Read My Lady Series Bundle Online

Authors: Shirl Anders

Tags: #regency spies, #Historical Romance, #Regency Romance, #Romance, #Regency, #Gothic, #gothic romance, #military, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Literature & Fiction

My Lady Series Bundle (20 page)

BOOK: My Lady Series Bundle
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At quarter to seven that evening Chloe looked into the mirror adjusting the finishing touches to her upswept hair style. There was no one to help her and she had never really tried to style her hair before, yet the gown Raven had given her was so beautiful it demanded the extra attention. It was not nearly as scandalous as the other garments that he required she wear. She would nearly feel comfortable being seen in the gown, even though the décolletage was extremely low and the half corset bodice pushed her breasts upward. Although, she had never moved in London society, she knew from years ago while being at her diplomatic father’s side in France and Hong Kong that women of society did wear such revealing apparel without a qualm.

Not having any jewelry, she fashioned a black velvet ribbon around her throat just like the one she used to hold up her hair. Both complemented the purple and black silk of her gown. She did not have any cosmetics and had never wished for any before, but tonight she especially wanted to please Raven. He had brought her baby back and she would never be able to repay him for that. However, she would try to be all that he wished for, and tonight was the beginning. It was nearly seven and she went to check on Sebastian one last time before she left. Raven had even thought of a screen that separated the corner from the rest of the bedchamber. His actions spoke louder than any words.

Chapter Eight

he had changed again . . . Changed again with the coming of the baby . . . damn, her. Harrison paced his study, brooding. Well this evening he would disabuse her of any notion that the features of their relationship had changed. Not even one degree. He had done what he had to do for Sebastian out of commonsense and this evening he would again begin his campaign to make Sebastian’s mother his sexual slave, until she . . .

“Raven, this gown is beautiful.”

Harrison turned quickly, not believing that he’d been so lost in thought that he'd not heard Rosebud entering the room. Christ, she was exquisite and the gown was a bare complement to her lush curves. How was he ever going to keep his commitment to . . .

“Raven, I do not know how I will ever be able to repay you for everything you have done. Bringing Sebastian back to me was . . .”

“I did not,” Harrison rasped sharply, interrupting Rosebud as he gazed down at her. She had moved so close to him the skirts of her gown brushed the tops of his evening shoes.

“You didn’t?” she exclaimed, appearing extremely startled as her hand clasped his forearm.

“No, I did not. And I will be extremely interested to hear from you just who you believe had Sebastian and how they would know to deliver him here.” His gaze raked her stunning décolletage as he lowered his voice menacingly. “And how, Rosebud, they would give him up without payment if he were truly kidnapped in the first place, and in danger.”

Rosebud immediately backed away from him, clearly upset as she clutched her arms about her small waist. “Oh, Raven,” she whispered helplessly.

He stalked her then, stalked her until she backed into the arm of the settee and could go no further while he towered over her and he finally reached out to grasp her bare shoulders. She was trembling and she dropped her gaze to his chin. “I do not know, Raven,” she whispered, tensing for his reaction.

“It is just as well, Rosebud,” he rasped. “For it would never do were I to become the least bit fond of you.” She gasped in reaction to this and tried to pull away from him, however he held her and he whispered roughly, “I have a need for you, Rosebud. A need for you now,

He fully expected her to fight him and was taken by surprise when she relaxed beneath his hands and further stepped into an embrace of her own making. Her arms circled his waist and her cheek rested on his lapel. “Yes, Raven. Anything you desire,” she murmured.

Damn her . . . “I want you from behind,” he uttered in a harsh rasp as he grasped her buttocks through the silk of her skirts. Two lusty handfuls, then he deliberately pressed his thumb into the crease of her bottom, until . . . “Here, Rosebud, I want you here.”

She gasped once breathlessly, and shivered, clutching his biceps through the superfine material of his evening coat. Her face burrowed into the crisp linen of his shirt. “Raven, I . . .”

“You will not deny me,” he charged, swinging her around to bend her over the arm of the settee. Instinctively, she threw her hands out to catch the bottom cushion as a brace for her palms. “Lower, Rosebud, bend over more,” he commanded as he held her hips steady from behind and gazed down at the gentle expanse of her nape.

