My King (Two Prince's Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: My King (Two Prince's Book 1)
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The taste of her pussy still on my tongue mixes with her sweet blood.

My chest rumbles with the snarl that moves up my throat and out past my lips. The sound of an animal finally claiming what’s his.

My cock throbs, aching to be inside her. I wanted my cock to be where my fingers are, buried deep in her tight pussy, while my mouth was at her neck, my teeth latched on with her blood flowing in to my mouth when I marked her as mine for the whole world to see.

My beast roared inside me, wanting the same thing I did.

My fingers slid out of her pussy at the same time my teeth unclenched from her skin.

My saliva will heal her wound and stop the bleeding. However, my teeth marks will remain. Anyone else and they’d completely heal with no marks left behind, but mates were different. I don’t know the reasons why or the science behind it. Maybe if I wouldn’t have had to run for my life I would have learned it.

Hopefully I would have time to still learn the reasons why, but for now I have a mate to claim and mark with my mouth and my cock.

She moans in protest at either the loss of my fingers or my mouth, maybe even both. This pleases me to no end. I knew she would enjoy my bite.

Rising to my feet I lean over her, grab her under the armpits and haul her up the bed.

With big eyes she stares up at me. The lust in them spurs me on.

My mate. Mine. Staring up at me with want and need in her eyes. Want and need I put there. Hell yeah, this spurs me on.

I keep her legs spread wide open with my knees.

Spreading her folds apart with one hand, I palm my cock with the other and place my tip at her entrance.

I push an inch inside, hissing between clenched teeth.

“Fuck,” I groan. “So goddamn tight. Fucking perfect.”

“What’re you doing to me?” she breathes causing me to pause.

“Do you want me to stop?” I ask looking into her eyes.

I absolutely do not want to stop. Not now. Not ever. I could be struck dead in the next thirty seconds and I would die a happy man. Just knowing I marked my mate and had her cum on my tongue would allow me to die a happy man.

But if she asked me to stop then that’s what I would do.

I know biting her was purely selfish, but it had been something I needed, something I still need, and if I didn’t know it would bring her pleasure in the end I would never have done it.

Her arms come up, encircling my back, fingers digging into my skin.

“No. Please, no. Don’t stop, Ian.” She cries. “It’s just that I don’t know what I’m doing and I want to make you feel how you make me feel but I don’t know how.”

I cannot express how much I love that she’s never been with anyone before me. Instead of trying to put this in to words I kiss her. Not soft, gentle, or sweet, but hard and demanding. I pour all of my love for her into this kiss.

Taking advantage of her distraction, with my hips I thrust all the way inside her heat. Planting myself to the root in her.

Her cry of pain drowns in my mouth.

One hand moves to her clit where I rub circles around the little nub. Not long after, her cries turn to breathy whimpers and her hips rise to meet my own.

Gone with the feel of her unbelievable tight cunt sheathing me my thrust grow harder and faster until I’m ready to blow.

Tearing my mouth off hers I move to her neck.

Without hesitation I bare my teeth and rip into the soft flesh of her neck. As I do her pussy spasms around me, her nails rip apart the skin on my back and she comes.

With her sweet moans echoing in my ears, her pussy squeezing my cock tightly, and my teeth in her neck, I cum inside her.


She’s mine and she always will be.

No way will I ever allow her to walk away from me now that I’ve marked her as my own in more ways than one.

No fucking way.

Not on my life.

I don’t care what anyone has to say about her being human.




Chapter 20



I open my eyes at the sound of Ian’s voice.

Now awake, holding the blanket to my chest, I sit up and look around the room. It’s empty but the door is open. He must be in the hallway, close to the door if I can hear him.

“Five hours. Tops,” Brooks says, “What do you plan on doing with Shayne?”

“Caleb will stay with her, “Collette says, “He will keep watch over her.”

“No offense, Collette, but I am not leaving my mate in the hands of a virtual stranger.”

“I think,” Riley says, “she should come with us.”

“No way,” Ian says. “Absolutely not.”

“Think about it, brother. Say we do manage to find a safe place for her to be and we leave her there, do you really think she’s going to stay put simply because you tell her to? Love her, you know I do, but she’s a wildcard. There’s no telling what she will do. Plus, you will drive yourself mad with worry the whole time we are away from her. Frankly, so will I. In doing so, we will lose focus on the task at hand. Which, we cannot afford. We are all better off if she is with us.”

“I don’t care,” is Ian’s response.

He doesn’t care?

He wants to leave me behind?

He can’t leave me behind, we had sex last night for God sakes!

Oh my God!

I had sex last night!

Lifting my hand, I run my fingers along my neck, where he bit me. I feel raised marks on my skin.

I slide my other hand under the blanket and down to my thigh. On the inside of my thigh, close to my private area, are raised marks exactly like the ones on my neck.

He took my virginity, bit me, left marks on my body and now he wants to leave me behind.

I don’t care if it is for safety’s sake.

Fuck him.

Throwing the blanket aside I get out of bed. Not caring that I’m naked as the day I was born, I walk around the bed, grab my bags and head to the bathroom so I can take a shower.

For good measure, and just because I feel like it, I slam the door behind me.


I leave the bathroom after my shower feeling somewhat better. My long brown hair is in two braids, one on each side of my head. I’m wearing dark blue jeans and a black long sleeved fitted t-shirt. That’s the best I can do without makeup or girlie shit because I didn’t have the time to pack any.

From the bed where he sits, Ian states, “I take it you heard us.”

“You want to leave me behind,” I accuse him.

“Only because I have no idea what we are walking into,” he tells me, “If it makes you feel any better, I’m not leaving you, you are coming with us.”

