My Life As a Medium (7 page)

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Authors: Betty Shine

BOOK: My Life As a Medium
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My patient was over the moon when he found the pain had gone. He strutted around the room, bent backwards and forwards, and laughed with delight as he became aware that his slipped disc had been cured.

Because the man had been quite sceptical about healing, and had only agreed to visit me to keep his wife happy, I did not tell him the true story. I did tell his wife later though, and she passed the information on to her husband.

‘I don’t give a damn who did it,’ he said. ‘I think healing is bloody marvellous.’

You might well ask, after reading the chapters so far, whether I am really living on this planet. And believe me, I asked myself the same question, over and over again during this period. Although I had always been a very spiritual person, my feet were very firmly on the ground, and yet my day-to-day life had
been turned upside down. My previously very private home had been turned into a healing sanctuary, and the telephone never stopped ringing.

For as long as I can remember I had always been a seeker of knowledge, and perhaps this is the key to the mystery. Always looking outward instead of inward, I was projecting my mind energy into space, where it could absorb information from the Universal Mind. At the time I knew nothing of mind energy, but I was obviously doing the right thing, because my psychic powers had been developing all the time.

I had also been captivated by the information one could extract from the hand, and I practised palmistry and, later, medical hand analysis. Again, the focus on the hand became almost meditational and my mind, during these sessions, was free and expansive.

When I was in my early twenties – more than forty years ago – I studied vitamin and mineral therapy. Information was scarce then, but I was able to obtain the White Papers, listing all the latest discoveries, from the famous Mayo Clinic in New York. They were way ahead of their time, and so was I. When I saw the transformation they brought to my own young family, and how they cured the dermatitis that my husband had suffered from since the war, I spent the rest of my life recommending remedies to anyone who would listen. I suppose there were those who might have considered me to be a crank but, to be honest, I never thought about it. I was too busy learning.

I had been similarly absorbed by my singing career,
and had spent most of my time listening to and studying opera.

Opera, hand analysis, and vitamin and mineral therapy. In retrospect, I realize that I have always chosen to follow subjects that are open to ridicule. Was this chance, or was it planned from another dimension? After all, I had seen and heard spirits from a very young age. Why then, had I not been remotely interested in spiritualism – especially as my paternal grandmother had been a medium and spiritualist? I do not know! Neither do I know why the subject of the paranormal never crossed my mind. As far as I was concerned, the hand analysis was scientific.

I now believe that it was all part of a great plan. As the medium remarked when I first visited him, ‘You have been reading hands for so long – did you not realize that you were healing people whilst holding their hands?’ At the time, as you might have read in
Mind to Mind,
I thought he was crazy to suggest such a thing.

Over the years, vitamin and mineral therapy has saved my life more than once, and it has also helped hundreds of others who took my advice.

The singing! Well, it taught me discipline. And my wonderful singing teacher taught me how to listen, which is the most important part of mediumship, for listening in this profession becomes as much of an art form as it does with singing. A favourite phrase of mine is ‘listening to the audible silence’. Once you have found the key to another dimension, it is amazing to hear just how much ‘hubble and bubble’ is
going on. It is rather like listening to the muted whispers of an audience before the conductor appears on the rostrum. There were so many conductors in my life at this stage but, when they raised the baton, peace reigned and there was a pure clarity in the voices of the communicators.

One such person told me something very important.

The planet in which you live is only a small cog in a gigantic wheel. But it is an important cog because the dimensions are indivisible, and negative influences have a devastating effect on the whole. Remember, the visible is only a minute part of the invisible.

Even though you may not be aware of the reason for our visits, not one single word or one particle of energy is ever wasted. It has all been measured.

Mind-blowing words indeed. I have never forgotten them.


I was healing a young boy one day, when a spirit communicator indicated that he wanted to work through me. No name was given, but the power of his personality engulfed me, and I felt as though I was in a dreamlike state, as if I was floating. He then told me to repeat what he said, and although I did not actually hear him speaking again, the words that came from my mouth were certainly not mine.

‘I want you to close your eyes and listen to my voice,’ I told the boy. ‘You will feel your body becoming heavier and heavier, and as it does so your problem will disappear. You will feel happy and peaceful. Relax.

‘You are now in a complete state of relaxation. Your body will feel light and you will be relieved of the pressure this affliction has caused. Remember, you have no problems.

‘You are getting lighter and lighter, lighter and lighter. You may now open your eyes.’

When the child opened his eyes I was amazed at the difference in him. His eyes were actually sparkling, as
though they had been lit from behind – very different indeed to the young boy who had entered my healing room with such trepidation. When he sat up his eyes travelled around the room and I could see that he was having difficulty in trying to relocate himself.

