Read My Heart Will Find Yours Online

Authors: Linda LaRoque

Tags: #western,romance

My Heart Will Find Yours (31 page)

BOOK: My Heart Will Find Yours
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The morning after he’d been found, Pete set out after the Meade boys. He caught them a week later in San Antonio headed for Mexico. They didn’t put up a fight when he arrested them. Most likely they’d serve a couple of years for stealing cattle. The kid who’d shot him hadn’t gone to trial yet. Royce didn’t want to see him go to prison. Hopefully, he and the judge could work out a fitting punishment where he might be reformed. Put him to work on one of the ranches far from town where he’d get plenty of food, work, and discipline.

He pushed up out of the rocker and tossed the dregs of his coffee over the porch rail. For a minute, he stood there looking up at the moon and stars, thinking about Texanna. She was living in her time. He was living in his. Regardless of the years between them, did the moon, the stars, and sky remain the same? He believed they were constant, just like his love for Texanna.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Texanna’s parents wanted her to stay with them, but she wanted to be in Pearl’s house. Settled in bed, her mother approached and pulled up a chair. “Texanna, I think it’s time you told us where you’ve been and how you got shot.”

Her father came in with a tea tray. He sat it on the bed, poured them each a cup, and handed her a teacake. “I agree with your mother. Lord knows, we haven’t agreed on much these past twenty years, but we do this.”

She nodded. “You’re right. You deserve to know what my plans are.”

When she finished her story, her mother sobbed as her father paced the floor raking his hands through his hair. “How can you expect us to believe such an outrageous story?” he asked.

Texanna picked up the journal and handed it to them. “Read the first five pages of this, and it’ll help you understand.”

Their heads bent together over the book, they read the entry she’d placed there shortly after she and Royce married. In that first account, she’d included Pearl’s story and both her trips from 2008 to 1880. Though she’d been tempted, Texanna hadn’t read past the entry of the bank robbery. She didn’t want to know what would happen in her life with Royce.

Madeline Keith wiped her eyes. “It’s a beautiful story, dear, but surely...” Her voice broke, and she couldn’t continue.

“Mama, it’s true. Every word of it.” She looked between her stricken parents. “I know it’s hard, it’s outlandish, unbelievable...but as soon as I’m well, I’m returning to Royce and Garrett.”

Her father’s face was pale. For the first time, he looked old and fragile. Scared, she reached for his hand. “Daddy, are you all right? Don’t have a heart attack and die on me. Please, please understand.”

He tried to smile, but his chin trembled, and he ducked his head. Clearing his throat, he said, “I always knew I’d lose you someday, but this isn’t quite how I pictured it.”

“Daddy, I love him. I’d given up hope of ever finding a man to give my heart to. God sent me back to be with him, I don’t doubt that for a moment. I don’t want to go through life without him.” She placed her hand over her lower abdomen. “And my baby needs her father.”


Her months of therapy were slow, but the time went by in a blur. Some days Texanna wondered if she’d dreamed the entire time-travel experience. But, in December, when she knelt to place flowers on Pearl’s grave and read her name, Pearl Baines Dyson Thompson, she knew it had been real and every minute precious.

Her parents came by that evening. It was cold, even for December, so Pauline built a fire, and they sat around the old room sipping hot cocoa.

“Pauline, sit down with us. I need to talk to all three of you.” It didn’t escape her notice that her mother reached for Daddy’s hand. He took it with his left and placed his right arm around her shoulders. Texanna smiled at the new closeness evident between the two. “I’m leaving tomorrow.”

Voice gruff, her father asked. “How will we know you made it back to him, that you’re happy?” Her mother was sobbing, her face buried against his shirt. Pauline sat ramrod straight, but lines of worry crossed her face.

“I don’t know, Daddy, but I’ll find a way.” She twisted her wedding ring, and then held her hand out to them. “Search the history books, look for Dyson descendants. The proof will be there, I promise.”


The next morning, Texanna dressed in the lovely blue taffeta party dress Lucia brought her.

“Won’t I look odd on the train in an evening dress?”

Lucia shrugged. “Maybe, but according to our historical records, this is what you were wearing when you reappeared. Don’t have a clue why or where the dress came from, but you’ll be attending Jason and Sally’s wedding reception.”

