Read My Lady Series Bundle Online

Authors: Shirl Anders

Tags: #regency spies, #Historical Romance, #Regency Romance, #Romance, #Regency, #Gothic, #gothic romance, #military, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Literature & Fiction

My Lady Series Bundle (34 page)

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She sobbed then, crumbling to the floor beside the bed as she clutched the edges of the bed quilt in her fingers. Her body shook and her mind went horribly blank. Then, as though from a long distance away, she heard Alexei's horrible voice.

"Clean him up, and then undress and get into bed with him. If you
speak of this to him, I will slit your throat!"

Chapter Nine

yndham woke in one sudden moment with his eyes wide open and staring into Orelan's eyes. They lay side by side facing each other and he immediately saw the haunted exhaustion in Orelan's gold irises. Then he became aware of a presence behind his back, lying on the bed also. The light snoring behind his head intensified his knowledge.

"Alexei," Orelan whispered. "H-He was very drunk and only fell asleep there beside you an hour ago."

Wyndham tried to digest this, even as his mind repelled it. He knew that he was naked and he could see Orelan clutched part of the bed quilt over her body. He guessed that she was naked also. He thanked God that Alexei's body was not touching his as he eased closer to Orelan. His mind was refusing to take on any of the implications. But he did not like the ravaged appearance of Orelan's face or the bruised redness of her mouth. Still, his mind forcefully shied away from any answers as he whispered in a low hiss. "Let's get out of here."

She nodded, immediately rising slowly with him. They were both naked and Orelan's auburn hair was in wild disarray. They quickly, yet quietly, found and put on enough clothes for decency. His pants, her gown and then, she braced her shoulders beneath his arm and they hobbled quietly to the door. There were no guards posted outside Alexei's door and within ten minutes they were entering their suite without encountering anyone in the halls. It was still very early.

Neither of them had spoken, using the effort to return to their suite to fill up the silence. But he was not a coward, as much as he longed to be in some moments of his life. So when Orelan helped him to sit on the edge of the bed, and then she turned to leave, he grasped her wrist, holding her beside him.

"What happened?" he asked, looking up at her as she dipped her head, avoiding his gaze. He wondered why he could remember only bits and pieces, he had assumed it was the pain, but now he challenged that avoidance.

"You were in great pain, Wyndham. Alexei had laudanum and I gave it to you," she said with her head rising and her eyes sparking a challenge. He held his features impassive as he inwardly cringed at how helpless that had made him. Of course he had been useless and defenseless with the pain as it was. He'd left Orelan alone to face the snake. "Alexei has feelings for you! You must know this?" Orelan exclaimed continuing, making him visibly wince this time. Her full lips, bruised red, pursed defiantly, before she exclaimed, "I won another marker! And Alexei
touched you," she added quickly. "But he demanded to see your scar . . . and he wanted to see you naked."

Catching him by surprise, Orelan jerked her wrist from his grasped, turning then she fled into the bathing chamber in a swirl of lavender. The slamming of the door snapped loudly in the room as a tense tick in his jaw quivered. Had Alexei touched Orelan? There was much more to this, and it was obvious that Orelan was not going to willingly tell him.

Wyndham looked for his cane and saw it across the room propped against the armoire. He limped to it. His leg was immeasurably better. If he soaked it in hot water, used a salve that he had, and wrapped the knee again, he would be able to manage with the use of his cane. But now, he had another use for the cane as he went to the door and jammed the cane beneath the doorknob. Anyone trying to enter the suite would have to break the door down.

A moment later, he entered the bathing chamber and immediately halted his forward motion halfway through the doorway, with his gaze resting on Orelan. She was completely nude, sitting before the dressing mirror, brushing her long dark brown hair with angry strokes. The sight was riveting and also instantly arousing. Her light caramel-colored skin was smooth and unblemished. Every sleek curving inch of it radiated feminine beauty and his eyelids flared with a hunter's gaze, as his irises came to rest on her puckered and jutting nipple tips.

Orelan . . .
his mind growled possessively as their gazes collided in the mirror. He saw her instant awareness of his arousal as her sun-gold irises skittered away from his, then returned to look again at him more boldly. His belly bottomed out with a warm hollow feeling that tensed suddenly as though he had been slammed in the gut. It was a bewitching tease. She was beckoning him, and it was working its purely feminine magic.

