My Savior Forever (5 page)

Read My Savior Forever Online

Authors: Vicki Green

Tags: #romance, #romance adult contemporary

BOOK: My Savior Forever
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“Oh, no,” I say as I shake my head. “I
don’t have to take the master bedroom. It’s your house, you take
it.” I stop where we are in the hallway. He smiles, “Nope, you’re
taking it. I insist. I want you to be comfortable while you’re here
and it has the best bed in the house.”

He opens the bedroom door and I gasp.
This is bigger than my entire apartment. I have never seen a
bedroom this big before in my life.

“Wow. I could just live in here. It’s
all so beautiful!” I smile.

He laughs and tugs me into the room,
pulling me to the right he opens a door to show me the bathroom.
Then he turns me around and leads me to a set of double doors to
the right. He opens them both at the same time and I cannot believe
my eyes. It’s an enormous walk in closet with racks of clothes. I
can see the tags are still on them and there are shoes beneath them
on the floor in an orderly fashion.

“Ahem, I hope you don’t mind. I took
the liberty of having my sister go shopping, which she lives for
anyway, to get you what you need while you’re here. I hope they
fit. You look like you’re about the same size as her.”

“Oh, my, gosh, Jesse. Thank you but
you didn’t need to go to so much trouble and spend so much money. I
really appreciate it though.” I can’t believe he went to all this
trouble for me.

“Trust me, Cassie. Money is no object
for me,” he smirks. What the hell does that mean?

Chapter seven

Jesse leaves me so I can lie down for
a bit. I am exhausted. He gives me the pain meds the doctor
provided and shuts the door on his way out. I go into the bathroom,
get a glass of water and take one. When I lie down on the bed I am
in heaven. I don’t know about the other beds in the house, but this
is so comfortable. It doesn’t take me long to fall

“NOOOO, NOOOOO don’t touch me! Let me
go, please let me go.” I am tossing and turning while screaming at
the top of my lungs. Sweat is pouring off me. I can feel someone
shaking me and yelling. “Cassie, Cassie wake up! You’re having a
bad dream. Wake up!”

I open my eyes and look into Jesse’s
concerned ones. I am breathing heavy and am trying to focus on him.
I sit up quickly, throw my arms around his neck and bury my face
into his shoulder. I begin to cry uncontrollably.

“Shhh, shhhh it’s ok honey. Its ok,
I’ve got you now. I’ve got you,” he whispers in my ear as he wraps
his arms around me and rubs my back.

Once I can calm down I pull back, my
arms still around his neck, and look into his caring eyes. “I’m
sorry. I couldn’t get away. They wouldn’t let me go.” I start
breathing heavy again.

“Shhh, it's ok honey.” He leans his
head forward and looks in my eyes. “Try and calm down for me. Take
some deep breaths. Why don’t I go and run you a nice bath and you
can soak in it for a while why I finish getting dinner ready, ok? I
think it will help calm you.”

I smile at him and nod. I watch him as
he goes into the bathroom. I hear the water running in the bath
tub. He comes out and just stands there looking at me. “There are
some pajamas in the dresser over there. Please help yourself. No
need to dress up for dinner.” He smiles and winks at me.

I give a small laugh and take a deep
breath. As he starts to leave I stop him. “Jesse?” He turns towards
me. “Yes?”

“Thank you so much for being there for
me. I have never had anyone do that before.” Jesse looks at me and
cocks his head. “Never?” I shake my head. “Well I am honored then
to be the first person that could do that for you.” He smiles and
leaves the room.

After a great dinner of salad, green
beans, baked chicken and rolls I am stuffed to the brim.

“Wow! You ARE a great cook!” I smile
at Jesse. I am so full that I am about to explode. He smiles at me
and looks down like he is a little shy. Who knew? “You cooked so I
can clean up,” I say starting to stand but stopping and yawning

“Oh, no you don’t! You are my guest
here and you are trying to heal so I will clean up. And obviously
you’re tired,” he laughs. I put my finger to my chin like I am
really thinking hard. “Ok, but here’s the deal. From what I
understand we could be here for quite a while so as I am getting
better I will start pitching in around here and if you cook, I will
clean up. Deal?”

