My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1) (18 page)

BOOK: My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1)
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He walked me to my car and opened the door. I got in and threw my stuff on the passenger seat. When I turned to say good
-bye, he was gone. I saw his Jeep start, and he pulled out of the driveway in front of me. I felt robbed driving to the coffeehouse. I knew I wouldn’t see him until tomorrow, and he didn’t even kiss me good-bye. I lost him on the drive when we hit the city and was sad. I couldn’t believe how much I missed him already.

A relief hit me
, when I pulled into the coffeehouse parking lot and I saw his Jeep. I giggled as I parked next to him. I got my stuff, reached into my purse for a bone for Bo, and slipped it in the window as I passed by. I entered and walked straight to the booth. Jason was sitting there reading the paper. He looked up when I sat down.

“You are really cute, you know that?” I watched him crinkle his nose.

“I wasn’t going for cute. I was thinking more romantic, or incredibly sexy, but not cute.”

I got out my laptop and fired it up
. “You are incredibly sexy.” I was beaming up at him. “I missed you when you drove away.”

He smiled at me and put his paper down. He got out of his booth and moved into mine.
He looked very happy. He put his hand on my thigh and slid it up and down slowly.

“I missed you too, more than you know. Thanks for this weekend and my camera.” He slid his camera out of his pocket
, and I snatched it from him.

“You brought it
.” I took the card out and began downloading the pictures on my laptop.

“My computer is at my office
. I thought I might have time to download them today.”

We talked about his plans for t
he day. He had a workout and a basketball game with his friends planned after work. He said he might stay late so his dad could go home early. Jason’s mood completely changed from earlier. He was laughing and telling me stories of his dad and how much he appreciated his patience. It was obvious how much he loved his family, and I envied him. I looked at my watch and saw we had been there an hour. I panicked. I had to leave. He saw me putting everything away and scooted out of the booth before me. When I stood up, he leaned down and kissed me. I was surprised by this and pulled away a little, but he slid his hands up my body and weaved his fingers through my hair and devoured my mouth. I gave in letting him, until, he was all that mattered.  Then I began kissing him back with the same passion he gave to me. He sighed when he moved away, my world was spinning. He held my arm to steady me and laughed. 

“Wow, what are you doing to me?”
My breathing was erratic as I choked the words out. I began to focus more clearly and looked directly into his eyes. “You make me feel so needy.”

He didn’t say anything
, just handed me my bag. I turned and glanced at him when I reached the door and noticed his stiff movements as he sat down. He looked like he was in pain. I wondered for the first time if it was possible to keep up with this very horny man.


* * * *


I put the top down to the Mercedes and listened to the music on the way to work.  This day was already amazing. I felt incredible. I got to work feeling energized to begin my day. I was dancing getting charts ready and firing up the computers.  I did some leaps to the break room at the back of the office when I finished. I pulled out my phone to make some quick calls. I made an appointment to see a nurse practitioner at the gynecology office right down the way at lunch. Then I left a message on Heather’s phone. I was looking forward to seeing her later.

surprised me how I began seeing and hearing things throughout the morning, things I normally would have tuned out. I noticed the color of one patient’s shoes. It was such a happy, vibrant color, bright hot pink. It matched her purse, which was something I had never noticed either, purses. I heard laughter and snorting coming from the front desk, the kind of laughter that makes you laugh without knowing what is funny. I heard an amusing shriek, followed by more hysterical laughter, and it made me wonder how come I had never heard such amazing sounds.

In the next room
, I heard the dentist talking to a patient. The patient explained how walnuts made a certain tooth hurt. I heard the dentist say in a stern voice, “No, Ron, let Shannon hold your nuts while I look in your mouth.”

Apparently the patient
had brought the nuts in to demonstrate. I started to laugh. I couldn’t control it. Then, when the patient left, the jokes came flying about “sharing nuts,” “biting nuts,” “holding nuts with a firm hand,” all of it completely inappropriate, but it was ridiculously funny to me. It was possibly the funniest thing I had ever heard.

My morning
flew by. The laughing made me very hungry, and by lunch, my stomach was growling. I hadn’t brought my lunch like I normally do, so I had nothing to munch on. I went to my appointment and left with just enough time to get a quick sandwich at the café next door. I checked my phone before I went back to work and noticed a text message from Jason.


