My Wicked Valentine (Club Wicked 1) (22 page)

Read My Wicked Valentine (Club Wicked 1) Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Multicultural, #contemporary, #BDSM, #erotic romance

BOOK: My Wicked Valentine (Club Wicked 1)
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Finally he was seated all the way, his balls hitting her
clit due to the angle he had her at. Her pussy throbbed around his dick,
seeking to milk him dry. One slow slide out, then back in, repeating the motion
and pace until she once again began to writhe beneath him. God, she was sexy
when she was being fucked. She’d turned her head to the side, and her eyes were
closed, her full lips parted and soft. The memory of her eagerly swallowing his
load yesterday did nothing to cool him down, and he picked up the pace.

He shoved his hand between the pillow and her pussy, rubbing
her clit until she tensed and then screamed, her tight inner muscles massaging
his erection in a mind-blowing manner. Holding completely still was torture,
but he wanted another orgasm from her before he let go.

Her pussy finally relaxed around him, and he pulled out
almost all the way, only to slam back in. She arched as much as she could, her
desperate cry galvanizing him. He continued to play with her, coaxing her
little clit back to hardness, driving her ruthlessly toward her peek again. She
tightened around him, and he had to fight to move again, loving the drag of her
flesh gripping him.

aquí mero
right there.
Más recio, ay, me vas hacer
.” She arched and rocked with his strokes. “Isaac, oh, Isaac.”

The tenderness in her voice affected him more than her
passionate cries, and he pinched her nub between his fingers, gently rolling it
back and forth. She screamed and bucked against him as her orgasm triggered his
own. With a bellow he slammed into her as far as he could go and let her pussy
suck the cum out of him. It felt so fucking good. He couldn’t remember anything
ever feeling better than emptying himself in Lucia. Even as his body poured
into hers, his heart filled with her, drinking in her beauty, her kindness, and
her passion.

All for him. Only him.

With a groan he pulled out and collapsed next to her, sweat
cooling on his skin. For a long time neither of them moved, and as reality
crept back in, he wanted to kick himself in the ass for having had sex with
her. He’d broken his own rule for her, and he didn’t like how much power that
gave her over him. Already he knew one taste would not be enough, but he couldn’t
be what she needed or what she deserved. He was broken inside and had been for
so long he didn’t think anyone or anything could fix it.

Disgusted with himself, he pushed off the bed and avoided
her gaze when she rolled over to look at him. He pulled a pair of his pants off
the back of the chair near the window and jerked them on, avoiding her
questioning gaze the whole time.

“I’ll be downstairs. You can use the shower first.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught her frown. “Why
don’t we shower together?”

He walked toward the door, unable to shake the feeling he
was running from her. “No, I’ve got to check in with my business and make some


The hurt in her voice stabbed at him, making him feel like
the biggest asshole on earth. He wanted to turn around, to go back in there and
carry her into the shower, to take care of her forever. That thought made his
heart slam against his ribs, and he rubbed his chest.


He paused at the top of the stairs and turned around,
looking over her shoulder and trying not to notice how well fucked she looked.

“Was it really that bad?”

His jaw fell, and he closed it with a snap. “What?”

She laced her hands together in front of her but squared her
shoulders. “That, us, in there. Did I disappoint you?” Her voice choked on the
last word.

Before he knew it he’d crossed the short distance between
them and had her in his arms, cuddled to his chest. She tried to push him away,
but he held her closer. “Lucia, you deserve better. I can never be the kind of
man you need. What happened in there was a mistake.”

Her growl in response should have warned him, but when she
stepped back and preformed a perfectly executed leg sweep on him, laying him
out flat on his back, he couldn’t believe that his sweet little Lucia had done
that. Oh, but she didn’t look sweet now. She looked pissed.

Really pissed.

His suicidal libido stirred and suggested he pull her down
here with him, but he didn’t want to lose any limbs. “What was that for?”

She stood over his legs with her feet spread, giving him a
glimpse of her still-wet sex. A primal part of him roared in satisfaction that
some of that moisture was caused by him coming inside her.

“I don’t want better. I want you.”

