My Boogie Woogie Bugle Guy (5 page)

Read My Boogie Woogie Bugle Guy Online

Authors: D.L. Jackson

Tags: #A 1 Night Stand Story

BOOK: My Boogie Woogie Bugle Guy
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“I win.” She kicked her garment to the side and placed her hands on her hips. Her chest rose and fell, pebbled nipples displayed against gloriously soft skin and full breasts. Her eyes were wild and her soft blonde hair tousled, like she’d already taken a roll in the sack. Man, did he want to make a bigger mess of it.

Sexy, my God
. He could only stare, caught up in her beauty. Small waist, rounded hips, and those long, toned legs made to squeeze his body between her thighs. He couldn’t fight the smile tugging on the corner of his mouth. She’d missed one tiny detail, and damn was he glad she had. Holy fuck. But there was one little issue to get straight first.

“Not so fast, sweetheart.” Frank pointed at her shoes and smiled. “But leave them on. They’re doing things to me that should be criminal.” And they were. He’d never been as hard, and when he thought her about her legs wrapped around his hips, wearing those scarlet shoes as he pounded into her, his cock got even harder.

Her gaze drifted down, and she licked her lips. Frank grabbed his cock, giving it a squeeze. He’d damn near come right there. Hot and all his. At least for this night, and if he had anything to say about it, much longer. As he took her all in, he knew he could never get tired of her.

“Did you bring…?”

“Protection?” He opened the bedside stand and set a new box of rubbers on top. “I hoped you’d come up here. Wanted to make sure we were covered if you did.” He popped the box open and tossed her one. Grace caught it and gave him a shy smile, and for the second time that night, he had to grab his dick and squeeze to keep from embarrassing himself.

“I need you.”

Frank caught her up in his arms and captured her mouth. His cock rubbed against the soft flesh of her belly, weeping precum at the tip. She tasted like sugar and fire, melted candy. Sweet and a rush to his senses, the woman could become an addiction.

Hell, she already had. He’d no intention of letting her walk away in the morning.

The soft scent of vanilla coated her skin and mixed with the musk of her arousal, a smell that was delicate and sexy. The heat of her flesh brought out the bouquet, a scent that would forever be embedded in his brain. He lowered her to the mattress, following her down as he cradled her head and deepened the kiss.

Frank stroked his hands down her sides, unable to get enough of the way she felt in his hands. Soft moans and sighs came from the back of her throat as he kissed her softly, taking his time worshiping her mouth, sucking her lower lip between his teeth, stroking the tip of her tongue with his.

Unable to go any longer without losing it, Frank moved back, grabbed the condom from her hand, and tore the packet with his teeth. He rolled it down, sheathing his cock. “I can’t wait any longer.” He crawled back over her, pushed her thighs apart with his knee, and pressed the head of his cock at her entrance. “For the record, I don’t have a clue how many bars I missed. Hell, I don’t remember playing a note after those panties dropped on my trumpet.” He tipped his face and captured her mouth as he thrust in, driving inside her saturated pussy until he sank to his balls. He closed his eyes and groaned.

“Something wrong?” Grace asked.

“No, something right. I’m afraid I’m not going to last long this time. Hang on, the first one’s going to be hard and fast.”

“I like hard and fast.” She hooked her heels behind his hips, and Frank moved. She bucked up, meeting his thrusts.




Anyone who ever said size didn’t matter, never had one like Frank’s. Thank God he’d taken his time to warm her up, or he probably wouldn’t have fit. She couldn’t blame him for making the first a quickie. He’d given her three orgasms before they made it to the bed, and even now she was ready to explode again. He had some control to last as long as he had. The minute that thick, hard cock stretched her to capacity, she nearly wept, it felt so good. Hard, fast, slow, gentle, any way he did it, wouldn’t matter.

She’d been ruined for other men, would never be the same. Grace cried out as the familiar tightening in her pelvis reached its apex and stars exploded across her vision. “Four,” she gasped, digging her nails into his back as his hard flesh throbbed inside her, pushing her deeper into bliss, as not an inch of her pussy was spared.

La petite mort
. The little death.

No other term would do. If heaven was on the other side of it, she was certain she’d found it. “Please don’t let this be a dream.”