Texanna fingered the fabric. It was old, and though threadbare in places, in relatively good condition considering its age. “It’s beautiful.” The bodice was off the shoulder with long sleeves and a fitted waist. The skirt was long and full.

“Over it, you’ll wear this black wool cape as the weather will be cold. Your train is delayed, so you won’t arrive until after sunset.”

Texanna asked many questions, but all Garth and Lucia could tell her was what she’d be wearing, approximately what time her train would arrive, and the date, December 18, 1880.

“Trust your instincts, child. All will be well.”

That was easy for her to say. She wasn’t the one traveling back in time. But Texanna knew worry wouldn’t change a thing.

Texanna twisted the gold band on her finger. She wondered if Royce had picked his ring up at the jewelers. Would he like the inscription she’d had engraved inside? For the ninety-ninth time, she wondered what it would be like when they were reunited. Heaven, it would be like heaven. Unexpectedly, anxiety made her gasp, and she had difficulty breathing. What if he’d found someone else while she was gone? She shook herself trying to ward off her fear. He had the locket. Had he lost hope, or did he believe she would somehow locate it and return to him? Was he waiting for her? It had been almost four months.
Oh, God. Please help me to have faith.

At the station, Texanna hugged Garth and Lucia good-bye.

Lucia, with tears in her eyes, laid Pearl’s locket in Texanna’s hand. She held it tightly in her fist.

“Take care, child. Live and love hard. The locket will come back to us, and we’ll see the next generation takes care of it.”

“Thank you, Lucia. I love you.”

The older woman’s eyes twinkled with mischief as she winked. “I love you, too, Grammy.”


Texanna’s heart beat a mile a minute. She was finally going home—back to Royce and Garrett. Dressed in her 1880’s finery she felt like a fool, but she’d have boarded the train buck naked if necessary to get back to Royce. The dress fit her like a glove but wasn’t too confining, and she didn’t have on a corset. Black high-top shoes peeped out from under her dress. She’d used a buttonhook to fasten them so they were tight. They pinched a little but weren’t bad. At least they were warm.

Her carpetbag sat on the seat beside her. Inside were the sheets she’d been wrapped in when Royce brought her forward to the present. Royce had also added her jeans, tank top, and her tennis shoes. Her underwear was glaringly absent. The thought of Royce purposely keeping the pink bra and panties pleased her. She reached up to make sure the locket was securely in place around her neck. Royce had finally admitted he loved her skimpy ‘unmentionables’ as he called them. As a surprise, she’d bought and was wearing a pale blue set. If he thought the pink set was sexy, she couldn’t wait to see what he thought about her thong.

Grinning like a Cheshire cat, she closed her eyes and concentrated on her mission. Her nerves were stretched taut. She was so tired of waiting that she was ready to get out and start pushing the train down the tracks.
Let’s get a move on, folks.
Please, Lord. Let this work. Take me home.

The speakers shrieked. “Sorry for the delay, folks. We’re ready to leave San Antonio. Shouldn’t be more than two hours late arriving in Waco.” Texanna felt the train give as it started moving and they slowly picked up speed. Two hours late. But Lucia told her to expect the delay. Her heart beat faster and she gulped in air. She was on her way.


Royce smoothed the vest of his dark suit down his abdomen—the suit he’d worn when he and Texanna married. It fit looser today than it had then. Like Strawberry, he’d been off his feed, and it showed in the fit of his clothes. Actually, the gunshot wound had left him weak as a kitten. He’d lost weight, and regaining it and his strength was taking time. Time was something he had aplenty.

He looked at his reflection in the full-length mirror in the corner. The suit didn’t look bad. In a month, it’d probably fit just right again. His appetite had returned to normal. Everyday he felt stronger, using his shoulder was less painful.

His heart wasn’t beating ninety to nothing this evening, as it had been on his wedding day in July. But today was an entirely different situation. He’d put on a smile and pretend he was having the time of his life. He was happy for Jason and Sally.

He opened the drawer of the chifforobe and fingered Texanna’s pink unmentionables. They were so sheer his hand was visible through them. He lifted them to his face. They were soft against his cheek and carried the scent of the lavender sachet she’d sprinkled in the drawer. He sighed and put them back. No need to torture himself. She was gone, and he had no reassurance she’d find her way back.