His chest tightened, and he vaguely wondered if he was
having a heart attack. There couldn’t be any other explanation for the sudden
thudding of his heart and this dizzy feeling. Doubt and hope clashed within
him, making him feel unbalanced, exposed. He hated being so vulnerable to a
woman, opening himself for the emotional pain of her eventual betrayal. He
wanted to believe Lucia would never do that to him, but he couldn’t be sure and
loving her was just too big of a risk. God, he wanted to trust her, but he just
couldn’t. His ex-wife had eviscerated that part of his soul.

“No, you don’t.”

She sat down on his chest with a thump and leaned down until
their noses almost touched. She was so fucking sexy when she was pissed. “Yes,
I do. Now the question is, why don’t you want me?” A touch of pain raced across
her dark eyes, and he felt like a complete dick.

“Lucia, I do want you.”

The sincerity of his words seemed to reach her, and she
momentarily cupped his face with one hand. “Well, then, why don’t you take me?”

Struggling against himself he gave her a cold smile. “I
thought I just did.”

She growled again, but before she could attack him, he
flipped her over and pinned her to the soft carpet of his hallway with his
body. “Look, Lucia, I’m fucked up, okay? I don’t know if I’ll ever trust a
woman enough to give myself to her.”

In response she buried her hands in his hair and pulled him
down for a hard, angry kiss. Their mouths slanted together, each desperate for
the other. This felt so right, so good.

She broke their kiss by biting his lip and glared at him
when he pulled back. “I never pegged you for a quitter.”

Shocked, he pushed off her and sat back on his heels. “You
have no idea what you’re talking about.”

She stood and wiped her mouth. “You’re right, I don’t know
what happened with you, but guess what? Bad relationships happen to everyone! I
can’t count how many times I’ve been in a shitty relationship and had my heart
broken, but I don’t give up.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Do
you really want to spend the rest of your life alone in this big apartment,
rattling around like the last pea in a tin can? Are you really happy like

He looked away and stood up, brushing imaginary lint from
his pants. “Yes.”

Liar, liar, liar.

She shook her head. “I don’t understand. Why would you want
to be alone?”

“I’ve had enough of this conversation.” He walked past her,
keeping a wide berth in case she decided to launch an attack at him again. Who
knew his Kitten had moves like a ninja? With his heart in his throat, he paused
and kept his face to the wall as he said, “I’ll let you know if I get any
updates about the blackmailer. You have use of my entire apartment. If you’re
hungry, please feel free to use the kitchen or order yourself something from
room service.”

She didn’t reply, and he took long strides down the hallway,
trying to tell himself he wasn’t running away from her.

Chapter Thirteen

Lucia grabbed her cell phone, her throat already closing up
as she flopped back onto her exquisitely comfortable bed in the guest room. Unlike
Isaac’s bed, these sheets didn’t smell like him. She turned her phone on and
scrolled through her list of messages. An unfamiliar number came up, and she
frowned. She selected that message and brought the phone to her ear.

“Hi, Lucia, this is Laurel. I just wanted to let you know
I’ll need you to stop by the shop to look over your costume for the Valentine’s
Day party. I think I’ve got what you wanted, but I want to make doubly sure
before I do the finishing touches.”

Her phone beeped, and she ended the call, staring up at the
ceiling. Isaac’s flip-flopping moods were giving her emotional whiplash, and
she didn’t know what to do. What could have happened that was so horrible?

Her eyes widened, and she picked up her phone again. She
didn’t know what happened, but Laurel might.

On the second ring the other woman picked up. “Hi, Lucia.”

She had to clear her throat before she could speak, Isaac’s
rejection starting to sink in as her anger faded. “Hi, Laurel. Can I ask you a

“Sure, kiddo. What’s up?”

“What happened to Isaac to make him swear off relationships

Laurel blew out a long breath. “Well, that’s not quite what
I was expecting. Why do you ask?”

Her anger resurfaced. “Because one minute he acts like he
love—er, likes me, and the next he’s as cold and distant as can be.” She
groaned and rubbed her palm against her forehead. “I don’t know if I can deal
with this. He really hurt my feelings this morning.”