“It doesn’t,” I say because really, it doesn’t make me feel any better.

“Shayne…” he says, sounding like he’s at a loss for words.

“You do not get to decide what’s best for me.”

“You’re wrong,” he tells me.

“Excuse me?” I ask, “Who the fuck do you think you are? Just because we had sex once doesn’t mean you get to tell me what to do.”

Clearly running out of patience with this conversation he snaps at me, “I’m not trying to tell you what to do. I’m not trying to boss you around or control you. All I fucking want is for you to be safe.”

“Maybe I should stay here with Caleb,” I mutter.

“Jesus Christ,” he says through gritted teeth, ‘You’re not staying here with Caleb.”

“What if I want to?” I ask.

“You don’t even like Vampires.”

“So,” I say. I hate to admit it but he got me on that one.

Sounding exasperated, he says, “So? A minute ago you were mad because you didn’t want to be left behind and now you
to stay with Caleb. I don’t know what to do with this.”

“You mean you don’t know what to do with me,” I exclaim, frustrated and, if I’m being honest, a little hurt. “Here’s the thing, Ian, I’m a grown ass woman and don’t need anyone
to do
anything with me. If I want to go or stay that should be my decision and mine alone.”

“You don’t get it,” he tells me.
    “You’re right. I don’t. Maybe you should explain it to me so I can.”

“You’re my mate,” he simply states.

“You’ve said that already,” I tell him, something he has to know, “too many times to count.” And it was starting to get old. This could not be his explanation for everything.

“Those marks on your neck, Shayne, they’re permanent. Same as the one on your thigh. They will never fade. You. Are.
. Mine to look after. Mine to cherish. Mine to make happy. Mine to love. Mine to make love to. And mine to protect. Forever. You’re it for me.”

When he stops speaking I don’t say anything. I just stare at him eyes wide, lips parted in shock. When I don’t say anything he continues to speak.

“I have spent the last ten years of my life hiding from the man that, in a few hours’ time, I’m going to be in a room with. Face-to-face. Do you think, knowing what he’s capable of, I would want you anywhere near him?” he shakes his head no, “I do not. I don’t
to leave you anywhere. I want you by my side. Always. It’s where you belong. But this… it will be ugly and things can go very badly for us. I didn’t want you there for it, I still don’t, because I cannot bare for anything to happen to you.” He pauses to take a breath and run his fingers through his long hair before he asks, “Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”

“I… I think so,” I stammer out, my whole world completely rocked on its side by what he just said.

“Good,” he says, “Now, pack your shit. We’re taking it with us.”

After delivering that, he heads to the door but I call out his name, stopping him before he can reach it.

“What, Shayne?” wearily he asks.

“What exactly is it we will be doing?”

aren’t going to do anything,” he tells me, “
going to kill my Uncle.”

Oh boy.

This gives me second thoughts about wanting to go along so badly.

The look on his face keeps me from asking anymore questions, instead I tell him, “my shits already packed.”

“Great,” he mutters, turns and leaves the room.

Well… at least I know he doesn’t want to leave me behind because he regrets sleeping with me last night.

That’s something.



Standing hand in hand at the bottom of the stairs, bags at our feet, Ian and I wait for the others.

When I made it down the stairs he was already there. As soon as my feet are off the last step, he takes my bags from me, throws them down next to his own and kisses me.

Instinctively, I wrap my arms around his neck. He cages my jaw in his hands, splaying his fingers on both my cheeks, essentially trapping my face and commanding my attention. Leaning down, lightly he brushes his lips against mine. With one hand I cup the back of his head. With my other hand I run my fingers through his hair. He glides the tip of his tongue across my bottom lip. I don’t want just the tip though, I want all of it. Fisting my hand in his hair I press my body into his. My tongue darts out past my lips and into his mouth. Groaning at my bold actions he reaches down and grabs my ass, holding my body tightly to his. He lets me explore his mouth with my tongue.

Closing my eyes I lose myself in the kiss. Our tongues caress one another. I moan into his mouth as he digs his fingers, almost painfully, into my ass cheeks.

At the sound of a throat clearing we break apart.

I untangle my fingers from his hair while he removes his hands from my ass. I sigh in disappointment.

Dropping my arms to my sides I take a step back. He doesn’t let me get far before he grabs my hand and pulls me into his side. I wrap my arms around his middle and lean into him. He rests his hand on the small of my back, his other arm hanging loosely at his side.

Collette is standing there, not even three feet in front of us. Figures.

“I hate to interrupt,” she says. I roll my eyes thinking
yeah right
, “but I wish to have a private word with Shayne before we leave. If I may?”

“Honestly,” I tell her, “I don’t know what you’d think we have to talk about in private. Whatever you have to say to me you should be able to say in front of Ian.”

She sighs, looking annoyed.

“I think you should stay here with Caleb.”

“Not this again,” I mutter.

“I think it would be best—“

“What’s this now?” Riley asks, cutting her off, as he descends the stairs, clearly having heard part of the conversation. Brooks and the twins are right behind him.

Knowing I have an ally in him when it comes to this topic I happily share, “Collette was just telling me she thinks its best I stay with the unknown Caleb.”

“Give it up already, Vampire.” He says, giving her a look that clearly says
shut the fuck up

“We do not have time to waste on this again,” Brooks throws in.

“Agreed,” the twins say in unison.

Take that, Vampire.

“But-” she starts to argue.

Ian cuts her off, “The time for talking is over. Let’s get this show on the road.”

Collette’s voice floats through my mind.

I hope you do not get yourself or my King killed.

Me too.

Finally the Vampire and I seem to be on the same page about something.








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