“If y-you wish it,” she finally murmured hesitantly, then she lowered her upper body to lean on her elbows over the armrest, raising her round silk-covered derriere upward to exactly the right position.

“Oh I wish it, my elusive little darling,” Harrison whispered, huskily. “My nature is perhaps darker than even yours.” Without pause he swept her purply-black silk skirts upward in one fluid and aggressive motion revealing her wholly naked ivory-fleshed buttocks. She wore nothing but black silk stockings that reached upward to mid-thigh and were held in place by red garters with tiny white satin rosebuds. Her knees instantly clamped together as he took hold of her rounded plush hips.

“R-Raven,” she gushed, with a pleading and uncertain exhale.

For himself, he was momentarily rooted. A statue of churning masculine ardor at the sight before him. What could he say? What could he think? He was hotly aroused as never before and very nearly excited. Rosebud’s siren-shaped ass was a man’s lustful dream of femininity. The crevice was intoxicating and the little peek of her rose petal pussy lips that he could see was inebriating. He rotated his hands on her hips drawing on her pearly-white flesh and separating the inspiring crease of her ass just enough too . . .

“Oh,” she gasped, squirming her entire bottom beguilingly as she tried to keep her knees clamped together. Yet it only served to firm and define the rounded contours of her delicious ass, rotating the womanly plump cheeks upward and arching the small of her back downward more. He continued to separate the sultry crease of her ass with the pressure of his fingers kneading her bottom. The entrance to her anus was pretty pink and crimped tight.

“Spread your legs, Rosebud,” he commanded. “I will see all of you.”

“Sacred Buddha,” Chloe whispered, helpless. She was hot and excited and at the same time she was coldly terrified. The mixture was so volatile that she felt as if she could struggle and faint within the same instant. Raven’s domination of her somehow engaged her sexual desires until feeling faint and then clutching the cushions beneath her; she slowly separated her legs for him. Exposing herself shamefully to him until cool air brushed the separated folds of her sex and her body quivered with the emotions assaulting her.

Raven’s long scorching fingers continued to hold open her buttocks as he whispered dark erotic urgings above her. “I will start slow, Rosebud. Just the head of my cock first. Stretching your tight little hole bit by bit.”

Chloe tried to breathe with her breasts heaving erratically as Raven’s big insistent hands heated her bottom cheeks with circular rubbing motions. Then all his fingers spread wide as he stroked over the trembling curves of her buttocks pushing her silk skirts higher until he held her bare waist nearly encircling its entirety in his large hands. “Then I am going to fuck you hard, sweet witch.”

She quaked uncontrollably as he pulled her waist toward him and her hips arched higher as her shoulders dropped lower. She clutched her fingers into the cushions above her head and a whimper escaped her throat, a sudden catching sound as her thighs and bottom quivered. She felt the brush of Raven’s satin evening pants, and then the outline of his large erection as he rolled the impression over her buttocks, teasing her with the size and length. How could she take this thick pole of him inside her-her . . .

“You will take all of me,” he murmured with a barely caught whisper. “The entire length in your tight ass,” he finished on a bare breath.

“Have mercy, Raven. I-I don’t think I can,” she whimpered jerking her hips in the first motions of escape.

But of course he held her down. “You
, Chloe. You will do anything that I desire,” he murmured deeply.

Chloe! Did Raven realize that he called her Chloe?

“Oh, Raven!” she squealed abruptly. Coming up onto her toes because Raven had gone to his knees behind her, and all in one motion he was licking his tongue deeply into the crease of her behind! There, where his hot tongue was still embedded! “Oh! Oh! Mercy, my one!” she cried uncontrollably as incredible pleasure itched down the back of her thighs and whorled tight with one hard inner pump deep into her sex. Chloe clutched the cushions above her head as Raven prodded her with his tongue again, clamping his hands above the back hollows of her knees.

“Crawl up onto the arm,” he uttered with a raspy command. Yet without waiting, he lifted her up until her knees caught the edges of the armrest and instinctively for any type of balance she came up on her straightly locked arms with her hands braced on the bottom settee cushion.

“That’s it, baby girl,” he rasped, and then his tongue was lower, inside her sex so hot that she squirmed and spread her knees brazenly wider.