Jason: I love all the pictures…thanks again

I sent him a quick text before returning to work

It was my pleasure…let’s call it a trade for all the pleasure you have given me ;) PS I miss u

I went back to work and smiled at the memory of the weekend. This
breathtaking man made feel me so lucky. When my last patient left, I stayed to help the girls. We talked and laughed about the weekend, and for the first time, I had a story to tell. I told the girls everything, leaving out the sex club and the abduction. Those were two big red flags, if I wanted to be honest with myself. I certainly didn’t need to hear it. I had them all listening while we cleaned. They seemed very interested, and I found it a little powerful to hold their attention. They cut in with questions and comments and gave me some great advice regarding men, which was both funny and truthful. We walked out of the office laughing. I was grateful and felt fortunate to be surrounded by such wonderful people.

I got to the apartment after
six thirty, and Heather was waiting in the kitchen. She looked different, but I couldn’t place it. We went about our routine. I made the salad, and she cooked the chicken. When she finished, she came and stood next to me and put her head on my shoulder. I turned toward her, and she hugged me.

“I miss
ed you when you were gone.”

I hugged her back
, and I heard her wince.

“I hate fighting with you.” I stepped back and looked at her face
. She looked tired and fragile.

“Let’s talk in here
.” She waved toward the living room. I got a bottled water on the way and sat next to her on the couch.

“Have you been sleeping
OK?” I asked and looked straight in her eyes. She shook her head no, and I saw a tear in her eye.

“Red has been different lately…more aggressive. He is stressed from work
, and I think he has stuff on his mind.” She began crying, and I started to rub her back. I heard her wince again. I knew she’d been hit.

“What’s wrong?” I stopped touching her and sat back on the couch.

“He likes it a little rough.” She stopped and used a tissue to clean the makeup under her eyes. “I really like him and how he makes me feel. I am just sore…He told me he’s sorry. He just gets carried away.” She sat back and looked at me. “He was angry that you moved in with Jason. When I asked why, he told me about you and him. I think he might still have feelings for you, Katie. He was ballistic when I told him you left.”

“He doesn’t love me
, Heather. He cared for me once, and I think he might have thought he was in love. He woke me up one night and was on me, and…I trusted him but, he went too far.” I closed my eyes, and she knew it was a topic I didn’t want to talk about. “Listen, Heather, you’re my best friend, and I will support you always, but I don’t like him, and I will never trust him again. Jared’s delusional if he thinks he was my first love.  We were young and I didn’t allow very many people to get close to me.  Heather, he took advantage of that.  I accept the blame for not setting him straight before that night.  We both know confrontation is not my thing.  When he was on me that night I found my voice and I begged him to stop, but he didn’t, wouldn’t.  My brother made him stop.” I took a deep breath. “Don’t you think it’s weird he’s dating you?  You’re my roommate and my best friend, and he chose you.” 

She wasn’t listening anymore. 
She didn’t want to think anyone was using her.  In her mind, she was the only one with the power to use people.  She wiped her eyes with a fresh tissue and started her ‘if I knew him as well as she did, I would understand him better,’ rant. And I was pathetic because I felt sorry for her…like I always did.

I let her talk about Red
, and I listened and kept my mouth shut. The way she talked about him was the same way I felt about Jason. She was furious at him, but only talked about the sweet things he did. She talked about the crazy sex they had and how much she enjoyed it. She talked about bondage and whips, and I watched her eyes light up. I had never seen her like this and wanted so bad for everything to work out for her, but something was sketchy, and it didn’t sit right. I wasn’t an expert, but I didn’t have a good feeling about it. It was amusing to me that I found her love with Jared dark and the love I had with Jason very bright and full of life. She never questioned me about Jason, and I didn’t include him in the conversation although, my mind was glued on his breathtaking body and all the things he could do with it. Heather talked about her job and more about Red, and we ate dinner.

We settled in front of the TV and turned on our favorite reality girl show,
The Bachelorette
. I loved watching this with Heather because she would make funny comments on the kissing or lack thereof. She could tell if the guy wasn’t into it just by looking at his body language. Normally I listened, trying to see what she saw. She was usually right on about whom he would pick or whom she would pick. I thought Heather was exceptional at her relationship predictions. Tonight she was a little ruthless with her words. She was commenting that some people wouldn’t be happy in any relationship. So I went from laughing to feeling uneasy in minutes.

got up from the couch to search for my phone. Watching all the love connecting and wet kissing on the show made me miss Jason a lot, mainly his lips. I had missed two texts from him.


