My Lucky Catch (University Park #6) (28 page)

BOOK: My Lucky Catch (University Park #6)
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“Do you think she’ll be there?”

“I don’t know, but her parents’ car is parked behind us.”

Lexi turned to look for it. “I guess we’ll find out.”

We got out of the car and met Ashley, Mom, and Dad on the front steps. Glancing up the steep incline, I dreaded the fate of my mom. More than anything, I feared what it meant for Delaney and me. That’s if there was still a Delaney and me.

I took several deep breaths, preparing myself to see the woman that still controlled my heart. Did she need me as much as I needed her? She had to be struggling like I was. But she refused to let me in. She pushed me away. If she’d only allow me to be by her side, then I could help her. Glancing at my unanswered text messages I sent this morning, I knew she didn’t want to talk to me. But I wasn’t giving up on her yet.






I pressed my body up against the cold marble vanity, sweat dripping from my face. My insides twisted and turned causing, wave after wave of nausea to hit me. “Delaney, are you okay?” Veronica rubbed my back, trying to ease the nervousness raging inside of me.

“No.” I closed my eyes, praying I wouldn’t throw up again. The past few days, I hadn’t been able to eat much, anticipating the court hearing. This entire ordeal had me so sick.

“We don’t have to stay.” She tucked the hair hanging in front of my face behind my ear. “I’ll tell Martin that we need to go home. Mr. Soto will let us know the verdict.”

“No.” I opened my eyes. “We drove all this way. I need to be here. I just don’t know how I’m going to face Luke and Lexi.” This was more difficult than I had ever imagined.

“Don’t do this to yourself, Delaney. You’ve been through enough. We can go home.”

Veronica might have been right, but I needed closure. I needed to hear the judge tell Olivia her punishment. At the same time, I didn’t want Luke and Lexi’s mom to go to prison. Yet, I wanted the person who killed my parents to pay for what they did.

To my family.

To me.

It was only right.

This was so messed up. Why did it have to be Olivia? Why not some other person? Out of the hundreds of thousands of people who lived in Waco, she had to be the one. Life wasn’t fair. Why was God doing this to me? What had I ever done to him?

“Would you like some water?” Veronica asked.

I gave a slight nod while I took in a few shallow breaths. The digits on my watch changed, and I noticed the time. The hearing was starting in five minutes. “Veronica?”

“Yes?” She caught the door with hand.

“Will you ask Martin to go ahead without us?”

“Of course.”

Glancing at her through the mirror, I said, “Thank you.”

Veronica walked out of the bathroom, and the door closed behind her. I stared at myself in the mirror. What was I going to do? I needed a miracle to get through this. Covering my face with my hands, I released a silent scream. The one person I needed by my side wasn’t here with me. And what sucked was that he was on the side of the offender. But I couldn’t blame him. She was his mom.

Regardless of the facts, I really needed Luke. He was the only person who truly understood what I was feeling because he was going through the same thing. I had no one to blame but myself. I had left him. Refused to answer his calls or texts. Pushed him away when he showed up at my parents’ house.

I splashed cold water on my face, not caring if it messed up my makeup. Searching deep inside, I summoned the tough Delaney.

The one that I could rely on.

The one that could get me through hell and back.

But she wasn’t there.

That side of me was broken-down. Deteriorated to a pile of crushed bones. Destroyed from all the years of pain and heartache.

Luke, I need you.

No matter how many times I called his name, he wasn’t there. And he wouldn’t be there unless I told him I needed him to be. But I was out of time. Picking up my phone, I contemplated texting him. I unlocked my phone and hit the message icon. My finger hovered over his name. I tapped it, and my eyes skimmed over the last five messages. All from him. Pleading and begging for me to call him. Messages I had ignored. And why? Because marrying Luke would be impossible.

I leaned up against the wall and pounded it with my fist. I was losing my mind. The voices clamored inside of my head reminding me that I wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure. How could I be with Luke knowing his mom killed my parents? I didn’t expect Luke to stay away from his family, but there was no way I could be around them. He was their son and brother, and I wouldn’t be the cause of their separation. It was just easier if I walked away. And that’s what I had to do.

There would be no miracle today. No one saving me from the very thing that had tortured me all of life.

Not Luke.

Not Lexi.

Not Jordan.

Not Martin or Veronica.

And definitely not God.

I was on my own.

Tears fell freely as it washed away my weakness. The feebleness that was keeping me down was diminishing slowly. I had to be strong for myself. No one could get me through this but me. And that’s exactly what I would do.

“Delaney,” Veronica placed her hand on my shoulder. “Here’s your water.”

“Thanks.” I took the cold bottle from her and opened it. As the water filled my mouth, I swallowed back the torment and the tears.

There would be no more crying.

No more pain.

And definitely no more Luke.

It took me several minutes to pull myself together. I walked back to the counter and unzipped my purse, removing my makeup bag. I cleaned the black from under my eyes and reapplied my eye shadow and mascara. I combed the tangles from my long hair and pinned part of it up. There would be no hiding behind my strands. No cowering to the sadness and pain ripping my heart apart.

I gave myself one last look-over. Knowing this was as good as it was going to get, I turned to Veronica. “Let’s go.”

“Are you sure?”

With confidence, I replied, “Yes.”

We exited the ladies room and walked to the room where the hearing was being held. Veronica placed her hand on the knob and gave me a quick glance. I gave an approving nod, and she opened the door. All eyes navigated to us, and a hush fell across the small room. I pushed back my shoulders while taking in a silent breath.

I can do this.

