My Cursed Highlander (30 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Killion

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical

BOOK: My Cursed Highlander
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Her damnable curiosity sent her reeling. Sensations rippled throughout her body that only escalated when the head of Taveon's cock stroked her entire slit from front to back.

The muscles inside her flexed, preparing for his entry. She needed him and was about to beg him to end his play and seek his own pleasure when his eyes diverted to the cuttie stool. He retrieved another small flask of fragrant oil. Why, she couldn't begin to imagine. The floral scent was so heavy she could taste it.

He poured the oil down the crevice of her bottom and worked the slick substance over her pink flesh.

"Ah, Venus. There is not a place on your body that is not beautiful." He closed his eyes and pressed his lips against her shoulder blade. Three gentle kisses followed over her spine.

She wished everyday to have her sight back, but never had she wanted to see more than she did at this moment. "Be my eyes."

His eyes blinked open as if he'd been lost in his own world, then he gently pushed her forward. The tip of his finger brushed over her anus, then to her surprise, he circled the puckered hole with his thumb and dipped inside.

She rolled her hips, wishing that forbidden touch didn't enthrall and delight her. His fingers stretched out to tease the pearl of flesh aching for another release, but her every nerve was centered around his thumb dancing in that place of pleasure no man had ever dared to penetrate.

His thumb slipped out, but was quickly replaced. His finger disappeared to its second knuckle and wiggled. "Did your husbands ever take ye here?"

She gasped, more shocked by his question than the invasion of his thick finger into the most private place on her body. "No!" she exclaimed and squirmed atop him. Her grip on the rim tightened.

"Then I intend to claim this place for my own." His finger, slick with a combination of the rose oil and her juices, thrust deep to its third knuckle.

"You cannot!" The muscles in her thighs tightened, raising her higher above him. This action provided Taveon the room he needed to tease her a little more. His finger pulled out, but slid back in alongside a second.

"I can and I will." He worked his fingers, stretching her anus.

She was determined to be mortified, to insist he cease, but the woman inside here begged her to try this new experience.

"Have ye never fantasized about what it might be like to have a mon take ye this way?"

Oh, I have.
"No. I have not."

"Ye lie." He showed her no mercy, twisting and turning his fingers, preparing her for his entry into a place considered taboo.

"Why are you doing this?" She panicked, feeling as though he was testing her.

"I want ye to trust me." He extracted his fingers and pulled her buttocks apart.

"I do trust you." She rose up, trying to escape, but he held her down by her hips bones.

"Nay, ye do not." He pressed the tip of his arousal against her wanton flesh. "But ye will." With this promise, he slipped the head of his cock passed the ring of muscle.

He cried out—a guttural howl that resounded throughout the cabin. His fingertips sank into her hips, holding her in place. He shook, waiting for her to adjust to the foreign sensation. "Surrender to me, Viviana. Give me your trust so I can find a place in your heart."

His words stirred her emotions. She wanted to tell him he already lived in her heart.

Instead, she moaned. It was all she could do in this place of euphoria. How could something so degraded by society be so sensual? She raised her bottom ever so slightly to encourage his movement.

"Take what ye want," he rasped in a pained voice and held still. "I willnae hurt ye."

Viviana chewed on her lip and pushed him a little deeper inside her. Her heart beat wildly in her chest, and her world had gone black behind Taveon's closed eyes. Her body felt like one giant nerve ready to explode.

She pumped atop him in tiny movements taking delicious little bits of him at a time. A burning in her loins demanded she increase the depth, the pace. Her thigh muscles squeezed. She rose up, and then impaled herself on his cock.

"Oh, God!" he yelled in obvious agony, but lovingly caressed her hips and kissed her back.

She rode him without shame, bobbing up and down and splashing water over the edge of the tub. The weight of her breasts bounced with her movement, sending spiraling sensations through her imprisoned nipples. Her throat burned with every intake of breath as she performed an erotic dance atop him.

Taveon reached around her thigh and pumped two fingers in and out of her slick sheath. He circled her pulsing nubbin and triggered the initial spasm of her climax.

"Oh, Taveon." Her body splintered and what looked like a mosaic of stained glass formed behind her eyes. Reds, purples, yellows... every color flashed in her mind, then burst into bright white.

She came with a resounding cry and wanted to thank him for setting her free, for not mocking the deepest desires she'd kept secret the whole of her life.

Just when she was certain she would swoon, he unlatched one of the clips from her breast. The release caused another fierce ripple throughout her body. A piercing scream trilled out of her mouth. She came again. This time harder.

He reached for the other clamp.

"No. No. No," she begged, her breath came in short quick gasps, unable to stop the orgasm pulsing through her core.

He released the other clip, and she reached the pinnacle of her fulfillment. Her body exploded then echoed over and over in rapture.

"Oh, God!" He held her hips in place and shot his hot seed in one powerful burst.

cazzo! Cazzo!
" Her head hollowed.

Her limbs went slack.

She swayed, then fell into an abyss of darkness.

* * *

"Damn-it-to-Hell!" He killed her.

Taveon held Viviana under the covers, trying to rouse her back to consciousness with tiny kisses along her collarbone. Her warm body, still damp from their bath, lay unmoving beneath him. Guilt made him tremble. She'd met his hunger, his insatiable lust for more, and it sent her into a stupor.

"Venus, come back." He pushed a wet tendril of hair from her face and kissed her nose. She smelled like a spring garden in full bloom. Of course, so did he.

She stirred. The tip of her tongue darted out to lick her pink, swollen lips, then her mouth bowed slightly. He could watch her for a thousand years and never grow tired of her vision.

