My Seductive Innocent (15 page)

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Authors: Julie Johnstone

Tags: #regency romance, #Regency Historical Romance, #Historical Romance, #Julie Johnstone, #alpha male, #Nobility, #Artistocratic, #Suspenseful Romance

BOOK: My Seductive Innocent
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“How can I help you?” The butler’s question dripped disdain.

She brought herself to her full height. “I’m Sophia Vane.” When the butler gazed at her with a blank stare, her stomach flipped, but she took a breath for courage. “I’m here to marry His Grace.”

A look of disbelief crossed the older man’s face. “His Grace has no time for such foolishness.” The butler waved a hand at them. “Off with you.”

“Now see here,” she started.

“No, you see here,” the servant responded in a cool, unwavering tone. “If His Grace was to be married I would certainly know about it. There would be many preparations to be made, guests to be seen to, parties to be planned. You, miss, are a liar.”

Sophia fought back a wave of humiliation. Nathan hadn’t even told his servants he was to be married. Was he embarrassed by her?

As she fingered her short hair and took in her tattered gown, she squared her shoulders. “You will announce me right this moment or I will have you dismissed the minute I become duchess.”

The man eyed her without moving.

Anger and deep humiliation flared in her chest, but resolve flared stronger. She would get in this door. “If you are wrong about me how forgiving do you think His Grace will be? I wager not very, knowing him as I do.”

The butler’s eyes widened slightly, and he turned on his heel while motioning them to follow. Harry looked up at her and gave her a wink and a grin.

She winked back and followed the butler into the main entrance hall. She faltered, staring in awe at the luxury of the home. A grand staircase was immediately to the left and rose in an almost processional route to, she imagined, a great chamber on the main floor. She counted eight stairs ascending to a landing and then the staircase curved to another small set of stairs that ascended again and curved yet again.

As she and Harry trailed the butler up the stairs, her pulse seemed to quicken with each step. At the top, the servant led them into a grand room with a parquet floor and a higher ceiling than she had ever imagined existed.

She gaped up at it, unable to help herself. Mythological figures were framed in the panels, and busts sat on brackets all around the room, though she wasn’t at all certain whom the busts represented. She made a note to ask someone later. The hall had two majestic marble fireplaces that crackled and gave off a pleasant warmth. The large paneled windows—four on one wall alone—were stacked in twos, separated by an ornate decoration that jutted away from the wall to circle the entire room.

“Follow me,” the butler demanded and led them down a wing of the house past a long wall of portraits. Sophia studied each one as she went, counting five men in a row who surely had to be the former Dukes of Scarsdale. They paused outside a door, and the butler turned to them. “Wait here. I’ll announce you.”

Sophia nodded and hastily grabbed Harry’s arm when it appeared he might follow the butler into the room. Voices floated out from the room, and she pressed closer to the door to hear.

“You cannot be serious, Scarsdale.”

The woman’s cold, brittle tone made Sophia tense. Please God this was not the aunt Nathan had mentioned.

“Have you ever known me to joke?” Nathan’s tone matched the woman’s, icicle for icicle. “Especially about marriage.”

“No. No, I have not, which is why I find it hard to believe you would willingly marry a tavern wench.”

“Your Grace,” came the butler’s voice.

“One moment, Gibson,” Nathan snapped.

Footsteps filled the silence as they approached the door but Gibson did not appear. Sophia thought she made out a casted shadow across the floor by the entrance, and she imagined Gibson had retreated to a corner. It gave her perverse pleasure to think the stuffy butler had been chastised. Then she frowned at her cattiness.

“Watch what you say, Aunt Harriet,” Nathan warned. “You are speaking of the future Duchess of Scarsdale.”

Sophia let out a thankful breath that he had defended her.

“Scarsdale, they will never accept her.”

“You will make them, of course, because I have told you to do so.”

Sophia gasped. Nathan sounded nothing like the kind man she’d met last week. He sounded aloof and demanding.

“I cannot make the
accept a woman from such a low class.”

“I have every faith in you, Aunt Harriet. You are formidable.”