“Deal,” he says with a smile and a

“Ok then. I am going to head up to
bed. Thank you so much for a lovely dinner.” I walk over to him and
kiss him lightly on his cheek. Even though I am still a bit
nervous, I am starting to feel more comfortable around him. He is
so caring, tender and of course so HOT! If I wasn’t so messed up, I
could really fall for him.


I sit up abruptly in bed screaming so
loud it’s piercing my eardrums. I am sweating, breathing heavy and
I have the comforter in a death grip in both of my hands. Jesse
comes running into the room and quickly sits down next to me and
puts his hands on my shoulders. “Cassie, Cassie. It’s ok,” he says

I quiet down but I’m breathing heavy.
“They, they won’t stop. They won’t go away,” I say

“Who won’t go away honey?”

I am sobbing. “Those men, they won’t
leave my head. And, and what they did. I. I. I, they, they won’t
leave my head!” He puts his arms around me. “Come here,” he says
pulling me towards him. I put my arms around his neck and cry into
his chest. I start hiccupping as I begin to calm down.

“Do you want to take something to help
you sleep baby? I have some meds that will help,” he asks me in a
whisper. I pull back and nod. He leaves me for a short time
returning with pills and a glass of water. I am relieved when he
sits down next to me. I feel so much safer when he’s

I take the pills and set the glass of
water on the night stand. Jesse puts his hand on the side of my
face and rubs my cheek with his thumb while rubbing my hair on the
side of my face with his fingers. Oh, that is nice. Very

“Are you ok now to sleep?” I take a
deep breath letting it out slowly. “I think so. Thank you.” He
begins to stand and turns to leave but I grab his hand. “Can, can
you stay with me until I fall asleep? Please?” I look at him with
sad eyes as the tears begin to form again. He looks down at me and
gives me a small smile. “Of course I will.”

Chapter eight

I awaken with the best feeling of
being relaxed that I have had in a long time. I stretch my arms
above my head and wince. Damn it! I keep forgetting I can’t do that
right now. I reach my right hand over my left ribs and rub lightly.
When I do that something catches my eye and I turn my

There, still asleep, is Jesse. He must
have fallen asleep while waiting for me to. Of course, he has to be
exhausted. Taking care of me, making all the arrangements, sleeping
in that horrible chair in the hospital not to mention all the time
he spent sitting in his truck waiting to rescue me.

Poor thing. I lay there watching him
as he sleeps. He’s beautiful. He looks younger when he’s asleep.
His beard scruff has grown. I sigh as I reach over with my right
hand and lightly move his hair back from his forehead. He sighs in
his sleep and has an ever so slight smile on his lips. I think I am
falling for this beautiful man. But, how can I be? This is so fast
but I can’t help the way I feel and how fast my heart is beating.
He is my Savior Forever!

Slowly, and carefully I slide out of
bed and head downstairs. Even though I am in pain I decide to make
him breakfast for all he has done for me.

I look in the refrigerator and find
eggs, butter and bacon and set them on the counter next to the
stove. I look in the pantry cabinet and find bread. The cabinet
next to the stove I find a skillet and begin making

I am almost done when Jesse comes into
the kitchen. He coughs and I jump almost dropping the hot skillet.
“Oh my god, Jesse! You scared the shit outta me!” I

I set the skillet down quickly and
grab my ribs. “Cassie, are you ok? I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m
sorry,” he says as he jogs over to me. He puts his arms around me
and I look up at him. He’s got to be about 5 inches taller than

“I’m ok. Damn! When am I gonna learn
not to stretch or make sudden movements?”

Jesse chuckles, “Well I hope that you
learn that soon before you hurt yourself more.”

Over breakfast we talk about all kinds
of things. We each take turns telling each other our favorite
color, movie, book, things to do and so on.

“So, your dad is surgeon for the rich
and famous? Wow. How does one get to do that?” I laugh.

Jesse gives a big sigh. “Well, once he
became a surgeon in LA, he specialized in Orthopedics. He was
working in the ER one night and a famous movie star came in. He
ended up treating them and they told others and pretty soon others
just started calling him. So he opened his own practice. The rest
is history as they say,” he says chuckling.