The position Raven held her in was entirely submissive and completely exposed as his tongue alternated, licking deep into the pillowed folds of her pussy, and then back to slide in circles around her rear entrance. She had never felt such hot passion in her life! Mewls and whimpers of intense pleasure escaped her throat involuntarily and she heard Raven chuckle in satisfaction.

He clasped the front of her thighs pulling her to him riding her bottom higher and seating his face between as his tongue lapped her sex in devouring aggressive motions. His hungry licking rocked her back and forth with a mating motion as her knees spread further to his invasion.

Her body was begging him now. She was begging him now to use his tongue harder and faster over her clitoris from behind. “Please make me come, Raven!
make me come,” she begged shameless, tilting her pelvis downward so her sex lips spread open more to his tonguing. And then she felt one of his fingers, slick with her own juices, prod her rear opening. He penetrated her up to his cuticle and she screamed in pleasure as she climaxed with a rippling tremor “
Oh yes
, Raven! Yes!” she cried.

“More,” he rasped sharply and he grasped the front of her thighs tugging her back onto his tongue again.

“Oh! Oh-oh!” she squealed as his tongue prodded deep into her trembling sex and he nibbled on her still convulsing clitoris. “Oh!” she squealed again. She was mindless with the pleasure he wrought over her, until his finger entered her rear opening again and she screamed with a shockingly hard and blinding climax!

She might have fainted, she was unsure and the next moment she realized that she was still bent over the arm of the settee with her feet now on the floor and her belly curved over the armrest. She could not move she was so languid as she felt a creamy lush sensation stroking inside her bottom.

“Oh,” she breathed softly. It was Raven’s finger stroking into her rear canal. It did not hurt. It felt-it felt . . .

“Now two,” Raven murmured.

Chloe felt her shy inner walls stretching beneath the slow pressure and she wondered at the creamy substance lubricating her. A low passionate burn began simmering in her sex again as Raven circled his fingers deeper and deeper into her shivering bottom. Then she felt him bend over her, bringing his mouth to her ear. “You were made for this, Rosebud,” he murmured as he warmly kissed and nibbled her ear. “You were made for me,” he finished in a whisper.

“Yes,” she breathed softly . . . completely his.

Harrison circled Rosebud’s tight canal one more time with his two fingers, liberally smearing the oily lubrication he had brought downstairs precisely for this occasion. He would take Rosebud’s deliciously tight ass, but he had no wish to hurt her. This was a hedonistic fantasy of his that he meant to fulfill completely and fully with Rosebud. It would be a first for both of them, an inspiring virgin adventure. And just as he knew no man had delved into Rosebud’s virgin ass before, he also perceived that she was going to enjoy it. Now that he had her so languid and relaxed that she forgot to be frightened. He could feel her undulations of pleasure as he explored and stretched the snugly fashioned sheath in her tight little ass.

He was so tight with passion himself that he nearly shook as he used his free hand to loosen his evening pants until they fell to his knees. His jutting cock fell free posing rigidly over Rosebud’s creamy white buttocks as he grasped her hips to anchor himself and her. He dipped his hips forward so that the blunt head of his cock prodded the rosy relaxed entrance that he’d worked. He continued to circle his palms over Rosebud’s plushly rounded hips in a soothing motion as he pushed forward more, “Oh!” until the head of his prick was encased. “Oh! Mmm,” she mewled.

“Christ,” he groaned involuntarily.

Harrison felt the exquisite walls of Rosebud’s ass crimp lightly at the invasion, then relax a bit and accept more of him. She was so unearthly tight around his cock that he actually shook as he pushed forward more stretching her further until he was encased inside her ass up to the hilt of his cock. He flung the damp hair out of his eyes with a jerk of his head as his hard jaw clenched tight with the effort he used not to savagely fuck Rosebud’s ass. He had other plans.

“Raven.” She peeked back over her shoulder at him with her brown eyes dazed in passion.

He bent over catching her earlobe with his teeth, then he licked the side of her cheek with his tongue. “How does it feel, baby girl?” he whispered wickedly.

“As if you own me,” she gasped.

“I do,” he breathed heavily, and then his fingers sought her hot pussy, reaching it over the side of her hip.

“Raven,” she whimpered, instantly undulating her ass as soon as his fingertips tweaked her swollen clitoris. God, every movement she made was bliss along the length of his cock as his buttocks clenched in reaction.

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