Read My Wicked Valentine (Club Wicked 1) Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Multicultural, #contemporary, #BDSM, #erotic romance

My Wicked Valentine (Club Wicked 1) (6 page)

BOOK: My Wicked Valentine (Club Wicked 1)
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A man cleared his throat, and Lucia jumped, then flushed.
“I’m sorry, I was daydreaming. How can I help you?”

On the other side of the marble bar top stood a supercute
dark-haired guy in a pair of leather pants. His pouty lower lip was pierced,
and he was remarkably pale with skin like ivory. She immediately thought of Chloe’s
comments about cute guys in leather pants and had to bite back a smile. His
green eyes glowed with mischief as he leaned forward and said in a deep voice
while looking at her breasts, “Any daydreams I can help come true?”

She rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her hip. Men had
been drooling over her breasts since she developed them, and it annoyed the
shit out of her. True, this outfit kinda invited it, but that didn’t mean she
couldn’t redirect their attention. “My eyes are up here, buddy.”

He cocked his head and gave her an innocent look. “I was
admiring your corset, ma’am.”

A tall redheaded woman dressed like a naughty French maid
hip checked him. “You’re barking up the wrong tree, Adam. This one belongs to

Lucia leaned over and fished out the little medallion that
had slipped into the V above her breasts and held it up. “Yep, taken. Sorry.”

Adam gave her a frown that he must have practiced in the
mirror, because it made him look so cute. “Oh. My mistake.”

“It’s okay. I’m actually an event planner that will be doing
Wicked’s Valentine’s Day party, but I’m trying to learn the lay of the land
tonight.” The smile dropped off his face, and he gave her a decidedly
unfriendly look. She flushed, confused by his sudden change in demeanor. “Um, can
I get you a drink? I really am a good bartender.”

He swallowed and gave her a forced smile. “No, that’s okay.”

The other woman patted his back. “Are you all right, Adam?
You’re looking a little pale—well, paler than usual.”

He shook his head, a lock of his dark hair falling over his
eyes. “Thanks, but I’m okay. I forgot to eat dinner tonight, so I’m a little
light-headed.” He regained his composure and gave Lucia a flirtatious grin. “I
don’t suppose you have anything for me to eat?”

A hot blush burned her ears. “I think we have some peanuts
around here. Or I can order you something from the kitchen.”

He gave a dramatic sigh. “I don’t suppose you’re a switch?”

The redhead snorted. “The only thing that’s going to get
switched is your ass if you don’t watch yourself. Take a look down yonder bar.”
They all turned, and Lucia raised her eyebrows in surprise at the dark look
Isaac was giving Adam. “If you want to give his arm a try, you keep flirting
with his pet. Plus I don’t think Lady Morgana would be too happy offering your

Adam held up his hands and backed away. “Please don’t say
anything to her. I was just joking. Besides, I see what you mean about Master
Isaac.” With that he turned and sauntered farther down the hallway to where
other theme rooms were. Both women watched him walk away and sighed in

The redhead held out her hand. “Hi, my name is Laurel. I’m
assuming you’re Isaac’s Kitten?”

Remembering that she needed to play the role of Isaac’s
submissive, she nodded. “That’s me.”

Laurel grinned and leaned against the bar. “I need a magnum
of the 99 Cristal and three champagne glasses.”

“Right away.” She went over to the massive champagne cooler
and rooted through the racks of bottles looking for the one Laurel wanted.
Goodness, there had to be tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of champagne
here. She grabbed the right bottle and turned back to the bar.

Laurel took it from her with a friendly smile and handed
Lucia her membership card to swipe. “So Isaac mentioned you’re really, really
new to the lifestyle.”

With a dry chuckle, Lucia nodded, then swiped her card and
handed it back. “You could say I’m taking a crash course.” She picked up one of
the crystal champagne glasses and gave it a quick rubdown with a clean cloth.

“While I can understand why he dressed you the way he did,
and you look fucking fantastic by the way, I don’t think he intentionally meant
for you to come off as a Domme. Am I wrong in assuming you aren’t very
interested in paddling any cute boy’s ass? Or girls?”

Lucia laughed and placed another glass on the tray. “No.
That really doesn’t do anything for me.”

“But being paddled does?”