A female judge sat in front of the room with semi-circle tables facing her. A peace officer stood off to the side, and a clerk sat to the left, typing away. Veronica led us to where Martin was sitting. Immediately, I spotted Luke directly across from me. His brown hair was a disheveled mess, and it looked like he hadn’t shaved in several days. Despite his unruly appearance, he was hot as hell in his suit jacket and faded jeans. And I hated that!

I kept my eyes trained to the table, refusing to look at him. I glanced at Lexi and she gave me a sympathetic smile. I hated that I’d pushed my friend away, but what was I supposed to do? Talking with her only made things more complicated. I hope she understood why I wanted to keep my distance. I mouthed
, and she acknowledged with a simple nod.

I refused to make eye contact with their parents, especially Olivia. My stomach clenched, like someone pulling a knot tighter and tighter. I took another sip of my water, swallowing the bile rising in my throat.

I’m going to be okay.

As I set the water bottle on the table, I noticed my trembling fingers. I quickly shoved my hands under the table and clasped them together. I allowed my eyes to travel to the front of the room and kept them focused on the judge. She shuffled some papers and adjusted the glasses perched on the edge of her nose. “Mr. Soto, do you have anything to present?”

“No, not at this time.”

“Okay.” She released a heavy a breath. “Mrs. Thompson, will you please stand?”

It took all of my effort not to look at Olivia. Through the corner of my eye, I saw Mr. Thompson help her stand. Veronica reached for my hand, and I grabbed it, holding on tightly. I waited with baited breath to hear the words that would avenge the deaths of my parents.

“The state of Texas and the county of McLennan, find you, Olivia Grace Thompson, guilty for the deaths of Lorenzo and Alicia Acardi, by intoxication manslaughter.”

A rattled whine flowed from Olivia, followed by burst of crying. I released the tight breath I’d been holding on to for the past fourteen years. The stress, the trauma, and not to mention, the guilt, uncoiled from every fiber in my body. A huge relief flowed from me, leaving my body totally spent. My shoulders dropped, and my body slumped against the table.

“Are you okay, Delaney?” Veronica asked, wrapping an arm around me.

I gave a firm nod.

“Is she okay?” I heard Martin ask.

“She’s okay,” Veronica replied, squeezing me tightly.

“You will be required to stay at a minimal security correctional facility for one year. In addition, you will be required to pay the courts a total of twenty thousand dollars for violating the Texas penal code. Following your sentence, you will be on probation for ten years. Any violation . . .”

Hard, cold tears released from me, drowning out the judge’s voice. Heavy sobs escaped my mouth, and I wept. Crying for my mother and father. For their lives that were cut short. For the short time we had together. For the future we never had. I released it all in that small room, determined to leave it there where it belonged. I had carried it all for far too long. It was time to move on with my life, and I was finally free to.

Mr. Thompson wrapped his arms around his wife, followed by Lexi, Luke, and Ashley. They hugged and cried, consoling one another. Olivia wailed, repeating the words, “I’m so sorry.”

Hearing those words irked me in the most terrible way. She should have been apologizing to me, yet she was apologizing to her family. Heat rose inside me, causing a burst of anger to form. “I gotta get out of here.” I sprung up, knocking the water bottle over. I snatched it up before any water seeped from it and slung my purse over my shoulder. “Let’s go.” I grabbed Veronica’s arm and pulled her to her feet.

“Just a minute.” Veronica pleaded, trying to catch her footing.

“Calm down, Delaney.” Martin tried to coax me with a soothing voice. “Everything is going to be okay.”

I nodded, my head spinning. “I just need to get out of here.”

I started toward the door and turned around when I felt a tug on my arm.

“Delaney, please,” Luke begged. “Don’t leave. Not like this.”

I yanked my arm from his grip. “Don’t touch me.”

“I’m sorry.” His hands flew to his head, grabbing fistfuls of hair. “Can we just talk, please?”

My head swarmed with voices. One telling me to talk to him, the other one telling me to leave. Every muscle trembled, and fearing I might give in to the deep need brewing inside of me, I said, “Just leave me alone! I never want to see you again, ever!” The words fell out of my mouth, and there was no taking them back. I pushed the door open and stumbled outside into the hallway.

“Laney! Stop!” Lexi hollered, but I waved her away.

“Please, go away.” I covered my mouth, trying to muffle the hard sobs pouring from me. I ran down the corridor and out the front doors of the courthouse, flying down the steps. My lungs begged for air, but no matter how many breaths I took, I couldn’t fill them. It would be a miracle if I survived this. And the way I was reacting told me I might not.





Chapter 19



Six months later





It was hard dealing with everything, but the reality was that now I had closure. The person who killed my parents got what she deserved. It sucked that it was Luke and Lexi’s mother. I asked God over and over the same question: Why couldn’t it have been someone else?

There was a reason why my path crossed Luke’s. It wasn’t just coincidence. The crime that Olivia covered up was meant to be discovered. And I just happened to be the one that helped her uncover it. Regardless of the fact that Olivia had been drinking, and that she and Travis had gotten in a fight, I was still partially responsible for what had happened to my parents. I had distracted my dad, and because of me he wasn’t paying attention to the road. We were all to blame.

I shuddered at the thought of how many times I had gotten behind the wheel drunk after Luke and I had a fight. I could have easily wrecked into someone or worse, killed them or myself. Sure, Olivia had her faults, but I was just as guilty as she was. I wasn’t sure if I could ever completely forgive her, but I knew I couldn’t live with this hatred forever. Finding out who caused the wreck might have brought healing to that part of my life, but it caused another wound. Just as big as the other one.

“Well, do you like it?”

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