My Exception (My Escort #2) (5 page)

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Authors: Kia Carrington-Russell

BOOK: My Exception (My Escort #2)
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Chapter Eight


he seventh floor consisted of four meeting rooms and a lot of leather chairs with glass top tables. A few of the other writers had already arrived and were chatting amongst themselves. The projector already had the slide show prepared. Damon was efficient and always brought up the stats and profits we made from the previous magazine edition, alongside which section on our online magazine generated the most interest.

With this month already in progress, we would discuss ideas and concepts we had for the following month. Every month was already pre-planned with a few editions in front. I had done most of my research on Fiji and which areas I wanted to explore. All I had to do was confirm everything and book flights and the hotel. I had spoken to the manager of the two resorts I was staying at.

It was wonderful being a travel columnist; I had the ability to travel all over the world and express my love of travel to our readers every month. Because of my job, I could explore new places a
t discounted prices due to the exposure we would provide the resorts. Sometimes discounts and sales were offered to readers of the magazine. I could never have the time off and amount of money I needed to travel to so many international places if I didn’t have this job.

“Thank you, Clover,” Damon murmured from behind me. He leant over me, grabbing his coffee. I didn’t know what his intensity was about today. A lot of the office people knew that we were together, but we didn’t speak about it or show affection towards one another; we thought it unprofessional. It was only because of the few media posts that slipped that our relationship was made public. Although he tried to be thorough and stay out of the media’s spotlight, it wasn’t always the easiest. What I didn’t understand was how he couldn’t keep this out of the tabloids, and yet his escorting went unnoticed. He simply explained that a lot of the time, even when photos did get out, most of the escorting work he did was for women of high rank at formal, exclusive events.

“Yes, thank you, Clover,” Hayden repeated with a cocky smile. Damon grabbed another coffee and handed it to him.

“Hayden, I would appreciate if you sat near the front with me so I can introduce you to your department.”

Something grabbed Damon’s attention and he looked to the door.

“Damon. Clover. I am so glad to see that you came, Mr. Zilch,” Michelle smiled with her large bag in hand. “I thought I would drop by for this meeting, I hope you don’t mind Damon.”

Michelle’s phone began buzzing. She was quick to answer it and walked outside the room, concentrating on nothing particular as she spoke.

It wasn’t too long until everyone started trickling through the doors. I sat at the end of the table, sitting next to the Home and Living columnist, Jake.

“Before we begin today on the budget, I would like to introduce you all to your new sports columnist,” Damon began. Both Hayden and Damon stood up. “This is Hayden Zilch; a few of you might have heard of him from his success as he is also a sports manager for a company in the Ithaca area called Zilch Enterprises. He has a few big names working under him and is very familiar with the industry. On top of that, he also has a background in journalism. I would appreciate it if everyone could make him feel welcome. He begins full time as of today.”

“Pleasure to meet you all,” Hayden said. His rough voice had always attracted the attention of women. And his shape had not thinned in muscle since our university years. Already I noticed that the two female journalists across from me had pushed their chests a little higher. I wanted to smile at that. It was interesting watching how women tried to gain the attention of some men. I was an interested witness to the methods of Cassidy, who was very unlucky in love. I laughed at both how she tried to grab a man’s attention and how they tried to grab hers. It was like watching the discovery channel. And so the rest of the meeting continued on like this. The journalist, Lisa, across from me was a beautiful woman. Short hair, with a very bountiful chest. I could only imagine Cassidy’s jaw dropping, claiming there was no way they could be real.

Besides the flirtatious glances, the meeting consisted of facts, forecasts and statistics. Lisa suggestively nibbled her pen throughout the entire meeting. This took me back to my university days. I couldn’t believe that Hayden Zilch was now working for
Be True
within the same department as me. The world worked in funny ways.


Chapter Nine


fter the meeting, I collected my items and continued on my way back to my office. Before the elevator doors closed, Hayden’s large hand stopped it. He flashed me a brilliant smile. Behind him Lisa also dashed in, her beautiful blue eyes flashing devilishly under her thick eyelashes. I tried to hide my smile at her obviousness.

“I cannot believe after all these years you are still the same,” I said quickly, breaking the awkward sexual tension I felt I was in the midst of.

“What are you trying to say?” he asked with a devilish smile, resting his elbow against the wall so he was leaning towards me. This wasn’t something I was pleased about as I could tell he was trying to mislead Lisa to see her get jealous. I placed my hand on his chest to push him away. Yep, he was definitely just as toned as the uni years.

“That you still haven’t changed a bit,” I smiled charismatically. He smiled again crossing his arms as his brown eyes evaluated me for a moment.

“I think I might shock you,” he smiled. “I have come a long way. From back in the day when we were nobody, I’ve slowly built an empire you know. Slowly but surely, I’ve worked my ass off to become successful. How have I not changed?”