“I don’t understand you,” she practically screeched. “Gentlemen ruin women every day and never blink an eye. If your conscience truly will not let you walk away from this debacle, give the baggage some money. Money fixes everything.”

“No,” Nathan said in a hard, ruthless tone. “Money does not fix everything, and you know it as well as I do. If money fixed everything we would both be happy people.”

A pronounced silence filled the room. Finally, a long, irritated sigh interrupted the quiet. “I simply cannot stand the thought of you marrying so beneath you.”

“What is it you wish for me to do?” Nathan thundered.

“I wish you to be reasonable and forget her. She is not your problem. Besides, Scarsdale, from what you told me, I highly doubt she had much of a reputation from the start.”

Sophia curled her hands into fists. Harry moved to her side, slid his arms around her hips, and squeezed her. She managed to unclench her hands and touched a shaking one to the top of Harry’s head. Part of her wanted to flee this place and the wretched woman—who would be her relative if she married Nathan. She shuddered at the thought—and part of her wanted to make that harridan eat her words.

“Hear me now, Aunt, for I will never repeat this again.”

Sophia frowned at how threatening Nathan sounded.

“I am going to marry the woman.”

“I hear you,” the aunt snapped. “I still cannot fathom why.”


It would have hurt less if he’d plunged a knife into her gut. Her heart wrenched. Of course, she had known he likely felt this way, but to hear him say it stung as if she had received a ghastly wound. She clutched at her midsection, and Harry squeezed her hand hard.

“I pity her. She was kind enough to give me directions and offer to lead me to the horse trainer, and in return, she was forced to kill someone to save me. She could have fled and left me there to die on the road, but she once again chose to save my life, regardless of the consequences to her own.”

“That is because she knew she would be rewarded,” the aunt grumbled.

“She knew no such thing. For all she knew, I would die before she got me to a physician.”

“I doubt she had the wherewithal to consider that,” the aunt inserted.

“She’s quite intelligent, actually.”


“Enough of your whining,” he barked. “She acted selflessly. That fact is indisputable. And for her actions, her father purposely ruined what little bit of a pathetic name she likely had, and in the process he ruined her hopes she had for herself.”

Nathan’s voice rose with each word, and Sophia’s pulse sped up. One minute she was certain he only pitied her, and the next she thought she heard admiration in his words.

“I will not repay all she did for me and all she endured for me by knowingly leaving her to the life of a ruined woman. The only way to make it right is to marry her. It is the only thing that will save her reputation.”

“Why save it?” the aunt shrieked. “Set her up in a nice house, buy her gowns and jewels, and the gentlemen will flock to her. You know it is true. They will shove one another out of the way to make her their mistress once they think you have had her.”

A sound of disgust came from Nathan, and Sophia almost slumped in relief upon hearing it. Truly, he was much more honorable than his aunt.

“She is not meant for that sort of life,” he replied. “Even though she has come from the worst sort of circumstance, her eyes burn with hope and she has a certain irrepressible spirit.”

A smile tugged at the corner of Sophia’s mouth. He did like her! That was an excellent start.

“I will not destroy that hope, nor crush that spirit, and that is all there is to it. She will be here tomorrow. You can either agree to accept her and treat her with the respect she will command as my duchess or you can find somewhere else to live and someone else to fund the lifestyle you love so dearly.”

A loud sniff emanated from the room, followed by shuffling papers and one of the men clearing his throat.

“What is it, Gibson?” Nathan growled.

“Your Grace, there are two persons here to see you. One of them claims she is to be your wife.”

Sophia cringed at the distaste for her in the butler’s tone.

“Only one of them claims she is going to be my wife?” Nathan asked with a chuckle. “How boring.”

“Yes, Your Grace.”

“Is she a slight woman with dark hair?”

“I believe so, Your Grace.”

“You believe so?”
The mocking tone made Sophia feel bad for Gibson, though he did have a poker stuck up his bum.

“I did not take much notice that she was a woman, Your Grace, except she had on a gown. Her hair is short like a man’s.”

