Fourteen

he sedan pulled up to a posh brownstone in an exclusive part of Southlake Town Square.

Not exactly what I’d pictured for a vampire, but it did scream “money.”

The driver nodded at the house on the end. “We’re here, miss.” He watched me with attentive eyes, his nostrils flaring every now and then to catch a scent, which told me he was some kind of shifter. He was big and burly, like half the shifters I knew of.

“Thank you,” I said quietly and opened the door, stepping out onto the curb. I moved to the steps of the brownstone, studying it. The exterior was neat and well maintained, with a box of white flowers hanging at one window. Very homey.

It didn’t scream vampire, but maybe that was the point.

I knocked, feeling anxious. What if I turned around and Josh was there to try and “rescue” me from the situation again? What would I do then?

But the door opened, and a smiling, beautifully dressed Andre gestured for me to enter. “Welcome, Marie. I’m so glad you could make it.”

I smiled brightly and stepped inside, feeling a bit like a fly that had stepped into the spider’s web. But that was silly, of course. I’d told him I’d wanted to be turned, and now I was here at his place. This had to be leading to something.

The interior of the house was just as elegant as the exterior, reminding me of something from an English painting—heavy, ornate, and austere. Deep cherrywood floors complemented the mahogany furniture. An oil painting hung on the far wall, and it looked like Andre in old-fashioned clothes, his hair in a long queue. That was . . . weird. “Nice place,” I said, since he was watching me expectantly.

Andre inclined his head at my compliment. “I appreciate fine things.”

I nodded again, unsure what to say to that. “I’m glad you wanted to see me again.”

“I did,” he agreed. His smile seemed a little more toothy than usual, and alarm bells went off in my head. “I am glad you could come tonight. Did you have to change your plans?”

I glanced around at his immaculate, barely-lived-in-more-like-a-museum home. “Actually, I had an opening in my schedule.”

“So no one is expecting you back?” he asked, moving toward a bottle of wine on the dining room table.

There went those alarm bells again. I followed behind him, hesitant. What to say? Did turning take a while? Was that why he was asking? “Well,” I hedged. “Actually, a friend is waiting for me. He wasn’t happy that I left, but you are my priority.”

“Oh? He?” Andre’s lips thinned.

Damn. “Just a friend,” I said quickly. “No one important.”

“He must not be, if you came to be with me in the middle of the night,” he said slowly, as if measuring out the words. “This pleases me.”

I didn’t care if it pleased him or not. “You said you had a surprise for me?” Might as well cut to the chase.

Andre grinned, and his teeth were definitely elongating. He poured me a glass of wine and held it out. “Shall we enjoy a nice drink first?”

I took the glass, and when he gestured toward the couch, I sat, still uneasy. To my surprise, Andre sat next to me. He didn’t have a wineglass. “I thought you said you wanted a drink?”

“Oh, I do.” He reached out and brushed a curl of my hair off my shoulder.

Skitters of alarm raced through me.
This is what you wanted,
I told myself.
It’s what you wanted. What you wanted
. I downed a big gulp of wine, feeling it burn in my throat. He was staring at my neck avidly, and I realized . . . that I didn’t want to feed him. The thought made my skin crawl with revulsion.

When he leaned in, I flinched away.

He pulled back, frowning at me. “Do you not want to be here with me, Marie?”

I set the glass down, wanting my hands to be free for some reason. “Not at all. I just . . . ” I forced a vulnerable look to my face. “It really hurt the last time. I’m a little frightened.”

A lot frightened.

He puffed up with pride, a pleased-with-himself smile curving his fanged mouth. His teeth grew to an enormous size, and he ran a finger down my bare shoulder, as if eyeing a tender morsel. “Then shall I lick you this time, my pet? I assure you that it won’t hurt that way.”

Oh, ugh. When he leaned in, I leaned away again. “May I know what my surprise is first? Or is the bite my surprise?”

He gave me a confused look. “The bite?”

“Are you going to turn me?” I asked baldly.

“Ah.” He barked a laugh. “No. Here it is.” He pulled a long velvet box out of an interior jacket pocket and offered it to me.

A necklace? I stared at the box, disappointment crashing through me.

“Perhaps if I enjoy tasting you again, we will move on to other things,” he continued. His tongue flicked out between his fangs, as if licking his lips.

Other things? Like . . . sex? And then what? If I had sex with him—ugh ugh ugh—and kept feeding him, then
he’d eventually decide to turn me?

“Do you plan on turning me at some point?” I asked softly.

He arched an eyebrow. “You do realize that vampire law states that any vampire who turns another must give away half his fortune to his fledgling? I’d have to like someone quite a bit to turn them.” He chuckled humorlessly, his cool hand skating down
my arm. “That doesn’t mean I don’t like you, of course. It just means that I need to get to know you better first.”

He’d had four hundred years to get to know other girls, and he’d never turned anyone.

And he wasn’t going to turn me. I was just a convenient drink that he’d keep dangling the carrot in front of until one of us got bored. He’d give me a few more baubles and then call it a day, moving on to the next girl.

