My Fair Lily (39 page)

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Authors: Meara Platt

Tags: #Regency, #Romance

BOOK: My Fair Lily
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She laughed softly. “Stabbings, shootings, and buildings blown up. I’d say it took a bit of doing to make you come to your senses.”

“As I said, I’m an uncivilized baboon. But I love you, Lily. I need you.”

“I’ve always loved baboons. Especially big, handsome Scottish baboons. I love you too, Ewan. Forever.”

“Aye, lass. Forever.” He kissed her again and it was magical. Lily knew her life would always be joyful and fulfilling with Ewan.

She couldn’t wait to practice those sexual tricks on him that
females used to rouse their mates into a monkey frenzy. She
wondered whether they would work on Ewan.

She was eager to find out.




Dear Reader,

I hope you enjoyed reading about Lily and Ewan! I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for men in kilts, and although my husband has never worn one, he is of Scottish descent and remains the man of my dreams. I’m a twin, but hadn’t planned on having twins in any stories. Lily Farthingale had other ideas. As soon as I started writing
My Fair Lily,
she stopped me in Chapter 1 and told me that I had to give her a twin. An identical twin, no less! So look for Daffodil’s story next. Dillie, as Daffodil is known to her friends and family, is about to meet Ian Markham, a rakehell duke and London’s most notorious bachelor. He is determined never to marry,
but we know that the tougher they are, the harder they fall—and Ian Markham, the tough and sexy Duke of Edgeware, is about to fall hard. Read on for a sneak peek at Daffodil’s story, the second in the FARTHINGALE SERIES.


London is never the same after the boisterous Farthingales move
into their new townhouse on Chipping Way, one of the loveliest streets in fashionable Mayfair. With five beautiful daughters in residence, the street quickly becomes known for its so-called
bachelor’s curse. The youngest daughter, Daffodil, is horrified to learn the man she has just rescued from ruffians outside her townhouse is none other than the notorious Duke of Edgeware. If the Chipping Way curse holds true, she’s doomed to marry the wretched rakehell. Determined to break the curse, she hastily leaves town, little knowing that the duke, equally determined to remain a bachelor, has just left town as well. With the Farthingale family and the duke’s assailants on their trail, the pair find themselves trapped in the same charming inn during a torrential rainstorm… and wind up falling in love.


Mayfair District, London

November 1818


crossed to her bedroom window to draw the draperies before retiring to bed, she never expected to wind
up in front of the Farthingale townhouse, elephant gun in hand, worried that she’d just shot the Duke of Edgeware. Not that this
season’s most eligible bachelor and dangerously handsome rakehell didn’t deserve shooting. He most certainly did, but not by her.

“Crumpets!” She fell backward after getting off a shot that merely startled the duke’s assailants. She aimed lower, getting off a
shot that almost ripped her shoulder out of its socket with its recoil. Scrambling to her feet, she reloaded and hurried out of the
shoving open the front gate that led onto Chipping Way, eager to
inspect the damage and dreading what she might find.

Her street was one of those charming, quiet streets, a most desired location in London. Eligible dukes did not die on such streets. “Ian, you idiot! Are you hurt? Who were those awful men,
and why were they attacking you?”

She knelt beside him, her heart firmly lodged in her throat. Her nightgown and thin wool shawl offered little protection from the midnight chill. Had his eyes been open, he would have been ogling her, for that’s what rakehells did best. Ian Markham, as the duke was known, was as rakish as they came, but he would never dare more
her. She was related to his best friend, and as disreputable as Ian
was, he did have a code of honor. Of a sort.

She had never considered Ian more than a mere nuisance deserving of a frown or indignant tip of her chin. Certainly not worth shooting, except for that one instance when he’d thoroughly
surprised her by
kissing her with enough passion to curl her toes. It was their first and only kiss, a case of mistaken identity in a moonlit garden, for he’d expected another lady to be standing beside the lilac tree where
Dillie happened to be hiding while she innocently spied on her neighbor’s dinner party.