"What happened?" she finally whispered and settled her hot hand on his hip.

He propped his head atop his palm and tickled the back of her arm. "I fear my love-making sent ye into a swoon," he boasted.

"Pish." She rolled toward him. "Arrogant man. I did all the work."

He laughed and kissed her smirk. God, he enjoyed her. Everything about her made him sing inside; her smile, her wit, even her dedication to sparring with him. She made him feel like he could conquer the world.

They became a tangle of limbs and coddled flesh until she settled in his arms and kissed his chest. "Stay with me a while."

He intended to stay with her forever. Taveon's stomach flipped and flopped, and warmth curled around his heart. He closed his eyes and thought about how deeply Da had loved Janetta. For years after Da gave himself to the sea, Taveon had condemned him for being weak. He now understood how much pain Da had been in. Taveon wouldn't allow himself to think about a life without Viviana.

"Tell me something no one else knows about you." She wedged a luscious leg between his thighs and toyed with his nipple.

"Ye want to know my secrets?"

One thin brow shot up. "You know mine." She tugged his nipple—a reminder that she'd been very open with him. "Tell me one of your fears."

"I fear nothing."

"You lie." The hizzie squeezed his nubbin hard. He supposed 'twas her way of reprimanding him, but he also suspected she gained a wee bit of deserved revenge. "Tell me something, or I'll find those little clips and make you squeal like a piglet."

"Ouish." He wouldn't it admit aloud, but her threat invoked a bizarre excitement in him and sent a trill up his spine. She pinched a little harder, grinning like a devious minx. 'Twas doubtful she would ease her grip until he relinquished some dark secret. "I'm afraid of..."

"No." She released him and kissed the area she'd punished with contradictory tenderness.

"Aye, 'tis true." He mindlessly combed her mussed braid out with deft fingertips. "When I was eight summers Keegan dared me to scale the western crag that led to Ravenhurst. I froze half way up and Da had to lower himself down the cliff on a rope to retrieve me." The memory alone made Taveon shudder.

"You poor thing," she cooed and pecked pity kisses all over his chest. "Mayhap I will haul you up the main mast into the crow's nest to overcome this fear."

"Ha! Much luck to ye." He rolled her onto her back and kissed the tops of her breasts, relishing their conversation almost as much as the way their bodies molded together in perfect unity. The woman stirred him, made him want to confess all his secrets, all his fears.

She caressed the curls at his nape with lazy fingers and drew her toes along the back of his calf. "Does the balcony not scare you?"

"It terrifies me," he admitted and slunk down her body to kiss the beauty mark beneath her navel. The breadth of his shoulders forced her thigh wide and sent her legs curling around his back. The smell of their recent love-making wafted up between them—a musky scent ripe with arousal that shot straight through his nose and into his groin. His limp cock came alive once again an inch at a time. When had he ever done it so many times in one day?

"If it terrifies you, why do you go out there every morn?" Without a hint of coyness, she pushed him a little lower and raised her pelvis to his lips. They behaved like old lovers who'd known each other's bodies for years.

"Because ye do." He laved her hip bones with the tip of his tongue then kissed her mound as if it were the most natural place for his lips to be. Never had he known such freedom in a woman's arms, such contentment. If he could hand her the world on a platter, he would. "I want to share the sunrise with ye. I want to make ye happy." He traced the curve of her belly with his nose and then dipped his tongue into her navel.

The rolling growl in her stomach didn't go without notice.

Viviana's laugh was childlike and pure. "A powdered marzipan dripping with raspberry jam would make me happy. I'm famished."

He could eat, but the pressure building in his groin pushed food to the outskirts of his mind. "What else makes ye happy?"

"Roast capons with those little potages. And asparagus. I'm rather fond of asparagus with a rosette of butter." She tapped a finger against her lip. "And quinces cooked with sugar and cinnamon. Those are divine. And olives. Oh, and oranges. I love oranges."

Taveon licked his lips and braced himself overtop her. His wife was certainly hungry this day. 'Twas good her appetite had returned. He would seek out the cook to prepare her a meal fit for a queen... after....

He pressed his hard cock into her belly, hoping she would feed his hunger. "Do ye want anything besides food?"

She giggled. "I suppose I want the same thing all women want."

"And what pray tell is that?" He recognized the playfulness in her voice, but was nonetheless shocked when the brazen hizzie slipped her hand between them and latched onto his stiff rod.

"A man with two cocks and four hands." She flipped herself atop him and straddled his abdomen, then pulled his hands to her breasts.

He shook his head and chuckled. "Ye are a verra wicked woman."

"Oh, aye. That I am, but I'm
wicked woman," she parroted his words from earlier, twirling her accent around his burr. Her face lifted and her hands disappeared into her black mane as he titillated her rosy soft nipples to perfect points. She was exquisite.

'Twas no wonder he'd fallen for her so quickly. "What do ye want more than anything else in the world?"

She inhaled through her mouth. "I want for nothing." She rotated her hips and inched her tantalizing flesh lower until it grazed the tip of his arousal. Teasing him with a promising reward, she rocked to and fro, barely touching him with each thrust.

The woman nigh robbed him of sensibilities, but he was determined to gift her with something. He would write pages of prose about her beauty, drape her in gold and gemstones if that's what she desired. Hell, she might even get him in the crow's nest after all. "Everyone has an impossible dream. If I could grant ye one wish, what would it be?"

Bending low, she tugged at his bottom lip. "I wish I could see your eyes when you make love to me." She sheathed his manhood inside the heat of her womb and moaned.

Taveon made love to her while his heart clinched and regret consumed every particle of his being. She wanted the one thing he might actually have to take from her.






Part II



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