Read My Salvation Online

Authors: Michelle Dare

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Love, #Suspense, #Sex, #Series

My Salvation (22 page)

BOOK: My Salvation
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She nodded and moved to a chair in the office.
Her stomach knotted and she started to cry. Erik must have gone to
get Adeline, because she was kneeling in front of her asking if she
was okay in a matter of a minute.

Adeline spoke to her in a soothing voice. “It’s
going to be all right. No one was hurt and our boys are on their
way home.”

“This time, but what about next time? Adeline,
this has to stop. Someone is after us. What if they try to attack
us here?”

“Dear, this place is well protected and my guess
is after today’s incident you’ll be seeing more security. Steven
and Owen will make sure you’re safe.”

Adeline embraced her tightly. Her hand was
stroking Cali’s hair as she cried on her shoulder. She sat in her
arms, letting all of the tears and fear out. There was no point in
trying to hold it in any more.

She lost track of time. At some point she had
moved to the living room and curled up on the sofa. Adeline placed
a blanket over her and sat at the other end, keeping herself busy
on her tablet. Cali couldn’t concentrate enough to do anything, but
stare out of the window. She knew waiting was a way of life for
Adeline, but she didn’t want it to be one for her as well.

The sound of footsteps on the hardwood floor
made Cali sit up. Looking toward the doorway, she saw Owen walk
through. He walked to her in a few long steps. She stood on the
couch and leapt into his arms, sobbing. He held her close,
whispering calming words into her ear.

“How bad was it?” she mumbled into his

“The back half of the cabin is gone. No one was
there when the police arrived, but they did find something.”

Cali pulled back to look in his eyes. He eased
her to the floor and they both sat on the couch. She noticed
Adeline had left the room, giving some privacy.

“What did they find?”

“A broken picture frame was laying on the floor
inside the cabin near the front door.”

“Why would that be significant?”

He took a deep breath and let it out. “The
picture had a red X spray painted over it and the picture was of
you. A picture I had taken during our last summer together.”

In a shaky voice, she said, “Me?”

“Yeah. And the worst part is I didn’t have the
picture out in the open. I had it tucked away in the dresser,
beneath clothing. Whoever it was that found it, put it by the front
door on purpose.”

She started sobbing again. He was trying to
soothe her the best he could. Gathering her in his arms, he brought
her into his lap. She laid her cheek to his chest, her tears
wetting his shirt.

“What have I ever done to make someone hate me
so much? I don’t understand.”

“You didn’t do anything. The person could be
after me, not you. They are just going after you by association.
We’re not sure. But Cali, I would never let anything happen to you.
Ever. I will protect you with my life and now Steven and Erik will
do the same. You are safe with us.”

She nodded, not able to say a word. He held her
for what felt like hours. She couldn’t move, only hold on to him
and cry.

~ 21 ~

Thank fuck it’s the weekend
, Owen
thought. He had one mission and it was to get Cali moved into his
house. Given the events of yesterday, he wasn’t allowing her to
leave. He hired movers and sent Steven to supervise. All of her
things, minus furniture, were being packed and moved into his
garage until she had time to go through them. He was going to leave
her furniture in the house unless she wanted to bring it along.

Steven was also given the task of hiring on
three more, full-time guards. Someone would be at the house
twenty-four seven. They were to work in shifts, constantly
monitoring everything going on with every property. If a leaf hit
the ground, he wanted someone to see it. Additional cameras were
also being installed at the main house. Owen already had some, but
wanted every square inch covered.

It was early Saturday morning and Cali was still
sleeping. He had woken several times during the night to hear her
screaming. She started having nightmares after her townhouse was
broken into and they were progressively getting worse.

He had spent a good part of last night in the
security room with Steven reviewing footage from his cabin. The
outdoor cameras showed nothing. Someone had shot each one out from
a distance. The camera located on the inside, pointing toward the
front door, showed an arm punch through the glass, reach over and
unlock the door. The person who entered was dressed in all black
and moved quickly to cover the camera with spray paint. Each
additional camera was also covered.

