Read My Sister's a Yo Yo Online
Authors: Gretel Killeen
When tiny Eppie and Zeke get blown out their mother's nose in a superball of snot they find themselves hurtling through the air and into the pages of a book of fairytales. What follows is a belly-laugh-bundle-full of nibbling-niggling-gnomes, big-bold-beady-eyed wolves, wicked-wizzled-witches, three perky pigs, seven dilly dwarves, Snow White, Prince Charming, an evil pop group called The Step Sisters PLUS Robin Hood and his miserable men! You'll be gob-smacked as Zeke and Eppie fight and fumble to escape the clutches of Fairytale Land, return to normal size and then get home to mum (but not back inside her nose).
When tiny Eppie and Zeke finally manage to escape from a book they accidentally end up in a rattling carriage that is part of their mother's train of thought. Unable to get off at Real World, Dream World or even Fantasy World, Zeke and Eppie find themselves hurtling toward their mother's ridiculous nightmare. What follows is a laugh-till-you-split-your-sides adventure full of googly ghosts, drastic draculas, spiralling spiders, haunted houses, vampish vampires, potent potions, rapping bats and disgusting meals that never end. Will Zeke and Eppie escape from the nightmare or will they be stuck in their mother's bad thoughts forever (along with the boyfriend she had when she was nine and a packet of chocolate biscuits)?
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Version 1.0
My Sister's a Yo Yo
Published by Random House Australia 2012
Text copyright © Gretel Killeen 1997
Illustrations copyright © Leigh Hobbs 1997
The moral right of the author has been asserted.
A Random House Australia book
Published by Random House Australia Pty Ltd
Level 3, 100 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060
Addresses for companies within the Random House Group can be found at
First published in 1997, reprinted 1999 (twice), 2000, 2001 (twice), 2003
National Library of Australia
Cataloguing-in-Publication Entry
Killeen, Gretel.
My sister's a yo yo [electronic resource]/ Killeen, Gretel.
ISBN 9781742747750 (Ebook)
1. Australian wit and humour. I. Killeen, Gretel. II. Hobbs, Leigh.
Cover, title and half title pages designed by Andrew Hoyne Design.
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