My Kind of Girl (15 page)

Read My Kind of Girl Online

Authors: Candace Shaw

Tags: #romance, #contemporary romance, #africanamerican romance, #black romance, #african romance contemporary romance

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Yes, at least he had the
decency to move on the other side of the world. Sean lives right
here in Memphis where I’d have the pleasure of running into him
with whatever chick. No, I did the right thing.”

Mmm … maybe he knows you
aren’t the type of girl for a fling and doesn’t want to get caught
up then turn around and hurt your feelings. There are women you
marry and women you shag. He likes the shaggers. Maybe he knows
you’re the type of woman he could spend the rest of his life with
and it’s scaring him. Garrett said that he’d never seen Sean
infatuated over a woman before until he met you. Their plans for
Friday night originally were to hang out at a strip club, but Sean
changed them because he wanted to see you. Maybe you’re being
paranoid because of what happened in the past and the fact Sean is
a known playboy.”

I don’t know, and at this
point I don’t care.” She downed her wine. “I’ll go by there on
Thursday to plant the roses while he’s at work and be gone before
he comes home. I’ll leave my … I mean his key somewhere

Has he paid you

I can email him the
invoice and he can mail a check. I’ll never have to see him

Memphis isn’t that big.
You just stated you could bump into him.”

I’ve never run into him at
his family’s practice, so I’m not that worried. Unfortunately, I’ll
have to change doctors now. His brother-in-law, Dr. Phillips, is my
new primary care physician and his wife, Raven, is my Ob-Gyn. Dang
it. I like going there. Now I’ll have to stop, but if I see him
around town I know how to be cordial. He hasn’t hurt me or
Even though it hurts like hell
to end it, but it’s for the best. Right?

This reminds me of the
time when were undergrads, and I was dating that dude that was a
line cook at the Fish Shack.”

Yep. We stopped going
there when ya’ll broke up. They had some really good hush puppies,
too.” She smacked her lips and poured another glass of wine.
Caitlyn drank her last sip and held out her glass. They toasted and
Traci rested her head back on the pillows. She remembered all of
the pillows Sean had on his bed. They looked so comfortable and
plush. Too bad she’d never know.

Dating sucks. Heard from

Nope.” Caitlyn rose from
the bed and walked the few feet to the kitchen to grab some
Pringles that were sitting on the little island. “I guess we won’t
be double-dating with the doctors.”

No, but I’ll be all right
once I finish his project. Then I can move on. No biggie. In a way,
I guess it’s good that I never had sex with him. At least, I’m not
that attached to him.”

Caitlyn tapped her chin while she
finished chewing the chip. “True, but there’s more to being in tune
with a person besides the sexual side.”

Traci pondered Caitlyn’s comment for
she had indeed fallen for Sean in different ways and they hadn’t
had sex. Sure, they done some sexual things and he’d sent pleasure
tingles to race all through her. However, she’d enjoyed the time
they’d spent together planting the flowers, playing chess, and even
when she had confided in him about her mother’s gambling addiction.
There was more to their relationship than sex, but she was scared
to take it further. She was protecting her heart and didn’t see
anything wrong with that.


Wait, bro. You want to do
another test? You just had one last month and it was all negative,”
Garrett said, staring at his frat brother in disbelief.

Sean stood in his friend’s office at
his medical practice on Monday morning. He’d just told him about
his day with Traci, and he wanted to take a HIV and a STD test
before going any further with her. He’d been tempted last night to
give into her pleading, which was quite hard—no pun intended—but he
just wanted to be cautious. He knew he’d had condoms, but he needed
to be one-hundred percent sure before their relationship grew
serious because that’s where he had thought it was headed until
she’d decided she needed to take a step back. However, he wasn’t
giving up.

Why do you think that all
of sudden you’ve contracted something in the last few

Remember when I went home
with those models?”

Oh … right. You didn’t use

Most definitely, but I
want to be certain. That’s all.”

Why didn’t you just tell
Traci that last night?”

I didn’t want her to think
I was a freak who fucks anything moving.”

Garrett sipped his coffee. “Um …
doesn’t she know about your rep?”

Can you do the test or
not? I have to be at my practice in the next hour to meet with a

Garrett rose from his desk. “Let’s go
to my exam room before my staff gets here, and I’ll send it to the
lab with a rush order. You should know by Wednesday.”

Thank you. So what’s up
with you and Caitlyn?”

Nothing. She’s a really
cool girl but no sparks.”

So no double dates with
the horticulturists?” Sean asked jokingly.

Nope. So you think you
have a future with Traci even though she doesn’t want to see you

My mother always says to
have faith and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”


Traci entered her mother’s home
Tuesday evening. Mildred had returned from Vegas the day before and
had offered to cook dinner as a peace offering from their argument.
The aromas of lasagna and garlic bread soared through the house and
the rumbles in Traci’s stomach increased. She hadn’t eaten since
lunch, and the turkey croissant sandwich from the Botanical
Garden’s café had done little to satisfy her hunger considering
she’d spent most of the day preparing the rose garden for its
showcase that upcoming weekend. Her body was sore, and she wished
she could have Sean’s magic hands massage out the kinks. However,
that would never happen again. She had to shake her mind free of
that, but it was no use. He’d invaded her thoughts and sleep
constantly for the past few days, but she knew in her head she was
doing the right thing … even if her heart didn’t agree.

