My Best Friend's Brother: A Standalone Friends to Lovers Romance (Soulmates Series Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: My Best Friend's Brother: A Standalone Friends to Lovers Romance (Soulmates Series Book 2)
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Chapter 2: Shane





mouth had never been so dry.


by the time Andi finished telling me what happened, I was so distracted by how
red and blurry my vision had gone that I could barely focus on the words
tumbling out of her mouth.


my eyes fell on each part of her body as she mentioned them, and as she told me
that Mike had squeezed her small, delicate jaw in his hand so hard she feared
it would break, I felt a dark knot of anger harden in my guts.


recognized the dark feeling, too. I'd had it once before. In high school. When
Izzy got in that car accident.


I’d waited for her after her lacrosse game, it never would've happened. I
would've gotten her home safely like I did every other day.


she told me to go ahead because her team was going out for milkshakes… or
something else so stupid you'd never think twice about risking your life over
it, if you only knew the future.


she got away with a few bruises and a broken collarbone. Her co-captain, the driver,
bled out before she reached the hospital.


me, the gnawing feeling finally went away when I saw Izzy's face and realized
she was going to be okay. But I didn't know if Andi was going to be okay yet.


kept saying she was fine, but she also kept slipping in these pathetic little
excuses, as if she were more interested in defending Mike than anything.


that worried me because it meant the Andi I knew and loved wasn't just broken
up on the outside.


once again, I had the strange and irrational feeling that it was all my fault.


all, when she started dating that prick, I pulled away. Frankly, I couldn't
stand anything about him, and the thought of him putting his hands on her- even
romantically- was more than my mind could tolerate.


actually came to the same bar where I was drinking with my friends once, and I
felt so torn. It had been months since I'd seen her smile or heard the sound of
her voice, her laugh.


I went home minutes after I noticed them.


I knew that if I spent even ten minutes watching him buy her drinks, touch her
lower back, and bury his face in her hair to whisper in her ear, I was going
lose it- and maybe her forever as a result.


obviously I'd abandoned her when she needed me most. And now the strong,
confident woman I used to know was scared and hurt and hugging herself at the
end of my bed.


something, Shane."


went to my mini fridge and pulled out a can of Coke. Then I popped the tab,
took the first sip, and handed it to her.


refused it.


isn't your fault," I said, fixing my eyes on her big brown ones.




mean it, Andi. Could you even hear yourself when you were talking just now? The
guy's abusive, and you’re defending him."




don’t. You think that was a fit of passion?"


pursed her lips and flinched when the dried crack in them stretched.


man who uses his physical strength to hurt or intimidate a woman isn't a man at


scooted back on the bed and crisscrossed her legs.


know that, don't you?" I asked. "Even if he's been brain washing


sharp flash shone in her eyes. "I'm not brainwashed, Shane. Fuck you for
saying that."


was almost relieved to see her express something apart from sadness and


I didn't mean to upset you."


shrugged. "He just got jealous. A little jealousy is normal, isn't


dropped my head for a second while I considered how to answer her. "Not if
you act on it. Not if you use it as an excuse to hurt someone or take something
from someone else."




way he robbed you of feeling safe with him."


sighed. "I know you're right. I'm just trying to get my head around what
happened after being so shaken up."


okay. Take all the time you need. You're safe here."




rubbed my forehead.


she asked.


dropped my hand and looked at her, fearing I'd never be able to let her out of
my sight again unless she did as I asked. "Promise me you'll never see him


want to talk this through. I have stuff at his apartment-"


me, Andi. I'm not fucking around."


furrowed her brow and shook her head.


why did you even come here?"


didn't know where else to go."


I sat back on the bed beside her. "You came here because you know you can
trust me, because I want the best for you. And this guy is the worst."


began to pool in her eyes again.


if he's capable of doing something like this once, he's capable of doing it
again, and next time you might not be so lucky."


nodded and made a face like I was actually getting through.


about it. If he would do this because he saw a picture of you kissing a friend
on the cheek, how would he react if he knew you were sitting on my bed right


scene played behind her eyes that only she could see.




squinted. "What about my stuff?"


get your stuff," I said without thinking.


breath stuttered. "Okay."




won't try and see him again."


is no try."


rolled her eyes.


didn't crack a smile.


know you're right, okay?" she said. "I'm just a bit too flustered to be
making promises of any kind right now."


this one," I said. "For me."


cocked her head.


I'll do everything I can to keep you safe and help you forget this ever


corner of her mouth curled up. "That sounds pretty good right now."


leaned forward and kissed her hairline, holding the back of her head to keep my
lips there.


she said, squeezing my leg.


do it for me."




so funny?”


thought of some girl throwing you around."  




sat back. "I would kill her though."


know," I said, my chest swelling at the fact that she seemed better


moment later, her phone buzzed on the bed behind her.


both glanced at it.


face was plastered across the screen.



Chapter 3: Andi




stared at the phone, each ring causing a heartburn like stabbing in my chest.


was only when the ringing stopped that I realized I'd been holding my breath…
and that I had nine missed calls from the same number.


him back."


looked up at Shane and shook my head. "I have nothing to say to him."


couldn't agree more," he said. "But I think you should call him


furrowed my brow. "And say what?"


you'll meet him at his place in a half hour to talk things over."


squinted at him. He could be so hard to read with his steely, chiseled
features. But he seemed so calm, so rational. I desperately wanted to believe
there was a method to his madness.


