My Most Precious One (3 page)

Read My Most Precious One Online

Authors: Evangelene

BOOK: My Most Precious One
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Blondie tried to speak to him again, but I could barely hear what she was saying since the car was sealed tight. Lukas opened the door and she scoffed

“Why is he going with the big nose frumpy chick?” She asked her friend next to her, she was loud enough so we could both hear. Lukas looked at me and I faked a smile, trying not to pay attention to how many times I had to hear about my nose. It wasn’t big, but it was Greek, to say I was super model material was a joke, but I was far from being ugly or ordinary. I knew I looked exotic but since it was my most prominent feature, everyone saw fit to use it to hurt me.

Lukas got right back out of the car, which made me jump out of my little self pity slow dance that I was having. Blondie jumped as well, maybe she thought he had finally seen the light, maybe she was right.

“Listen sweetheart, I don’t do blondes that pay more for plastic surgery than what my car is worth, if you didn’t understand before I’ll explain it to you now. What I did before upstairs was a brush off, what I did there” he pointed to the doors of the museum “was another brush off and what I just did just now, was also a brush off. So instead of paying, god only knows how much money, for your very cheap looking body, you should have spent it going to school and actually getting a brain.” He slowly sat himself right back down into his custom leather seats and started the engine. I sat in silence as we drove away, I watched Blondie through the side mirror she was practically in tears, her friend was consoling her.

“Fucken bitch!” He said under his breath, his hand gripping the wheel.

“You seriously went over the top with her.” I said. “She annoyed you that much?” I asked.

His jaw was locked tight, making the muscles of his face move in a very hot way, angry Suit was definitely the sexiest.

“Her comment, I didn’t like it.” He snapped. I looked at him. His hand was on the top of the stirring wheel while the other was shifting gears. We came to a stop at a light.

“You’re not referring to the one about my nose are you?” I almost laughed. He turned his head and gave me a death stare.

“Look Lukas, I’m used to it by now, it’s not an issue.” I said softly trying to act like it didn’t bother me.

“Used to it? You can’t be serious?” He took two seconds and started again “you should never get used to it. No one will ever say something so stupid again when it comes to you!” He voice was strong and angry. I laughed. I don’t know if it was out of nervousness or just because it was a sweet thought.

“Never again? What are you going to do put an all points bulletin out, make sure no one hurts my feelings?” I tried to lighten his mood.

“Don’t be daft!” He bit out. I kept my smile on, I couldn’t help it, the man defended me to what most would consider a sex goddess. I was so going to tell Kaci about this.

He finally came to a stop and parked his car. I opened the car door to see a place that was too rich for my blood.

“What this?” I said as pointed at a private club house, that only members could go.

He shrugged “Coffee?”

I rolled my eyes. “No” I wagged my finger at him “I have a friend who owns an awesome coffee house down the block we’ll go there.”

He laughed. “Why? You don’t like it there?” He pointed at it with his thumb as we walked away.

“Are you being serious now? They would take one look at me and throw me back out. No way am I going in there!” I said surprised that he didn’t notice how uncomfortable that would make me.

He laughed and followed me “If they threw you out I would revoke my membership!” I ignored his comment as we walked to my friend’s Stella’s coffee house, which was the best in the city.

She loved coffee made it her life’s passion. She opened it up with only a few thousand dollars and now it was a goldmine.

I stepped in. “Lexi!” She cried out as she ran to my arms, “I haven’t seen you in ages.” I laughed.

“We saw each other last month at your mother’s house for dinner that we were both roped into going.” It was a set up for both of us. I still have shivers thinking about it.

“Ah yeah!” She yelled as she hit my arm. “I tried to forget about it, thanks for reminding me! I still have Stavro calling me nonstop!”

She stood in front of me, her eyes darting back and forth between Lukas and me, this may not have been the best choice. Why was Starbucks flashing in my mind right now? She looked at me and smiled and in Greek, she asked me who he was. I introduced them both and she offered us a table by the window.

“So Lukas what kind of coffee would you like?” He flashed her, his million dollar smile and she swooned.

“Double espresso long.” He said.

“Are you sure? My supplier just gave me a nice new roast from Kenya its fair trade by local farmers. It’s a dark roast that hints to a floral aroma of blackberries and watermelons!” She smiled and wagged her eyebrows at him.

“Ok I’ll try it.” He caved. Who wouldn’t the girl knew coffee. She looks over to me waving her hand. “you, I know you.” I smiled.

“Just give me a sec ok?” I told Lukas.