The cameras weren’t tied into the security
system for a reason. He wanted access to all of the footage and
didn’t want anyone else to see what went on in his private life.
That was his business, no one else’s.

He got changed and went the gym in the basement
to release some of his frustration. He didn’t want to go for a run
and have Cali wake to not find him nearby, so instead decided to
run on the treadmill. The television was on with the day’s news
showing. He didn’t hear her walk up next to him.

Looking over, he saw her standing next to the
treadmill, watching television. Her hair was damp from a shower,
pulled into a ponytail. She was wearing light grey, terry cloth
shorts and a plain, white tee.

“Good morning, beautiful.” She looked over and
offered him a sad smile. Stopping the treadmill, he used a towel to
wipe the sweat from his face.

He stepped down and placed a kiss on her
forehead. He went to pull back, but her hands fisted in his shirt,
pulling him toward her. “I’m all sweaty. Let me shower first.”

She shook her head. “I like you sweaty.”

Her tone sounded so sad. He hooked his finger
under her chin, bringing her eyes up. “I hate seeing you like this.
I promise, we will figure it out.”

Her voice was full of desperation when she
spoke. “Owen, I need you. I want to drown out all of bad stuff and
feel nothing but you. Please.”

“I’ll do whatever you need.”

Cali lifted the shirt over his head. She pushed
his shorts and boxer briefs to the floor. He kicked off his
sneakers and shorts. Stripping quickly, she stood in front of him
completely bare. He reached for her face, their lips meeting. He
pulled her bottom lip into his mouth, sucking it gently.

Her fingers threaded into his hair. Owen kissed
down her neck to her chest. He took her nipple into his mouth and
bit. Not hard enough to hurt her, but enough of a sting to cause
her to moan loudly. While his mouth was busy with her breast, he
pushed one finger into her.

Removing it, he spread her wetness all over her
mound before pushing two fingers inside. He rubbed her g-spot while
his thumb was moving against her clit. She bucked forward as her
knees buckled. His other hand was around her waist, holding her

She kissed him as her body rode his hand
unabashedly. Owen’s hand pumped quickly inside of her. She broke
the kiss, her breathing quickening. The look of her getting lost in
pleasure was something he loved. He didn’t stop the relentless
pursuit and wanted to feel her come on his hand.

His cock was hard and he wanted nothing more
than to be buried deep in her, but knew he had to take care of her
first. She was always his priority and he needed to wipe all of the
sadness from her. To see her down and not full of life hurt

His fingers were hooked forward as he applied
firm pressure to her clit, sending her flying. She bit into his
shoulder as her orgasm rocked her body. He kept moving until she
pushed his hand away.

“Holy shit.”

He smiled. “That was only the beginning.”

Taking her hand, he pulled her into the large,
walk-in shower. Multiple shower heads lined two of the three walls.
She stepped in, shutting the glass door behind her. Owen turned on
the water, checking the temperature before activating all of the
other shower heads.

He stood with his back to the water, letting it
cascade over his head and chest. Taking his cock in hand, he began
stroking it, rubbing his thumb over the tip. She was standing
before him, water sliding over her slim body, eyes fixated on his
hand and its movement.

“Let your hair down,” he told her. She reached
to pull the tie loose and shook her long, brown hair free. Cali
tipped her head back under the water. When her eyes found his
again, she held his gaze and walked until she was an inch from his
face. She didn’t move further, just stood there, staring into his

Owen couldn’t take it anymore. He went to his
knees in the shower and his tongue found her core. She let out a
gasp and held onto his shoulders. He needed to taste her, to
pleasure her more. Alternating sucking and licking her clit, not
letting up until she started to rub herself on his mouth. She
tasted amazing.

While his mouth was busy, his hand was on his
dick, stroking it. Reaching down, his other hand found his balls,
gently massaging them. He was getting close, but wanted to be
buried in her when he came. Standing, he grasped her waist, lifted
and pushed her against the shower wall.