The locket lay on a lacy handkerchief. Sunlight winked off the polished gold. With his thumb, he rubbed the turquoise stone until it warmed. He’d wanted to leave it with Texanna, but needed it to return to Garrett. It had entered his mind to take Garrett with him and live with Texanna in the future. But the picture she’d painted of the future stopped him. It didn’t sound like a place he’d want to raise a child. No, they belonged here.

Though Texanna told him how the locket supposedly worked, he couldn’t bear putting her on the train alone or without seeing her to her final destination. That fateful day, he feared she’d disappear without him, so he’d held her close and wrapped the locket around each of their wrists. Evidently it worked. He’d propped his booted feet on the wall of the train car so when the light burst and the train lurched, Texanna had been jostled as little as possible. The sights he’d seen, he’d never forget, nor the agony of watching Texanna being ushered away in an odd conveyance with flashing lights.

Garrett’s boots sounded in the hall outside his door. “Pa, I’m ready. Let’s hurry. I want to see the twins.”

“Coming, Son.” Royce dropped the locket back onto the lacy cloth and closed the drawer, unaware how the turquoise grew even hotter making the gold glow warmly. He slipped into his jacket. At the front door, he retrieved his dress hat, and they started for the buckboard out front.

Garrett was finally beginning to move past his grief. Texanna had only been with them a little over a month, but she’d forged a place in their hearts. School had started and that helped. He was busier, and his young, pretty teacher spent extra time with him and a few of the other kids. He brought books home in the evening, and he and Royce sat at the table and worked on his letters. The boy had a good mind, and learning came easy for him. Royce was proud.

Royce and Garrett arrived at the church in plenty of time. Royce half listened to the chatter on the lawn as he unhitched Josie and hobbled her so she could enjoy the grass and stay in the shade. He’d leave her here and walk to the town hall for the dance. It wasn’t far, so there was no need to hitch Josie to the wagon again. He leaned against the wagon and tried to relax while he waited. No need to enter the church any sooner than necessary. Garrett ran ahead to visit the babies.

Royce had to admit, they were a treat to see. Both were happy and loving. Doc had been worried Nathan might not be normal due to his lack of oxygen at birth. But the boy kept up with his sister and was ahead in some areas. He was even-tempered while Pearl was impatient with a terrible temper. She could shout the house down. Matthew’s happiness and contentment pleased Royce. But sometimes, it was all too much to bear, and he had to distance himself from the happy family. Molly was quick to understand and helped him find an escape route if he needed one.

The church was full. It was time for the ceremony to start, so Royce joined his brothers at the altar. Garrett sat with Molly to help keep the twins quiet. The boy would love to have brothers and sisters, and Royce hoped someday he’d have them. He just wished their mother would be Texanna. But it wasn’t meant to be, so he might as well put the notion from his mind and get on with life.

The organist started the wedding march, and the bride started down the aisle on her father’s arm. She was beautiful with her gold blond hair and blue eyes. Her happy smile beneath the veil both warmed and twisted his heart. Her father placed her hand in the groom’s, and they turned to face the preacher.

Brother Riley beamed down at them and cleared his throat several times. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God and these witnesses to join this young couple in the vows of holy matrimony.”

The vows of commitment fell heavy on Royce’s heart. Why God had given him so much and then taken it away leaving him empty and broken, Royce didn’t know.

“Do you take this woman...for better, for sickness and in health...for as long as you both shall live?”

Royce felt a roaring in his head making him slightly dizzy. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander back to another day—a day in July. On that day, his heart had been whole and near bursting with happiness. Royce shoved the image aside. Today was Jason’s day. Royce’s had been several yesterdays ago.

When the ceremony ended, Jason kissed Sally. The crowd stood and rushed forward to congratulate the couple. Royce stepped up. “Move over, Jason. It’s my turn.” Royce grinned at Jason’s rigid jaw as he took Sally in his arms. He pretended to aim for Sally’s mouth, deflected at the last minute, and kissed her cheek. With a chuckle, Royce whispered in Sally’s ear. “I don’t have to tell you to keep Jason on his toes. I know you will. Texanna said you were the perfect wife for him.”

BOOK: My Heart Will Find Yours
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