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Authors: Al Sloane

My Cousin Wendy (17 page)

BOOK: My Cousin Wendy
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"Oh Daddy Oh Daddy Oh Daddy Ohh Dadddy Oohh Dadddieee OOHH DADDIIEEYY"

She sat down all the way, pushing me into her cervix. Her walls were grabbing and grabbing, milking and milking. I had no choice in the matter. I splattered the walls of her womb with come. Kathi settled down after a minute or so and leaned forward, resting her forearms and cheek on Beth's lower back. I reached up and fondled her tits.

"Oh, No. You're going to get me all excited again and I'll want to do it all over again. I don't know if my body can handle it. Please, Daddy. Leave me alone for a few minutes."

Wendy opened the door.

"I hate to be a spoilsport, but you have other guests, Daddy, and you can't spend all day in here."

"OK. I'll be right out."

Beth sat up. "But Daddy. You tha mom a ter burst and all the white stuff came out. Does that mean my poochie has a temp a sure?"

"I'll tell you what, Baby Girl. Why don't you go out in the back yard and get in the pool. I'm sure that will cool it down."

"But I forgot to bring my bathing suit."

"You can wear your underwear."

"I didn't bring any underwear, either."

Beth spoke up. "It's OK, Kathi. We have a big tall fence around the back yard. We can go in the pool without bathing suits."

They climbed off me and ran out, whooping and yahooing as they did. I heard the sliding glass door open and then two splashes in the back yard.

Wendy came into the room. "Have you got enough energy to make it out into the back yard?"

I bent over to pick up my shorts. "I'll give it my best shot."

I went into the bathroom and rinsed off my face the best I could. Here they've got this pool with thousands of gallons of water 20 feet from me and the shallow sink just lets out a little trickle of water.

I walked outside and there was June sitting at the picnic table. I went over to her, smiling. She smiled and got up to meet me. I kissed her good and she kissed me good right back. She stood back with a strange smile on her face.

"How come every time I meet you someplace other than my shop you smell like pussy?"

"God damn it. That does it."

I took off my shirt and slid my shorts and underwear down in one swoop. I ran to the edge of the pool and heard June call "Pete" just as I was jumping in. I was just able to distinguish four heads above the water before I hit.

I swam the length of the pool underwater, taking care to rub my face to see if I could get the smell off. I stood up in the shallow end. The water was just about waist high.

Beth stood up a couple of feet from me, boobs floating on the water.

"You didn't know June invited a couple of her workers, did you?"

I looked over her head to see Susie and Debby. Both had big grins on their faces.

"Hi, Pete."

"Hi Susie. Hi Debby. How are you?"

Susie answered. "We're fine. How are you?"

"I'm good."

"I like your suit."

"I don't go swimming much these days."

"Here you go, Stud."

I turned around to see Wendy holding a large beach towel, standing next to the ladder. I bit the bullet and walked up the ladder. There were hoots and cheers from everyone as I made my way over to Wendy. Someone yelled "Nice butt!"

I made my way back to June, who had her hand extended, holding on to my shorts with two fingers.

"I tried to tell you."

"That's OK. It'll give them something to talk about. It's not as if they've never seen a naked man before."

"I don't know. My girls were pretty innocent before you came along."

"Maybe Debby. I can't believe Susie is innocent."

"Susie has a big mouth. I think she talks a bigger show than she actually does."

"Maybe I'll try to call her bluff later. See how far I can push her without her crying for help."

"OK. Just don't make her lose her pride. I'd hate you to force her into something she can't handle because she's afraid to back off."

"I'll be good. By the way, we didn't get much of a chance to talk before I made a fool of myself. You really look good."

"Well, thank you, Sir."

She did. She was wearing a pair of khaki shorts that reminded me of something a great white hunter would wear on safari. A simple white shirt with short sleeves and buttons down the front. Her breasts were obviously supported by a bra underneath the shirt. Tennis shoes and white socks came just out the top and rolled over. She would look totally in place at an exclusive country club.

"Wendy's shirts are cute but it's nice to see a woman dress up a bit and still be casual."

That got me a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't make fun of Wendy. It's tough finding the right clothes when you're body changes like hers is. She's found stuff she's proud to wear. Don't make her feel self-conscious about it."

"I wouldn't say anything to her about it."

"Then don't say anything behind her back about it, either."

"You're right. I was just trying to complement you but I could have done it better. You do look good."

"Thank you."

Wendy came over and sat next to me.

"How are you doing, Wendy?"

"I'm feeling a bit heavy. Like my body's out of kilter or something. It's hard to describe."

"Well we can take care of that. Come on June. Time for some hands on instruction on what we covered in class last Thursday. Wendy, go lay down on that lounge."

"Uhm. OK."

June and I got cushions and knelt on either side of Wendy. We started on her back. I'd explain what to do while doing it. June would mirror it on her side of Wendy's body. Wendy seemed to melt under our fingers. June was surprised that Wendy's stomach and breasts were part of the routine but she followed me like a trooper. She even kissed Wendy on the lips after I did.

"How do you feel now?"

"Oh, God. 100% better. I could go to sleep right here."

"Go ahead if you want. Nobody will think anything of it."

"Maybe for a little while. Don't let me sleep through the food."

"If the smell of the steaks doesn't wake you I'll get you up personally."

"Thank you."

June and I walked back to the table.

"You picked that right up. Wendy made a good choice."

