My Shameful Secret (Forbidden Stepbrother Billionaire Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: My Shameful Secret (Forbidden Stepbrother Billionaire Romance)
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The words worked like a damn ice bucket challenge, and I didn’t even fucking know I was being challenged.
A boy had asked her out,
she said. Simple words, but they exploded in my mind, tearing off the blinders I had deliberately used to hide the truth.

My little sister…was not so little anymore.

She had grown up into a beautiful woman, and the boys around her had started to notice.

I knew the guy who had asked her out. He was a decent sort, good-looking, smart, and sensible. But it didn’t matter. Just the thought of him being alone with my sister…

I fucking flipped.

I couldn’t stop myself from saying all sorts of things. All I knew was that I had to stop her from going out with that guy. With any damn guy. But when I ended up hurting her—

I had never felt so damn angry with myself.

“Misha?” She didn’t say a thing, but I could hear her struggling to keep herself from crying. The sound broke me.

“I’m sorry, brat,” I rasped out. “I didn’t mean a word of it. I swear. Jared’s a lucky bastard if you choose to…” I forced the words out. “If you choose to go out with him.”

A full minute passed.

“Talk to me, Mish. Please.”

A moment passed, then Misha’s whisper came through the line. “I have a hard time believing you.”

The pain in her voice had me gripping my phone tightly and nearly crushing it in the process. “Then tell me what to do so you’d believe me.” I squeezed my eyes shut. “I mean it. Any guy,” I said hoarsely. “Any damn guy would be lucky to have you…”

And whoever that guy was, I’d envy the hell out of him.

I froze.

But the thought remained, and the feelings that came with it were real. So fucking real I couldn’t breathe, panic taking a chokehold of my throat.

Fuck, FUCK,

What the hell was this?

Over the phone, Misha suddenly spoke. “Saehan?” Her voice was soft, hesitant but melodic. So damn sweet I could almost feel her fingers brushing against my arm as she spoke.

My entire body shuddered, and before I knew it, I was hard as fuck.


I looked down on my body. I was in my bed, wearing nothing but a pair of black boxers. Underneath the silk was the unmistakable evidence of my arousal. The sight made me sick, but even so, I couldn’t stop it, couldn’t stop my cock from swelling – couldn’t damn stop my balls from aching.

Swallowing, I strove hard to keep my voice normal. “Yeah, brat?”

She choked out, “I don’t want to fight.”

My eyes closed again. I could see her so easily. I knew her so damn well my mind had no trouble imagining how her crying face would look like. I said hoarsely, “I don’t want to fight either.”

“You hurt me.”

“I know.” I took a deep breath, knowing she was waiting for an explanation. “I’m sorry. I just…I’m having a really hard time right now.”

“Oh, Saehan.” My sister’s voice became concerned, worried. It was just like her to forget her pain and put my problems above hers.

She was so goddamn sweet!

And the thought worked like an aphrodisiac, my cock stiffening.

“What’s wrong? Are you homesick?”

“No. It’s not that.”

“Then what?”

I hated the thought of lying to her, but I knew it was just as impossible to tell her the truth. If she knew…if any of our family knew what I was thinking about…

“There’s a girl I like,” I heard myself say. “But she doesn’t know how I feel. When you told me a boy asked you out on a date – I lashed out. I was…envious of you.”

“Oh, Saehan.” She sounded so miserable it made me feel guilty. She should hate me right now, should be thinking I was such a selfish jerk for ripping her apart for such a lame reason.

But instead, she felt sad for me.

“You should look for another girl if it’s impossible to date the one you like, don’t you think?”

Her words were painfully and ironically accurate, like Misha rejecting me without even meaning to.

“Don’t you think it’s unfair—”

“No.” I could almost see her shaking her head. “I…I’m sorry about the other girls, but they’re not my priority. You are. I can’t bear thinking you’re sad and alone there, Sae. Please find someone else—”

If only that was possible.

But right now, with how everything in me felt so damn alive just because I was talking to her…

I was in love with my sister.

And I had a feeling there was no escaping it.

“Misha…” I struggled to keep my voice level even though so many desperate words were begging to come out. “Thank you for being so damn nice. Too nice.”

“You’re too nice also, Sae,” Misha whispered. “If it was up to me, I’d tell you to date another girl…to f-fuck her—”

“Misha!” I had never heard her use the F-word until now.

“I can’t bear hearing you sad,” she cried out. “It all makes sense now. Why you blew up for no reason…I can hear it in your voice. You really love that girl, don’t you?”

Her words stabbed me, and I slowly lowered my head.

Yes. I really loved her. Mish. My stepsister.

“If you can’t have her for whatever reason – and I think she’s stupid that she doesn’t want someone as perfect as you – then do what you can to get her out of your system. Take another one as your girlfriend, pretend it’s her if you have to, just…just don’t be alone, Sae. Please.”