“Oh, I’ve never been paddled. I’ve been spanked before, and
it was really hot, but we were both drunk at the time.”

Laurel shot a narrow-eyed look in Isaac’s direction.
“Pushing you kind of fast, isn’t he? I mean, you’ve never done anything kinkier
than a spanking, and he throws you in the middle of Wicked dressed like that.
Need me to talk to him?”

“No,” she said quickly. “Thank you, but no. I promise you he
didn’t drag me here against my will or anything like that. He’s a great guy,
and he’s been nothing but nice to me.”

Laurel rolled the stem of the glass between her fingers. “He
must really like and trust you.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because of the Rick James he pulled to get you in here.”

Lucia shook her head. “Did I fall down the rabbit hole at
some point?”

The other woman’s laughter was warm and husky. “What I’m
trying to say is he put his ass on the line to get you in to this club. We call
it a Rick James because the singer tried to get in here once in the eighties,
and he threw an epic fit when no one recognized him.”

“So Isaac threw a fit to get me in here?”

“Well, his version of a fit. He had to get all threatening
and scary about what he’d do if they didn’t let you in.”

Embarrassment flooded Lucia. She covered her face with her
hands and mumbled through her fingers, “Shit.”

Laurel patted her on the head. “Don’t worry, Kitten. As long
as you do what he says, you’ll be okay. Master Isaac is a good man, and he
deserves a good woman. You’re the first sub he’s ever brought here with him,
and to me that speaks volumes about your character.”

“I…that is…thanks.” She wished one of the chandeliers would
fall from the ceiling and crush her, saving her from this uncomfortable
situation. “But look, I’m not out to hurt him. He is a great guy, and I want
this to work.”

“Just remember, even if something he asks you to do seems
weird, don’t argue in public with him about it unless he’s hurting you or you
have to go to the bathroom.”

“Thanks for the advice.” She swore she could feel Isaac’s
gaze burning into her back. Did he know they were talking about him?

Laurel took the last glass from her with a small smile. She
leaned forward and motioned Lucia closer. “For what it’s worth, every time I’ve
come in here, he’s been watching you. I’ve never seen him so focused on anyone
before, not even his ex-wife.”

She glanced over her shoulder, and sure enough, Isaac was watching
them. He raised one eyebrow and shook his empty glass.

“Uh-oh, busted,” Laurel said with a laugh. “I hope he
doesn’t talk to my Master about me gossiping. He’ll strap my ass till it’s

Alarmed, she leaned over to pat Laurel’s hand. “I’ll make sure
he knows you’re innocent.”

“Please don’t.” She gave a mock shudder that sent her auburn
curls trembling. “I love it when my Master scolds me. It was nice meeting you,
Kitten. Now you better go see what your Dom wants before he comes over here and
hangs you from the ceiling as a bar ornament.”

She took a deep breath and turned away from Laurel, only to
find herself caught by Isaac’s gaze. He had arched eyebrows, and when he
smirked, as he was doing now, he looked downright fuckable. No, no, not
fuckable. He looked like her boss, kind of sort of, even though the people who
owned the club were actually her bosses, and he was more like an emissary from
the world of leather and lace.

Those thoughts didn’t cool her down as she approached him.
When his gaze locked on her breasts, she put an extra spring in her step,
inwardly laughing at the slightly glazed look on his face. Okay, so maybe she
was a bit of a hypocrite considering the way she’d told off the last guy who
had stared at her breasts, but when Isaac watched her, something deep inside
her soul purred with pleasure.

Her smooth glide was interrupted by an ill-placed napkin
stuck to her heel. With a low growl, she leaned over and tugged, then tossed
the offending paper into the garbage can beneath the bar. He wisely didn’t
laugh when she reached him.

“Could I get a rum and Coke?”

She crossed her arms beneath her breasts, aware she was
acting like a total hussy and finding it strangely hard to care. Maybe they
pumped some kind of hormone into the air here so everyone felt incredibly
horny. It was certainly a better thought than the idea that this man, whom she
barely knew, affected her so much.

“Sir, may I have your ticket, please?”

His grin fell, and he leaned forward on the bar. “I must
confess, I’m out of tickets. See, I’ve been busy glaring at everyone getting
near you, and it’s a rather thirsty task.”