Jason: I miss u 2.


Jason: I have been thinking about the word pleasure. I think it’s three words said fast ‘please u more’. Let me know when u r ready


I disappeared to my room and called him. He answered right away. I let out a deep breath I had been trying to swallow.

Hello, I got your text.” It came out winded.

“Are you ready?”
His voice was soft and very sexy.

“I am…ready
,” I said in my sexiest voice. He laughed, and it gave me butterflies. “I was wondering, could you do me a favor?”

“I would love to.”

“Are you at your house?” I asked, as I drew hearts on a piece of paper.

“Yes, do you want to know what I am wearing?” He was smiling
. I could hear it in his voice.

.” I started laughing. “Will you go to the closet, and in my black jacket, I have money. I would like it very much if you brought me a thousand dollars from the pocket of that jacket.” I could hear his breathing pick up and I imagined him running up the stairs.

“Shit, Katie
, why do you have so much money in this jacket?”

“My boss pays me in cash. Will you bring me the money?”
It was mostly the truth.  Some of the money was from work, but most I had brought with me.  My grandfather kept stashes of money throughout the mansion.  When he died I found some spots of hidden cash and took it with me.  Grandfather was always preparing me for his death without me even knowing it.

“Of course, I am on my way.” H
is voice was charming and my body instantly ached because of it.

“I will lay blankets by the bed for Bo
.” I felt my heart flip over, and I couldn’t stop the smile on my face.

“See you soon, princess.” 

Chapter 12
And Eve



I walked out
of my bedroom feeling oddly alone in my apartment.  I quietly sat down next to Heather. I thought about the dysfunctional relationship I had with Heather.  We were both two lonely people who stayed together out of necessity.  She needed me financially and I needed her for balance.  Even though I worked full time, there would be days I could avoid talking to anyone.  Heather forced me to listen, to sit with her, to make dinner.  I would be completely alone without her, or maybe I was just as alone with her.

We watched the rest of
The Bachelorette
, and then I heard my phone buzz with a text. It was Jason. He was at the security gate downstairs. I skipped over and buzzed the phone for Jason to come up. I heard Heather’s disapproving sigh behind me, but it didn’t dampen my mood at all.

“I guess girls’ night is over. I miss this, you and me.”
I knew what she missed. It wasn’t us, it was me completely focused on her. She walked over and gave me a small hug. I felt a little guilty for being so cynical about our relationship. I didn’t try to hug her, didn’t want to hurt her. She had been acting injured and wounded all night.

“I had fun too
. I just missed him.” I shrugged giving her a small smile.

“Call me tomorrow
, OK?” She walked away.

There was a knock at the door
, and I opened it. Jason stood on the other side with a very happy Bo. He was all handsome dressed in pajama bottoms and no shirt. I felt sensitive all over. My skin itched for his touch, but I just smiled.

“I came right away
,” he said with a sinister smile.

“Of course you came right away.
Clearly, you were in too much of a hurry to grab a shirt.” I smiled letting my eyes fall all over his chest and abs. His muscles flexed under my glare and I ran my tongue over my teeth before I stepped aside.

walked in and leaned over to kiss me. I lost my mind. I pulled him close, touching the smooth skin of his chest and his stomach. He felt so good, soft and muscular. I stepped back and looked down, embarrassed that I had lost all control.

“Are you hungry or thirsty?” I
kneeled down to pet Bo.

“I would like a water, but I
’ll get it. Do you want me to bring you one?”

. I’ll be in my bedroom.” Bo and I walked to my bedroom, and he found his spot on the blankets next to my bed. Jason slowly wandered in afterward and sat on the bed. He reached into the bag he had with him and pulled out money.

“Thank you
.” I took the money and put it in an envelope I had on my desk.

“Maybe you should tell her this is your last
month’s notice and move in with me.”

grinned at him for the awesome offer. It was empowering that he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. “I will stay with you, but I will always give her money. She’s been there for me, and I will never abandon her.”

“That’s a lot of money for an apartment.”

“Heather pays for everything for me. The phone I have is really hers. She buys groceries and pays the cable bill. I think it’s fair.” I was rambling. I didn’t want him knowing this.