It was three in the morning in Florida by the time I finally convinced my sister I was okay and that I wouldn’t be jumping off the balcony the moment she put the phone down.

When I heard the telltale click, the first thing that came to my mind was vulgarly simple.

I was going to take her advice, right this minute.

My hand slipped inside my boxers, and my fingers curled around my cock.

Mish told me I should do whatever I wanted to get the girl I liked out of my system.

Since that was what she wanted, I sure as hell wouldn’t refuse.

I closed my eyes.

An image of my sister materialized.

Slowly, vividly, perfectly.

I imagined my sister wearing an oversized shirt, which was surely one of mine. It was what she liked to wear to sleep. I imagined her slowly pulling the shirt over her head.


I started to stroke myself.

The Misha in my mind was blushing, the rosy color spreading all over her body. She had tossed away the shirt and was now unclipping her bra from the back. A moment later, the lacy piece fell to the floor, revealing her lovely breasts.


My hand moved faster, my cock throbbing hard. It took only a few more strokes before I came with a hiss.

I didn’t want to speak, but as my seed exploded in powerful spurts, my lips parted, and the name I didn’t want to say came out.




The whole family flew to England on the day of my graduation. I had wanted to pay for their fare – it would just be a drop in the bucket for me since Vivian had already given me access to my inheritance. But Hector insisted on paying for it. He really was an honorable man, my dad. I could see why it would never have worked out between him and my real mom. Vivian wasn’t evil, but she could be a cruel, spoiled, and outrageously greedy bitch most of the time.

I got to the airport thirty minutes earlier than their expected arrival. My family thought I was tied up in the university, and that only a driver would come to fetch them. It was a lie of course. I wanted to surprise them.

But in the end, I was the one who got surprised instead.

Standing at the edge of the crowd but towering over most people, I was able to spot her first.


My sister.

My chest tightened at the sight of her. Was it just me, or had she grown even more beautiful since the last time I saw her? Like Elizabeth, she had auburn hair and green eyes. It was an eye-catching combination, especially with her alabaster skin glowing with perfect health. She wore a black wool dress that hugged her slender curves, and I could see the guys doing double takes whenever they passed her by. It made my fists clench, and it took everything in me not to charge through the crowd and pull her into my arms.

She was mine.


Her dress had an off-the-shoulder neckline and as she turned towards the exit doors, it slipped a little on the left, revealing the gentle creamy slope of her shoulder.

Just like that, and I was hard.


I turned back swiftly. The crowd was thinning, and it was only a matter of time before they found me. I had to get my body under control before that happened.


“Don’t bother hiding it,” Elizabeth teased from the window seat. “It’s obvious you’re excited.”

I stuck out my tongue but didn’t deny the truth. I
excited to see my brother. And apprehensive, but our parents didn’t have to know that. It had been months since our fight, and though he still called home often, it just wasn’t the same. I had tried bringing it up whenever I got to talk to him on my own, but Saehan would just change the subject all the time. Eventually, I stopped trying to talk to him about it. I told myself it was better if I’d do it now. In
. When I could see his face and see how he really felt.

When the plane landed, I was the first to go, ignoring my parents’ laughing calls for me to wait. I was just so excited to see Saehan. I went past the baggage claiming area, knowing my dad would get mine for me. I wanted to see my brother –

A huge crowd waited past the exit doors, and I wondered anxiously how we’d be able to find the guy who was supposed to pick us up at the airport. Vivian St. Clair was throwing a pre-graduation party for Saehan tonight, and we couldn’t afford to be late.

Craning my neck, I tried looking for anyone holding a placard that bore our names. Instead, I found the most amazing-looking guy standing with his back to me, a book on his hands.

When asked, most girls were attracted to a guy’s face first. For others, it was the size of the guy’s bank balance. But me, what I liked best was how a man looked from behind. And this guy at the bookstand?

Sexy back.

He was incredibly tall, topping six feet by several inches. His hair was a rich shiny shade of ebony, his skin olive-toned. His long-sleeved shirt seemed to be custom-tailored for his build, emphasizing the broadness of his shoulders and the wide, hard expanse of his chest. His dark gray trousers were also a perfect fit, and the way it accentuated the well-rounded shape of his buttocks made me feel a little hot in the face.

Sexy back, sexy back, sexy back.

The words floated in my mind, and I felt like I was floating myself, with how beautiful he looked from the back. If his front matched his rear –

Oh, wow.

I was so addicted to the sight of him that I found myself approaching him, slowly, then almost giddily. I was young, single, and in England. Surely it was time I tried making the first move for once?

I was already seventeen, and my only experience with the opposite sex was that disastrous non-date encounter with Jared. Wasn’t it time I buried that in the past, where it belonged, and try again?

I took deep gulps of breath.
You can do this, Misha,
I chanted to myself.

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