“I don’t think my mind could build a dream as good as you feel.” Frank buried that glorious cock as deep as it could go and came with her—he pulsed against her pussy walls, bringing her a piece of ecstasy. Pressing his forehead to hers, he stared into her eyes. He rested on his elbows, holding the bulk of his weight off her, staring into her eyes for what seemed like hours, though she was certain it was minutes.

She smiled.

“Woman, this night might kill me. I already want you again. God, you make me randy. This is a first.” He moved and it became too obvious the next round was coming up. “Ready for number five?”

“Bring it.”

Frank grinned, pulled out. Discarded the used condom and sheathed himself before she could blink. He flipped her to her belly and slipped her shoes off. “You need to lose these, even if they are hot. Come here.” He rocked her back, bringing her to her hands and knees. One hand wrapped around her body, and he pulled her toward him until she straddled his thighs and her shoulders were pressed against his chest, her feet resting flat on the mattress. When he moved, it was slow. Each time he pushed inside, he took his time, letting his flesh ride against her pussy walls. She closed her eyes and moaned. So strong, he made it seem easy.

“You like that?”


He grabbed her waist, lifting her up and down as he thrust. “So hot. So beautiful. Perfect.” Franked kissed her neck and shoulder, sending jolts racing through her. In and out. Up and down. Slow. Filling her, stretching her. Owning her. The position he placed her in allowed his cock to stroke her hot zone and had her spinning toward oblivion in seconds. She cried out and arched back into him. A ball of heat bloomed in her belly, radiating out in waves, pulsing through her core, driving spikes of pleasure along every nerve in her body. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. I’m coming.” She didn’t care if she said words her mother would frown upon. She didn’t care what Frank thought of her dirty mouth. She’d lost control and she wanted him to know it.

“Five,” he growled and fucked her faster, working her up and down on his cock like a tightly squeezed fist.

The orgasm exploded through her, more violent than any she’d had yet, taking her breath, freezing the cry in her throat and curling her toes.

Frank buried his cock, dug his fingers into her hips. “God, baby.” He came hard. His heart pounded against her back while his dick throbbed with every beat. As their orgasms eased, he pulled her to her side, spooning behind her. “You’re unbelievable. I can’t believe you’re here—with me.

“Now what?”

“I start the bath. And then we talk about where this is going.” He got up and walked into the other room. Grace rolled to her back and watched him go, her heart pounding. She’d gone from one-night stand to possibly what? Dating a soldier. She didn’t date military men. It was dangerous to fall in love with one. Her heart couldn’t take it. War had already taken her brother, and his loss was unbearable. She stared at his back while he bent over the tub. Could she?

It wasn’t like he did what her brother had. Did he even deploy? She got up and snatched her skirt and blouse from the floor, dressing quickly. She tiptoed past where he started the tub. Didn’t matter. Bad idea. Frank was in the Army. Anyone in the military could go into combat. He could get shot and killed. How could one night with a man scramble her head so?

She slipped out the door and down to the front desk. The limo was waiting for anyone wanting to go home early. Grace glanced back, her heart heavy, not ready to go where he wanted, and climbed in.

Two hours later, she walked in her front door, slammed it shut, and leaned against the wall. This was for the better. She couldn’t give her heart to him—had done the right thing. She glanced over at the table and eyed the unopened envelope she’d forgotten about in her rush to prepare for her night out. She snatched it up, curious what Madame Eve had to say about the date Geordie had arranged for her.

She opened the envelope. Two letters fell out. The first was the invitation from Madame Eve. Simple. Where, when, and what time. That the man selected for her evening out had been screened through Federal channels. Was safe.

The second letter stopped her cold the moment she opened it.
. Grace’s eyes filled with tears.



As I write this, I smile, knowing you want to throttle me right now for setting you up on this blind date. But to be truthful, I haven’t been fair. After the attack, I felt guilty for not being able to protect you, and though the rapist didn’t get far, he still hurt you, and I blamed myself for that. Afterward, I didn’t give you a chance to heal, to get through the emotional mess the attack caused. I coddled you, protected you, and ran off anyone who was interested in you.