I stood up and followed her to the coffee area. I poured his coffee and busied myself with what I liked. I never really drank any coffee but I made my own version of ice mocha, lots of chocolate milk, some sugar and a small shot of espresso with ice.

“So who’s the tall dark and extremely handsome man and does he have brother?” I picked up our drinks and ignored Stella.

As I reached the table he took out money again, Stella looked over her counter to where we sat and said. “Your money is no good here big boy. If you’re a friend of Lexi’s then you are definitely a good friend of mine.” She winked

“Lexi what do you want to hear baby girl?” She always asked me the music I want to listen to. I loved growing up with her, we might have been Greek but she and I hardly spent any time immersed in the Greek community of Montréal.

“Nina Simone” I offered.

“Nice choice.” She said approvingly.

The coffee house was filled with the song Feeling Good, but from the Verve remixed album. Soft electronic beats came though the speakers, damn my choice. She waved and left us alone.

I turned to look at my ice mocha when I saw him take a sip from his coffee. His eyes watched me from over the rim of the cup.

“No milk or cream?” He asked.

“You take your coffee black.” I added I knew my Suit. He smiled.

“So what happened at that dinner?” He wasn’t seriously asking me about my family dinner was he? He waited.

“My mom and Stella’s mom come from the same island in Greece, so we hung out a lot as kids. Stella and I aren’t your typical Montréal Greek kids. I have very few friends that are Greek and the ones I do know are from work, it drives my mother and hers crazy. They want us both to ‘settle down.’” I air quoted the last part, “so they came together and set us up. It was horrible, the guys were losers and all Stella and I did was make fun of them all night.” I took a sip from my drink, “but I guess hers didn’t mind her jabs.”

He leaned into the table with his arms crossed. “And yours?”

I shrugged “I don’t know, nor do I care.”

He eyed me carefully. I could feel the tension rising as a good two minutes passed. Was I even breathing? I raised my eyes from the table and he was still staring.

“And what is it that you want?” He asked, his voice now low and curt. I continued to gaze at him. His blue eyes making all the air escape my lungs.

“I don’t know.” I said meekly, “if I did then maybe I wouldn’t be alone.”

The sad revelation hitting me hard, when was it that I wanted to have someone? I never needed nor wanted anyone but his one question shot me to my core. What was it I wanted now? I know I wanted my man to come, but fuck I never thought he would, why would he?

“I’m glad you’re alone.” His statement snapped me back.

“What?” I asked. He picked up his coffee and swirled his coffee around his cup before he drank the last drop.

“How old are you Alexia?” He asked as he placed the coffee cup down.

“Old, why?” I asked.

“Always sarcastic I see.” His eyes squinted.

“Twenty six.” I finally relented.

“You?” Tit for tat.

“Old enough.” He said softly.

“Seriously you’re not going to tell me?” I asked, but he laughed at me. “You’re not from around here are you?” I asked his face shot up.

“No, I’m not.” He said and I nodded.

“Well?” I waited.

“New York.” He answered.

“Seriously? What part of New York?” He gave me a crooked smile.

“I understand why you chose archeology as your major, you seem quite passionate about it.” Did he just flip it on me? What the fuck? “Is it the same reason why you like to travel? You said you wanted to live. What did you mean by that?” He asked.

“When I travel and see the world, I realize how small and sheltered we all are. The world is immense, but at the same time so small. How can anyone say they have lived if they haven’t seen any part of it, or at least experienced it?” He sat taking my response in.

“Thailand?” He asked and I smiled.

“I’m a sucker for good cheap Thai food.” I finished my ice mocha and gestured that we leave.

I waved goodbye to Stella.

“Hey girl before you go…” She ran to me “summer’s coming. Do you think you can do some shifts for me, help give me some time off?” She was giving me her best puppy I lost my bone look.

“Yeah it’s fine, just not Mondays and Tuesdays ok. I’ll come after work from the bistro, just let me know when.”

Lukas held the door open for me and we stepped out to the sidewalk.

“So thank you for an unexpected fun day.” I muttered. He seriously towered over me.

He looked down at me “You’re welcome.” His blue eyes smiling.

“I’ll see you on Thursday?” I asked not wanting to seem weird about all this.

He nodded “Thursday.”

I smiled again and waved walking away from him. Please be looking, please be looking, my silent mantra was answered when Stella called me on my Iphone.


“Oh my god, he’s so watching you walk away right now
!” Inner flips, check. Inner happy dance, check.
“Don’t swing your hips that much. You’ll end up knocking out half the people on the street!”
She said bluntly.