Dillie had been trying to forget that kiss for the past two years. No doubt the duke had put it out of his mind immediately.

“Ian?” He appeared to be unconscious, his large, muscled body sprawled beneath the tree she’d practically splintered in half with the force of the elephant shot.

She set down the gun and shook him lightly when he failed to respond. “Oh, please wake up.”

He opened his eyes with noticeable difficulty, his gaze decidedly fuzzy as he cast her a pained grin. “Bloody blazes, it’s you. What are you doing here?”

“I live here. You’re the one who’s out of place.”

His eyes were still unfocused. He blinked them slowly in an attempt to regain his vision. “Oh. Right. Then I ought to be going.” But he made no attempt to rise. “I’ll be off now. Good evening, Daffy.”

Dillie ground her teeth in irritation. “Don’t call me that.” In a moment of madness, her parents had named her Daffodil, but she’d managed to sail through most of her nineteen years avoiding that hideous appellation. Everyone called her Dillie. Everyone but Ian Markham, the arrogant, infuriating Duke of Edgeware, who took
every opportunity to torture her with the use of her given name and every ridiculous variation of it that came to his fiendish mind. “The name is Miss Farthingale to you.”

“And I’m a duke. That’s
Your Grace
to you.”

She fisted her hands, wanting to pound the feathers out of him, but those two blackguards who’d attacked him seemed to have done a wickedly good job of it already. They were hired ruffians, certainly paid by someone angry enough to want him dead. “Very well.
Your Grace
, you idiot! Whose wife did you seduce this time?”

“That’s better. About time you showed proper respect for my title.” He tried to sit up, but he couldn’t and fell back with a gasped oath, struggling for breath as he clutched his side.

Dillie shivered, not only from the wintery chill in the midnight air but also from her concern that she truly might have shot him. She had been aiming for those awful men. To be precise, aiming a
warning blast above their heads to frighten them off. She was sure she’d hit one of the larger branches of the sturdy oak tree standing by the front gate. It now lay splintered on the ground near Ian.

She glanced around. His attackers had run off, frightened but unharmed. So why was Ian still on the ground, fumbling to rise and determined to hide his obvious agony? “Let me help you up.”

He brushed her hand away when she reached out to steady him. “No, I can manage.”

“Are you sure? Because you seem to be doing a spectacularly dismal job of it.” She couldn’t see him very well. The only light available was from the moon’s glow, a full, silver moon that shone
brightly against the crisp, starry sky.

“Are you still here, Daffy? Why don’t you go away and leave me
to my misery?” He sank onto the cool grass with another pained
his head thumping against the hard trunk of the oak tree as he fell

“I’m having far too much fun watching you struggle,” she said,
though her heart was still in her throat and she was now seriously worried about him. Another shattered tree branch dangled precariously overhead, held up only by a small scrap of bark. It was
in danger of falling atop him.

She reached out again, determined to move him out of its path, but as she touched his jacket she felt something warm and liquid seep
through her fingers. “Ian, you clunch! You’re bleeding. Oh, my goodness! Did I hit you?”

She let out a sob, now worried that she truly had done him damage. The air released from her lips cooled and formed a vapor
that swirled
about her face. It was too cold for Ian to be left out here for very long, and he wasn’t in any condition to get up and walk on his own. “I didn’t mean to shoot you.”

He took hold of her hand, gently stroking his thumb along her palm to calm her down. “You didn’t. I’ve been stabbed.”

Dillie gasped. Was that supposed to calm her? “I’ll get help. Don’t
move.” Even in the dim light, she could see the crimson stain now
oozing through his fancy silk vest. As she scrambled to her feet,
Farthingale butler came running through the gate. “Oh, Pruitt! Thank goodness! Fetch Uncle George. He must come right away, and
tell him to bring his medical bag.”