I took the envelope and left the room. I knocked on Heather
’s door. I heard the television in the background. She opened the door, and I gave her the envelope and said good night. She looked disappointed but didn’t say anything.

When I went back to
my room, Jason was snooping.

“What are you looking for
? Maybe I could help you find it?” I closed the door and smiled. He sat on the edge of the bed and faced me.

“You read at night?”
He gestured to the Bible sitting on my nightstand.

“When I can’t sleep
, I do read. That book was my grandfather’s. He has lots of things written in it and highlighted. When I can’t sleep, which is a lot, I read it. It makes me feel closer to him.” I reached for his bag on the floor and pulled his clothes out to set them on the desk. I refolded the shirts and jeans in a nice straight pile. I was uncomfortable talking about my grandfather. Jason started talking first.

“I was asked by my brothers
-in-law to go on a retreat.”

I raise
d my eyebrows, surprised. 

“It’s kind of something they do together every year, but my dad goes. This year
, with everything going on, they thought I should go too.” He looked away like he was in deep thought.

“I think it’s a great idea, just the four of you?”

Jason was rubbing his chin. “No, Dad would stay home, and the three of us would meet up with some others from the church we grew up in.”

You should go, even though I know you feel weird about it. Go hang out with your family. I think it will be really good for you.” I walked over and sat next to him on the bed. “You have this idea because you were bad that you can never be forgiven. My grandfather was a not-so-nice man once. I only knew him with the Bible, but I heard stories. When I knew him, he was very spiritual. He was quiet, didn’t say much, but you just felt better being around him.  You should take the Bible with you. My grandfather would want you to have it, and maybe you’ll read it and, I don’t know, sleep better.” I laughed bumping his arm with my shoulder, and he laughed too.

My body leaned into his on the bed
and I played with his hands. I’m not sure why, but I was so fascinated by his big, strong, rough hands. His hands had worked, seen the world, and they told stories about their adventures. I had never seen hands like his; even my bodyguards’ hands appeared softer than his. I felt small when I set my hands in his, delicate even. I glanced up at him and the sides of his mouth curved up slowly as I interlaced our fingers.

“So I went to the doctor
’s today.” I let go of his hand and walked over to my purse. I reached in like I was performing my own magic trick and pulled out birth control pills. “I got samples, three months’ worth.” I was quite proud of myself. “She said I have to wait for my period to start before taking the pills. Until then”—I held out condoms—“we can use these, and she made no comment on how lucky I was when I said large. It was a classy place.” He smiled, and I threw a condom at him. “I talked to my friends at work today about you. They gave me some sex pointers.”

“Oh y
eah, you talked about me?” His smile was contagious.

“They told me that men like it when you tell them what you want.” I started to take my shirt off
, and I saw his eyes light up. I took my time taking off my pants, doing a little dance and kicking them off. I stood there in my lacy bra and panties and reached up to pull my hair out of my ponytail. I shook my head, my hair spilling over my breasts. It was like tiny fingers touching me. I licked my lips. Watching him gaze at me was intoxicating. I undid my bra and began playing with my breasts. Jason was biting his lip, almost hypnotized by watching me. I ran my fingers over my lips dipping them inside and sucking them slowly, then I swiped my saliva filled fingers over my nipples and began playing, pinching and pulling them. I continued to tease him. I took my thumbs and put them under the sides of my panties and slowly moved them down my legs. I stepped out of them, closer to him.

…” I looked up at him, his eyes half lidded. He was in a trance. “Will you…eat me out?” I said it slowly, and as I finished, I found myself flying through the air. Jason was on me. “That will do it!”

He was kissing me hard and demanding
. It was rough and intense, and my body craved every bit of it. He put his mouth on my nipple and slightly bit down. I moaned, surprised myself at how loud I was. He lifted his head and did the same thing to the other one. I was grabbing the sheets with my fists, trying to stay grounded. He didn’t waste any time moving his way down to my very throbbing pussy. He lifted each calf and positioned them over his shoulders. I crossed them over his upper back, trying hard not to squeeze him with my legs. I felt the need to explode on the first touch. He used only his mouth this time. I leaned on my elbows to watch him, and the sight of his mouth on my sex made me lose all control. I pushed my hips up, trying to make the contact harder in some way. He watched me through his lashes, and I think he was smiling. He knew how close I was and was holding back, purposely.