“Bye Stella!” What’s playing on my iPod? MGMT’s Electric Feeling, a good song for right now.

This Charming Man

Thursday came and I was filling in Roxi on what had happened to me on Tuesday, not that I was gossiping because I don’t, but Kaci was so excited she let it slip to Roxi and the info was all wrong.

“Okay so let me get this straight, some blond bimbo bitch said what to you?” I loved Roxi. I swear the girl was so protective of me, it just made me feel so loved.

“And you didn’t rip her hair out?” Roxi’s eyes were almost coming out of her head. “Where’s the bitch now, you’ll see whose standing last!” She was tapping her nail hard on the counter. I was laughing so hard that I didn’t hear the door’s little bell go off.

“Excuse me?” I couldn’t mistake his cologne. I looked up and smiled

“Alexia.” He breathed. My name never sounded so sexy, ever. Roxi smiled and turned to me so that her back was too him and mouthed.
‘I’m wet for you’
, she turned right around.

“Right this way sir” and guided him to my section.

I couldn’t help but watch him as he walked to the table by the window. He was dominating and strong as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and eased his way into his seat. Roxi reached over to take away the extra table setting.

“No leave it, someone will be joining me today.” She nodded.

That’s strange, in the last two months that he’s been coming here he never came with anyone. Roxi started to walk away.

“Damn!” She murmured “He’s hot chika!” She growled as she was pouring the coffee into the silver kettle that we took to the tables.

“Down girl!” I held up my hands waiting for her to finish.

“Listen!” She said half scolding me “I have eyes ok, the man wants you, I can feel it!” The little squint in her eyes, was the cherry of her personality. She had David Bowie eyes, one lighter than the other, she was hot to trot. Personally, I think she scared the shit out of most men she met with her powerful sexuality. She was loud, outspoken and downright crazy. God I loved my Roxi.

“Go and get him my little temptress.” She said smiling wickedly. I took the kettle from her hand and shook my head.

“That’s right girl, shake it!” She shouted after me. I turned and gave her the shut the fuck up look. She mimicked the zipper across her mouth and stayed quiet for all of two seconds.

“Good morning.” I said smiling from ear to ear, I couldn’t help it. I could feel the butterflies in my belly. For god sakes, I had butterflies, I never had them before. He barely acknowledged me as he was turning over his cup. My smile became smaller as I began pouring his coffee. He sat quietly skimming through the various newspapers he brought with him.

He had taken off his suit jacket, which was dark gray in colour, leaving him with a vest and a light blue shirt. His tie was a navy blue, to offset his light colour shirt. I stood there staring, he was gorgeous. I waited for a response but I got nothing. I don’t know why I was so bothered by it, I should have known better.

As I stood next to him, the tiny bell over the door rang. I looked up to see a beautiful petit blonde with a perfect face and full body wavy hair, walking towards us. She smiled at me her teeth were an ideal shade of white, while her skin had a soft sun kissed glow.

“Bonjour.” I said in French.

“Good morning.” She smiled, her eyes fixated on me for just a mere moment.

“What would you like to drink?” I asked feeling my heart sink a little lower. I was nowhere near her league. It’s not like I didn’t know, but it hurt anyways.

“Green tea.” She said dismissively as she leaned into Lukas.

“Ah baby, you can’t see my mark on you.” I watched as she lowered his collar to show me that he belonged to her. I didn’t bother to look.

I lowered my shoulders and said “I’ll be right back with your tea, Miss.”

I walked back to the counter watching Roxi’s face contort into various shapes.

“You have to be fucken kidding me?” She hissed.

“Roxi, please just give her the green tea, I need a minute.” With a face of pure disgust Roxi fired back. “If I go there she’ll be wearing the fucken green tea. What the hell is she trying to do?”

My back still turned to both of them.

“I’ll do it.” Kaci had walked in and saw what had happened. “Sorry I’m a bit late I was getting ready in the back. Give me the tea. I’ll take care of it.” Kaci reached over and took the small tea kettle and a placed it on a plate with a tea bag on the side.

“You know what Kaci, keep the fucken table!” I bit out, annoyed at myself for falling for something so superficial. I’ll admit it that a small part of me was hoping that he was interested, but now I knew I was just being stupid.

“Anything for you baby girl.” Kaci said as she started her way to their table.

I spent the next hour busying myself with my other tables and helping the girls out. Kaci had given me one of hers to balance out our sections. Roxi and Kaci spent the rest of the time making me laugh.