Pruitt’s eyes rounded as wide as saucers the moment his gaze fell on Ian. “At once, Miss Dillie.” He hurried back into the house as fast as his old legs would carry him. She heard him shouting up the stairs for her uncle, something the staid butler had never, ever done before, even when faced with an army of boisterous Farthingale relatives and their unruly children. Pruitt never lost his composure. His voice
never rose above an ordinary, conversational tone.

Until tonight.

Dillie sank back to her knees beside Ian. His hands were now pressed against a spot just above the left side of his waist. “That’s it.
Use your palms to press down hard on the wound,” she instructed while quickly removing her shawl. The clunch was bleeding everywhere, and that meant he’d been stabbed more than once. She folded her shawl and then, nudging his hands aside, firmly pressed
it to his waist and secured it by tightly tying the ends about his body. Big body. More solid strength than she’d realized. “Where else hurts?”

“Right thigh, just above my knee.”

She ran her hand along his thigh, careful to avoid the hole in the fabric where he’d obviously been stabbed. He tensed and let out a laughing groan. “Better not touch me there.”

No doubt to hide his extreme pain. She grabbed the velvet ribbon from her hair, ignoring the sudden cascade of long, dark strands about her shoulders and down her back. She used the ribbon to form a makeshift tourniquet around his thigh, hoping it was tight
enough to
stem the flow of blood from his leg until her uncle arrived to
properly treat him.

Her hands were beginning to numb. It was freezing outside, the grass hard and crunching beneath her knees. A cloud of vapor
with her every breath. She’d given up her shawl and was definitely
underdressed. “Where else?”

“My forearms are sliced up, but not too badly. My jacket sleeves
absorbed most of the damage.” He studied her, as though noticing her for the first time. Really noticing her, a sign that he’d finally regained his full vision. He cast her a wickedly seductive grin.
“There’s a hard ache between my legs.”

More injuries? All her fault. “Oh, dear! How bad? Show me.”

“Did I say that aloud?” He let out a deep, rumbling laugh. “Gad, you’re innocent. Don’t look so stricken. The ache will disappear once you put on some clothes. Maybe.”

“What?” She was in a panic, her heart pounding through her ears, and he was tossing jests?

“Your nightgown hides very little,” he continued, as though needing to explain the meaning of his jest. “If you lean any closer, I’ll have a clear view down your—”

She smacked him. Then smacked him again for good measure.

“Bloody hell! Wounded duke here. Show a little mercy.”

She wanted to smack him again, but as he said, he was seriously
injured. The folded shawl she’d applied to his waist was already stained through with his blood. He took hold of her hand, no longer smiling. She stilled, unable to draw a breath, for the first time
realizing that he
might not survive into the morning. “I’m so sorry, Ian. Just keep
mouth shut and I’ll stop hitting you. Much as I hate to admit it, I
don’t wish you to die.”

He gave her hand a light squeeze. “Much as I hate to admit it, I’m glad it’s you by my side if I am to die.” He paused, the effort of speaking too much to manage. “I thought you’d returned… to Coniston with the rest of your family… all five thousand of them.”
Those last words were spoken through shuddering pain.

Oh, God! Not you, Ian. You’re invincible.
She shook her head and tried to keep her voice steady. “They went on ahead.” But her voice faltered as she tried to hold back tears. “All five thousand of them,
traveling north like a great horde of locusts, eating everything in their path. I stayed behind with Uncle George to help him close up
the house and enjoy the blessed quiet.”

“Guess I’ve foiled your plans.” He sounded weak, his words even more strained.

She melted at his soft gaze. Ian, with his gorgeous gray-green eyes, had a way of melting female hearts. Good thing it was dark and she couldn’t clearly see the beautiful green of his eyes. That soft
glance was devastating enough. “We were supposed to leave
yesterday, but my uncle was called to a medical emergency. We had to delay our departure.”

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