‘I have been to heaven!’ he told me. He was very excited, and described his journey into another dimension. ‘It was so bright and full of wonderful colours and I saw a lot of people. But they didn’t wear the same clothes as we do, they wore long white dresses.’ He laughed. ‘Even the men wore dresses.’ He was still talking animatedly to his mother as they left.

As it happened, my next patient was also a young boy who came in with his mother. I was given the same instructions and as I followed them he fell asleep. When he awoke, he told us of the very special place that he had visited, and of the wonderful colours, birds and animals.

I had so many appointments that there was no time to wonder about this new talent, but my healing room seemed to be electrically charged for the rest of the day.

Later, when I had a chance to think about this new episode, I marvelled at what had happened to me whilst I was actually giving hypnotherapy. For that is what it was. My mind had also partially left my body, and not only could I see my spirit teacher but I could also clearly see the energy counterpart of the patient – which confirmed that one does not see with the eyes but with the mind. The mind is made up of
the same elements as the other dimension, and when it expands it becomes our ‘third eye’.

It was quite extraordinary how this new encounter changed my life yet again. Whenever I practised hypnotherapy the atmosphere became so charged that I received a shock whenever I touched anything metal. It was also obvious to my patients that something remarkable was happening, as the following stories indicate.

An elderly gentleman had been visiting me for three weeks. He had chronic arthritis, and although I had been able to alleviate his physical pain, his mental agony over the way he had treated his late wife was still intense – so much so that he confided to me that he did not want to live. On his fourth visit I became aware of the awesome presence of my spirit teacher. As always, the atmosphere in the room was electric. My patient seemed to have gone into a deep sleep without my having uttered a word, and almost against my own will I went through the hypnotic routine. It seemed rather odd at the time, as the man was obviously already relaxed. Then my teacher said, ‘All will be well.’ He was certainly a man of few words, and I wondered whether his power over others had prevented him from becoming a good conversationalist.
certainly had not been a politician, of that I am sure!

I brought my patient out of his trance and
gave him a few minutes to pull himself together. His first words were, ‘I saw her, I saw my wife!’ Although he was smiling, the tears were pouring down his face and soaking into his shirt. He sat up and, still looking dazed, told me that he had been in a room that had had a bright orange glow, and whilst he was gazing around, a door opened and his wife walked in.

‘She told me that I must stop worrying,’ he said, ‘and that there had been faults on both sides.’ He held my hand as he slowly dried his tears. ‘She told me that she still loved me, you know.’ Twisting his handkerchief in his hands, he said, ‘I don’t know how she can, I’m such a miserable old bugger.’ I told him that I had not met one perfect person in my life and was never likely to, and this seemed to cheer him up. He asked me how it was that he could see his wife, even though she was dead. I told him of the phenomenon of mind energy, and explained how the presence that had entered the room had done so with a specific aim in mind – to expand his mind energy to such an extent that he could see into the other dimension. Like so many other healings, the meeting with his wife had obviously been arranged before his visit to me.

Although his arthritis had gone, my patient visited me every week for the next five weeks, hoping that he would relive the experience. But it was not to be. I taught him the rudiments of telepathy, and assured him that he could talk to
his wife at any time and that she would be able to hear him.

Six months later, I received a card from India. He was there studying Buddhism. A seed had been sown, and he was obviously reaping the harvest.

My next story is about a young man named Martin.

When Martin first visited me he was suffering with acne, pains in his arms and legs, frequent headaches and a host of other minor ailments.

I gave him healing on three separate occasions, but it became obvious to both of us that the healing simply was not working. Because of the success I was having with healing in general, I was surprised and disappointed; and so, of course, was Martin.

However, I persuaded him to return for a fourth visit. As he walked into the room he looked around and said, ‘Have you been burning incense or something?’

‘No! Why do you ask?’

‘Well, the room is full of blue smoke,’ he told me.

‘Can you smell anything?’ I enquired.

‘Well no, I can’t.’ He frowned, and said, ‘What is it?’

I explained that it was healing energy, and that very often it was so dense that people could not see me, and thought I had vanished.

‘There is so much power in the room I think something great is going to happen,’ I told him. Before I had finished the sentence I could feel the power of my hypnotherapy teacher moving in, and so could Martin.

‘Betty, I think there is a spirit here, I can feel it.’ As he spoke, his eyes were alight with wonder. ‘I’ve never seen a spirit,’ he said.