“Ok so get this, I was waiting in line with my mom, to pay my clothes, when my mom decided to go in front to see what specials they had in a bin in front of the cash.” Roxi began to explain what had happened to her on her day off, “When the women in front, told her daughter in Greek, not to let in the stupid woman.” Roxi made a horrified face, while Kaci and I bit our lips not to laugh. “I turned to the woman and proceed to tell her off, in Greek, that my mom wasn’t cutting in line, when my sister came up from behind me and told me, ‘ah you know Linda?’, the fucken bitch was my sister’s friend.”

I started to laugh so hard that I almost fell over the two steps I was standing on.

“How is it possible that you are the only one I know that has this much foot in the mouth disease?” I asked still laughing as I picked up a coffee kettle and began to make my way to my section, pouring coffee to our patrons.

I did my best to not notice Lukas’ table, but it was hard not to, the man radiated alpha male pheromones. A regular customer that sat at the table next to him waved me down for some coffee.

“Bonjour Jean-Luc.” I said as I poured his coffee, he owned a local gallery for Quebec artists.

“Bonjour Alexia. How are you today?” He asked with his French accent.

“I fine, thanks.” I offered.

“I see you are laughing with Roxi and Kaci, care to tell me about it over dinner sometime?” It wasn’t unnatural for us to be asked out, it happened more often than not.

Before I could answer I heard plates clag, I looked up and saw Lukas’ fist clenched tight on the table. Kaci ran over to make sure nothing had happened.

“Merci for the offer Jean-Luc but I’ll have to pass. A girl like me can’t be tied down to one man.” I said laughing with him. A part of me hoping Lukas overheard me, but why would I care if he overheard me? I took the coffee kettle and began walking back to the work counter.

“Coffee!” Lukas’ strong voice bellowed for me. I stopped in mid stride and turned my head, our eyes met. His icy blues ordering me to obey, I snickered at his attempt and passed the kettle off the Kaci who was still there.

For the rest of my shift I spent laughing it up with Roxi and the guys in the kitchen. Kaci was filling me in on what was going with her tiny business launch. I was totally proud of her, she loved baking and she as good at it. She finally mustered up the courage and was opening up a small cupcake place. She felt like she needed to do something especially since she was a single mom. She wanted to create a better life for her daughter now that her ex was out of the picture.

“Come on and work with me already.” She begged. I loved baking and at times would help her with her orders, but I didn’t want to mesh business and friendship. I loved her to much to lose her over stupid shit.

My shift was coming to an end and he and his lady friend were both still here. I didn’t bother to acknowledge them, but man was I pissed not only did I over think sexy Suit, but I lost a prime table the whole day meaning I made less money in my pocket.

“Well babe I got to go.” I heard her say.

“I’ll see you later Mollie.” He said in a low voice as he looked over his Blackberry phone. My anger was seething and why was I getting so angry about this?

I went to the back and changed clothes, wearing my tattered jeans and Converse with a fitted Marvel comic classic tee. I placed my big Jackie O Marc Jacob sunglasses on and strutted out.

“Bye bitches!” I waved at the staff. “I’ll see you later at my place Kaci?” I asked giving her a pointed look through the top of my big rimmed glasses.

“And what about me, girl?” Roxi tried to play hurt but it didn’t work.

“As long as you bring the wine I’m good.” I said smiling. I was trying too hard to make it seem like his presence didn’t affect me.

She smiled “Nicccce!”

I waved goodbye as I walked out, walking by the big bay windows not bothering to look back in. I started searching though my huge tote bag, god damn I seriously should have stayed with my small purse. I finally located my keys and beeped my car. I loved my all black Mini Cooper S with its black matte rims. I had worked really hard, saving and scrimping to buy her.

I placed the key in the ignition and my iPod came to life, Massive Attack’s Black Milk started to play as I lowered my windows and opened up my sun roof. I let the music take over and I began to sing. I loved her voice it was haunting and erotic. The low beats made my speakers tremble. The music helped to push this morning’s events out of my mind, but for some reason I couldn’t do it. I was more pissed at myself than anything, letting stupid ideas fill my mind. I took a deep breath, planning to let it go and not bothering anymore. I was about to drive off when right in front of me Lukas appeared, with his dark grey suit jacket opened to show his vest and obviously huge chest that was constricted by his shirt. Why was god so cruel? I was planning on letting this go. That man obviously had someone and I really had stupidly misread all the signals on Tuesday. So what the fuck?