With only the smaller portion of his mind that could still reason clearly beneath that look, he realized that Orelan was perpetrating a sexual ploy upon him. Turning his attention away from the questions. Then, he did not give a damn as he continued into the room and he shut the door behind him. His gaze never left Orelan's sensual performance as her arms raised to comb strands of her long hair, elevating the firm swell of her breasts to his gaze. He stopped by the bathing tub and turned the water knob. Water spilled out of the spout, not much pressure, but the splashing sounded loudly as it hit the bottom of the tub. The sound of the water would be loud enough to obscure their words, and the rising steam would help obscure any voyeurs prying vision.

Orelan flipped her hair to one side, combing the long strands over her left breast with the rosy-peach colored spike of her nipple poking through the rich brown tresses. Her gaze lifted to his in the mirror with a vixen's spirited promise. The ride would not be easy or tame. Her gaze promised him an exciting challenge that his masculinity could not ignore as he walked toward her.

Orelan watched Wyndham in the mirror as he walked slowly toward her with a stiff-legged gait. She was relieved to see that her ploy had worked, and she would not have to answer his questions yet. Perhaps, never as the events around them continued to spin out of control. But this moment she would take for herself and for Wyndham. She needed his strength, his power, and his love. Desperately, she needed to reaffirm herself in his arms.

The message she read in Wyndham's black-sapphire gaze was primeval. He was readying to take his woman thoroughly. It excited her, yet at the same time it made her skittish and anxious. She wanted to fall on him, writhing the full length of her body all over him, yet at the same instant, she wanted to run from his potent male power. Fear and excitement combined lifted her breasts, as shivers raced across her skin and her breathing increased to breathlessness. Then, Wyndham stopped, standing behind her so closely that her hands still in her hair, brushed the hot skin of his lean belly.

The shock of that touch unnerved her, and the comb she had been using fell from her fingers to clatter onto the floor. Her gaze jerked upward to Wyndham's in the mirror, but he was looking downward, lower between her thighs. As the steam swirled around them in white misty tendrils, she felt Wyndham rubbing the outline of his long rigid shaft beneath his trousers over her knuckles. Her breath caught and he did it again, slowly, with a circling of his hips. She had flirted with power and now he teased her with that power. But suddenly, the image of Alexei forcing her mouth down over Wyndham's impossibly thick male organ flashed before her mind's eye, making her gasp. She must have jerked her hands upward away from Wyndham's pene, momentarily urged to flee. But the next second, she realized that he had caught her wrists into his big hands and he was stretching them over her head, further pressuring her to rise from the chair. Suddenly, the chair was toppling sideways from where he must have kicked it aside, and then he stepped forward pressing his tall muscular body against her naked back.

Her wrists were freed as quickly, and Wyndham's arms came down around her with one of his hands clasping her left breast and his other hand palming her sex. Her inner thighs quivered against his hand, but the width of it kept her thighs separated as her hands dropped over the back of his hands at her breast and sex.
She would deny him.
This was her instant thought, even as her head fell backward against his shoulder and he tightened both his hands possessively over her flesh.

Orelan moaned as Wyndham circled his hips again, rubbing the lengthy outline of his shaft over her buttocks, while he held her sex in front as leverage. His middle finger split the swollen drenched lips, while he twisted the thrusting spoke of her nipple between the thumb and finger of his other hand.

"Look at yourself, Orelan," he whispered into her ear. "See how your body begs me, naughty senorita. Look how wet you are for me."

"Wyndham," she gasped as his slick intimate finger burrowed deeper between the lips of her sex and her gaze involuntarily jerked downward to look. At the same moment, he twisted the spoke of her nipple and her hips undulated back against him as she moaned with excitement. It was as though they danced together as she writhed her nakedness against his timbered strength and he intimately toyed with her body. They undulated together as she willingly rode the crease of her buttocks up over his hard shaft and he rubbed the bud of her clitoris roughly . . . excitingly. He spoke carnal erotic words in her ear making her whimper with desire and glide sensuously against him. "You
my hard cock, naughty vixen, rubbing between the cheeks of your sweet ass." She moaned, as his fingers daubed over her clitoris and his hot words burned her ear. "I am going to thrust my big cock inside you hard and fast, spitfire. Deep, Orelan, so deep inside your dripping wetness. Will you ride my cock? Will you straddle my stiff thick cock?"