“That’s amazing. He must really be
good. How can the son of a famous surgeon have a Safe House that no
one knows about?”

Jesse smirks at me. “A son that set it
up under another name that is not associated with his. I call it my
Safe House because it’s where my dad, my sister, or myself can come
when we want to get away and not be bothered.” Huh, makes sense to

“I will clean up this time since you
cooked. Why don’t you go and get comfortable on the couch and we
can watch a movie when I am done.” Jesse stands up and starts
gathering our dishes.

“Sounds great. I am just going to go
upstairs and get dressed first. Be right back,” I say as I

I go upstairs and look through the
enormous closet for something comfortable to wear. This whole thing
is so surreal. I get kidnapped, raped and beaten then a beautiful
man rescues me and brings me to his Safe House, which is gorgeous
and is stocked full of food, new clothes and toiletries for me.
Seriously, am I dreaming?

After I find a really cute jogging top
and pants, I quickly get dressed and go into the bathroom. I wash
my face, brush my teeth and run a brush through my long hair that
still needs trimming badly. Looking in the mirror, I lightly touch
my left cheek. That bruise is gonna take a while to heal. At least
my eye is opening up more. I look at myself and sigh.

I go back downstairs and find Jesse
going through DVD’s that are in a cabinet to the right of the
couch. “So, what sounds good to watch? I have most of the newer
movies that are out right now.”

I make my way over to the left side of
the couch and sit down pulling my legs under me. “Hmmm, I don’t
care as long as it’s not a drama. I think I have had enough of that
for a while. You pick,” I say smiling.

Jesse grabs a DVD and puts the disc
into the player. He comes over and sits on the right side of the
couch, turns the TV on and pushes play on the DVD

I feel a little awkward and nervous in
the silence as we wait for the movie to start. I look out from the
corner of my eye at Jesse who seems to be feeling the same. Finally
the movie starts and I laugh. It’s Ice Age. “I freaking love this
movie!” I say laughing.

“It’s one of my favorites when I need
something light hearted,” Jesse says laughing.

By the time the movie is coming to its
end, I have fallen asleep. I am warm and the TV is turned off. I
feel a hand rubbing my hair on the back of my head. Oh that feels
so good. I look up and see Jesse watching me. Somehow I had laid
down on the couch, my head in his lap. Oh my!

“Sorry, I hope I didn’t wake you,
Cassie? I have been trying really hard not to say anything that
would make you uncomfortable. You’ve been through so much. But I
have to tell you. You’re so beautiful,” he whispers. I lay there
staring up at him and can’t help looking at his pouting lips. He
leans down lightly brushing his lips to mine. He holds them there
for a minute and pulls back. He looks at me with such caring and
love? Nah, it can’t be love, lust maybe?

I slowly sit up holding my side and
turn to him. I can tell he is uncomfortable. “I’m sorry. I know
it’s too soon. I shouldn’t have done that,” he says quickly looking

I smile and sigh. “No, that was
actually perfect. I know we don’t know each other very well yet but
I do trust you. You make me feel protected.” I lean over and kiss
his lips.

He puts his left arm around me and his
right hand to the side of the face and deepens our kiss. His tongue
searches my lower lip until I open my mouth for him. Our tongues
explore each other’s for what seemed to be hours even though I know
it was only minutes. Wow, can he kiss! We are both breathing
heavily now, and I am practically on his lap. When did that

Finally I pull back and look into his
gorgeous eyes. “Wow! That was incredible,” I whisper. He has a huge
smile on his face showing me those white perfect teeth and then his
face turns serious. “Yes, you are,” he says looking deep into my
eyes. I have just melted into a puddle on the couch.

Things like this just don’t happen to
me. I mean never. Nothing has gone right in my life. When I was
kidnapped it just added the icing on the cake that is my life. Now,
looking into my savior’s eyes, I feel that maybe my life is
changing. Finally, something good is happening in my life. I am
excited and scared at the same time. Scared that it could change,
this could be taken from me. No, I am going to live in the now, for
the moment, day by day. I am not going to let this feeling over
take me. I am going to be happy and enjoy this as long as life lets

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