“Oh dear heaven!” Nathan’s aunt cried out.

“Get hold of yourself,” Nathan snapped. “Gibson, where did you put my intended and her brother?”

“Outside the door, Your Grace.”

“Bring them to me at once.”

Sophia scrambled backward so it wouldn’t appear she had been listening. She reminded herself that ladies did not hit, but it would be ever so lovely to slap his aunt across the face upon meeting her. But then the woman would know her words had affected Sophia and
was out of the question.

The door opened and Mr. Gibson motioned to them. “His Grace will see you now.”

Sophia straightened and imitated the butler’s stiff walk as she made her way into the room, followed by Harry. A quick glance around at the ornate bookcases containing countless books encased with gleaming covers confirmed she was in a grand library. She inhaled a deep breath and the scent of leather filled her nose.

She had the overwhelming urge to ogle the expensive books, but she didn’t want to make herself look like a fool. Instead, she searched the room for Nathan, and her eyes immediately widened and her mouth parted. God, the man was a creation to rival the most exquisite Greek statues.

Nathan wore gleaming top boots over grayish-yellow fitted buckskins and a simple white linen shirt open at the collar. His dark hair was tousled, as if he had been riding with such speed the wind had blown it hither and tither. Even dressed casually as he was, his bearing was every inch the proud, aristocratic duke. Her heart thumped a greeting.

He held a crop in his hand that, as he stood, he placed on the massive desk he had been negligently leaning against. “You’re a day early.” An easy smile spread across his face as he came toward her and quickly introduced her and Harry to his aunt, Lady Anthony, who barely acknowledged them. He took Sophia’s hand and brought it to his lips.

The contact of his skin to hers caused sparks to shoot from her fingertips straight to her heart, and it was as if she were melting on the inside. A thick lock of his unruly hair fell over his simmering coal eyes as he bent his head. When he came up, he shoved the lock off his forehead and gave her a smile that seemed created especially for her. “I take it your journey was uneventful?”

She couldn’t seem to speak. He was the apple in the Garden of Eden. No, she quickly amended, he was likely more similar to the sinful snake. She choked back a nervous giggle.

“Dear God, she’s mute,” Lady Anthony murmured.

Sophia looked at the woman and frowned. She’s expected a fat, wrinkled cow, but Nathan’s aunt was lovely―the outside of her, at least. Her ice-blue silk gown showed she clearly possessed the feminine curves Sophia did not. She had pale skin that looked as soft as a baby’s and didn’t appear to have any rough patches like Sophia’s did. Her hair, a rich chestnut color, sat in a high, twined knot atop her head to display a long, pretty neck. Sophia’s hand fluttered self-consciously to her short hair and shame filled her, followed quickly by irritation that the woman could cause such an emotion so easily.

His aunt shook her head before speaking. “Scarsdale, you cannot do this! Look at the thing.” She waved a hand at Sophia. “I cannot make anyone accept this...this...
. You will make me a laughingstock.”

Sophia nostrils flared and she searched for a clever remark to flay the woman, but before she could speak, Nathan said, “If I were you, I would worry more, dear Aunt Harriet, about being homeless than being a laughingstock. Because if you don’t accept Miss Vane, and do everything in your power to help soothe her entrance into Society, I will throw you out of the dowager house, regardless of Ellison’s wishes. Are we clear?”

Sophia allowed a great big smile to spread across her face as she gazed at the shrew. She hoped the woman would apologize.

“We are clear,” Lady Anthony replied in a glacial tone that contained no hint of remorse. “But hear me now, Scarsdale. You may threaten me all you wish, but I am no magic worker. I cannot turn a weed into a flower. My reach will only go so far. If you take this woman to London in her current state, they will devour her. You’ll rue the day you failed to listen to me. I beg you, wait until...” Her frosty, gray gaze swept haughtily over Sophia’s body from her slippers to her face. “Wait until you can at least properly clothe her, teach her manners, and do something about her wretched hair before bringing her into the lion’s den. I fear there is nothing to be done about the rest of her.”

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