Wyndham, si," she whimpered, tossing her head against his chest as his fingers plucked and twisted her nipples, while she shamelessly rode his finger, thoroughly exploiting her swollen needy sex.

"Spread your thighs and show me, senorita. Show me how naughty you can be," Wyndham hissed huskily, as he licked and bit her ear. He was everywhere around her with his masculinity and lust as they undulated in a sensuous dance before the mirror.

"Dios!" she cried, as she began to rub her breasts passionately, using Wyndham's hand covering one, while she brazenly splayed her thighs, posing her drenched rubicund sex to each of their gazes in the mirror. She reached behind her, catching Wyndham's hips, pressing her wriggling buttocks against the thickening outline of his shaft.

"Your ass is so hot," he hissed, then he nipped her ear.

dios," she cried as he nipped her jawline, then down the side of her neck, while at the same time he lifted her breasts into his hands kneading the firm flesh repeatedly in his large hands. Her buttocks circled his shaft over and over as she used her hands on his hips as a guide. "Si,
, si," she cried, while Wyndham heatedly massaged her breasts, then returning to pluck the nipples with nipping fingertips. "Oh!"

"Turn around," he ordered suddenly, and before she could comprehend or comply, his hands were turning her to face him, as he lifted her upward. Her bare buttocks slipped along the cold dressing counter with her back to the mirror. The mirror's surface was wet with steam that slid along her spine as Wyndham's thighs nudged her knees apart. She held onto his shoulders as he settled between her thighs with one hand popping the buttons on his trousers. His other hand grasped her nape as he drew her up to his lips for a rough and thorough kiss. Eagerly, she slipped her tongue between his fevered lips, and then he returned with his tongue thrusting and full inside her mouth.

Suddenly and unexpectedly, the feel of Wyndham's tongue was too thick and wide. It was too invasive! Her fingernails curled into his shoulders as her thighs tightened with the need to repel him. A strangled sound, like a passionate cant curled from her throat, but it was really denial, as Wyndham held her nape and searched deeper with his tongue feeling as though it was raping her mouth.

Now frantic, she tried to twist her neck away from Wyndham's hand holding her to his tongue's invasion. The thick dripping head of his pene was pressing forward between the lips of her sex and she was pinned to the mirror behind her without any escape. Tears came hot and fast, as her fists lifted and fell upon the hot muscle of Wyndham's bare shoulders, while her body twisted, trying to break free. He was too large! He would not stop!

Chapter Ten

" Wyndham cursed suddenly . . . harshly, at the same moment he pulled away from Orelan's struggling body. It had just occurred to his lust filled mind that...

"No! Please,
. Please!" Orelan sobbed, pushing on his tall body with nearly frantic intention. He yielded, allowing her to push him away as her sobs registered fully in his mind. "
," she cried again, and he raised his gaze from the sight of his engorged cock, sticking straight out of his pants, to Orelan's face. She was cowering against the mirror, turned away from him, with her legs curled up in front of her. She was crying, and the sound of it was like a knife plunged deep into his heart.

He turned away sweating and aroused, his body straining with sexual tension that took him long moments to control. Finally, he heaved a heavy breath, and then he gingerly put his stiff cock somewhat back into his pants. He had been too rough, too forceful . . .
damn it
, too quick. It was all he could think, yet Orelan was so fiery, so sensual, it seemed that she demanded mastery from him. He tried to think of what he had done that could have upset her so. He cursed himself for not bringing her to climax first in his randy lustfulness. All he had been able to think of was being inside her, and he had rushed, before she was ready, obviously. Then his thoughts flickered over Orelan's bruised lips. Why would her lips appear so love-swollen? He had been kissing her roughly, driving his tongue down her throat as though he were coupling her mouth. She had liked that when he had done it before.

BOOK: My Lady Series Bundle
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