I wasn’t a potential mate, as Joshua had feared. I was the vampire equivalent of a booty call.

And now I realized the biggest flaw in my plan. Since there was a hefty fee associated with turning a vampire, someone would really, really have to be in love with me to turn me.

And I was in love with Josh.

The surge of disappointment made me want to throw up. I wasn’t going to be turned after all. There wasn’t going to be a Get Out of Jail Free card. I was done. I was dying.

I was dead. It was just a matter of time.

Tears pricked at my eyes and I swiped at them, getting up from the couch. “I . . . don’t think I can do this.”

“Do what?” Andre got to his feet, his eyes taking on a menacing gleam.

“Feed you. So unless you want to turn me right now, this drinking fountain is closed for business.”

“Turn you? Tonight?” He laughed hard. “I’m
afraid that I’d need a bit more persuasion before thinking along those lines, my dear.”

And there was that carrot again. “I
someone to turn me,” I told him through clenched teeth. “I’m dying.”

“Then perhaps we can come to an agreement,” he said in a silky voice, taking a step toward me. “You feed me, and we’ll . . . talk about it.”

Yeah, right.

I shook my head. “I’m leaving.”

“You’re making a mistake,” he said warningly.

“This entire thing was a mistake,” I told him, my throat raw with unshed tears. My entire life was crashing down before my eyes. I’d been fired from my job, the only access that I had to the Paranormal Alliance. The one vampire that stood a chance of turning me was just using me, and the man I loved had asked me to trust him and I’d run away.

And I was still fucking

“Good-bye, Andre,” I said, heading toward the door.

“Marie,” he warned, walking quickly behind me. “I’m not going to like it if you try to leave.”

Alarm raced through me. That sounded ominous. Even worse, it sounded like he was enjoying it.
Vampires are predators,
Josh had told me.
They like to chase down their prey

And here I was, running from him.

I picked up my pace. I just needed to get down the steps. He wouldn’t attack me out in the open.

But when I put my hand to the door, the knob
wouldn’t turn. I jerked at it, confused. “What—”

Andre’s heavy body crashed into mine. He wrapped an arm around my neck, cutting off my air, and hauled me up against him. He was incredibly strong. My feet lifted off the ground and I kicked in alarm, realizing I couldn’t breathe.

“I told you I wouldn’t like it, little pet,” he said, and sank his teeth into my bare shoulder.

I screamed, but it came out as a gurgle, his arm was so tight around my neck. I couldn’t breathe. There was no air. Panic shredded at me as his teeth sank deeper into my skin, like claws ripping at my flesh. He sucked hard, blood running down my shoulder.

I twisted violently against him, but it was no use. My lungs ached and panicky lights began to flash behind my eyes. It wasn’t going to end like this, was it? Choked to death by a feeding vampire? I kicked feebly.

The world began to edge with black, and I dug my fingers at his arm, trying desperately to free myself. I . . . couldn’t . . . breathe . . .

Then everything went black.

• • •

A hand patted my cheek. “Are you okay?”

I stirred, my head throbbing, my throat aching. My shoulder felt like it’d been scraped raw. I opened my eyes into a dark room, lit only by a small night-light on the far side.

At my side, the person scuttled away and I sat
up, turning to look at her. As I did, chains clinked and I frowned, putting my fingers to my neck. There was a metal collar around it with a chain attached. I looked over at the woman. “I’m chained?”

“We both are,” she said, and moved into the light of the night-light.

It was a human woman, her hair hanging about her in a tangled cloud, and what I could see of her face was hollow and unhappy. She wore a metal collar and a dirty bikini top.

She smelled, too. Like unwashed skin. I wrinkled my nose and scooted backward, hissing at the waves of pain the movement sent through me. I gingerly touched my shoulder and winced. “Asshole,” I muttered, trying to examine it in the low light. It felt raw as hell, but I couldn’t tell how bad it was. “Where are we?”

“In a wine cellar,” the woman said. The dim glow of the night-light revealed the long chain attached to a hook in the wall. “He keeps his meals down here.”

“Meals?” I repeated stupidly. “Who are you?”

“I’m Lily Faust.”

The name didn’t ring a bell. “Is Andre keeping you here . . . to turn you?”

She gave a mirthless laugh. “No. I’m his lunch when he can’t find anything else.” She raised one arm to the dim glow of the night-light, and I saw that her arm was riddled with bites. Big, ugly ones.

“Oh, my God,” I said. “He’s going to keep us chained in here?”

“For a short time,” she said softly. “Then I imagine
he’ll get rid of one of us. He’s brought a few others down every now and then, but . . . I never see them after he takes them away. I don’t know if he lets them go, or something worse.”

Considering he kept a girl chained in his basement to feed on? I was going to go with “something worse.”

I stared up in the darkness. A crack of light upstairs told me that a light was on somewhere. “Are we . . . still in his house?”

“I don’t know,” Lily admitted. “I went out on a blind date with what I thought was a nice guy, and the next thing I knew, he was choking me. I woke up here. I’ve been here for . . . a while.”

BOOK: Must Love Fangs (Midnight Liaisons)
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