Hey, Mom,” Traci said,
sitting down at the kitchen table that was set for two.

Hey, pumpkin,” Mildred
replied, taking the lasagna out of the oven and setting it on the
trivet on the table. “Everything is almost done. Just waiting for
the garlic bread to brown. Grab the Merlot out of the wine

Traci quietly obeyed as her mother
finished cutting up the cherry tomatoes for the salad. Once they
were seated and had plates filled with food, Traci decided she’d
start the conversation first.

Mom, I’m sorry for
snapping at you the other day, but I’m just concerned.”

I know, precious. I know.
I should’ve told you I was going to Vegas, but it was last minute.
I didn’t want to upset you.”

Taking a bite of her mom’s homemade
chicken and spinach lasagna, Traci sighed. It was so cheesy and
delicious. “This is good, Mom.”

Thank you. I do have
something to tell you, though,” Mildred stated

Traci braced herself for whatever news
her mother was about to spill. She figured more than likely she’d
gone back down to the casino once more after their conversation to
double her winnings, only to lose all of it in an intense game of
poker, and now needed money to pay her bills.

Traci took a sip of her wine. “I’m

You’ve heard of the
Women Poker

She paused her fork mid-way in the
air. “Yes, it’s one of your favorite shows.”

Well, they’ve asked me to
be on it this season. I was in Vegas for an audition and I got the
part. I’ll be a series regular.”

Now what now?”

Yes, and I get paid to be
on it.”

Sooooo, how did this
happen?” Traci put down her fork and stared in disbelief at her
mother’s beaming face.

I met one of the producers
at a private poker tournament a few months ago. I had no idea he
was actually scouting for new cast members. He was impressed by my
skills and contacted me a week ago. He offered to fly me and Trisha
to Vegas to check it out. You know your godmother is a ruthless
attorney, and I wanted her to make sure the contract was up to par
before signing it.”

So you have to move to

Only three months out of
the year. I’ll just rent a condo or something for the

And the money you

It’s mine. It’s a poker
tournament. You can read the contract if you like, but Trisha read
over it with a fine tooth comb and made some changes that they
accepted. Trisha is also fully aware of my gambling habits in the
past. Therefore, she set up an account for my earnings so I won’t
spend it frivolously.”

And this makes you

Very. After your dad died,
my entire life changed and I’d never felt so alone before. Sure, I
have you and your brother, but you two were doing your own things,
becoming adults and having your own lives. I tried dating and new
hobbies. Remember when I took up crocheting?”

Traci laughed sarcastically. “Yes, I
still have the scarves, blankets, and the toaster cover to prove
it. Let’s not forget the pottery classes and the abstract painting
phase even though the picture hanging over my bed is quite

Well, none of that made me
feel fulfilled again until I started going to the casinos. Yes, I
know at first I had a problem, but now I promise you all of that
has changed. I’m actually bored with the casinos. However, I do
love playing poker, but only because your dad used to play and I
feel closer to him when I do. It’s like he’s right behind me the
entire time coaching and cheering me on.”

Traci let her mother’s words sink in.
If this outlet truly made her happy and feel closer to her deceased
husband, then Traci was all for it.

So am I invited to watch
you play on the show?”

A smile cross Mildred’s face showing
the dimples that matched her daughter’s. “You really want to?” she
asked, with tears in her eyes.

Of course, Mom, and I’m
sure Larry Jr. will come, too.”

I told him this morning
when he called, and I explained to him my reasons why. He was on

Well, looks like we have a
reality star in the family. Please don’t get on there and act a
fool like some of those housewives shows.”

Of course not, but I do
talk shit when playing poker,” Mildred stated seriously with a

Oh goodness! I can only
imagine,” Traci said, taking a bite of her lasagna.

Mildred stood and grabbed an envelope
from the island. “Before I forget, here’s all of the money I owe
you. I’ve kept track of every single penny you’ve loaned me during
the past few years.” She handed her daughter the

Traci opened it as her eyes grew wide
at the amount on the cashier’s check.

I’ve given you this much
money?” Traci knew it was a lot, but she’d never kept

Yep, plus an extra five
thousand for interest.”

Astonished at the amount, Traci was
still staring at the check. “Thank you. I will definitely put this
to good use.”

Maybe now you can stop
working two jobs.”

We’ll see. I like doing
both, but sometimes I just want to go home and curl up with a good
book or soak in a tub of hot water.” She glanced at the check once
more before placing it back in the envelope. Her thoughts trekked
to possibly moving out of her little loft apartment and buying a
home. Most of the money she’d given her mother had come from the
savings account she had set up for a down payment on a

Now you can go home and do
whatever you want. Are you almost done with the project you’re
working on for Dr. Arrington’s son?”

Yep. I’m off on Thursday
so I have a few things to finish up in his backyard and then I’ll
be completely done.” Traci sighed in her head. Yep, she would be
done and never have to see Sean again even though the thought made
her sad.

What’s wrong?” Mildred

Oh … nothing, Mom.” Traci
took a bite of her lasagna followed by a sip of her

You had a faraway look in
your eyes for a moment. Is everything okay? Has he been too
arrogant of a client?”

Oh no. Nothing like that.
He’s actually been quite helpful. He did a lot of the

So let me guess. You like
him yet he hasn’t noticed you?”

Mom, no. That’s absurd. I
don’t have a crush on my client.” Traci stuffed some salad into her

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