He stood in front of my little Mini, watching me. I backed up to try to move around him, but he kept thwarting my efforts. Fuck this. I moved the gear into neutral and got out of the car slamming my door.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I snapped at him. He took two steps and towered over me, he was so damn close I could feel the heat that came off him. There was nowhere for me to go as he inched closer. I moved back and had to lean up against my car door.

“Careful how you speak to me!” He said low and controlled. I’m sorry did I miss something? My mind did a double take.

“You have to be kidding me right?” I asked all astounded by his behaviour. I didn’t dare look away I wanted him to see how angry I was. He towered over me, glaring. I could see his chest rising up and down. He was angry, I couldn’t believe it.

“Back off sir, I’m not in the fucken mood” I hissed. He placed both his hands on the roof of my car cradling my body between them.

He then leaned in that much closer and whispered “You feel it… I know you do.” I swallowed hard as his eyes fused me to him. I had a hard time breathing, I was losing myself to this man I hardly knew. I wanted what my body craved, but my mind fought like fucken hell to protect me.

“No!” I stammered “You’re mistaken sir, I don’t understand nor do I care about what you’re feeling.” He leaned in closer his presence taking over my space, his divine smell overpowering my senses. Neither one of us moved or made a sound, only the music from my Mini surrounded us, Portishead’s Glory Box. It was as though the song itself sang to me, damn it.

Both us of stood waiting for the other, I didn’t want this, it was already too complicated and I didn’t think the little confidence that I had could take on a man like him. I raised my hand to his chest and began pushing him away.

“Move Lukas” I murmured. His perfectly shaped lips disappeared into a thin line, he moved enough so I could finally get into my car. I put it into first gear, changing the song so I wouldn’t hear it anymore and drove away. The Smith’s Charming Man started and I was all for it.

I looked back through my rearview mirror and saw Lukas still standing in the middle of the road watching me drive away.

I had finally reached home, exhausted with today’s events. I began taking off my shoes when my Iphone chimed it was Kaci.

Roxi and I saw what happened… let’s go out for drinks!

I laughed. Great now everyone will be talking about this tomorrow.

Ok let me know… going to workout and take nap, use the key and let urselves in

I finished a stellar workout no thanks to my Suit, nothing like getting yourself all angry to really get the blood pumping. I took a long hot shower letting the water spray all over me. When I was done, I took a long t-shirt and a pair of boy shorts and laid down on the bed. Thank god tomorrow I wasn’t opening the store. I was replacing someone and working the night shift, so I was able to go out with my girls tonight. I set the alarm on my phone to wake me in an hour so I could have time to get dressed before the girls came. God I needed to sleep.

“Lexi, wake up!” Holy shit! I tried to wake up but my eyes were so heavy. I was thrown off the bed onto the hard wooden floor.

“Fuck” I groaned.

“Jesus girl, you were out cold!” Roxi cried out.

I slowly started to peel myself off the floor and stretched my body. I guess I must have hit the stop button for the alarm on my phone. I was at my ugliest when I woke up. I hate everyone around me. I hiss and don’t speak for a good while until my brain wakes up. I’ve always been that way. That’s why both girls stayed away from me, giving me the time to jump start my body.

“What are you going to wear?” Roxi asked.

I was slow to react as I pointed to a grey knitted sweater dress I bought at a discount. It was a five hundred dollar dress, but because there was a small tear they reduced it to a hundred. I did a happy dance when I got it. Thanks mom for being an awesome seamstress and able to fix all my discounted clothes.

I finally got dressed putting on my fake eyelashes and full Mac make up. I pulled my hair in a tight high ponytail and ease my feet into my black Giuseppe Zanotti pumps. They fit like a dream. Every woman should own a pair of nice pumps.

The dress was a bit shorter than I was used to but fuck it! I was on the prowl. I opened the door of my walk in closet and placed both arms on the door frame, striking a pose.

“Va va voom, your legs look fucken killer, nice muscles girl!” Roxi screamed. Kaci laughed and shook her head “That’s not a dress it’s a sweater.” I ignored Kaci’s comment.

“Let’s go bitches its time I get laid.” I winked and laughed.

We had gotten into Roxi’s car and began driving down to her brother-in-law’s new bar that he had just opened up in a nice swanky area near where all the boutique hotels were. We parked and began to strut our stuff down the street. On cue all three of us began singing ‘Staying Alive by the Bee Gee’s’, as various guys started whistling at us.

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