I knew exactly what would happen if I went over there. Mike would bury me in
excuses, dismissing his behavior by saying he’d only snapped because of his
intense feelings for me.


he would insist that he never meant to hurt me or scare me or shake my trust in
him, and he wouldn’t stop insisting until I forgave him.


phone started to buzz again.


him you'll come," Shane said. "And you can stay here while I go get
your stuff."


stuff. It was hard to think with Shane sitting so close to me. But I knew it
was a bad idea for them to be in the same room, and I knew that such trickery
would really piss Mike off.


the other hand, I was confident that Shane could handle himself, especially in
the company of someone he believed was a coward.


more, pissing Mike off was a prospect that was becoming more appealing with
every passing minute now that I knew I was safe, now that I’d told someone what


never did that the other times. I just carried the toxic feeling of betrayal
around with me and tried to make sense of it in my own head.


saying out loud what he'd put me through had given me new perspective. I knew
his behavior was something I'd never want Izzy, for example, to tolerate.




pursed my lips.


do it. I'll get your stuff, and this will all be over."


he know this wasn't the first time something like this had happened?


I picked
up the phone and took a deep breath. I knew I could do it. I lied to Mike all
the time about where I was going and who I was with. I had to so he wouldn't
flip, so I could see my friends.


that some kind of abuse in itself?


reached over and pressed the call button on the screen before I was ready, but
I wasn't annoyed with him. If anything, his support was the boost I needed.


where are you?" Mike said, all the vitriol gone from his voice. "I've
been trying to call you like crazy."


I know," I said. "I was… at the library." It was ridiculous, but
it would have to do. Who goes to the library after their boyfriend attacks them
in a stairwell?


there. I'll come pick you up."


I said, startled by the urgency in my voice.


have to talk, Andi. I owe you an apology."


you do." And I wanted it. I did. But maybe my willingness to hear him out
was part of the problem, part of the vicious cycle we'd gotten sucked into.
"But I'd rather talk in private."




meet you at your apartment in a half hour."


good," he said. "I can't wait to make this up to you. I know I
overreacted and-"


go," I said. "We can talk when I get
to yours."


I hung
up the phone and double checked that I’d definitely ended the call.


stood up and crossed the room, crushing the empty Coke can before tossing it in
the garbage can.


you sure about this?" I asked.


sure that I don't want you near this guy ever again."


know he's going to be angry when you show up instead of me."


rolled his eyes. "He's always angry."


was no point in arguing, no point in defending Mike's character. Not anymore.
Despite the fact that I was still totally confused about my feelings for him,
there was one thing I wasn't confused about.


that was my feelings for Shane, my trust in him. Our friendship had suffered
from my decision to go out with Mike, and I could see now that it hadn't been
worth it.


never wanted to turn my back on him again. He was one of the good guys, and I
was lucky to call him a friend.


sat on the edge of the bed and slipped his feet into his gym shoes. "What
do you need me to get from Mike's place?"


rolled my eyes up to the ceiling as my possessions flashed across my mind. I'd
left my favorite blush on the desk in his room, and I had a leftover Club Lulu
in the fridge, an extra toothbrush, and a white robe I got for free that time I
stayed in the Abbott Hotel.


none of that was important.


mattered was that Shane made it back safely, and the less stuff he had to grab,
the better.


leather jacket is on the hook behind the door," I said. "And my IPod and
my leather boots are in the bedroom by the desk." I couldn't be sure, but
I think he flinched when I said my leather boots were in the bedroom.


just happened to be where I took them off. It wasn't anything kinky like that.
But the fact that Shane might've imagined that side of me or even pictured
in just my boots made me feel strangely excited for a
fleeting moment.


that it?"


thought hard about whether there was anything else I would miss, knowing it was
vital to remove any excuse I might have to go back there.


a book on the coffee table. It's all pictures of Bowie, and he signed it for me
in New York-"


remember," he said. "When you were visiting your cousin."


nodded. It was nice that I could count on him to remember stuff. It almost
validated my existence in some way. "Anyway, if he hasn't already sold it
on eBay to spite me, I would really like to have that back."


Shane said. "Jacket, Boots, IPod, Bowie. Is that it?"


nodded. "Those are the things I can't easily replace anyway."




with you," I said. "So please be careful."




I almost forgot. He keeps a bat behind the front door."


furrowed his brows.


plays for a club tea-"


moved his legs shoulder width apart. "When were you going to tell me


don't think he'll swing it at you. I just thought I'd mentioned it."


he said, slipping his phone in the back pocket of his jeans. “Did you have
dinner already?"




add that to my list," he said, walking over and putting his hands on my
shoulders. "Stay here."




went to the door, put his hand on the handle, and looked back over his
shoulder. "And help yourself to whatever. What's mine is yours."


really appreciate you doing this, Shane."


nothing," he said. "All for one, remember?"


smiled, and the way my face stretched took me by surprise.


left without another word.

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