“This morning?”

She quickly explained the situation to Laurel, leaving out the
part about having sex. The other woman was quiet for a moment. “I’m coming to
pick you up.”


“Just take a shower and make sure you’re all buffed, shaved,
and ready to go.”

“I wax,” she muttered as she sat up. “Laurel, I can’t

“Yes, you can, and you will. Look, I love Isaac dearly, but
he needs a good kick in the ass. I have an idea that might do the trick.”

* * * *

Lucia tiptoed to the elevator and prayed Isaac didn’t hear
the chime of the doors opening. Unfortunately fate was conspiring against her,
because the moment the doors started to slide open, he came into the foyer, now
fully dressed in a suit and dark green tie, looking better than he had any
right to.

His gaze narrowed, but his distant expression stayed in
place. “Where are you going?”

Her heart pounded hard enough to add a slight tremble to her
voice. “That’s none of your concern.”

The doors to the elevator started to close, but she jammed a
hand in to keep them open. If they closed, he’d have more time to talk to her
and might even manage to convince her to stay. But nothing between them would
change, and she’d only be setting herself up for even more heartbreak.

Hurt flashed across his face before he once again schooled
his features into his usual arrogant look. “Lucia, be reasonable—“

If she hadn’t been keeping her hand in the door, she would
have been tempted to choke him. “Reasonable? Oh yes, let’s talk about
reasonable. You have not only fucked me, but you fucked me over.”

He didn’t say anything, just crossed his arms and stared at

“What? Nothing to say? Yeah, I thought so, because you know
that you’re a fucking asshole.” She stepped into the elevator, and he made a
move to come after her. “You can’t keep me here, Isaac. I don’t belong to you,
and I never will. Thank you for showing me your true colors.”

Still he said nothing, but his whole body radiated tension.
He opened his mouth to say something, then shut it again.

The doors started to slide closed, but she put her hand out
one more time to stop them. “Oh, and you’re no longer my business partner. I
know enough to throw the party, and I want you to stay far away from me. I’d
say our relationship is over, but we never had one. All I was to you was a
means to an end, a convenient hole to fuck, and I understand that now.”

“Lucia, wait—“

The pain in his eyes almost stopped her, almost made her go
to him, but her rage still burned bright. She remove her hand from the elevator
door and stared at him as the doors slid shut, a small part of her wishing he’d
taken two steps forward to stop her, but in the end, he did nothing, and that
hurt worst of all.

The sounds of the hotel lobby washed over her as the doors
to her elevator opened. A woman behind the desk next to the row of elevators
smiled at her, and Lucia smiled back, a blush burning her cheeks. There was no
way the hotel employee could have known what she’d been doing upstairs, but she
still felt like she was doing the walk of shame as she made her way to the
front of the room.

Laurel spotted her first. “Lucia, over here.” The tall
redhead wore an impeccably tailored mint-green dress that flattered her angular

“Hi, thanks for coming.”

“You’re most welcome, sweetheart.” She pursed her lips and
looked closer. “Have you been crying?”

“No, not at all.”

Renewed tears burned in her eyes, and Laurel sighed. “Come
on. You can tell me in the car.”

They silently walked out the front door together, and Lucia
turned her face up to the cold winter sun. She’d brought her purse along with
her but had left the rest of her stuff at Isaac’s. Later tonight, if things
didn’t improve, she was going to her parents’ house. There was no way anyone
could get near her there with her family surrounding her. Then again she really
didn’t want to bring all this drama home with her. Maybe she’d find a cheaper
hotel to stay in. God knew she couldn’t afford more than one night here at the

Laurel hit her car alarm, and a big black SUV beeped. “Here
we go. I’ve got the seats warming up for us.”

The warmth of the leather embraced Lucia as she got in, and
she pressed her chilled hands beneath her butt. “So, I, um, I bet you’re
wondering what is going on.”

Laurel turned on the car and pulled carefully out of her
space. “Let me guess. Isaac’s fear of commitment has overruled every brain cell
he has, and he’s trying to push you away.”

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