I didn’t do it to hurt you, but know I have. You never go anywhere anymore, and you’ve drawn into yourself, lost that pretty smile that caused me to blacken more than one of my friends’ eyes. I hope you’ll forgive me.

When I met Frank, there was something about him. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know he was perfect for you. Tomorrow my unit deploys for a dangerous mission. We still don’t know where we’re going and we’re not allowed to say, but you already know that. There’s this bad feeling…. I worry about you if something should happen to me. You shouldn’t be alone. Please understand I don’t want you to be afraid anymore. I want you to love life the way you did before that night.

So, yeah, I think you’ve figured out by now the Camero paid for this. But you’re worth it, sis. I would never forgive myself if you ended up alone, with nobody to hold you and care for you the way you deserve. It was a small price to pay, and I’ll not hear anything about it.

Deaf ears.

Have fun. I’ll see you when I get back. Let Frank show you a good time. You have a lot in common, and he’s a nice guy, someone worthy of you.




PS. I know it’s for a one-night stand. I’ll leave that up to you. Just don’t tell me about it.


Grace swallowed and set the envelope down. Talking to her brother always had helped her to clear her thoughts, and damn, she’d been a fool to run out on Frank.

Now what? How would she find a guy she didn’t even know anything about? Call this Madame Eve? Grace plopped her ass in her favorite chair and began to go over her options.




Frank couldn’t dress fast enough, but by the time he’d trotted barefoot down to the front desk, Grace was gone. Four in the morning. He ran a hand along his jaw where whiskers began to emerge. What had he said to make her leave? “Where did they take her?”

“I know this is going to sound really weird, but to a cemetery, and then home.” the desk clerk said. “I can call the driver and see if they’re still there.”

“No. I’ll catch up with her at home.” He eyed a large clock on the wall. “Can I arrange transportation to her house around ten?”

“Certainly. I’ll schedule the driver to pick you up at that time.”

Frank nodded. He’d give her a few hours to hash out her thoughts and talk to her brother, and then he was going after her. He headed upstairs to shower, shave, and form a plan on how to convince her to give them a chance.

It wouldn’t be easy. Grace had lost a lot. George died serving, and perhaps she was afraid to get attached for that reason. But he wasn’t her brother. He wasn’t Special Forces out on the risky missions. He was Sergeant Frank Winters. Army trumpet player. Nice guy. Stubborn man and crazy about his dead friend’s twin sister. If she didn’t think he’d come after her with everything he had, she was mistaken. He lay back on the bed, closed his eyes, and went over every option available. He might be a trumpet player, but he wasn’t a sissy, and he sure as hell didn’t back down. George knew he was right for her. Frank knew he was right for her. Now he only had to convince Grace they were meant to be.

Six hours later, he glanced at his watch and blew out a breath. Tired, running on fumes and dreams, it was time to go after what he wanted. He sure as hell wouldn’t walk away from something he knew could be the best thing he ever had. He grabbed his trumpet and headed for his ride.

As the limo pulled up to the curb at Grace’s home, Frank noticed the crowd of elderly women gathered across the street. At least a baker’s dozen. They could prove to be what he needed to draw her out. If he had to, he’d make a scene.

Several of the women had donned forties style dresses and one woman wore an old Women’s Army Corp uniform. Frank couldn’t help but grin. Grace had mentioned the old lady across the street liked to gossip. He was about to give them enough material to talk about for months. As he got out, they started clapping. He turned around, waved, flipped his cover on his head and started up the walk.
Show time

The blinds cracked open and snapped shut. “I know you’re in there, Grace. Come out and talk.”

She didn’t answer.

Well, there was more than one way to skin a cat. Frank lifted the trumpet to his lips and began to play Schubert’s Trumpet Serenade, the sexiest, most romantic piece of music he could think of. If she wouldn’t come out, he’d stand on her doorstep and play until she did.

The blinds cracked again.

Hello, Gracie. Come to daddy.


One year later

Grace stretched out on the roof of the mausoleum where she’d first met Frank, wearing her mother’s wedding dress, her head resting on her husband’s shoulder. Frank played taps, taking his time, their way of saying thanks to her brother for bringing them together.

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