My Big Fat Gay Life (27 page)

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Authors: Brett Kiellerop

BOOK: My Big Fat Gay Life
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We didn’t talk much during the game, so when he finally spoke Seb’s voice boomed across the court.

“I have to go!” he said, sounding almost panicked.

“What time is it?” I asked him, walking across to him. I grabbed his arm and pulled back his sleeve to look at his watch, but he yanked his arm away. I was stunned by what I’d glimpsed before he pulled his arm away, however: his arm had a bruise just above his wrist in the shape of four fingers, as though someone had gripped him tight enough to break the blood vessels in his arm.

“Sebby!” I cried out. “What happened?”

“Nothing,” he said, pulling on his sleeve to make sure the bruise was covered. “I have to go.”

He hurried off the court, leaving me standing there in shock. He didn’t kiss me. He didn’t explain the bruising. He just left.

* * *

During my shower and the walk to my first appointment, I mulled over Seb’s behaviour. It was clear to me that Matt was physically abusing Sebby, but what wasn’t clear was why Seb would allow it. I decided to talk to Patricia. It felt like a betrayal, tattling on him to his Mummy, but if he needed help I couldn’t think of who better to turn to.

Satisfied with my decision, I pushed all thoughts of Seb aside as I reached the house for my first appointment of the day. It was a new client who’d booked me through my website, and he wanted two hours of nude cleaning. I rang the doorbell.

“Hi! You alright? I’m Justin,” I said when he answered the door. He was a middle-aged balding man.

“Please, come in,” he said, smiling and offering his hand. I shook it. “My name is Arthur.”

Arthur showed me around his home, indicating the areas he wanted me to focus on for cleaning. None of it looked too taxing: the job would be fairly easy. Wave cock about, wave duster about, and leave.

“Would you like a drink?” Arthur asked.

“Please! A glass of water would be great,” I replied.

Arthur disappeared into the kitchen, and I removed my clothes. When he returned, his eyes nearly boggled out of his head. I chuckled inwardly.

“Here you are,” he said, handing me the glass of water whilst not taking his eyes off my cock.

“Thank you,” I replied formally, and drained the glass. “Would you like to take a seat so I can begin?”

As Arthur settled into the sofa, I picked up the duster and started dusting. These cleaning gigs are rarely about the actual cleaning: they’re about the show. I turned my back to Arthur, giving him a full view of my arse as I bent over to dust the coffee table. I normally spent the first few minutes of a job with a new client trying to determine if they preferred the front view or the rear view, and then tailored the show accordingly.

As I stood up, I felt woozy. There was a fluttering around the edges of my vision, and everything went grey. Then I felt myself falling.

* * *

There was something in my mouth. I tried to push it out with my tongue, but it wouldn’t move. I felt confused, and very slow. I was laying face down, and tried to raise my right arm to remove the thing from my mouth, but my arm wouldn’t budge. Then I felt a binding around my right wrist, and adrenalin flooded my system. In an instant everything became clear, and I realised my arms and legs were tied, my mouth was gagged, and I couldn’t move. I started struggling, bucking to escape the restraints.

“Don’t struggle.” I heard Arthur’s voice. Then he stepped into my field of vision. He was naked, and his penis was erect. “We both know why you came here.”

I struggled harder, screaming through the gag.

“If you keep struggling I’ll have to sedate you,” he said. I watched as he ripped open a condom packet and slipped the condom over his cock.

“I hate condoms,” he confided in me, “but I have to use them. Who knows what I could catch from a filthy whore like you.” He ripped open another condom packet and slid a second condom over his cock. Then he stepped out of my line of sight. I struggled and moved, but the restraints didn’t budge.

“I’ll have to sedate you,” his creepy voice said from behind me. “It’s a shame. I’d love to hear your muffled screams as I fuck you.”

There was a sharp sting in my left buttock, and a warm sensation flooded my body. I relaxed, totally against my will.

“That’s better,” Arthur said.

There was a movement, and I felt a weight above me.

“Don’t worry, I’ll use lube. That way the condoms won’t break.”

Arthur lowered his body down onto mine, and he kissed my shoulder.

“Beautiful,” he said. “You’re quite the stunner.”

I felt some pressure against my rectum, and I tried to clench it as tight as possible.

“That’s it,” Arthur crooned. “Resist. It’ll make you even tighter.”

The pressure built, until finally he pushed through the resistance of my sphincter. The pain was intense. As the drug continued to spread throughout my system I felt myself sink into sleep, despite the pain and the assault on my body.

* * *

Consciousness returned and I tentatively tested my restraints. They were gone! I lay there silently, my whole body alert for any nuance of movement in the room. After a few minutes I’d detected no noise, no movement. I carefully moved my arms and legs, which were all free.

I removed the gag from my mouth and slowly worked my way up onto all fours. I found that I was on a bed, and my clothes were folded neatly on the bed beside me. I threw them on quickly and walked to the doorway.

After looking right and left along the hallway, I determined the front door was to my right. Suddenly my blood turned to ice: Arthur started whistling from the rear of the house.

I moved slowly to the right, down the hallway and toward the front door and away from the whistling. Turning the knob, I found the door was unlocked. I opened it, and light streamed in. I fled.

* * *

Despite the drugs in my system, I felt clearheaded. I also felt ashamed and disgusted. My first thought was to see Seb: I needed to see Seb with an intense longing I’d never felt before.

“I need to see you,” I said when he’d answered the phone.

“I can’t right now,” he replied. I moved the phone away from my mouth and let out a heaving sob.

“Please?” I begged him.

“I’m sorry,” he responded, “but I can’t leave the apartment right now.”

He hung up, leaving me staring in disbelief at the phone in my hand.

I felt confused. I felt anger - wild unabashed rage - for Arthur. I felt disgust, both for Arthur and myself. I felt ashamed. I couldn’t believe Sebby had refused to see me.

Looking at my watch, I saw it was nearly lunchtime. I held my head up and walked to Misfits for my lunch date with my wife.

Day 11

Narratives from:






Day 11 Narrative 1 – Matt

It’s nearly time to ditch Sebastian. After a while, complete submission becomes so boring. I felt so proud yesterday, however: we were walking along together in public and he kept his head down, not once lifting his eyes. I was so fucking horny that I’d nearly made him blow me, right there and then. I managed to contain myself until we got back to his apartment, but the second we walked inside I made him service me.

I definitely need to move on before his old man regains the ability to communicate. I can see from the fire in his eyes that he’s trying - trying really hard. It’s just a matter of time until he can make someone understand him, and then I’m fucked. I figure I have at least another six months of fun, however.

As I was feeding the old bastard his lunch, he spat a mouthful of food at me. I’m not sure if it was an autonomic reaction to choking on the amount of food I’d shovelled in, or if it was deliberate, but either way he’d gotten my scrubs dirty. I elbowed him in the eye, and now it was swollen and red.

“You’re getting quite clumsy old man,” I told him. “It was quite silly of you to fall out of bed like that!”

Day 11 Narrative 2 – Ruth

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