, Jason.” I heard it come out, but didn’t remember saying it. He pulled away slightly, and I dropped my elbows and fell flat on the bed, defeated. He drove me crazy.

“Please what?” I heard his cocky voice but was too needy to not play his game.

“Pretty please make me come.” I said the last word slowly. Talking dirty was driving him insane, and I knew it.

His mouth landed on my pussy
. I felt his tongue explore me all over, and then it was all business. I came within seconds, thrusting my hips and moaning. I felt so much better. I was smiling. I couldn’t control it. I heard the condom wrapper, and I rolled out of bed. I walked around to the side of the bed he was sitting on.

“Wait, not yet
.” I grabbed his hand that was about to put on the condom. He gave me a very painful look. “I have an idea.” I moved him over to the end of the bed facing the closet. “I know you secretly like to watch.”

eyed me, but did what I said. I moved the full standing mirror in front of the closet to where the door of the closet would be if it had one.  I adjusted it until I saw his beautiful body in the mirror. The mirror filled the whole spot where the door would have been, and we were far enough back he could see all of himself, from the floor, to the bed, to a couple feet over his head. I moved in front of him swaying my hips trying to give him a little show. A teasing smile played on my lips.

Just look in the mirror. Just watch me in the mirror.” His breathing pattern sped up, and I knew it was only a matter of time before he lost all sense of control. I kneeled before him and took his cock in my mouth. Then I moved to the side so he could watch in the mirror. I relaxed my throat and started my favorite new trick.  My mind and mouth completely wrapped around his large cock in my hands and mouth.  His loud moans and animal growls were spurring on my theatrical performance. 

He took a sharp breath in
. “Fuck.” He grabbed my hair and pushed his penis far down my throat. I could tell he was getting close to losing control because he was more forceful. I pulled my head back breaking the suction with a loud “pop.” He broke his contact from the mirror and looked at me, his eyebrows raised. I could tell he was going to say something, but I put my finger on his lips and leaned in to kiss him gently.

K, put the condom on, but watch me in the mirror.”

His hands fumbled and he hurried to put on the condom. It made me smile. I straddled him on the edge of the bed, making sure I wasn’t in the way of the mirror, slowly maneuvered my sex over his penis, and then very slowly sat down on him. I moved back and forth, my movement unhurried. I was trying to dance on him with my hips. It felt incredibly good to me, but I was sure it wasn’t what he wanted. I watched his face as he stared in the mirror, and he was tense, jaw clenched, mouth in a straight line. He looked like he was in pain.

I lifted
Jason’s hands and placed them on my lower back.  I felt him tracing lines up and down my back with his fingers. I pressed my body close to him rubbing my nipples against his sweaty chest. I changed my motion and began to rise up steadily and then crash down on him. I loved that connection and the sound that filled the room. It gave me a sensation throughout my whole body. I could tell he felt it too. His breathing became more labored; his fingers became nails down my back. I gripped his muscular arms my fingers digging into his skin, trying to hold on for what I knew was about to happen. My nails bit into his arms, and that’s when he lost it. He grabbed my hips, held them still, and began powerful thrusts into me. He was someone else now; someone else took over, and he was hungry. I closed my eyes and held on and focused on his breathing and his smell. I lost myself in him. I could taste his hunger it was so palpable. My orgasm hit me hard. I threw my head back and squeezed his arms. My nails dug deeper into his flesh, and I felt my pussy ripple over and over again around him. I heard him scream my name in a grunt and watched him throw his hips up one more time with all his strength. He was so beautiful. He closed his eyes and lay back on the bed, pulling me with him. He was still breathing hard. I just stared at him as his eyes began to flutter back open. He put one arm behind his head. The other was still resting on my lower back.

“So I like your work friends
.” He said it with a laugh. “Seriously, ‘eat me out’?” He raised an eyebrow, it was playful, and I laughed. “That is the sexiest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

I laughed
louder, and he gave me a goofy grin.

K, they said, ‘Tell him what you want him to do. If he’s already horny, the dirtier the better.’ I came up with it myself. It was the dirtiest thing I could think of at the time.”

closed his eyes and smiled. He pulled me closer so I was resting on top of him. “You are full of surprises.”

BOOK: My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1)
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