“I am very proud to see you have done well. You were always hard working, but in other aspects you have not changed a single bit.” He seemed wounded by my words. I didn’t say it in a harsh tone. But I could clearly see he was still a playboy. He always wanted me to aid him in being his ‘wing girl’ back in the day. I refused to be a part of it. Hayden always treated me with respect and never stepped over the line of friendship. When you had him as a friend he was a gentleman. But when he was on the prowl, which was with any beautiful woman who glanced at him, he was an utter womaniser. The elevator stopped and the doors opened.

“I am really glad to see you again. We will have to catch up for coffee some time so I can hear about this big empire you’ve built,” I smiled at him politely, leaving him and Lisa to their sex-crazed tension. I didn’t know Lisa very well, but I didn’t think it really mattered what kind of woman she was. If Hayden wanted her, she was as good as gone.

I walked into my office, instantly noticing that my laptop was gone. I hurried around my desk in a panic, finding a sticky note. Damon’s writing, of course. ‘Oh no, your laptop went missing, Angel Puff. However will you work?’

I pulled my phone out of my bag, dialling Damon instantly. It rang twice before he answered. “Who’s this?” Damon’s voice growled.

“What!” I looked at the screen, wondering if I had called the right number, but I knew it was Damon’s voice. “What do you mean ‘Who is this?’”

“Oh, my angel. I am sorry, I didn’t recognise you without your laptop. I heard about that. It sounds pretty serious, you should report that,” he said with what I imagined to be a smile on his face.

“Damon, I need that to complete my article. Why would you take it?” I placed my other hand on my hip, feeling naked without my laptop.

“Hmm, I love your angry voice. It makes me imagine you with your pouted beautiful plump lips,” he teased. “I’ll tell you what, I will give you a hint. It’s a part of the game, Clover.”

“A game… do you know how stupid that sounds?” I said, wanting to stomp my foot.
Argh, he just crawls under my skin when he wants to.

“Ahh, there is my non-romantic lover. No fun and games make Clover a dull girl,” he teased again. I could just imagine him right now, leaning back in his office chair. I continued biting on my lip for a moment, looking at my black heels and letting a fresh breath of air fill my lungs.

“And what does my handsome, romantic boyfriend want me to do, partake in this game?” I asked, arching an eyebrow.

“There’s my girl,” he growled again. “Can you picture me perfect?”

“What, is that like a riddle?” I asked, confused.

“I love you because you are one of the smartest women I know. I will see you soon. Your prize, you get me.”

“And about my laptop, which I want more?” I asked.

“Hmmm, you can get that as well if you’re lucky and roll a six in this game.” Damon hung up on me. I shook my head, feeling stupid for being a part of such a foolish game. Thinking of his words ‘Picture me perfect,’ I was trying to understand what he meant when it dawned on me. He was probably having a photoshoot.

I hurried to the elevator, trying to hide my quickened pace so no one questioned me running for the door. My heart raced crazily. When in the elevator I realised that I was kind of exhilarated. What was the game? Would Damon even be there? The elevator doors opened on the photographers’ floor. I searched through the few large rooms, seeing it to be entirely empty. At the very end of the floor was a dark room.

“Would you believe that the entire photography department is out for the day and I have the power to have this camera turned off for an hour?” Damon’s voice echoed in the darkness. I could see the outline of his suit slowly appearing in the dark room.

“That is a mighty power,” I said, trying not to laugh. “Damon, have you summoned me down here as some kind of office sex slave?”

“Oooh, I love it when you talk dirty to me like that,” he teased. I couldn’t help but smile. It certainly wasn’t what I was expecting.

“I thought this game would last longer,” I pouted as he stepped towards me and cupped my face. His eyes pooled into me, with only a small shine of the light from outside lightening his blue eyes.

“The game has ended, but I know something that will last for a long time,” he teased with a wicked smile. His lips took mine in an instant and his hand slid over my silk blouse. My nipples hardened instantly at his touch and my legs shuddered down to my very toes. I pushed him back, trying to regain my breath.

“Damon, what are you doing?” I asked, worried. We tried to keep it professional within the office.

“Do you have any idea how hard it is to stare at you knowing what is beneath that blouse and tight pencil skirt you are wearing? It is unbearable almost every day. Tell me you’re not turned on,” he said, slowly gathering my hands and pulling me closer. I opened my lips to argue. But my desire urged me to keep silent. I
turned on by it. Damon’s lips pressed down my neck and onto my collarbone as my heart raced with the expectation that at any point someone could walk in.

“Someone could find us, Damon,” I said, but my words were a mere whisper, my mouth parched.

“It’s thrilling isn’t it,” he growled back. Slowly he pushed me over one of the desks, grabbing a firm hold of my bottom and lifting me to lean me fully back on it. “I have for so long wanted you in this way.” His words heated me entirely, my knees rubbing against one another in anticipation before he slowly pried them open. He leant over me, kissing me and groping my breast as I moaned in pleasure. It was thrilling, it was magnificent, and Damon was entirely in control. Slowly his fingers brushed over my silk blouse, allowing a cool breeze to sweep over my chest before he covered it with his own body heat and warmth. I was submitting one hundred percent to Damon. He had me entirely within his grasp and game. It was an unfair game and one where only he knew the rules.

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