I slowly talked him into a hypnotic state and, as I did so, I could feel my own mind energy lifting and the now familiar floating feeling. I looked at Martin’s body and saw a map of the meridian lines and chakras. But the most amazing sight was the mind energy – it was so compressed that it became obvious to me why the hands on healing had not worked. I remember thinking that it would take a miracle to disperse the congestion. And the miracle was about to happen. I watched silently as fingers of mind energy started to leave my patient’s head, slowly at first and then with a rush. The fingers of energy turned into a cloud, and gradually formed the normal shape of a halo around his head. Looking again at the meridian lines and vortices, I was delighted to see the activity that was taking place in the energy counterpart. It was all systems go!

Just as I was about to talk Martin out of his relaxed state I happened to look up and there before me was my spirit tutor. Unfortunately, I was unable to take in his appearance because on
eye contact I was quite simply, knocked out. I opened my eyes when I felt someone shaking me. It was Martin.

‘Were you in a trance?’ he asked.

‘I think I must have been,’ I replied.

‘I think I have been too,’ he said. ‘I saw this man standing beside me, and he was talking to me.’

‘What did he say?’ I asked.

‘He was telling me to wake up, but I didn’t want to, and then he put his hand on me. It gave me such a shock that I woke up, and then I saw you sitting there in a kind of trance.’ He was smiling. ‘I don’t know what you’ve done to me but I feel great.’ He was jumping up and down now, and swinging his arms around. ‘I can’t feel a thing, the pain has gone.’

He was fascinated when I explained what had been happening. I was about to question him about his life, because I did not want him to get into such a bad state again, when a woman’s voice came through.

‘I’m his granny,’ she said. ‘He won’t tell you, but he makes himself ill because he can’t read.’ I passed this message on. Martin’s face was bright red, and he sat with his head in his hands for some time before he spoke.

‘I’m mortified when people find out that I can’t read,’ he said, then sat up. ‘What else does she say?’

His granny then gave him the most wonderful
survival evidence. When she had finished, he told me that this had been the most incredible day of his life.

‘Are you going to do something about this problem?’ I asked. ‘You simply cannot go through life not being able to read.’

‘What can I do?’ he replied. ‘I would look a right mug trying to go back to school at my age.’

‘Would you go to a private teacher if I could find one for you?’ I asked.

‘Yes, but I’m dyslexic, I don’t think anyone can help.’

I was able to find a teacher for him and, after testing him, she found that he was not dyslexic. The teacher in question could not understand why he had never been able to learn to read, as he was such an excellent pupil. Within a year he was reading and writing with ease and had also found himself an interesting clerical position with a large electronics firm. With effort, he had completely turned his life around.

I believe the mind energy blockage had been pressing on his brain for many years, hence his inability to learn.

During this time I offered hypnotherapy to many people with severe physical problems, and those who were adventurous enough to have faith were certainly rewarded.

When I was alone, I speculated as to who the entity was who performed so powerfully during these
sessions. It was during one of these meditative moods that I was given a vision of a white cloud with a vortex in the centre and as it spun, a group of spirit entities emerged, giving the impression that they were descending an unseen ladder. Then the vision faded and another took its place. Dozens of these vortices were hovering over a vast stretch of land, and blue energy was streaming out of them. It swirled around, covering the whole scene, and was finally drawn back into the vortices. For many months I was to wonder about these visions and their meaning, and I finally came to the conclusion that I was being shown how spirit entities can enter this dimension for a while, but have to return when the blue energy is drawn back into the vortices. This was corroborated one day when I was giving healing.

I had my hands on a patient’s head when I saw a spirit doctor standing opposite me. As I looked at him, the room filled with a blue healing energy. Towards the end of the treatment I heard him say, ‘It is time for me to go.’ Immediately, the blue energy in the room began to swirl and the spirit doctor disappeared into a vortex. I could feel the power evaporate and assumed that the healing had been successful.

I believe that these vortices are the doors to the energy dimension, and when we meditate we may occasionally spin through them, allowing us to have a glimpse of the magical world of the afterlife.

This brought me back to the question of the spirit hypnotherapist. Why was he so much more powerful
than the other doctors who worked through me? What was his secret? I was to find out about two weeks later.

Lynne, a young married woman with two children, was having terrible nightmares. She came to me in desperation, as she had not had a good night’s sleep for about a year and had become so weary that she could not look after her family. I gave her hypnotherapy and immediately felt the presence of my spirit friend, only this time it was different. At first it was as though our two minds were one, then the power of his mind overshadowed mine and I became such a powerful personality that I felt as though I could change the world. I sensed I had a knowledge that was unique, and I realized that it was this person’s knowledge that gave him power.

It was through this evidence that I recognized the importance of seeking knowledge, and how this in turn strengthens the mind. I also understand how powerful minds are attracted by like minds, and under certain circumstances can overpower the mind of the medium and put them into a trance state. Which was to be the next step of my mediumship.

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