With her legs around his waist, he positioned
himself beneath her, guiding her down. The feel of her warmth
surrounding him was one of the best feelings in the world. She took
all of him, fitting him perfectly.

He knew he wouldn’t last. He was too worked up.
In a couple of minutes he would be done. He moved in her quickly.
His hand went to her swollen nub and she shook at first touch.
“Damn, beautiful, you’re ready aren’t you?”

“Yes, Owen. Please. I want us to come

Knowing how close she was made him let go of
trying to hold off. Instead he drove into her fast and hard. She
must have been sensitive from the previous encounter, because one
more small movement on her clit made her orgasm.

She trembled over him as he released inside her
walls. He would never tire of coming inside of her. Every time he
felt like he was marking her. She was his and no one would take her

He stood, still holding her with their foreheads
touching. Both of them were trying to catch their breaths. “I love
you so much, Owen,” she said, kissing him.

“Caliana, my heart is yours. You hold it in the
palm of your hand.” She snaked her arms behind his neck and linked
her feet at his back.

Stepping away from the wall, he gently set her
on the shower floor. She reached behind him, finding a bar of soap.
Every inch of him was clean when she was finished. She even made
him bend to put shampoo on his head.

He did the same for her in return. Owen massaged
her body as he moved over the smooth skin. He started at her feet
and worked higher. Her body still recovering and when he went over
her nipples, she trembled slightly. He loved the reaction her body
had to his touch.

* * * * * * * *

Cali went up from the basement with him close
behind and rounded the corner at the top of the stairs. She
screamed when she saw three strange men standing there. Owen
quickly rushed to her side, but she couldn’t understand why he
didn’t react.

Steven came rushing out from the security room
at the sound of her scream. “What’s wrong?” he said. “Cali, are you
all right?”

“I came upstairs and these men were standing
here,” she said pointing to the three in front of her. “They
startled me. Who are they?”

Steven looked to Owen and said, “You didn’t tell

Owen rubbed his hand on the back of his neck,
looking a little embarrassed. “No, not yet.”

Steven shook his head. “Cali, this is Anthony,
Josh and Shawn. They are a new part of the security team and will
be monitoring the property twenty-four/seven, even when no one is
home.” Then he looked to the men. “Gentlemen, this is Caliana
Crawford or Cali for short and by her side is Owen Matthews.”

She reached to shake each of their hands.
Anthony was blonde and had a nice smile. He made her feel instantly
at ease. Josh had dark brown hair which was shaved close to his
head. She could sense a hard edge to him. And Shawn had red hair
and crystal blue eyes. They were dressed casually, all tall and
fit. None of them could to compare to Owen though. He was in a
league all of his own.

Once all of the men retreated into the security
room, she mumbled to Owen, “I’m so happy we showered before coming
upstairs. I don’t need them knowing we just spent the better part
of our morning having sex. Oh and thanks for the heads up.”

The corner of his mouth lifted into a smile.
“I’m sorry about not telling you. And why don’t you want them to
know we were having sex?”

“It’s embarrassing.”

“No, it’s not. You’re mine and I will fuck you
any time I want, no matter how many men are in the house. They’ll
just be jealous they can’t have you.” Cali rolled her eyes.
, she thought.

The rest of the weekend went by too fast for
her. She spent a lot of time with Owen in the bed, the shower, and
in the hot tub once night fell. She couldn’t get enough. Her
appetite was never sated when it came to him and how much her body
craved his.

All of her belongings arrived. She started going
through some of the boxes, effectively filling Owen’s walk-in
closet. He also had a dresser delivered for her that matched the
other bedroom furniture. The home was starting to feel like hers

Even given everything that happened on Friday,
she went into work on Monday in a good mood. She had Owen by her
side, Steven and Erik guarding their backs. Plus she felt better
knowing Adeline had someone at home to watch over her too.

Once she got settled at work, she noticed
multiple emails for the assistant position. She read through each
one, giving careful consideration. When she got to the very last
email, she saw it was from an Emily. Reading through her resume,
she noticed it was the same Emily she met at the restaurant the
previous week.

BOOK: My Salvation
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