She pointed to the sign behind her that clearly stated the
drinking rules of the club. “Sorry, but if you want to play in the theme rooms
tonight, you can’t have any more drinks. Club rules.”

“And leave you unattended? I think not.”

Even though he wasn’t really her man, just playing the role
for their mutual benefit, she couldn’t help but feel better knowing he wasn’t
going to run off with one of the amazingly beautiful subs who had been hitting
on him all night. It seemed like every time she looked over, one skinny chick
or another was either kneeling next to him, whispering into his ear or some
other type of flirting. Every guy she knew would have gone with one of them in
a heartbeat, yet Isaac stayed right here with her in what had to be his most
boring evening at the bar. Still, her feminine pride insisted she not let on as
to how much he affected her.

She rested her hip on the edge of the bar and lowered her
voice. “Why don’t you just brand me on my forehead so everyone can instantly
see who I belong to?”

He smirked, and she wanted to kiss him so badly she was
contemplating grabbing him by the back of the head and laying one on him. Though,
considering he was the dominant in their
but feeling more real by the second
relationship, it might be in her best
interest to beg him for one. Then again, Laurel thought her Dom being angry
with her was a good thing.


Isaac laughed and rubbed a hand through his dark hair,
mussing it and making him look a little more approachable. “No, if I wanted to
do that, I’d brand your gorgeous breasts.”

Heat flooded her face, but she tilted her chin up and said
in an imperious voice, “Thank you. I grew them myself.”

He swirled the melting ice in the bottom of his glass. “So
any questions yet?”

“Not really. This is kind of like a social club for people
in kinky clothing. From what I saw of the kitchens and prep when Sunny showed
me around, it looks much like a high-end restaurant back there. I don’t think
I’ll have any issues with getting the appropriate staff in place. And since the
kitchens are isolated from the rest of the club and can only be accessed with a
security code on all of the doors leading into the rest of the building, I
don’t think safety will be that big of a concern.”

“Plus we have extra private security guards on all big
events to help keep the peace.” He tilted his chin toward the sitting area. “We
also have guests who bring in their own bodyguards for personal protection.”

She looked around, and a thrum of anticipation sped her
heart. “If the rest of the club is anything like this, I’ll have no problem.
What is the crowd going to be like? I mean, it’s a Wednesday night, and this
place is over half full. The weekends must be insane.”

“They are, which is why I like coming during the week. As
for Valentine’s Day, I’d say we’re probably going to have at least twenty-five
hundred guests.” He gave her that half smile that drove her nuts. “So, are you
having fun?”

“I’d be having fun if you weren’t scaring away all my
clients.” She waggled her finger in his face. “You are bad for my business.”

To her utter shock, he sat forward and captured her finger
between his teeth, his hot breath blowing over her skin. She tried to pull
back, but he tightened his grip on it. Holding her gaze, he slowly sucked her
finger into his mouth and then slid it back out again. Her finger rested on his
firm lower lip. Even remembering to breathe was becoming a struggle. One suck
of her finger and she was ready to take him right here, right now. Her pussy
was wet and tender, and the way the catsuit pressed into her sex when she bent
over was not helping things.

She drew her finger back, and he gave her such a smug smile
that her desire faded beneath her ire, but he’d still managed to turn her brain
into a puddle of hormones. “I— You— This… I, yeah.” She took a deep breath and
ordered her brain to function. “Nice men don’t suck on strange women’s fingers.
That’s just dirty.”

His eyes grew wide, and he roared with laughter, almost
falling off his stool. His chest heaved, and he tried to straighten up, but as
soon as he met her gaze, he doubled over. One of the men at the other end of
the bar came over—a rather cute guy with hints of red in his neatly trimmed
beard. He wore a pair of faded jeans that clung to his lean hips and a cream
flannel shirt.

The other man smacked Isaac none too gently on the back.
“What kind drugs are you on tonight, man? And can I have some?”

Isaac wheezed. “No drugs. I’m a nice guy.”

Glaring at Isaac she contemplated the new guy. He definitely
had that powerful feel about him that people used when describing Doms. Another
word that fit was
. Yeah,
that described these men. There was something about them, some indefinable
quality that screamed dominant. She rather liked it. Remembering how weird
Isaac had acted when that guy hit on her, she decided to shut his laughing face

BOOK: My Wicked Valentine (Club Wicked 1)
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