"I enjoyed it. Too bad you have to be pregnant to get treated that way."

"Hey. You let me know, any time and I'll be there."

"I may just take you up on that."

"So, did you bring a bathing suit?"

"No. I'm not much of a swimmer."

"Not much? Or not at all?"

"I can get by."

"So if we decide to throw you in sometime today you won't drown?"

"No, I won't drown. I may castrate someone but I won't drown."

"I'll keep that in mind."

She reached over and cupped my genitals.

"See that you do."

She gave them a little squeeze and let go.

We were distracted by Beth calling out "Towels, please," as the four of them came out of the pool. Two in their birthday suits and two in Wicked Weasels, hot pink and lime green. I don't know which two looked sexier.

"Well, Susie and Debby, you guys look different without your smocks."

Beth and Kathi each grabbed one of them and turned them around so their backs were to me.

"Look, Pete. Just a string. You can see their whole butts."

Debby squirmed away from Kathi. "Quit it."

"OK, girls. That's enough. Debby? Are you OK?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Come here." I held out my hands and Debby walked over. I patted my leg and said "Sit down for a minute."

She sat on my lap and I put my arms around her. "Don't let them get to you. Sometimes they get carried away. If they do anything to embarrass you, let me know and I'll stop it. OK?"


"Good." I kissed her on the top of her head. As she got up to walk away I gave her a light swat on the ass. She reached back and rubbed it but smiled at me as she walked away.

"Susie? You're next. Come over here."

She came over and sat on my lap. "Do you remember what you said the other day at the store?"


"You said you wished you could get some of what June was getting. Remember?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Well, June gave me the OK. She said that since it's Father's Day I have free reign with you. Anything I want. So you get your wish."

I put an arm under her legs and the other behind her back and stood up. There was no way she could get away.

"What do you mean?"

"I figured we'd borrow Beth's bedroom for a half hour or so. BETH? Can we use your bed for a while?"

"Sure, Pete."

"But. Wait a minute. I didn't mean."

June had her hand over her mouth, doing her best not to laugh out loud. I put Susie down on the ground and gave her a swat.

"OK. When you do mean, you let me know."

She turned red all over. "OK."

She ran over to Debby. The two of them whispered to each other, glancing over at me occasionally and giggling. June just laughed.

"Pete, that was great. That poor girl."

"That's OK. Maybe she'll think next time so some guy who doesn't care won't take advantage of her."

Beth and Kathi went in the house and changed into shorts and shirts that just came down past their tits. Debby and Susie had mesh tops on that covered some of the bare skin. Beth came over to me.

"Are you ready to start the steaks?"


She took me over to the side of the house and we wheeled out a huge stainless steel barbecue. The thing must have had five feet of grill space. There was room for our 7 steaks and another 8 or 10. Beth went around to find how everyone liked their steaks cooked. The barbecue even had a meat thermometer so I could get each one to the perfect temperature. Beth brought out a plate of corn on the cob wrapped in foil and started laying it out next to the steaks.

The rest of the day was just good conversation and fun. Debby and Susie were a little slow to join in but I guess they finally realized we were harmless and before long they were joking and laughing with the rest of us.

Wendy said she was hungry enough to eat a horse when I woke her. She had to settle for steak.

Her potato salad was a hit. It was her mother's recipe for German potato salad. I think vinegar is used instead of mayonnaise. That's one thing about Robin. She made the creamiest potato salad. Lots of mayo and a can of big black olives. Robin's beats any German potato salad hands down.

We had our steaks, corn and some baked potatoes Beth had thrown in the oven when she went in to dress. All had as much fresh butter and sour cream as we wanted. There were two kinds of pickles and two colors of olive. And some small rolls Beth had picked up that were hard on the outside but soft on the inside. Three kinds of chips and four dips. Nobody went hungry that day.

The rest of the day was just spent relaxing. Wendy took another nap after lunch. I know I dozed off for a while on one of the lounge chairs. June sat next to me and held my hand occasionally. The girls were in and out of the pool all afternoon.

Around 6 it was decided it was time to start breaking up the party. All the girls chipped in and put the leftovers in Tupperware and somehow divided it up. I was asked but there wasn't anything I really wanted to take home with me. Beth sent Kathi to the pool with a net on a long stick to clean up the come she leaked in the pool while the rest of them worked.

Wendy and Kathi were going to go to Kathi's and then Wendy would drive home. I made sure she wasn't too tired and she assured me she was fine. I kissed both of them goodbye.

Susie and Debby had driven up in Debby's new bug. They came over to wish me a happy Father's Day and thank Beth for letting them come to the party. I gave each a kiss on the top of the head. I noticed that they had changed to clothes more suitable for the real world and their parents.

I thanked Beth for having me over and gave her a nice long kiss. She practically melted in my arms. June and Beth hugged as June thanked her. June and I kissed each other.

"Hey, I just remembered I came over with Wendy. Can you give me a ride home, Beth?"

"That's OK, Pete. I'll take you home."

"Thanks, June." I noticed a shadow come over Beth's face as June offered the ride.

We got in June's Volvo. It was in good condition but was one of the older boxy Volvos. The shape that made the car distinctive. The one that some idiot decided needed to be modernized. I wondered how far their sales had tumbled after that change was implemented.

We were at my house four minutes later. I could have walked if I'd had to. Not that Beth wouldn't use any excuse to be alone with me.

BOOK: My Cousin Wendy
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